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Where are the tables at the pedestrian plaza?
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Just can't stay away

Almost 2 weeks ago we had the "all about downtown" festival for which the round tables with bench seats were removed from the Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza walkway. Festival over; where are the tables, and why does it take over 2 weeks to get them back?

Posted on: 2016/9/28 23:11

Re: 9/26/2016: Presidential Debate (Hofstra)
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Some media experts estimate a hundred million people will be watching. It's a Superbowl! Commence the circus!

Posted on: 2016/9/26 0:39

Re: NJ among worst run states in nation, study finds
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Just can't stay away

Then move

Posted on: 2014/12/9 23:15

Steam Shower?
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Has anyone recently purchased and installed a steam shower unit (installed in your shower)? I am interested in which brand you chose and your overall satisfaction with its performance. I'd also like to know where you bought it.

Posted on: 2014/9/18 23:21

Re: Jersey City teacher charged with sexually assaulting student, 16, in classroom
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Just can't stay away

He's been "charged" not convicted, yet. Unfortunately, in the court of public opinion he's already guilty because his picture is posted in the media. The name of the suspect should be all that is released until he's convicted, in my opinion. I thought we are innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Posted on: 2014/6/18 15:15

Re: For those who are having issues with Netflix over FIOS
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Just can't stay away

Would it help if I access Netflix through my Apple TV? Does it matter? Just a thought because I notice the app when I turn on Apple TV.

Posted on: 2014/5/30 13:29

Re: Knockout Game on PATH
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Wishful_Thinking wrote:

asny10011 wrote:
What would be the point of wasting tax payer dollars on incarcerating this animal? Waste of life. We have to be careful of generalizations as that could lead to racism, which is not PC and should not be supported, but I know what you mean...


heights wrote:
The idiot should be charged with attempted murder and terrorism. As far as recouping some money towards the medical bills probably not likely. Lately it seems that those that cause either intentional harm or do it by choice do not have a pot to kiss in. These indigents do things on a whim. It is unfortunate that this game or whatever they call it is the new inner city ghetto fad/trend. I am not sure if I was PC enough for some JCLISTERs but demographics being what they are only breeds this kind of sport.

I sure hope you two have been given a life-time pass from jury duty! You were not there, and only know what little information the article gives you, and - apparently - know nothing about the definition of criminal assault, and yet are jumping to all these conclusions.

Hopefully for the young woman's sake - she is going to need a lot of strength and trust to get back to living her life normally - and ours - as potential victims ourselves - this will be handled intelligently.

We certainly shouldn't jump to any conclusions but one thing we do know is that there is a ruluctance on the part of the mainstream media to report on black on white crimes. For example, a couple weeks ago a young man of color randomly chose an elderly chinese man on an East Village street and beat him to death. This was good for about 15 seconds on ABC TV News and we never heard another word about it. Compare this to the coverage of a professional basketball team owner who uses the term "black people"-- this was in the news every day for about 3 weeks and we were calling for his head on a stake. Does the mainstream media report equally?

Posted on: 2014/5/28 17:51

Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
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JPhurst wrote:
Can anyone actually explain what this "institute" will be doing? Certainly training teachers to become principals and administrators is not a bad thing. But is this going to become some sort of alternative track that will implement half baked reforms being implemented under the guise of "thinking outside the box" and "taking on the entrenched interests?"

New York City had a similar "Leadership Institute" that didn't really do much except send their trainees with chips on the shoulders into the schools and piss the faculty off without actually improving performance.

Dude, lose the bad moving picture--it's horrible and distracting

Posted on: 2014/5/28 15:14

Re: Billionaires Boost Schools In Jersey City
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JPhurst wrote:
Can anyone actually explain what this "institute" will be doing? Certainly training teachers to become principals and administrators is not a bad thing. But is this going to become some sort of alternative track that will implement half baked reforms being implemented under the guise of "thinking outside the box" and "taking on the entrenched interests?"

New York City had a similar "Leadership Institute" that didn't really do much except send their trainees with chips on the shoulders into the schools and piss the faculty off without actually improving performance.

Posted on: 2014/5/28 15:06

Re: Looking for lawn mowing service in JC
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Just can't stay away

There's grass in JC?

Posted on: 2014/5/28 14:51

Re: Scarey tales from the bowels of the PATH
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Just can't stay away

Is black on white crime rising? This in the wake of an elderly Chinese man just beaten to death in a random act of senseless violence in the East Village by a young person of color? This received very little press as I am sure this knock-out incident will too. So when a basketball team owner (who's about 106 years old) says something negative about "black people" we should crucifiy him every day in the press for about a month or two? Do we treat hate crimes equally or does it depend who the victim is?

Posted on: 2014/5/23 23:03

Re: Christie says Super Bowl could come back to NJ
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Well we know local residents had no idea about the concert in Liberty State Park and therefore many couldn't attend. I don't think much was done as far as publicizing Super Bowl activities for locals (if there were any) so I don't know what benefits the average resident gets out of all this. Seems like just another waste of our already ridulous taxes.

Posted on: 2014/5/23 22:51

Re: 5th & Coles
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Just can't stay away

I moved in just days before Irene; there was a lot of water from Irene (Sandy was more of a wind event) but mostly water pools on the corners by the drains. I was about 5 buildings in on 5th between monmouth and coles, closer to Monmouth. If I ever bought downtown again (I moved up to the Island section), I'd be sure to stay towards the middle of the block. Water pools at the lowest spots which are designed to be corners where the drains are. Stay away from corners when buying downtown. Also, when looking at homes, be sure to look carefully for water damage on ground (and garden) level units. Look for stains like water lines or a difference in paint close to the ground molding. If you're buying on second floor or higher, look for clues from flooding in the basment the same way. Houses that flooded probaly had floor and wall damage that can be spotted because it's cheaper to replace just the damaged sheet-rock verses the whole wall. Good Luck, get good flood insurance (I used Flood smart but that's a government entity and the cheapest out there, which is now bankrupted but probably still in business).

Posted on: 2014/3/24 18:13

Re: Difference renting to individuals vs. corporations
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Just can't stay away

Good question. I'd be very careful because how would you collect money from a corporation, possibly foreign, in a case where they owed you for damage (more than the security deposit)? I'm not sure I'd rent to them.

Posted on: 2014/3/17 0:02

Re: Enrollment in JC school district to rise by 25%, study finds
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blanquiita wrote:

terrencemcd wrote:
Trucker - Downtown development is mostly the reason.

Really? The trend is that people start families in Jersey City and move out to the suburbs once the kid is old enough to attend school.

Not true any more. There will be more children than seats at downtown's PS 5 this September. The times they are a changing my friend.

Posted on: 2014/3/14 0:23

Re: Enrollment in JC school district to rise by 25%, study finds
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Just can't stay away

And with it being open season on teachers, unions, and pensions in general, good luck attracting new teachers to fill those classrooms. Of course Gov. Christie is correct in saying we can't afford to pay these pensions and benefits anymore. How could we, we're too busy paying trillions to bankers to bail them out of the ditch they dug (and our economy they destroyed), not to mention the all the taxes the rich aren't paying and lest we forget the insane tax abatements given to builders around here. Keep beating up on municipal workers and when this generation retires you'll have nothing but ex-cons and future ex-cons to chose from to fill these unwanted, unappreaciated, and underpaid public service positions. But just think of all that extra money you'll have JC.

Posted on: 2014/3/14 0:20

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Just can't stay away

Chris Christie has about as much a chance of running for president as I do. This wind-bag is done. If you haven't seen and heard enough by now, you're living under a rock.

Posted on: 2014/3/5 23:18

Re: For those who are having issues with Netflix over FIOS
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Just can't stay away

This is all very interesting but what I DO know is I pay both Fios and Netflix and still have completely unacceptable service. I already have a full time job (so I can pay these clowns BTW) so I don't need (or want to) figure out what their problems might be or what new technology I need to learn and buy, or who's screwing who; all I know is we pay, month after month and their problems are becoming our problems. I for one will not take it much longer. I think if enough of us let them know that we will not keep paying for unacceptable service things might change. But things will only change when someone starts to lose money.

Posted on: 2014/2/24 23:36

Re: Ladies, Please Don't Put Your Purse in the Grocery Cart
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Just can't stay away

This actually happend to me and my ex at the Target here in JC the Christmas before last (despite my telling her for years not to leave it there while shopping). As soon as we noticed missing, it we ran to the front desk telling all target employees on our way. Miraculously it was there waiting for us with nothing missing. We are convinced it was 2 or more target employees working together. It couldn't have been more than 3-5 minutes missing. If it was stolen by anyone other than an employee we would've never seen it again. When I insisted to see the video, since there are no less than 4 cameras on side isle (by the bicycles), managment flatly refused. When I called the police they had a 15 page complaint for us to fill and said it woiuld take months to see any video (and Target management can still refuse to show us). Needless to say no one was really interested in finding out exactly how her purse made it from our cart to the front desk.

Posted on: 2014/2/24 22:45

Re: New York State Agrees to Cut Toll for Verrazano Bridge
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Just can't stay away

As a staten islander most of my life (now I live in JC), I vowed many years ago to avoid that bridge like the plague. My parents moved to SI from Brooklyn in 1965 (when the bridge was completed) and the toll was supposed to be eliminated completely once it was "paid off". That's hysterical. Another example of governemnt not representing the best interest its consitituents

Posted on: 2014/2/7 16:44

Re: Fulop fooled city voters
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Mao wrote:
Hmmm...and why not consider cuts to the police and fire? Because their unions with the teacher unions are immensely powerful. There are lots of ways to make delivery of fire and police services more efficient. The last mayor to try to bring efficiencies to police and fire was Schundler and he earned their everlasting enmity.

You don't cut the salaries of municipal workers because they typically work for lower wages, in poor working conditions, and cutting salaries would leave them with very little reason to report to work at all. These are the people that keep our city running; do you really want to make their lives harder? The benefits these unions fight so hard to attain and keep are really the only reason most employees are still around.

Posted on: 2014/2/5 17:41

Re: Dealing with contractors - basic rules
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Just can't stay away

I did my bathroom and I paid half up front and was supposed to pay the rest upon completion but this guy asked for money every day (I shouldn't have given it to him). By the time he was done he was owed very little and had no incentive to come back to fix what I wasn't happy with. So I recommend you inspect everything as he works (the day or evening of). Be assertive with what you are not happy with; you have to live with it when he leaves. Tile work is a pain to re-do so be clear about what you want beforehand. Also be clear on who is responsible for the clean up. There will be a mess of discarded materials that if you put in the trash, it may tip the city off to a job without a permit. Your contractor will probably try to charge you to discard it.

Posted on: 2014/1/31 15:59

Total House Gut
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Just can't stay away

Can anyone recommend a licensed contracting business who can handle a total house gut (new electric, some plumbing issues, new heating/Central AC install)?

Posted on: 2014/1/27 14:02

Re: The JC School Board want to limit public comments
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Just can't stay away

JPHurst: Please remove the most annoying moving images under your name as it is disruptive to the reading/concentration process. I will continue to skip your posts until you do.

Posted on: 2014/1/19 1:14

Re: Christie calls on extending school day and school year. In Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

JPHurst, change your picture. It's distracting. I'm not reading your posts until you do hahaha

Posted on: 2014/1/18 15:38

Re: Christie calls on extending school day and school year. In Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

I think we all agree the "current system" doesn't work for every student but the problems in education can not be found in the classrooms, they're in the homes across America. Poverty plays a major role. The child poverty rate in America has now reached the highest since the greeat depression: 1 in 4 children are now living at or below the poverty level in this great country of ours. Why not place the blame where it belongs: on the 1 percenters (bankers mostly) who engineered the economic collapse of this country 5 years ago? Solve the child poverty issues and you'll see an improvement in schools. And why are we allowing politicians to reform education anyway? That would be like having welders reforming the FAA. In case you're not well read on the topic of American education there is a corporate take over of our public schools happening before our eyes. Read all about it. Diane Ravitch is a leading researcher, author, and former education advisor to the Bush administration and a very outspoken critic of the current reform. I strongly suggest you read and learn before you take to your computers.

Posted on: 2014/1/17 15:04

Re: Christie calls on extending school day and school year. In Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

Nice work Pebble. But anyone in the know doesn't need all the stats to know that social workers (ie: teachers) traditionally are paid lower than other fields. It's well documented. It's only in the past few years that your Bloombergs, Rahm Emanuels (Chicago) et. al. seem to want to draw comparisons between the public and private sectors that this all became an issue. Funny thing: When I told my doctor and lawyer buddies I was going to teach back in 1994, they all said good luck but probably laughed under their breaths because they thought they'd have the country clubs, trophy wives, and 75K SUVs. When all that and the dot coms millionaire clubs dried up, it became time to look over the fence of their neighbors; the ones who made more conservative, realistic bets on their future: public service. We settled for median income salaries, poor working conditions, inadequate technolgy, contracts always 5 years behind and of course, the occasional misinformed douche trying to stir up anger and disdain for the working folk. Go get a cushy teaching gig instead of whining about all you don't have and stop attacking fellow Americans just trying to earn a decent living.

Posted on: 2014/1/17 14:12

Re: Christie calls on extending school day and school year. In Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

I love the fact that just attending a public school at some point makes some people feel like they can speak like expert in public education. People who never taught seem to have the most to say. Is it really fair to comment with such confidence and sound so informed about education reform if you're NOT A TEACHER or have NEVER TAUGHT and do not read up on what's really happening? The mainstream media doesn not keep you informed, turst me. You are invited to speak your mind but please be rational when talking about peoples' chosen careers. Especially people who choose careers that better society and more specifically, are their for YOUR children. Keep bashing them and you'll have a revolving door of 3 year teachers. Would that be better?

Posted on: 2014/1/16 15:41

Re: Christie calls on extending school day and school year. In Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

Yes teachers' unions are against merit pay because researchers, educators and policians still do not agree on how to measure a "successful teacher".

As far as "life time security", teachers are no different from police, firefighters, subway workers etc.. Public servants trade the high salaries, christmas bonuses, and 2 hour martini lunches the corporate folks enjoy for a chance to better society while enduring low pay, poor working conditions, and of course, a few, misinformed people like you who will attack at every opportunity.

Posted on: 2014/1/16 15:26

Re: Christie calls on extending school day and school year. In Jersey City
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Just can't stay away

If enough people spoke up about these issues we might be able to right the ship. These self-proclaimed education reformers are really just politicians with a corporate agenda. We need to put the "public" back into public education. Thank you for your service to our children and thank yo ufor speaking up on their behalf. We appreciate it.

Posted on: 2014/1/16 15:16

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