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Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
The new one at Jersey and York, facing north, is obscured by a tree and drivers are blowing right through it. When the tree is in bloom, this spring -- oh boy. The corner needs that Stop sign but it can't be seen in its current location.
Posted on: 2013/12/4 13:43
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
While making their choices on where to put the new stop signs it seems they skipped two of the intersections which seemed most obvious to me:
Jersey and 2nd Jersey and Wayne Both of these intersections have been brought up on the board many times as problems but nothing was done. I saw someone almost get clipped this morning on Jersey and Wayne when one car stopped at the crosswalk and another went speeding through. Coming from NYC, the lack of stop signs or lights at every corner as well as the non-automatic crossing signs seemed very odd. Especially for an area as dense as DTJC.
Posted on: 2013/12/4 13:38
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
Registered Users
You definately need one at Mc Williams cars travelling on McWilliams never seem to stop always have to look twice when riding my bike through there. And yes a permanent flashing stop sign would be best, and on both sides.
Posted on: 2013/12/4 12:24
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Just noticed the new stop signs on 8th st by the park today. Always thought it was crazy not to have one at Jersey and 8th, McWilliams not so much but I'll get used to it. Would be great if they had a lined crosswalk at McWilliams. So many people cross there for the park.
Definitely plowed right through both of them a least once looking for a parking spot tonight. Oops. Flashing lights or flags would be helpful for a few weeks.
Posted on: 2013/12/4 3:21
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
There is now a four-way stop at intersection of Morgan and Warren Street.
Rush hour this morning was confusing for the drivers on Warren, but it's definitely slowing them down - but more like rolling through the intersection and honking. Markings on the street where they should stop will help illustrate where they should stop. Maybe a sign that states "four-way stop"
Posted on: 2013/12/3 14:35
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
There's nothing negative about pointing out that the stop signs were put up without state approval. By doing so it just adds to a more bungled beauracracy which does not serve the citizens well at all. In doubt ask anyone who has had to deal with traffic court defending things that should never have been before the court. The citys' traffic division is in a state of disarray and has been for a long while with no hope for the future. Putting up signs willy-nilly without thought is a negative for a supposedly progressive administration.
Posted on: 2013/11/29 22:39
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Just can't stay away
While there may be a few extraneous stop signs here and there, I'm baffled (though I shouldn't be) by the negativity from some commenters. As both a driver and a pedestrian downtown, I've experienced the rampant speeding and disregard for safety that some of our neighbors - and others passing through - show for our community, and it is disrespectful and terrifying.
So while there may be different schools of thought on what interventions are best and where, I can't see this initiative as anything other than progress, and I am confident that with time, the kinks will be worked out, and we'll all be safer for it. My thanks to Candice, Mayor Fulop and the new administration for getting the ball rolling!
Posted on: 2013/11/29 18:35
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Thanks for sharing this. I remember hearing something about that, but couldn't confirm. State roads that pass through the city are exempt from this I believe, so I assume this makes the stop signs valid?
Posted on: 2013/11/27 19:48
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
I remember hearing something a few years ago of a law being passed that allowed municipalities to be able to put up stop signs without state approval. After some digging I think I found the law? Stop signs are addressed starting at page 3 line 28 "designate any intersection as a stop or yield intersection and erect appropriate signs, on streets under municipal jurisdiction which are totally self-contained within that municipality and have no direct connection with any street in any other municipality;" "designate any intersection as a stop intersection and erect appropriate signs, on streets under municipal jurisdiction if that intersection is located within 500 feet of a school, or of a playground or youth recreational facility and the street on which the stop sign will be erected is contiguous to that school, or playground or youth recreational facility."
Posted on: 2013/11/27 19:39
Edited by matt07302 on 2013/11/27 19:55:27
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Are we sure the new stop signs are not state recognized? What directory/registry are you checking?
I ask because at the Ped Safety meeting, we were all well aware of the fact that the state determines stop sing enforcement. Quote:
Posted on: 2013/11/27 19:18
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Public Works should have advised the councilwoman that traffic signs and lights are state functions, not the city. I am sure they would have told this to Boggiano. Remember, the mayor told Boggiano not to tell the directors when requested things in his ward. Technically, the mayor is right but historically, all councilpeople took care of issues in their ward. I find it amusing the councilwoman is given this privilege but not Boggiano. In matters related to the cops and traffic court ? these are contract issues.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 19:02
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Not sure why this is so complicated. Put either a traffic light or stop sign at every intersection just like they do across the river and in the dense core of many cities. As an added benefit it will reduce those trying to cut through downtown on their way to the tunnel.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 18:40
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
Registered Users
Pretty savy I guess there is nothing we can do about this huh ? Why doesn't the city put most cops on non-ticket duty and just a few to write the tickets ??
Posted on: 2013/11/27 18:30
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
You are referring to off duty jobs, this is not an off duty job. There are some cops who just write tickets so they can be in traffic court instead of doing other police duties. This is the reason you do not see cops on the streets. In effect, we will have cops writing tickets so they can be in traffic court instead of patrolling the streets. Remember, these tickets will be dismissed.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 18:16
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
Registered Users
I think they finally ended the 4 hour gig it is now up to the hour not an automatic payment of 4. This was discussed at the last city council caucus meeting.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 18:09
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
We pay cops to appear in traffic, if the ticket is dismissed, the officer still gets his/her 4 hours of pay.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 18:05
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
+1 agreed. Traffic engineers who actually care and show up to meetings would be cool.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 16:35
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
2013/3/13 12:29 Last Login : 2016/2/16 13:56 From relocating w/i Jersey City ...
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*True* traffic engineers take into account both -- getting cars through as fast as possible, while ensuring safety of pedestrians without stop signs every 50 feet --- which can have a negative impact on pedestrians in the wrong situations (see: 1st and Jersey, when people blow through it and pedestrians think they will stop -- only a matter of time now)
I agree with earlier postings that JC needs to hire *real* traffic engineers for a study of the whole DT area and implement timed traffic lights on Marin (it's a joke now) and put stop signs only where needed (which may be more or less than now -- no idea). That's why cities hire companies like this: ... traffic/traffic-portfolio
Posted on: 2013/11/27 16:26
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
At the pedestrian safety meeting someone brought up a great point (amongst many):
Engineering's goals and Candice's/pedestrian's goals are at odds. Engineering is tasked with ensuring the smooth flow of traffic through JC (which has led to speeding and reckless driving), while our goals are to calm the traffic in spots of DTJC. That, and the fact that Engineering was NOT present at the meeting (however, they assured Candice they will be at the next one), creates an impasse of sorts between drivers and pedestrians. Currently, the pedestrians are making headway, but some of you are right that there needs to be adjustments made as this progresses. Candice has indicated that all of the new signs/stops, etc. will be analyzed and adjusted as needed. I hope that helps.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 15:55
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Just can't stay away
Anyone complaining about the stop at 8th and McWilliams hasn't been paying attention.
If you read Candice's Traffic Calming presentation it is mentioned that all around HP they want to put all-way stops, speed humps and raised pedestrian crossings to slow down traffic. It doesn't matter that the intersection has clear sight lines, it's to control the speed that people fly around the park. I'm very glad that they have added that stop sign. Do I think it's easily viewable as it stands right now? Absolute not. You can barely see it. The speed humps and painted STOP on the road will need to go into place before anyone really notices it.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 15:38
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
They'll beat the ticket if they read your post and challenge it. Hopefully, violators won't read your post, will plead guilty, and mail-in a check.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 15:33
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
The new stop signs throughout the downtown have not been approved by the State which means anyone receiving a ticket for passing through without stopping will beat the ticket. That doesn't mean the PD won't give you a ticket. It's great for them. They'll get paid to be in court in any event. Signage and the like should be thought out properly before implementation regardless of how well intentioned they may be.
Posted on: 2013/11/27 15:13
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Just can't stay away
That's awesome. Maybe if we rack up enough cash in traffic tickets we could have our taxes lowered!!
Posted on: 2013/11/27 13:47
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Not too shy to talk
I think the new stop signs are great! Once the traffic enforcement kicks in it will help the community tremendously:
1) It will be safer to cross at intersections. While pedestrians have the right of way in NJ, the drivers in JC couldn't care less 2) The traffic will slow down. The speed limit is 25mph, but cars doing 40+ are the norm 3) It will help divert some of the traffic that hops off the highway and cuts through downtown to cut in front of the rest of the tunnel traffic. My 2 year old, knows that it's polite to wait your turn--but drivers couldn't care less. 4) Let's rack in some funds for tickets! If we tried, we could crush Hoboken's $3.5m take in tickets. Let's go JC!
Posted on: 2013/11/27 12:37
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
When is the 1st & Jersey stop sign going to be removed? People just drive right through it. It's in the worst possible place, I don't understand how one was put there by mistake, not 15 feet away from a traffic light. And how did 2nd & Jersey not get one?
Posted on: 2013/11/27 6:47
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Not too shy to talk
I heartily recommend anyone who is upset about the new stop signs in and around the Hamilton Park area of DTJC to simply utilize Marin Blvd. when traversing North-South through the area.
Thanks a ton to Ms. Osborne and the new administration for finally making some progress on this!!
Posted on: 2013/11/26 19:11
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
Not as awful as 9th @ Jersey where the stop sign is located directly behind a parking reg sign.
Posted on: 2013/11/26 18:09
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Home away from home
I don't get it... no orange flags to alert drivers of the new signs? I just noticed that Marin @ Grand has a new "No Turn On Red" sign but the placement is awful.
Posted on: 2013/11/26 15:53
Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
Quite a regular
I'm going to make a guess and presume that the purpose of the 8th St. @ McWilliams stop sign is simply to make cars proceed at a slower pace to the stop sign @ 8th & Jersey. Traffic calming, if you will.
Posted on: 2013/11/26 15:29