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Re: Taqueria
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2010/2/1 7:31
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Taqueria owner man...what's your name Phil? You are a total doucheb@g jerk. You can't take criticism and are rude as hell to people. You got all pissed off because I challenged the authenticity of your food, and the bs that you spout so that you don't have to provide guacamole. I stopped eating at your place close to 4 years ago now due to your being such a jerk.

CLOSE NOW! Please. The sooner the better. Close, move away and drop dead.

Posted on: 2011/7/19 15:07

Re: Taqueria
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2007/10/11 3:28
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I don't expect people to fall all over themselves to serve me but the responses by some people here is hysterical. "Just OBEY their rules" and "learn their procedures" and "blah, blah, blah". If a business owner is rude then they have made their own bed. No food is worth the need to humble thyself in the presence of the Grand Taco. Their behavior is not cute or ironic nor does it give the place character. I haven't been there in ages because the food is just not that great and I don't need to swallow my pride so I can swallow a mediocre taco. Now that they have revealed their true feelings toward their customers you'd really be a fool to go there. Maybe I'll open a bakery where men can get kicked in the nuts and women can be told how fat their asses look? Might be a big hit around here.

Posted on: 2011/7/19 14:39

Re: Taqueria
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hamiltonpkmom wrote:
Based on my numerous bad experiences there, one being making me get up while I was pregnant because I sat on the chair to rest while my husband was ordering accompanied by the stink eyes by the owner, we stopped going there as well.

Either I saw this happen to you or they have done it more than once. I'm guessing the latter.

Posted on: 2011/7/19 14:37

Re: Taqueria
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2009/6/11 13:44
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Fitting that Taqueria and Park&Sixth and on complete opposite ends of Grove St. - THIS is how you communicate with your clientele

Park and Sixth

Posted on: 2011/7/19 13:40

Re: Taqueria
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2011/7/19 12:53
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To Taqueria, you did not open nor operate your business in JC to 'give back' to the city that you compared to being lower class. You did it only to make money off of the JC residents. You are not running a charity here, and it's safe to assume you would be the least giving person in the forum, especially to the city and its residents you obviously so disdain.

Based on my numerous bad experiences there, one being making me get up while I was pregnant because I sat on the chair to rest while my husband was ordering accompanied by the stink eyes by the owner, we stopped going there as well.

As a small business owner myself, I really thought about posting a negative comment about another small business. But the owner's arrogance, treatments towards the community he has profited from has ignited me to write this.

I have owned a successful retail business in Soho for over 6 years and let me tell you the owner of Taqueria, you have a lot to learn. You get what you give, and a lightbulb should go into your head why you might be getting so many negative comments about the experience at your establishment. There is no smoke where there is no fire.

I do hope you close your location in JC. I will try my best to contribute to that by making sure not to frequent your establishment.

Posted on: 2011/7/19 13:09

Re: Taqueria
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I've been taking my family to Taqueria for years, my kids love it, and it ranks up with Ibby's for best meals in downtown JC for under $10.

My advice to the proprietors is to take what is said online with a huge grain of salt, haters are going to hate, so ignore them and instead focus on the folks who walk in and eat your food.

I just don't get the hate. Yeah, so the place has its own personality. If you don't like it, don't go. If you don't like the way they run their business, don't go.

If the JC location closes up, it would be a huge loss, and I will hate you until the day you die, just like I hate the Janam tea lady for moving to Portland.

Posted on: 2011/7/19 3:46
"Someday a book will be written on how this city can be broke in the midst of all this development." ---Brewster

Oh, wait, there is one: The Jersey Sting.

Re: Taqueria
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i hope the JC location doesn't close because I enjoy it very much. And I need to check out their NYC location soon! I think the owners have done a great job with their restaurant.

Posted on: 2011/7/19 2:15

Re: Taqueria
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2007/10/11 3:28
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How do you "un-ring" a bell?

Posted on: 2011/7/18 22:51

Re: Taqueria
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2005/9/14 6:27
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Like we said, we can handle the ianmacs of the world...

Posted on: 2011/7/18 21:10

Re: Taqueria
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2011/7/18 20:46
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This thread has been a very entertaining read!

I was totally naive to the Taqueria "controversy" when I first ate there. I went to HS in JC back when that space was some shady, foul smelling dive that gave you food poisoning if you came within 20 feet of it. When I saw Taqueria there it took a few walk-bys before I was convinced that it was definitely different ownership and not the suspicious establishment of my teenage years.

I went there with my fiance and we must have looked a bit confused (it was crowded and chaotic in the take out area as it always is) - a staff member beckoned us over and asked if it was our first time there.

He then patiently and cheerily explained how/where to order the food, the menu options, and offered us a list of recommendations from the staff. If anything the service was unusually friendly. The food was very tasty as well.

We've been back several times since. One time we were on line and this couple waltzed in and sat themselves at a four seater that was occupied by two people - obviously friends they were meeting. Everyone on line exchanged looks as by then we knew that Wasn't Done. Within 30 seconds they sheepishly joined us at the end of the line at the behest of a staff member. Some might take that as hostile or a bad policy but now that couple knows the rules and maybe next time, they'll be the ones glaring at some new customers committing a faux pas.

YET ANOTHER STORY: when I was a club promoter in a past life the issue of perceived "exclusivity" was one that was heartily debated. People love to complain about dress codes, cover charges, bouncer's attitudes, DJs who refuse off format requests, etc. ad. infinitum. I'm talking everything from $5 punk shows to VIP only club events. People just love to hate. If everyone loves you you're probably doing it wrong.

Bottom line: people vote with their dollars. Taqueria has been busy every time we've gone. 'Nuff said.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 21:02

Re: Taqueria
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TheTacoTruck wrote:
Some are absolutely right. We live in jc and our first business was in jc and we have have done whatever we could to give to the community. Comments were made in defense of our child that were not truly indicative of jersey city but more of some of the people that troll these sights and try to stir up drama. For every one ianmac or rbny or whatever other names they give, there are a thousand Bobs and Brians and susan and joes and reginas and johns and brendans and noahs...etc(you get the picture) who are friends and who really make all the hard work worth it. We are very, VERY appreciative of these fine people and it's a pleasure serving you and your children. People tear into us personally quite a bit and really, we can handle it. It's just when someone calls your child a little d-bag, well that's a bit much but oh the's little miss d-bag to you...

You should learn how to read. I said nothing about your little spawn, only your shit attitude in the shop that has over several years grown steadily worse. Your food is great. I love your flan. But you all act like a holes. I do hope your downtown location closes. I also hope you get fined for selling beer without a license.

I think also that anyone who wants really excellent southwestern style food without the obnoxious attitude should check out Festival Mexicano Restaurant at 120 Rivington Street in the Lower East Side. The people there are always very nice and the food is really good.

And I think anyone who really needs a taco fix downtown should check out the korean tacos from the Krave Truck. Its not southwestern style, but there isn't any overwhelming superiority complex or attitude from the proprietors.

Perhaps the reason people tear into you "quite a bit" is because you are actually the ones who are mean asshole douche bag #OOPS#s. Anyway, I hope you enjoy serving the higher class lower east side drunk twenty-three year olds. Those people have about the right attitude. Don't let PATH door hit you on the way out.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 20:40

Re: Taqueria
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2009/4/28 20:04
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I love the food at Tacqueria and have had nothing but positive experiences there but after the owners comment about class, I'd rather take my low class money somewhere else.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 20:39

Re: Taqueria
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vanvorst wrote:
I've been in JC over twenty years and have yet to see anything as toxic as the posts on here, but I've also learned that they mean next to nothing. People troll to troll. They have an inflated sense of self-importance due to how many times they post. (Woo-hoo?)

I've been going to Taqueria since it's opened. I've never had one bad experience with the service there. Some of the other customers, YES, but not the service. And I've never had one bad meal there.

When you're out and about in Jersey City, you get a true picture of the people and the businesses, something you don't get on here. I hope Taqueria is around for a long time--and I hope people make up their own minds about a place, before they take anything on here seriously.

I was in JC for over 25 years, and on this forum on and off for a number of years. People get riled up over things they don't like (especially loud noises, loud bars, Healy, etc. etc.), and are quick to make long-winded threads about it. The fact that Taqueria elicits such strong negative responses from people should serve as a warning flag that hey, maybe there's some truth in what people have to say about this place.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 20:36

Re: Taqueria
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TheTacoTruck wrote:
Some are absolutely right. We live in jc and our first business was in jc and we have have done whatever we could to give to the community. Comments were made in defense of our child that were not truly indicative of jersey city but more of some of the people that troll these sights and try to stir up drama. For every one ianmac or rbny or whatever other names they give, there are a thousand Bobs and Brians and susan and joes and reginas and johns and brendans and noahs...etc(you get the picture) who are friends and who really make all the hard work worth it. We are very, VERY appreciative of these fine people and it's a pleasure serving you and your children. People tear into us personally quite a bit and really, we can handle it. It's just when someone calls your child a little d-bag, well that's a bit much but oh the's little miss d-bag to you...

To be fair, I never said anything about the child. I just thought the food sucked.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 20:33

Re: Taqueria
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2004/12/12 19:18
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I've been in JC over twenty years and have yet to see anything as toxic as the posts on here, but I've also learned that they mean next to nothing. People troll to troll. They have an inflated sense of self-importance due to how many times they post. (Woo-hoo?)

I've been going to Taqueria since it's opened. I've never had one bad experience with the service there. Some of the other customers, YES, but not the service. And I've never had one bad meal there.

When you're out and about in Jersey City, you get a true picture of the people and the businesses, something you don't get on here. I hope Taqueria is around for a long time--and I hope people make up their own minds about a place, before they take anything on here seriously.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 20:30

Re: Taqueria
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2005/9/14 6:27
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Some are absolutely right. We live in jc and our first business was in jc and we have have done whatever we could to give to the community. Comments were made in defense of our child that were not truly indicative of jersey city but more of some of the people that troll these sights and try to stir up drama. For every one ianmac or rbny or whatever other names they give, there are a thousand Bobs and Brians and susan and joes and reginas and johns and brendans and noahs...etc(you get the picture) who are friends and who really make all the hard work worth it. We are very, VERY appreciative of these fine people and it's a pleasure serving you and your children. People tear into us personally quite a bit and really, we can handle it. It's just when someone calls your child a little d-bag, well that's a bit much but oh the's little miss d-bag to you...

Posted on: 2011/7/18 19:56

Re: Taqueria
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Vigilante wrote:
It's just "authentic food" as interpreted by some people from Los Angeles. Frankly I find this never-ending search for "authentic" cuisine of any type very pretentious. It all just comes to down to a non-authentic persons opinion. As for the kids? I find it hilarious that the people who run the place, who have dished out disdain for children for years according to statements made here, couldn't handle a little disdain for their kid. Also, they have finally spilled the beans (pun intended) as to their own attitude toward their customers with that post about "class". Shameful really.

I think this post pretty much sums up all of my feelings about this topic.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 19:06

Re: Taqueria
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2007/10/11 3:28
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It's just "authentic food" as interpreted by some people from Los Angeles. Frankly I find this never-ending search for "authentic" cuisine of any type very pretentious. It all just comes down to a non-authentic persons opinion. As for the kids? I find it hilarious that the people who run the place, who have dished out disdain for children for years according to statements made here, couldn't handle a little disdain for their kid. Also, they have finally spilled the beans (pun intended) as to their own attitude toward their customers with that post about "class". Shameful really.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 18:58

Re: Taqueria
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2008/1/3 19:12
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Who the hell is the Moby character?

Posted on: 2011/7/18 18:06

Re: Taqueria
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This is a darn shame all around...

I just happened to stop by for some take out this weekend, and the young lady who took my order was delightful, the food was satisfying, and the experience was fine.

Yes, in the past service may have been brusk at times, but that is ancient history. I hope you, the owners of Taqueria, stay put and adopt a wait-and-see attitude. It would seem that many people like the place.

You have worked hard to build the business -- don't let a few stupid comments on a message board bring you down.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 17:56
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Taqueria
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2007/4/16 13:46
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Yeah Moby isn't there (hasn't been for quite some time) and I think you're right - he did spawn much of the negative feedback.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 17:32

Re: Taqueria
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fraulein wrote:
I'm a customer and treated just fine.

Me too. And - I could be wrong - but I think the "Moby" character isn't there any more. He seems to have sparked most of the comments early on in this thread. (I haven't been in during the day as much, when he seemed to have worked most - maybe I've just been there when he isn't.)

Posted on: 2011/7/18 17:28

Re: Taqueria
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CatDog wrote:
I was making fun of jcboyz, who said "Screw the food, the owners are the biggest DOUCHE BAGS in JC!!!! WTF, these people suck so screw them and their kid!"

I love Taqueria and wish them and their child the best. And I think it was stupid of jcboyz to say mean things about their child. But I'll try to make my humor more clear next time.

OK, sorry then! Sarcasm is hard to read on the Internet.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 17:21

Re: Taqueria
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Yea, of course, one should leave the innocent child out of this even if I was thrown out of the restaurant when I was there with my then six year old and 12 year old because the guy did not like a comment that saw good and bad in the place. It can't be easy to live in such a thin skin and I kind of think that the people of the LES will present their own challenges. I always thought the lady was sweet and was surprised to see some negative comments about her. Anyway, its better to eat at home in this economy anyway.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 17:18

Re: Taqueria
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I'm a customer and treated just fine.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 17:17

Re: Taqueria
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snowflake20 wrote:
CatDog, it's really a-hole of you to call a little baby names. WTF did that baby do to you? What kind of a piece of crap are you to ridicule a child just because you don't like the owners of a restaurant? Call them whatever you want, it's out of line to bring their child into your rant.

And to Taqueria, my family is at your establishment a lot. At least every other week we either have lunch there during the week or on the weekend. My kids love eating there and I know that when we are at Taqueria, they'll eat everything that's on their plate. It is disheartening to see your disdain towards your this how you feel about us? So you are just going to shut down your restaurant in JC and piss on your loyal customers, who by the way, probably helped you open a restaurant in NYC in the first place? Wow.

The two of youu need a time out and think about the tantrums both you threw on this board. Seriously. And while CatDog is just being a d-bag poster on an anonymous board, Taqueria needs to think about what they say about their customers before they post it on the internet for all to see. Are you going to hang this exchange up on your wall too?

Edited: Ooops, I called out the wrong person, sorry Ian!
I was making fun of jcboyz, who said "Screw the food, the owners are the biggest DOUCHE BAGS in JC!!!! WTF, these people suck so screw them and their kid!"

I love Taqueria and wish them and their child the best. And I think it was stupid of jcboyz to say mean things about their child. But I'll try to make my humor more clear next time.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 17:16

Re: Taqueria
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Ian, as I said from my last post, we go there a lot. Their service has improved immensely. Not sure if it's bc they have children of their own, or if they were too busy opening up their other shop.

And also, I did mistakenly call you out and and I apologized. It was obvious that I didn't mean you, when your post had nothing to do with calling a baby a d-bag.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 17:16

Re: Taqueria
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Hrmph wrote:
Although not a justification, regarding the post from the owners, people sometimes say or do things out of the ordinary when the defense of their children is involved. Shame on those posters.

That might be true. But what's their excuse when it comes to how they treat their customers?

Posted on: 2011/7/18 17:09

Re: Taqueria
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Although not a justification, regarding the post from the owners, people sometimes say or do things out of the ordinary when the defense of their children is involved. Shame on those posters.

I have always had great food and service at Taqueria and will continue to go there. And although I'm sure there are many great Mexican restaurants in Bergen/Union etc, for a non-driving resident, Taqueria is perfect.

Posted on: 2011/7/18 16:58

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snowflake20 wrote:
CatDog, it's really a-hole of you to call a little baby names. WTF did that baby do to you? What kind of a piece of crap are you to ridicule a child just because you don't like the owners of a restaurant? Call them whatever you want, it's out of line to bring their child into your rant.

And to Taqueria, my family is at your establishment a lot. At least every other week we either have lunch there during the week or on the weekend. My kids love eating there and I know that when we are at Taqueria, they'll eat everything that's on their plate. It is disheartening to see your disdain towards your this how you feel about us? So you are just going to shut down your restaurant in JC and piss on your loyal customers, who by the way, probably helped you open a restaurant in NYC in the first place? Wow.

The two of youu need a time out and think about the tantrums both you threw on this board. Seriously. And while CatDog is just being a d-bag poster on an anonymous board, Taqueria needs to think about what they say about their customers before they post it on the internet for all to see. Are you going to hang this exchange up on your wall too?

Edited: Ooops, I called out the wrong person, sorry Ian!

Haha, this post is very Mom-like :) Seriously though, for the owners of Taqueria to throw their JC customers under the bus like this, and sort of "forget their roots" is really disheartening.

Taqueria: You've worked hard to perfect your product over the years, and you brought it to market, and all of that took hard work on your behalf ... but ultimately it was your loyal Jersey City customers who brought you success. How can you so quickly forget that?

Posted on: 2011/7/18 16:50

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