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Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Monroe wrote:
Given that Fulop in the past hasn't hesitated to ask for resignations, in one case of an accused City Council President, it makes you wonder what Chico may have on him that's keeping him on the sidelines. ... fficial.html#incart_river

Great article. It's nice to see a reporter with memory who will hold those in power accountable.

I particularly liked this bit of hypocrisy from Fulop:

"Mariano is entitled to his day in court but every single vote he makes going forward is tainted," Fulop said.

Oh, and if Terrence reads this, in the section about Maria Maio the quote should be "no faith."

Posted on: 2015/6/25 1:07

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Given that Fulop in the past hasn't hesitated to ask for resignations, in one case of an accused City Council President, it makes you wonder what Chico may have on him that's keeping him on the sidelines. ... fficial.html#incart_river

Posted on: 2015/6/24 23:50

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Monroe wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
I'd expect Fulop doesn't want to prejudice any due process, nor give Chico an easy out.

He sure didn't care about any due process in the faux Bridgegate investigation, now did he?

He wasn't Christie's boss, nor the boss of anyone on the PA. He does however have quite a bit of say over the council, the JCPD, the JCIA and the local courts.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 19:51

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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dtjcview wrote:
I'd expect Fulop doesn't want to prejudice any due process, nor give Chico an easy out.

He sure didn't care about any due process in the faux Bridgegate investigation, now did he?

Posted on: 2015/6/24 19:48

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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I'd expect Fulop doesn't want to prejudice any due process, nor give Chico an easy out.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 19:46

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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I'd love to see the annual performance reviews, and who signed them, for Chico.

'While his punctuality and attendance are slightly under par he has the strong backing of Mayor Fulop and the Jersey City Council. Chico can always be counted on to provide cocktails for our Christmas (er, 'holiday') parties, and since we evaluate all our employees on how they turn out the Democratic votes he'll be recommended for a 9% annual increase this year'.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 19:44

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Chico will remain on the Council as long as O'Dea has his back. Once that backing goes away so does Chico.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 19:24

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Monroe wrote:

terrencemcd wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Has Fulop commented on any of Councilman Chico's drunk driving/using a JCIA car illegally/no show job?

I imagine Jennifer is writing up something right now.

Asked him about it this morning. Will have a story shortly ? essentially his comment remains what it was after Chico's arrest: nothing to say until this all plays out.

It's amazing how he can be so vocal about so many things, but a major supporter and Jersey City Councilman gets busted for drunk driving, with a siren lit up in his borrowed city owned car wrecking others cars, then found to be 'working' in a no show, Hudson County Democrat controlled job the cat seems to get his tongue!

I agree... It's very disappointing.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 18:57
Dos A Cero

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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terrencemcd wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Has Fulop commented on any of Councilman Chico's drunk driving/using a JCIA car illegally/no show job?

I imagine Jennifer is writing up something right now.

Asked him about it this morning. Will have a story shortly ? essentially his comment remains what it was after Chico's arrest: nothing to say until this all plays out.

It's amazing how he can be so vocal about so many things, but a major supporter and Jersey City Councilman gets busted for drunk driving, with a siren lit up in his borrowed city owned car wrecking others cars, then found to be 'working' in a no show, Hudson County Democrat controlled job the cat seems to get his tongue!

Posted on: 2015/6/24 16:38

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Monroe wrote:
Has Fulop commented on any of Councilman Chico's drunk driving/using a JCIA car illegally/no show job?

I imagine Jennifer is writing up something right now.

Asked him about it this morning. Will have a story shortly ? essentially his comment remains what it was after Chico's arrest: nothing to say until this all plays out.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 16:31

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Didn't Fulop attack Healy for having councilmembers who was also on the County payroll? Oh, I forgot, we only hold Healy to those standards, not Fulop. We cannot condemn Fulop for doing something he attacked Healy for. We practice double standards here.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 16:22

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Has Fulop commented on any of Councilman Chico's drunk driving/using a JCIA car illegally/no show job?

I imagine Jennifer is writing up something right now.

Posted on: 2015/6/24 15:57

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Jersey City councilman fired from county agency for alleged no-show job

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on June 24, 2015 at 9:01 AM, updated June 24, 2015 at 9:45 AM

Councilman Khemraj "Chico" Ramchal has been fired from his job as an enforcement officer with the Hudson County Improvement Authority, two months after officials there launched an investigation into whether Ramchal had a no-show job at the county agency.

HCIA spokesman Paul Swibinski told The Jersey Journal this morning that HCIA CEO Norman Guerra informed Ramchal about his termination yesterday. It is effective immediately.

More - Ramchal tells reporter he didn't know he was fired

Posted on: 2015/6/24 15:44

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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I just read an article on about a JC woman who died Sunday morning in NYC as a result of the driver of the car she was in being DWI.

Reminded me of Ramchal not taking responsibility for his actions. Luckily nobody died and that injuries to people in the other vehicles were not critical. Hopefully our judicial system will make it clear to him that his actions were criminal. Any update on the status of his judicial situation?

Posted on: 2015/5/28 0:01

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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The latest happening. Wish article gave some insights into the next steps/timeframe for the process. ... art_2box_hudson_index.ssf

Posted on: 2015/5/13 0:05

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Consumed wrote:

OneSkirt wrote:
What's really strange is how invisible Chico has been in Ward B compared to before the incident. This is his chance to really put extra effort into the Councilman work and show up in the community (especially considering he has extra time on his hands with the job suspension). However, many residents are finding him hard to reach, and a no show at community meetings. I don't get it. You think he'd want to be extra active, especially now.

wow you turned on him quick.

This isn't turning on him at all. This is wanting him to do his Councilman job that we elected him to do and that he's still getting paid to do and insistent on wanting to keep, not hide away and be ineffective/apathetic. Its in HIS best personal interest to show up and be active in neighborhood associations and the community via service efforts. Its disappointing so far.

Posted on: 2015/5/11 0:24

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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2014/6/14 13:09
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OneSkirt wrote:
What's really strange is how invisible Chico has been in Ward B compared to before the incident. This is his chance to really put extra effort into the Councilman work and show up in the community (especially considering he has extra time on his hands with the job suspension). However, many residents are finding him hard to reach, and a no show at community meetings. I don't get it. You think he'd want to be extra active, especially now.

wow you turned on him quick.

Posted on: 2015/5/10 19:53
Censorship is for pussies!!!!

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Is this guy is driving around with a suspended license or has that not been determined?

Posted on: 2015/5/10 0:42

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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T-Bird wrote:
Saw Chico in a blue convertible Mercedes this afternoon, top down, pulling out of a parking space behind City Hall. On the phone, not a care in the world. I'd say things are working out just fine for Chico so far.

I'm confused. I thought that after a DWI arrest, your license was confiscated by an arresting officer and your driving privileges were automatically suspended - particularly when you blow as high as Chico did? Does the administrative hearing request temporarily reinstate the license?

Here are the regs:


New Jersey laws have administrative implications in addition to the criminal laws against DUI/DWI. An officer may arrest a driver if:

He/she is aged 21 and above and is driving with BAC 0.08% or more.

He/she is aged below 21 and is driving with BAC 0.01% or more.

If you are arrested for DUI/DWI, the arresting officer will confiscate your New Jersey driver license, complete a notice of license suspension/revocation based on the nature of the offense along with a warrant, if applicable; and send the entire set to the MVC.

The driver can schedule an administrative hearing after the notice of suspension/revocation. It is a good idea to consult a DUI/DWI lawyer beforehand. If the hearing goes against the driver, his license will be suspended or revoked based on his previous ten-year driving record. There is no provision for a Limited or Restricted License in the state of New Jersey. The suspension or revocation begins after the final order of the hearing officer is mailed from the MVC.

If the administrative hearing goes against the driver, he can ask for a review from the circuit court. If the driver, however, does not request a hearing, then the suspension/revocation begins after the arrest, and is final.


Posted on: 2015/5/9 1:41

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Saw Chico in a blue convertible Mercedes this afternoon, top down, pulling out of a parking space behind City Hall. On the phone, not a care in the world. I'd say things are working out just fine for Chico so far.

Posted on: 2015/5/9 1:22

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Rorschach wrote:

Ramchal had been forging political allegiances with allies of Fulop and of former Mayor Jerramiah Healy, and he had been hoping to run for mayor.

WOW ! My best laugh of the day. Chico with no high school diploma running for Mayor !

Btw, is assault by auto a felony conviction? I'm guessing Chico will plead out to a misdemeanor with counseling. He'll be on the Council til 2017, ugh.

NJ Senate President, and perhaps the next Governor of NJ, Stephen Sweeney has a GED, so anything is possible!

Posted on: 2015/4/28 21:15

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Ramchal had been forging political allegiances with allies of Fulop and of former Mayor Jerramiah Healy, and he had been hoping to run for mayor.

WOW ! My best laugh of the day. Chico with no high school diploma running for Mayor !

Btw, is assault by auto a felony conviction? I'm guessing Chico will plead out to a misdemeanor with counseling. He'll be on the Council til 2017, ugh.

Posted on: 2015/4/28 20:43

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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"Councilman Ramchal is entitled to his day in court, but the mayor has made clear to the councilman that his actions remain an unnecessary distraction to the city," city spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill said.

The development represents a stunning turnaround for Ramchal, a Democrat who was first elected to the City Council in June 2013 and has been praised for bringing a level of constituent services to Ward B that residents there say they hadn't seen in years. A political mentee of Freeholder Bill O'Dea and an ally of Mayor Steve Fulop, Ramchal had been forging political allegiances with allies of Fulop and of former Mayor Jerramiah Healy, and he had been hoping to run for mayor.

Okay - 1. A trained chimpanzee is more qualified than Chico to be mayor. It's actually insulting to the chimpanzee to be put in a comparison with Chico. Sorry, chimpanzees.

2. "his actions remain an unnecessary distraction to the city. What kind of bullshit is that? A distraction? From what, first of all? And how about a statement condemning his actions, other than to moan about it being a "distraction." I know that's very favorable in sports right now, to call someone's wife beating, drug use, assault, etc. a "distraction." Would be great to see some leadership, just once and call something what it really is - a disgrace.

Posted on: 2015/4/28 19:26

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Councilman Khemraj "Chico" Ramchal was charged today with assault by auto, The Jersey Journal has learned.


Posted on: 2015/4/28 19:13

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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OneSkirt wrote:
What's really strange is how invisible Chico has been in Ward B compared to before the incident. This is his chance to really put extra effort into the Councilman work and show up in the community (especially considering he has extra time on his hands with the job suspension). However, many residents are finding him hard to reach, and a no show at community meetings. I don't get it. You think he'd want to be extra active, especially now.

Actually, not that strange, really. Most politicians and celebrities that get caught drunk, high or otherwise impaired, usually abscond themselves to rehab, and/or disappear from public life, in a lame attempt to let it all blow away. That may even be PR 101 stuff. In any case, I think he is following that playbook.

Posted on: 2015/4/24 15:45

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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What's really strange is how invisible Chico has been in Ward B compared to before the incident. This is his chance to really put extra effort into the Councilman work and show up in the community (especially considering he has extra time on his hands with the job suspension). However, many residents are finding him hard to reach, and a no show at community meetings. I don't get it. You think he'd want to be extra active, especially now.

Posted on: 2015/4/24 14:43

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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The preacher is an idiot - Chico is no role model and thus the sentence should be so severe that it acts as a deterrent to others. Nobody is above the law especially an adult of 39 years of age.

Posted on: 2015/4/23 23:22
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Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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'A' mistake? How about many, over and over and over?

Posted on: 2015/4/23 23:20

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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Jersey City pastor defends councilman accused of DWI

By Terrence T. McDonald | The Jersey Journal The Jersey Journal
April 23, 2015 at 10:59 AM

JERSEY CITY – A Baptist preacher last night came to the defense of Khemraj "Chico" Ramchal, the Ward B councilman who was arrested in March on a drunken driving charge and has since been the subject of a number of stories by The Jersey Journal regarding the city agency vehicle he was using that night.

Ramchal, 39, is being dragged "through the mud" and critics shouldn't be so quick to dismiss him, the Rev. Eugene Overstreet Sr., of the New Covenant Baptist Church of Christ, told the City Council at its regular meeting yesterday.

In a five-minute speech also directed at prosecutors who are weighing whether to press additional charges against Ramchal, Overstreet urged authorities to "do what you have to do but temper justice with mercy because a young man made a mistake."

Read more: ... ncilman_accused_of_d.html

Posted on: 2015/4/23 22:14

Re: JC councilman charged with drunken driving after three-car collision
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2014/7/30 2:49
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I see that JC is in process of reviewing the annual budget and then voting on it.

Wouldn't it be a violation of some type of local, county or state law (or ethics standard) for Chico to vote on the budget due to his conflict of interest that exists that he is currently an adversarial position with JCPD as related to the DWI arrest?

Posted on: 2015/4/21 1:57

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