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Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
It's not just about insuring the uninsured -- it's also about better, more comprehensive insurance for everyone. I spent much of my Christmas vacation helping my mom sign up for Obamacare. She's self-employed, and was insured on the individual market, but her plan was little better than a catastrophic one. She's been putting off seeing a specialist about an injury for several months because it wasn't covered. Her existing plan was actually grandfathered in, but she found a better deal on the exchange -- she'll be saving more than a hundred bucks a month, her doctor's in-network and she can finally afford to see that specialist. Signing up was tremendously difficult. It took forever, including hours on hold (the website never functioned properly for her), and she's STILL not sure she's fully enrolled. The new system certainly needs improvement. But once she gets that card in the mail it's going to be the best insurance plan she's ever had.
Posted on: 2014/1/18 18:43
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
The Wall Street Journal today reports that only a tiny fraction of the people who have 'enrolled' in Obamacare were previously uninsured. So much for people with existing conditions taking advantage of Obamacare, as well as the young and healthy needed to fund the program.
Like apples? How's them apples?
Posted on: 2014/1/18 17:08
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
How do you live your point of view? When you arrived in the US did you decline all offers of assistance from private charities and the government? For that matter, how did you get here? Do you not have health insurance, because you might be defraying the costs of others? What's your fallback stategy if you incur overwhelming bills? Will you decline Medicare when you become eligible? If you have parents and grandparents who participate have you explained to them that they need to withdraw and pay their own way because you believe that's how it should be. Two anecdotes: I remember in Sunday school discussing why the Jews wandered in the dessert for so long. The answer was that anyone who was a slave had to die because slaves could never be free. In a Russian class many years ago the professor said that the difference between Russian farmers and American farmers was that when your neighbor got a new cow the American farmer saved to buy a new one too. The Russian farmer got up in the middle of the night and killed his neighbor's cow.
Posted on: 2014/1/18 15:41
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Not too shy to talk
Blue Cross/ Blue Shield silver family plan , which I am currently paying $1075 , will be approx $1650 plus a month. I am not sure if it will allow us to see Drs. in NYC. Still shopping around.
That comes to $19,800 annually. and then we have co-pays, dental, ortho, prescription and a high deductable ....if we require a hospital stay thats another $6000. I project 2014 health care to cost my family at least 25k. This is not afforable this is a worse policy than what I had...
Posted on: 2014/1/18 15:29
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
God bless you Boris. Pointing out the things most of the fools can't (or refuse to) see and comprehend.
Short term benefit (if you can call it that) for long term erosion of America. Good trade off
Posted on: 2014/1/18 15:24
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2005/6/8 3:24 Last Login : 2022/11/28 0:04 From New Urbanist Area
Registered Users
Yakov Smirnoff did it better.
Posted on: 2014/1/18 13:30
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2005/6/8 3:24 Last Login : 2022/11/28 0:04 From New Urbanist Area
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Maybe. As I said, my family is not in a high risk pool. Thankfully we have no pre-existing conditions or the like. I do remember, out of curiosity, looking at the available options a couple of years ago and they seemed awfully expensive. From what I've seen on the exchanges, it doesn't look like the cost will be $20-$30K for family coverage, although I understand that you are talking about more than the premium.
Posted on: 2014/1/18 13:26
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
trambone wrote: Really? You can't tell the difference between "voluntary" and "forced"? It seems all the same to you, - when someone enters into a relationship with you with a good will, and when someone is compelled to do it by force? Quote: JPhurst wrote: Oops. There were no insurance companies before Obamacare and nobody sold insurance? Funny how it always happens. As soon as the government gets involved in some industry, - immediately some people declare that this industry exists only because the government is in it. Like science, or education, or art. You'd think that before the government started pouring money in there, there were no science, and no progress, and no art, - nothing. Same applies to the agriculture by the way. In the USSR they were wholly convinced that without the government we'd starve. Quote: JPhurst wrote: I do not see how the logic works. There were times where one could claim that "EVERY developed nation has slavery!" Or, - "In EVERY developed nation only men have voting rights!" I do not see how that could be considered an argument for us to follow the suit. Quote: JPhurst wrote: Why do you badmouth them? All they did was, - applied your "universal" solution not just to health care, but to everything. Cars, food, electronics, clothes, education, - everything. Care to venture a hypothesis why that empire failed? Care to explain why do all of them fail? Anyways, I just thought from your point of view, I am the guy who saw your Promised Land. Thought you'd be interested to know how it looks like, - the end of the road you're building. Quote: JPhurst wrote: Allow me to remind you that not so long ago you said, - "it's also a relief to know that, if our practices are not immediately lucrative, we may qualify for the subsidies down the road". Of course, you do realize that the word "subsidies" means exactly that, - someone else will pay your bills. You said it, not I.
Posted on: 2014/1/18 13:04
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Not too shy to talk
JPHURST if you had started you buisness three years ago your health insurance would of been 50% less then.
I think a family of four paying 20k-30k a year under the ACA is a hell of alot of money.That includes copays, dental and very limited use of prescription. I worry what the effect of the ACA on municipalities and small employers? Teachers, police , fire, union members have up to 98.5% of health care covered. The increased costs will effect all.
Posted on: 2014/1/18 12:46
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
I see. So, it allows you to pursue some profitable possibilities, safe in the knowledge that if you succeed, you are good, and if you fail, I will pay your bills. Great idea. Oh, and the same is true for the car companies, banks, and now insurance companies, - if they are profitable, they keep the profits, and if not we cover their losses. Yep, this is obama economy. [/quote] Actually I see it as living in a community and a society. Unless you are digging your own well, finding your own source of electricity that you produce, harvesting crops, and slaughtering animals you have to get along and help others. We live in a city here of more then a quarter million people. Illness can be passed very easily. Yes we do have to pay for others mistakes sometimes at very high levels it seems, but we could go back to people dying in factories, children working, etc etc... If GM, Ford, and a few banks all went bankrupt and all their employees were unemployed how long until the bread lines form? Obama's main job is to keep the nation stable and the job changes everyday. The fact that illness is bankrupting and crippling individuals and families that are prepared is a sign that the system needs to be changed.
Posted on: 2014/1/18 7:53
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2005/6/8 3:24 Last Login : 2022/11/28 0:04 From New Urbanist Area
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No. If not for the Affordable Care Act, insurance might not be available. If I or one of my family members had a pre-existing condition, we couldn't get it. As I mentioned, we likely could have found something since we are not in a high risk pool. Quote:
Actually, every other. EVERY other developed nation has universal health insurance. Just become you came from a corrupt failed empire doesn't mean that universal health care is a bad thing. Quote:
No, it means that our family won't die from lack of health care. Trust me, you will never, ever, come close to paying my bills.
Posted on: 2014/1/18 3:23
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
So, if not for obamacare, you wouldn't know to buy insurance, and you glad that someone ordered you to do that. Because without such orders, you stood a risk that you wouldn't be able to figure it out. Hey, I know of countries where this is true not only about medical insurance! Imagine, - insurance, food, clothes, books, - everything is decided by someone and mandatory for all. Easy-peasy. I mean, I moved here from one of those. Quote:
I see. So, it allows you to pursue some profitable possibilities, safe in the knowledge that if you succeed, you are good, and if you fail, I will pay your bills. Great idea. Oh, and the same is true for the car companies, banks, and now insurance companies, - if they are profitable, they keep the profits, and if not we cover their losses. Yep, this is obama economy.
Posted on: 2014/1/18 1:38
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Obama said the average family would have better coverage AND save $2,500/year.
Another lie. If the goal was to give coverage to the 15% who lack it, it will turn out to be cheaper just to have underwritten those people in the end. While maintaining the coverage that 85% of Americans were happy with.
Posted on: 2014/1/17 14:13
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2005/6/8 3:24 Last Login : 2022/11/28 0:04 From New Urbanist Area
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I will, in the next few months, be delving into the world of the exchanges. I am leaving my job and, next week, starting my own practice. My wife left her employer a year ago and is freelancing. She received a good severance package which has continued the benefits but they will stop soon. We may extend it with COBRA coverage depending on the price.
After that, it is likely the health insurance exchange for us. When they first came online (and were not crashing every day) I looked at some prices for the plans. They weren't cheap but they weren't outrageous either. Certainly less expensive than the family plan coverage that I was familiar with through Taft-Hartley plans for some of our union fund clients, as well as employer coverage. I'm not familiar enough with the networks to know about choice of doctor. But from what I've seen, I can say that I am glad it is there. Before ACA, the risk for both of us to go freelance and start our own business was compounded by the issue of health insurance. Fortunately, our family is not in any high risk pools, so we may have been able to find insurance even before the exchanges, although when I looked at it a few years ago I remember it being very expensive. I'm not going to disagree with anyone who says that ACA has made health insurance more expensive for them, or given them less desirable insurance. People have their own situations and I am not one to pry. But I am absolutely relieved that there is some reasonable mandated coverage out there for people who don't have access to group health insurance through their employer. And it's also a relief to know that, if our practices are not immediately lucrative, we may qualify for the subsidies down the road (hopefully not an issue, but glad they are there). In short, despite its many purported flaws, ACA provides a fallback, especially for people looking to freelance or start a business. I'm glad it's there.
Posted on: 2014/1/17 12:11
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Actually, I think I am going to remember how Al Qaeda retook Fallujah too. Oh, and how IRS was going after President's political opponents, - and how the FBI managed to investigate this without ever talking to any victim. And the Fast and Furious too, including how Attorney General lied to Congress and how they conspired to use the guns the US government "walked" as a proof that the US people can't be trusted and we need more gun control. Ah, yes, and Benghazi too, - from how they neglected to reinforce the security, despite all warnings, - up to how they lied that it was about that video. And how Republicans tried to do stop the obamacare disaster, but Obama said that he rather shut down the government and make everyone suffer - than budge on that bestest nad importanest achievements of his! Anyways, here is the deal - there is a reason why Obama assumed royal powers to postpone the US laws. And it is not "because obamacare is so good he wants to savor its rollout for a long time". It is because he'd rather have 2014 elections first, - and then we will be hit with obamacare phase 2. Also, note that the idea was that a lot of young ahd healthy people will enroll and subsidize the older generations (it is no longer sufficient to milk them just by borrowing money in their name, we now need to use direct generational theft) - anyways, that idea didn't work. As soon as insurance companies figure that out, they will jack up prices. Plan accordingly. I was going to say "and vote accordingly", but you will go on and vote for another "hey, the solution is to add more government" candidate, right?
Posted on: 2014/1/17 4:40
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I don't buy it. Much like the reasons for which phone companies never charge you the same rates each month, these providers knew the rules of ACA. They'd rather charge more and any reason to do so (It's not our fault, the government made us!) is money in their pocket.
Posted on: 2014/1/16 15:04
Dos A Cero
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2011/12/12 0:13 Last Login : 2018/7/28 23:29 From Right here!
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Here's heads up.
If your company offers the minimal amount of coverage they are then allowed to have other health plans that don't meet that minimum standard. Sound good? Think again. Though your company will be in compliance by offering at least one plan, you will not be if you sign-up for anything but that plan & you'll be fined.
Posted on: 2014/1/16 12:33
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
The plan may have existed long before your employer signed up.
Posted on: 2014/1/16 1:32
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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My plan isn?t that old. I can?t see it being grandfathered.
Posted on: 2014/1/16 1:26
Dos A Cero
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
Untrue-but they were waiting to see the back and forth on CSpan by the most transparent administration in US history but the revolution wasn't televised as Obama promised. They weren't there when, in order to get this turd passed, Obama had to make Chicago style back room deals with Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, North Dakota and South Dakota getting payoffs, and the special interest union groups getting exemptions for their Cadillac healthcare. And, even with all that, he had to slip it by using a procedural manoeuver. Without a single Republican vote. And when Obama visited Louisiana, Mary Landrieu, up for election, (er) had another previous engagement so she couldn't attend, lol!
Posted on: 2014/1/16 1:23
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
If your plan was created before 2010, it is 'grandfathered'. If it wasn't, you would have received a cancellation notice. My wife's plan (thankfully) is in the same boat. Hell will be unleashed on your rates later. In 2015, ACA kicks in for all business plans (The Obama administration delayed the effect for business for an extra year.. not individuals). Unless your plan has enough people in it and it doesn't have to alter its terms (other than a cost of living rate increase), your plan may not get killed even in 2015.
Posted on: 2014/1/16 0:59
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I received a note from my employer that the current coverage that I have will increase in premium price 0-3%.
That rate of increase seems to fall in line with the yearly increase I've seen for quite some time now.
Posted on: 2014/1/15 22:29
Dos A Cero
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2009/10/7 15:46 Last Login : 2024/7/1 0:32 From jersey city
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Kimmel last the whole thing...
Posted on: 2014/1/15 18:16
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
I get my coverage through my employer, but while you may hear about HMO's having long waits, poor referal networks, etc., I have been very happy with HIP Prime, all of my PCP's and other specialists I have seen. If you go through the marketplace, don't automatically rule out an HMO because you cannot see "your" doctor. There are a lot of good health care professionals out there coming into the field in HMOs Quote:
I appreciate you trying to keep politics out of this, but the efforts to improve health care in this country have been compromised by just that - politics.
Posted on: 2014/1/15 18:14
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
This quote, while specifically refering to the situation in California, seems to sum up the impact to-date of the ACA "It?s unfortunate that some people are going to have to pay more. Some people who currently have lower cost insurance will have to,? [Gerald] Kominski ]at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research] said. "On balance a lot more people will be better off, but there?s a small portion who would have been better off just keeping things as they are.? Kominiski continues "...When we weigh everything, the reforms benefit many more people than they harm, but these are the most disadvantaged in the marketplace.? (emphasis mine).
The OP will doubtless hear from many quarters how the President and the "left" have foisted this problem on us, however the reality is health care in the USA is excessively expensive for myriad reasons, and many people historically had few options for proper health care. Until we as a society - along with our leadership in our corner and not solely protecting the perogitives of corporate America, this problem will not be solved and will continue to make life more difficult for the working and middle classes. Here is a link to the blog: ... es-into-effect-obamacare/
Posted on: 2014/1/15 18:08
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
you can't put a price on protecting your health. if the GOP had cooperated, perhaps healthcare reform would have been better. But the GOP proposals were bull!
Posted on: 2014/1/15 18:00
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
From ADP (emphasis mine): Full-time Employee Determination Beginning in 2014, large employers must track each employee?s monthly status as full-time (defined under the ACA as an average of 30 hours per week, or at least 130 hours in a month) or part-time, report each employee?s full- time status to the IRS, and keep as part of their tax records the status of each employee. Hours of service include hours worked, and hours for which an employee is paid but does not work, such as vacation, holiday, illness or disability, jury duty, military duty, or leave of absence (up to a maximum of 160 hours for any continuous period). Special rules apply for certain situations. Hours of service must be tracked on an actual hours-basis for hourly employees, but there are optional days-worked and weeks-worked rules designed to facilitate tracking for salaried employees.
Posted on: 2014/1/15 17:49
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
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I have a friend that works for a Shoprite out of town. Most work part time they are cutting their hours. Rumor has it that it was due to Obamacare.
Posted on: 2014/1/15 17:19
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: Obamacare...creating more working poor.
Home away from home
On the contrary, health care reform will be the only thing remembered. And lamented.
Posted on: 2014/1/15 16:34