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Re: LOTS of new Stop Signs Downtown
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Not too shy to talk

I heartily recommend anyone who is upset about the new stop signs in and around the Hamilton Park area of DTJC to simply utilize Marin Blvd. when traversing North-South through the area.

Thanks a ton to Ms. Osborne and the new administration for finally making some progress on this!!

Posted on: 2013/11/26 19:11

Re: Best pizza in JC????
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Not too shy to talk

In my humble opinion, John's is the best in DTJC, followed by Buon Appettito and La Rustique (now that the crazy owners are gone).

I actively try to sample pizza from everywhere in town, but those are the only 3 places I regularly order from.

Posted on: 2013/7/3 15:34

Re: Propane?
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Not too shy to talk

The U-Haul place by Tonnele circle will refill your propane tank for just the cost of the propane. The gas stations by the Holland tunnel will only exchange your empty tank for a new, full one for $40.

Posted on: 2013/7/3 15:27

Re: An open letter to the Dog Owners of DTJC (brace yourselves)
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Not too shy to talk

I'm more bothered on behalf of the dogs that are off-leash than anything else. These owners are just asking for their dogs to be bitten by other dogs, hit by cars, lost, etc.

The amount of potentially bad things you're exposing your dog to is far greater than whatever benefit you think you might be providing your dog by letting him off-leash. Sometimes I think people let their dogs off-leash more for their own egos than for the benefit of the dog.

Anyway, be smart, curb your dog, and get it fixed!

Posted on: 2013/7/3 15:14

Re: New sewers on 9th?
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Not too shy to talk

Good, maybe the construction will slow down all the people who think it's OK to drive 50 mph down Monmouth St.

Posted on: 2013/5/23 17:35

Re: Cultural events causing congestion at Grove Path Station.
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Not too shy to talk


JustJames wrote:
a group of Spanish gentlemen, possibly inebriated, were congregated backstage, once again blocking my ambulation.

How did you know those guys were from Spain?

Posted on: 2013/5/2 18:55

Re: Lots of Police/Detectives in front of Fussy Friends Tonight
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Not too shy to talk


BeenthereDonethat wrote:

Are "paco and taco" also Rita & Ray?

I don't know how many other homeless people in the neighborhood push one another around in a shopping cart and regularly beat each other up, but this thread contains more information about them:

Posted on: 2013/4/25 17:52

Re: Lots of Police/Detectives in front of Fussy Friends Tonight
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Not too shy to talk

You're speaking of Taco from the notorious duo "Paco and Taco". They've been around for more than one season and yes, the local police and paramedics are very much aware of them and their lovable band of misfit friends.

Posted on: 2013/4/25 15:48

Re: Lots of Police/Detectives in front of Fussy Friends Tonight
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Not too shy to talk

That's truly insane. I was just in there last night and spoke to Omar (as I always do) for several minutes before I left. He is a gentle, kind, person and he's the last person in the world something like this should happen to. Here's hoping him a quick and complete recovery.

Posted on: 2013/4/25 13:30

Re: Hard Grove Cafe
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Not too shy to talk

Hard Grove has the worst service I've ever experienced at a restaurant. Went once and will never go back.

Posted on: 2013/4/16 17:16

Re: Liqour store next to Postnet Robbed
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Not too shy to talk

This is BS. F*** whoever did this.

Posted on: 2013/3/11 14:08

Doctors or health professionals - best MRI downtown?
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Not too shy to talk

Are there any doctors or health care professionals who can recommend a good place to get a high quality MRI done?

I'd prefer downtown, but can also go to the Journal Square / Christ Hospital area.


Posted on: 2013/2/19 20:27

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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Not too shy to talk


blanquiita wrote:
I parked my car one morning after the street sweeper went through. I was the first car on that section of the block so I parked right up to the "No parking sign" so everyone could stagger behind me.

A women pulled up behind me but left a lot of space; just enough to fit maybe a Smart car. As she got out if her car I said she should move up so more cars could fit. And she replied, "But then my car won't be in front of my house."


Amazing. I've often wondered what goes through some people's heads when they do stupid stuff. Turns out it's as selfish and clueless as I had always guessed.

Posted on: 2012/10/17 18:15

Re: Webmaster - Why did you take down the PR parade discussion?
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Not too shy to talk

Already 3 points that put words into my mouth that I didn't say and/or are logically not relevant.

1. It's a city not the suburbs. I would argue that the Hamilton Park neighborhood is a residential area and that an area such as Exchange place is much more "city"-like and therefore more appropriate for parades.

2. I have a problem with "ethnic groups". Reading comprehension much? I said the opposite.

3. I have a problem with parades. False. As someone who has lived in New Orleans, I know more about what makes a good parade than you ever will. They run fantastic, well-done parades for weeks prior to Mardi Gras, and they do it on weekdays and weekends alike.

My one and only complaint was the EXCESSIVE volume. Being loud is part of a parade. No problem there. Being so loud that it destroys people's hearing is counter-productive. The parade organizers probably scare away more people than they attract just because the decibel level is so extreme.

There. That's my only point. Please have a good day.

Posted on: 2012/8/8 16:56

Re: Webmaster - Why did you take down the PR parade discussion?
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Not too shy to talk

I wonder if we could have a discussion about the quality of the parade on this forum without bringing ethnicity into it? I don't care where the people come from or what they were celebrating, it was unbelievably loud.

When people have serious discomfort and reach for ear plugs to protect their hearing from well over a block away, it's time to turn down the volume a little bit. Same goes for the Bolivian parade a day earlier. It's straight up ridiculous to play any kind of music that ridiculously loud on a small, brownstone-lined street like Jersey Ave.

Posted on: 2012/8/8 16:12

Re: lousy garbage collection
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Not too shy to talk

Kelcey wrote:
Also, the recycling folks are quite clear that they do NOT want things in plastic bags. I used to do that and thought I was being helpful and then overheard them complaining about it. I looked it up on the JCIA website and sure enough found that it hinders the process for them.

They should stop taking people's recycling bins then. They took 3 of mine, so I finally switched to those blue plastic bags.

Posted on: 2012/7/10 20:07

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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Not too shy to talk

The problem is the people here.

I've lived in and visited plenty of cities in the US and other parts of the world that don't have trash cans on every corner; yet those places manage to keep their streets and sidewalks clean. How? People know better than to just throw their garbage in the damn street.

Sure, you could do some things like ban the idiots who put their crappy fliers and menus on every car and doorstep (which is a great way to ensure I never patronize your business, by the way). A little training for the garbage men re-emphasizing that their job is to pick up the trash, not disperse it all over the place might help too.

But the bottom line is a lot of people around here just need to learn how to act right. Simple as that.

Posted on: 2011/9/13 13:42

Re: Satis Bistro Now Open For Brunch Daily
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Not too shy to talk

I thought it was a very odd decision to stop serving lunch in the summer. I work in one of the big office buildings on the waterfront and I had been spreading the word to anyone who would listen about this great new place nearby. Several of my friends tried it and loved it.

So it seemed quite odd that you would just close up shop during the first year you're in business, while word of mouth is still growing. Most of the times I was in there for lunch it seemed reasonably busy.

Anyway, what do I know, I'm no restaurateur. I'm just glad you're back. I think the lunch menu is actually better than the dinner menu. I'll definitely be coming by.

Posted on: 2011/9/12 20:36

Re: What was that? Really loud alarm downtown.
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Not too shy to talk

Well, I did log into jclist to see wtf was going on.

The system works!

Posted on: 2011/9/11 17:36

Re: What was that? Really loud alarm downtown.
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Not too shy to talk

Sounding that siren for no valid reason is an extraordinarily stupid idea at any time, the fact that they did it today was monumentally retarded. But it did make me think...WTF are you supposed to do if that siren goes off for a real emergency?

Run around like a chicken with your head cut off? Get in your car and drive to Pennsylvania? Jump in the Hudson? A loud panic alert isn't really giving me much in the way of useful information.

Someone help me out here...

Posted on: 2011/9/11 17:26

Re: Taqueria
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Man, Wife, Baby and...Moby? Or maybe grandma. Possibly Ianmac.

Posted on: 2011/9/9 12:07

Re: Another motorcyclist killed -- this time on Tonnelle -- "curve caught him off guard."
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Not too shy to talk

I used to live near 139 and I couldn't count the number of people on motorcycles who think it's fun to come out of the Holland tunnel and accelerate up to about 100 mph on westbound 139, especially at night when the traffic is thinner.

I know this particular accident didn't happen in the exact same spot, but c'mon people. Jersey City is no place to be opening up the throttle like that. Save that for when you and your brain-dead buddies are racing down the Parkway to bag some grenades down the shore.

Posted on: 2011/9/8 14:24

Re: Parking Ticket mistake
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Not too shy to talk

I received a Failure to Appear notice for a parking ticket I never knew I had (the ticket must have either fallen off or been taken off my car).

Now JCPA wants $52 instead of $42. It's not really a big deal, but does anyone have any experience with this?

Obviously I can't fight the ticket itself because I have no idea what might or might not have happened that day a month ago. But can I fight the $10 surcharge since I never even knew I had the ticket? I've had 2 or 3 before, and I've always paid them right away.

Posted on: 2011/9/2 15:24

Re: Taqueria
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

haha, "the girl with the boobs"

It's hard to pick which is more remarkable - her rack, or how much joylessness she carries around for someone who is so young.

Posted on: 2011/9/2 14:17




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