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Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
Even I cannot dispute an effective deployment of the "asshole theory"
Posted on: 2012/2/18 1:41
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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Don't know why everyone can't be correct here, that a bunch of asshole cops crossed paths with six asshole dogs who were mistreated and let loose by some asshole owner.
Posted on: 2012/2/17 20:11
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
I am trying to understand the aggravated assault charge. I think your analogy is bad but i will go with it. If I were waving a gun in the air and an officer told me to put it away and I did not can I be charged with aggravated assault? I am not saying the owner is not legally responsible for the dog's behavior...he is. But how in any way shape or form aggravated assault on an officer the appropriate charge given the situation ....especially since no officer was injured?
Posted on: 2012/2/17 19:24
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
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Yeah but what about, yeah but what about, yeah but what about. He who has the last word wins and it's usually a lawyer.
Posted on: 2012/2/17 19:22
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
Perhaps the dogs were snarling and barking at the officers aggressively, which led them to feel like they were going to be bitten. The guy was asked to leash the dogs and he didn't. How is this any different than a man who has a gun and is waving it around? He'd get shot too if the officers asked him to put his gun down and he wouldn't.
Posted on: 2012/2/17 19:10
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
Help explain this to me
""Assistant Prosecutor Guy Gregory said today that police reports indicate that the aggravated assault charges relate to the fact that the dogs were unleashed and Burgess allowed them to attack three officers. None of the officers were injured, officials said."" Burgess "allowed" the dogs to attack the officers...not by giving them commands to attack but just because they were not leashed. Yet not one officer was injured by these 6 attacking pit bulls. For this he was charged with aggravated assault on an officer??
Posted on: 2012/2/17 19:06
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
Pot, meet Kettle.
Posted on: 2012/2/17 18:05
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
exactly, because obviously there is nothing in dispute here, you are fully aware and know all the facts of what happened and anyone who may disagree with you about it is unreasonable.
Posted on: 2012/2/17 16:02
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
None of us were there we are all speculating. I think I have pulled out a few details from the article which backs up my theory of what happened. Seems some people want to believe with no evidence that the owner is a gangster...I guess because the area where this happened has a lot of gangs or maybe for other reasons. I choose to believe based on experience with the JCPD, the ridiculous amount of stories about corruption on their force and the fact that so many of them are on human growth hormones and anabolic steroids that they over reacted. I think details in the story and comments from neighbors tend to back me up. Of course none of this matters because even JC police officers who break their girlfriends jaws in alcohol fueled rages and JC officers who get caught drinking hard liquor while on duty and then driving drunk get off scott free.
Posted on: 2012/2/17 16:01
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
Snowflake, you are right, waste of time, when someone is convinced, they are convinced.
Posted on: 2012/2/17 15:47
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
So you know this guy Gary and you know his dogs and you even know that they were trained to be aggressive...with such intimate knowledge how come you never complained to the city or gave a public warning on this list serve or anywhere else? I also know it is very difficult to hit a dog of that size with a bullet if it is attacking and in close proximity...and officer could seriously injure themselves because it is very hard to get a clear shot.....but that's not what happened the article has neighbors who witnessed the police shooting the dog while on the porch with a shotgun. The more effective method to stop animal attacks from bears to dogs is chemical spray (which cops have). But you know this guy and his dogs and have experiences with them....and I have had my experiences with the jersey city cops including being beaten with a club across my back from one while I lay prone and held down by other cops....that same cop had incidents in his past where he threatened to kill an owner's dog for talking back at him. I'm not masking my bias, based on the limited details in the article and my own experience my money's with Gary. Since you know him so well next time you see him tell him I said hi and I'll buy him some leashes.
Posted on: 2012/2/17 15:36
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
You can't reason with him. Don't even try. Ridiculous.
Posted on: 2012/2/17 14:27
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
I am a dog lover, own 1 dog, he's 14. With that said, do you know Gary. I have met him before. Have you seen his dogs. I have. Are they dangerous, damn right. These dogs are just in the wrong hands. When there are pit bulls, unchained, on the loose and in a residential area, cops are trained to shoot first, ask questions later. Because if the owner is not cooperating and a human is bit or worst, it would be the cops who did not protect the human from an animal. It is an animal. Are there bad cops, yes. But with firsthand knowledge, I trust it was not the cops fault in this case. Those dogs are trained to be aggressive. Are all pitbulls TRAINED to be aggressive, no, is Gary's, YES. Anyway, who owns 6 pitbulls??? Take a guess Mathias!
Posted on: 2012/2/17 14:24
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
just as an is not unusual for police officers to kill dogs for fun. Search different news databases and you will see this for yourself. Police officers know they can get away with a lot.
Posted on: 2012/2/16 21:23
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Just can't stay away
Huhm, dog hunting in JC??? When was the last time cops had to shoot 4 loose poodles? Time to move on!
Posted on: 2012/2/16 20:53
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
Then the JCPD needs to be given an award. If this guys pitbulls have super freakish speed and jump like spiderman...with them being able to jump on a person in a split second.......think how amazing a jersey city cop has to be to kill 4 of them with a shotgun no less.
Posted on: 2012/2/16 20:37
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
This summer, I got my dog his shots on MLK for free. It is something they do annually i guess. Well, when I read this article and saw Gary's photos, I sure did remember him and his dogs. I have photos of him where he had to isolate his 2 dogs because they were..well, lets put it this way, they were intimidating and they went wild when another dog got within short distance. And has any1 ever seen a pitbull on the loose. I have. Those suckers have super freakish speed and can jump like spiderman. It only takes a split second b4 they are on top of you.
Posted on: 2012/2/16 19:57
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
1. Were the pitbulls wild and feral or did they have an owner who was also present? 2. Did the police have information on them when they arrived that the pitbulls hadn't eaten in a few days and were in fact roaming the area looking for a meal? 3. Were neighbors and civilians screaming for help and calling JCPD to come slaughter the monstrous beasts that had descended on the neighborhood looking for children to eat? Last time I checked dog hunting in Jersey City was illegal and the penalty for having unleashed dogs was not having them shot to death in front of their owner. It is reasonable to surmise that it is up to an officers judgment to determine whether or not the dogs constituted such an immediate danger to life that they must be put down..........but i don't give jersey city cops, who have a culture of lawlessness and steroid abuse, the benefit of the doubt. Like in many other cases with the JCPD they had other ways to handle the situation.
Posted on: 2012/2/16 15:36
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
Personally, I think that anyone who has 6 unleashed pitbulls in Jersey City is up to no good. I have my doubts that the owner is a fine upstanding citizen who we should all look up to.
Posted on: 2012/2/16 14:48
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Just can't stay away
Ok ,lets set aside you have an issue with the boys and blue. I also wonder if you happen to be walking down the block and into a group of wild pit bulls, who probably havnt eaten in a few days, who would you be screaming help for, an animal control officer or the Cops? Last time I checked, 911 doesnt put anyone in contact with Animal control. Get real before you comment!
Posted on: 2012/2/16 13:36
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
All cops have are hammers, so to them, everything looks like a nail.
Posted on: 2012/2/16 12:55
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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A gangster and his dog - So stereotypical
Posted on: 2012/2/16 8:12
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
This is not about race -- it is about pit bulls and crazy owners.
Posted on: 2012/2/16 4:03
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
you make a good point Grove guy and pit bulls...must be guilty.
The truth doesn't matter...if this guy has any history whatsoever he won't even be able to fight it.
Posted on: 2012/2/16 3:32
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
Posted on: 2012/2/16 2:16
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
I hope there will be a fair and honest investigation into this situation. No one will blame an officer for the action they took if their life was indeed in danger. But the question is was their lives truly in danger. That is all we want to know.
I wonder if we will ever know the truth. This officer used a non lethal tactic first and scared the dogs away. ... -end-dog-attack-in-nanuet Here's a facebook page dedicated to police shooting dogs.!/pages/Mr-P ... ot-My-Dog/131560703558002
Posted on: 2012/2/15 16:04
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
oh now the dogs were attacking the cops, right. its a good thing that thay were such skilled marksmen that they were able to shoot 4 of the dogs simultaneously during an attack on a dark street. right.
i wonder if they'll ever shoot some of the "aggressive" off leash dogs at the morris canal park. and shooting a cowering, injured dog in the face while it lays at the bottom of the stairs outside someone's front door. bravo. why wait for animal control? the cops are probably just as competent.
Posted on: 2012/2/15 15:39
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
Agreed. At first I thought this might be justified but now it just sounds like a shady cover up.
Posted on: 2012/2/15 15:06
Re: Jersey City cops shoot and kill four dogs
Home away from home
If you have wild uncontrollable dogs who are behaving aggressively with each other and there are people in the area being threatened or attacked a police officer needs to do whatever is in their means...discharging a gun trying to shoot a dog acting wildly...unless you're an expert marksman and even then...isn't easy. Hell people with rifles and scopes miss deer that are just standing still.
In this case it was 5am...the owner was present. Neighbors are complaining about the way the cops slaughtered the dogs on a porch. None of us were there...I am guessing as you all are based partially on what is said in the press and my personal experiences with the JCPD and their culture. The only citizens in danger were put there by police officers firing their weapons and the trauma they put people through who had to witness what they did.
Posted on: 2012/2/15 14:57