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Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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2011/5/29 3:09
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Sutherland wrote:

There have been too many interviews and reports of from republican staff members and consultants from the McCain Palin team who have come out and said she lacked the intellectual heft for the role, for you to be successfully defending her capabilities. But he have at it.

I do believe that I am capable to judge person's intellectual capabilities without help of unnamed "members and consultants". I would never rely on some unnamed "members and consultants". Even less so after I seen the product of their membering and consulting.

So far, comparing her and, say, Obama, I have to say she looks way better.

As I said above, - everyone makes stupid mistakes. For example, I would not blame Obama for 57 states, or for "Austrian language", or for anything like that.

However, one has to really, really not understand the scale of things at all - to propose 100 millions worth of budget cuts.

P.S. By the way, - look at this story with Paul Revere. She was 100% correct. And now, look at all the "smart" ones who went on record claiming that she got it wrong. What do you think of them now?

Posted on: 2011/6/5 2:02

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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Is Forbes Magazine left wing? ============================== The Sad Defense of Sarah Palin?s Botched History E.D. Kain/AMERICAN TIMES Forbes Jun. 4 2011 Resized Image The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Various Sarah Palin defenders have come out of the woodwork to defend her mangling of that most American of tales, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. The crux of their defense is an obscure letter that Revere wrote in 1789 that has been preserved by the Massachusetts Historical Society. Here?s the key bit: I observed a Wood at a Small distance, & made for that. When I got there, out Started Six officers, on Horse back,and orderd me to dismount;-one of them, who appeared to have the command, examined me, where I came from,& what my Name Was? I told him. it was Revere, he asked if it was Paul? I told him yes He asked me if I was an express? I answered in the afirmative. He demanded what time I left Boston? I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up. He imediately rode towards those who stoppd us, when all five of them came down upon a full gallop; one of them, whom I afterwards found to be Major Mitchel, of the 5th Regiment, Clapped his pistol to my head, called me by name, & told me he was going to ask me some questions, & if I did not give him true answers, he would blow my brains out. Setting aside the likelihood that this is a letter Palin has actually read, the fact still remains that the story of Paul Revere that Americans know and love is one of Revere riding across the countryside alerting the colonists that the redcoats were coming. This is one of the key stories of the American Revolution, as much legend as history at this point. Nobody references Paul Revere being waylaid by British soldiers and warning them that the Americans were coming. If you answer a question about Paul Revere you talk about his ride, you recite Longfellow. You don?t babble incoherently about warning the British unless you happen to be a half-term former governor of Alaska who simply can?t be bothered to learn a little bit of American history. I mean, surely Palin could have hired a few tutors between the 2008 debacle and now, right? Does she really honestly think she can just scrape by without spending any time off the publicity circuit? Maybe a course at Khan Academy, or a few hours in a library? In any case, nobody needs yes men. At least no serious candidate. Maybe her supporters should stop defending her every foible and help her with her education instead. It sure couldn?t hurt. P.S. Just to clarify, my broader point is that Palin neither described the famous legend of Paul Revere as told in Longfellow?s poem, or the actual historical events. She mangled the facts (and mangled the syntax much more ferociously) and now her defenders are digging up an obscure story not even relevant to the history itself and holding it up as though Palin knew exactly what she was talking about. This is ludicrous. ... h-palins-botched-history/

Posted on: 2011/6/5 1:59

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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Borisp, rock on.

The rest of you lefty fools, well, the fact that you just can't seem to let this thread go just shows how shaky your footing is. Suck it.

Posted on: 2011/6/5 1:51

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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There have been too many interviews and reports of from republican staff members and consultants from the McCain Palin team who have come out and said she lacked the intellectual heft for the role, for you to be successfully defending her capabilities. But he have at it.

Posted on: 2011/6/5 1:38

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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Beachguy wrote:

That being said, anyone who would consider electing someone who believes that Paul Revere's ride was to alert the British, when the average student is taught about Paul Revere in 4th grade history, is even more ignorant than Governor Palin.

Here is the book with the story told by none other than Paul Revere himself. So, here is what Paul Revere about his conversation with the British officer who detain him: "He demanded what time I left Boston? I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up"

Damn! I mean - DAMN!!!! Turns out, that Revere did, in fact, "warned the British that they would not be taking our arms" - just like Palins said.


I mean - here you are, full of intellectual superiority, - and it turns out that Palin actually knows history.

And you, - you know probably did not go beyond "Cliff Notes, All World History in 20 pages", and after 4th grade never opened a history book again.

I mean - this GOT to hurt!

Posted on: 2011/6/5 1:18

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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brewster wrote:

Do you really think people who don't know the Earth revolves around the sun once a year can even begin to try and understand how our economy ran off the rails and what to do about it?

Well, you see, "Earth revolves around the Sun" is only true in the system of reference tied to the Sun. In the system of reference tied to the Earth, it is the other way around.

Copernicus did not "prove that the Earth revolves around the Sun". He proposed that the Sun is the Center of the Universe, and all planets and stars revolve around it. This model gives better predictions of the movement of some celestial bodies, but it is not "more scientific" than the model where the center of the Universe is Earth.

Contemporary physics no longer claims that "here is the Truth", it only says "here is the model of the reality that allows us to make more or less accurate predictions". Newtonian mechanics is no less scientific than Eisenstein theory.

It is perfectly scientific to choose the simplest model that suits your requirements for the precision of the predictions that you need. For example, if you build a house "Flat Earth" model is all you need.

Now, that said, I find it obnoxious when people make fun of those who are less educated. However, when people who make fun of others, - are someone with barely the mid-XVI century understanding of cosmology, - it is just ridiculous.

Oh, almost forgot, - everybody thinks "I am smarter than others". But I am disgusted when someone thinks "I am smarter than others and this gives me special rights to POWER".

Finally, - every time I read the news, I see the word "unexpectedly". For the last two years every bad economic news are "unexpected". Just google "unemployment unexpectedly". Do you now WHY it is unexpected? It is unexpected because the people who are now in charge, - CAN NOT PREDICT it. All those smart geniuses that you elected - they CAN NOT PREDICT how their actions affect economy.

Now... what were you saying about stupid people who should not be allowed to affect economy?

Posted on: 2011/6/5 0:58

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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brewster wrote:

borisp wrote:
If you can't find no common ground with the views upon which this country was founded, - I guess your position is truly tragic. When I found myself in a similar situation, I emigrated.

This country was founded in large part on genocide, slavery, theft, and hypocrisy, are those the ideals that you're referring to?

If you hate it so much, why do you live here?

By the way, do you celebrate the 4th of July? If you do, what exactly do you celebrate? From your response I figured you do not think much of the Declaration of Independence.

Posted on: 2011/6/5 0:35

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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2010/7/7 17:29
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dtjcview wrote:
And why do we need pols in the internet age???

Seems to me that we could really put power in the hands of the people, so long as we have the right balances in place. Close fed and state senates and congresses. Close municipal councils. Let the people really decide. Why not?

Twenty, maybe even ten years ago, I would have agreed with you. But with the next generation of idiots coming up who are comfortable with texting each other when they're sitting across the table from one another and behave as blind lemmings who take each statement from the media as gospel, there will only be a select few with with solid, basic education and skills who know how to capitalize on their environment and use the internet as a tool rather than a lifestyle. The trick will be, as it is today, to identify the correct people and elect them to leadership roles.

That being said, anyone who would consider electing someone who believes that Paul Revere's ride was to alert the British, when the average student is taught about Paul Revere in 4th grade history, is even more ignorant than Governor Palin.

Posted on: 2011/6/4 21:59

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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Proposition 13 (officially named the People's Initiative to Limit Property Taxation) was an amendment of the Constitution of California enacted during 1978, by means of the initiative process. It was approved by California voters on June 6, 1978. It was declared constitutional by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Nordlinger v. Hahn, 505 U.S. 1 (1992).

Proposition 13 is embodied in Article 13A of the Constitution of the State of California.
The most significant portion of the act is the first paragraph, which limited the tax rate for real estate:
Section 1. (a) The maximum amount of any ad valorem tax on real property shall not exceed one percent (1%) of the full cash value of such property. The one percent (1%) tax to be collected by the counties and apportioned according to law to the districts within the counties.

The proposition decreased property taxes by assessing property values at their 1975 value and restricted annual increases of assessed value of real property to an inflation factor, not to exceed 2% per year. It also prohibited reassessment of a new base year value except for (a) change in ownership or (b) completion of new construction.

A large contributor to Proposition 13 was the sentiment that older Californians should not be priced out of their homes through high taxes. The proposition has been called the "third rail" (meaning "untouchable subject") of California politics, and it is not popular politically for lawmakers to attempt to change it.

Posted on: 2011/6/4 21:39

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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dtjcview wrote:
Personally if we had the right to vote on everything I'd probably only vote directly on the issues I cared about, and give my proxy vote on everything else to some demagogue I followed on twitter or facebook. Let Mark Zuckerberg redesign Capital Hill and City Hall and use ad revenues to pay our proxies instead of taxes.

You've come close to describing California's government with all it's "Proposition" plebiscites for anything that can get people worked up. They are still suffering from the Prop 13 property tax cap in the 70's that destroyed the greatest public ed system in the country. My cousin is principal of an elementary in Sacramento with classes of 60 kids and they had to fire the librarian.

Posted on: 2011/6/4 20:08

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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brewster wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
And why do we need pols in the internet age???

Seems to me that we could really put power in the hands of the people, so long as we have the right balances in place. Close fed and state senates and congresses. Close municipal councils. Let the people really decide. Why not?

Here's why. This is the text of a favorite newspaper clipping I have from the early 90's.

This just in: Earth revolves around sun!

CHICAGO (AP) More than 450 years after Copernicus proved the Earth revolves around the sun, millions of adult Americans seem to think it?s the other way around, a researcher reported yesterday.

On very basic ideas, vast numbers of Americans are scientifically illiterate," said Jon Miller of Northern Illinois University, who conducted a nationwide survey for the National Science Foundation.

In the July telephone survey of 2041 adults 18 or older, people were asked about 75 questions testing their knowledge of basic science. Miller said.

Asked whether the Earth goes around the sun or the sun around the Earth, 21 percent replied incorrectly. Seven percent said they didn?t know.

Of the 72 percent who answered correctly, 45 percent said it takes one year for the Earth to orbit the sun, 17 percent said one day, 2 percent said one month and 9 percent didn?t know.

The responses indicate that about 55 percent of adult Americans, or some 94 million people, don?t know that the Earth revolves around the sun once a year, Miller said.

Do you really think people who don't know the Earth revolves around the sun once a year can even begin to try and understand how our economy ran off the rails and what to do about it? Our people are simply so ignorant that they can't be trusted to make informed decisions. Ignorant people are easily swayed by demagogues. Those founding fathers Boris refers to knew this, which is why they gave a us a republic instead of a democracy, on the assumption the people would elect educated patricians like them to make the decisions for the plebes. It hasn't always worked that way and has it's failings, but seems to have worked better than most other systems, although sometimes that's not saying much.

Personally if we had the right to vote on everything I'd probably only vote directly on the issues I cared about, and give my proxy vote on everything else to some demagogue I followed on twitter or facebook. Let Mark Zuckerberg redesign Capital Hill and City Hall and use ad revenues to pay our proxies instead of taxes.

Posted on: 2011/6/4 10:12

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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I am someone who has a first-hand experience with the system that you advocate and assist building.

Unless you lived in Sweden or Norway, I highly doubt you were in any system close to the ones liberals are advocating for. Russia was not communism, it was a dictatorship that never got past the second stage of communism's 3-stage plan. It was also a terrible, terrible choice to try communism because of its geography. People thousands of miles away from each other share no common cause with each other. Random Dude in Vladivostok and Party Leader Ivan in Leningrad don't give f*&k one for each other and are will work for their own interests and not a common cause.

Want to see somewhat successful communism or socialism? Look at Israeli Kibbutz's. Look at places like Scandinavia that have some of the best quality of life metrics by nearly any scale (except warm weather, but hey). Small population areas where people give a rat's ass about each other and work together. That's a lot closer to communism than the USSR ever got to. That's also nothing like what MOST liberals are advocating for (including myself). I, personally, want to cherry pick a few things here and there from places like Norway and such that are proven successes.

Again, your label is incorrect and part of the failure in dialogue. We are functioning on different terms.

Posted on: 2011/6/4 3:30

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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dtjcview wrote:
And why do we need pols in the internet age???

Seems to me that we could really put power in the hands of the people, so long as we have the right balances in place. Close fed and state senates and congresses. Close municipal councils. Let the people really decide. Why not?

Here's why. This is the text of a favorite newspaper clipping I have from the early 90's.

This just in: Earth revolves around sun!

CHICAGO (AP) More than 450 years after Copernicus proved the Earth revolves around the sun, millions of adult Americans seem to think it?s the other way around, a researcher reported yesterday.

On very basic ideas, vast numbers of Americans are scientifically illiterate," said Jon Miller of Northern Illinois University, who conducted a nationwide survey for the National Science Foundation.

In the July telephone survey of 2041 adults 18 or older, people were asked about 75 questions testing their knowledge of basic science. Miller said.

Asked whether the Earth goes around the sun or the sun around the Earth, 21 percent replied incorrectly. Seven percent said they didn?t know.

Of the 72 percent who answered correctly, 45 percent said it takes one year for the Earth to orbit the sun, 17 percent said one day, 2 percent said one month and 9 percent didn?t know.

The responses indicate that about 55 percent of adult Americans, or some 94 million people, don?t know that the Earth revolves around the sun once a year, Miller said.

Do you really think people who don't know the Earth revolves around the sun once a year can even begin to try and understand how our economy ran off the rails and what to do about it? Our people are simply so ignorant that they can't be trusted to make informed decisions. Ignorant people are easily swayed by demagogues. Those founding fathers Boris refers to knew this, which is why they gave a us a republic instead of a democracy, on the assumption the people would elect educated patricians like them to make the decisions for the plebes. It hasn't always worked that way and has it's failings, but seems to have worked better than most other systems, although sometimes that's not saying much.

Posted on: 2011/6/4 3:15

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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And why do we need pols in the internet age???

Seems to me that we could really put power in the hands of the people, so long as we have the right balances in place. Close fed and state senates and congresses. Close municipal councils. Let the people really decide. Why not?

Posted on: 2011/6/4 1:27

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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borisp wrote:
If you can't find no common ground with the views upon which this country was founded, - I guess your position is truly tragic. When I found myself in a similar situation, I emigrated.

This country was founded in large part on genocide, slavery, theft, and hypocrisy, are those the ideals that you're referring to? Perhaps its time to emigrate again to somewhere without any pesky laws or taxes to interfere with the purest expressions of capitalism you yearn for. Russia has made great strides in this regard, but if you don't want to travel that far Mexico would do, presuming you have the cash for bodyguards, and tinted windows on your armored car so you don't have to see diseased children picking through huge toxic industrial dumps for enough debris to keep them from starving. But wait around if you want, this country will be there soon enough at the rate wealth is being sucked out of the middle class and concentrated by our greatest capitalists on Wall Street.

Posted on: 2011/6/4 1:22

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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sinik wrote:

brewster wrote:

Why? do you think Bush was really any brighter or informed? The only real challenge is to stay on script, and she's now arguably better than he was at the same stage.

Well his academic record was a bit more impressive than Palin's.

If Obama says there are 57 states or signs and dates the visitors book in Westminster Abbey last month with a date in 2008 it's just brain fart but if Palin or Bush had done either of those things it would be because they are stupid, innit?

Obama had to think for 16 hours to give an answer even though he knew the question years in advance.

Obama ordered his cabinet to find ways to cut budget by 100 millions. Compare that to more than a trillion that we really need to cut. Here is the analogy that illustrates the scale: imagine someone who weighs 260 pounds, when the doctors tell hem he ough to be at 170. Now, if this person says "ok, I will think about it for a few months and will figure out how to loose a pound" - you'd think thus guy lost touch with reality. Right? Now, imagine that he promises to find a way to loose one tenth of an ounce. And, yet, Obama's 100 million of promised saving is on the same scale as 0.1 ounce is for someone he needs to lose 90 pounds. It is not just total innumeracy. Our top executive completely lacks any understanding of the scale of money we budget. It is waaaaay beyond the famous joke from Austin Powers movies "one million dollars!"

Obama was explaining how speculators drive oil prices up, and here is how he describes an assumption on a speculator's part: "maybe there's a 20 percent chance that something might happen in the Middle East that might disrupt oil supply" Funny, isn't it? That is supposed to be improbably highly speculative assumption in order to drive prices higher than normal, no? And, 20%? TWENTY?? Does he not know what already happens in the Middle East? How can he give 20% as an example of something very speculative? Is it not more like 100%?

Obama claimed that Senator Clinton was better known in Kentucky than he "coming from a nearby state of Arkansas". That means he had no idea that Kentucky has common border with his own Illinois.

Now, anyone can misspeak. Anyone can say something stupid. I am not going to blame Obama for 57 state gaffe. However, THESE examples are not of the same kind.

Posted on: 2011/6/4 0:55

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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brewster wrote:
Again Boris, Wow. I'm no commie, I own 2 small businesses, but since you seem to be either a hardcore Libertarian or Objectivist, there's really no common ground on which to have a rational discussion.

I am someone who has a first-hand experience with the system that you advocate and assist building.

As far as my views go, they are pretty much identical to the views expressed in the Declaration Of Independence.

If you can't find no common ground with the views upon which this country was founded, - I guess your position is truly tragic. When I found myself in a similar situation, I emigrated.

Most western societies decided that Dickensian social Darwinism and capitalism unfettered by humanity or environmental responsibility wasn't what we wanted. Good luck with that.

Hey, I know this argument! I used it many times - "Mom, none of my classmate's parents mind if their kids smoke!"

I was fifteen.

What's your excuse?

Posted on: 2011/6/4 0:00

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Sarah Palin gives her account of Paul Revere's ride By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY Updated 16m ago Sarah Palin apparently flubbed details of Paul Revere's famous midnight ride during the Revolutionary War when she visited Boston yesterday. The former Alaska governor, who may or may not be running for the GOP presidential nomination, thought Revere was warning the British army when he rode from Boston to Lexington. Here's the transcript, from New York magazine, of what she told reporters who were trailing her on her bus tour of historical sites: He who warned, uh, the ? the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringin' those bells and, um, by makin' sure that as he's ridin' his horse through town to send those warnin' shots and bells that, uh, we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free ? and we were gonna be armed. Revere was, in fact, riding from Boston to Lexington to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the approaching British army. And no bells were used -- the mission was a secret. The blogosphere is having a field day with this one. ThinkProgress is panning Palin's description of this historic event. We have Mediaite to thank for spotlighting this. Palin doesn't make mention of her Revere account on the travel blog on her Sarah PAC website, but she did post pictures of the Old North Church, Paul Revere's house and Bunker Hill.

Posted on: 2011/6/3 21:25

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brewster wrote:

Why? do you think Bush was really any brighter or informed? The only real challenge is to stay on script, and she's now arguably better than he was at the same stage.

Well his academic record was a bit more impressive than Palin's.

If Obama says there are 57 states or signs and dates the visitors book in Westminster Abbey last month with a date in 2008 it's just brain fart but if Palin or Bush had done either of those things it would be because they are stupid, innit?

Posted on: 2011/6/3 21:09

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I can't for one second see Palin sitting with the world's political leaders and negotiating world affairs or reviewing economic issues domestically.

Why? do you think Bush was really any brighter or informed? The only real challenge is to stay on script, and she's now arguably better than he was at the same stage.

Posted on: 2011/6/3 20:06

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I can't wait for her to be a contestant on celebrity apprentice, only to get teamed up with the situation and have him out smart her on a challenge.

Posted on: 2011/6/3 18:10

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After watching the latest TV broadcast of Palin, I have no doubt she not will run for 2012. I'm more inclined to think she will 'milk' this for her own personal ego and financial gain.
I can't for one second see Palin sitting with the world's political leaders and negotiating world affairs or reviewing economic issues domestically.

However I still see her as a contender on a celebrity edition of WIPE OUT

Posted on: 2011/6/3 17:53
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Again Boris, Wow. I'm no commie, I own 2 small businesses, but since you seem to be either a hardcore Libertarian or Objectivist, there's really no common ground on which to have a rational discussion. Most western societies decided that Dickensian social Darwinism and capitalism unfettered by humanity or environmental responsibility wasn't what we wanted. Good luck with that.

Posted on: 2011/6/3 15:56

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brewster wrote:

Wow B, You've really got a thing here on a misused word! I've got to get to sleep so I can't give your post too much time, but you've got no room for nuance in your world.

Socialism=communism=authoritarianism and dictated economy. Period.

There are huge differences between different brands of socialists on the subject of what exactly "Common Good" is.

And you may think that those differences are vary important and I stupidly do not understand how far away YOUR brand is from others and so on.

However, what unites them all, is the basic underlying principle. Socialism is BASED on the idea that individual rights are secondary to the "Common Good".

And THAT is what important to me.

What about the many European nations who've had a pretty successful 70 years of fairly loose capitalism buffered by socialism providing a strong safety net?

Europe? Are you talking about the continent, or Jupiter's moon?

If you mean the continent, - there is no safety net there. It is bankrupt. Same story as here, - money was collected and then immediately spent.

And now we all are facing the same situation that USSR faced 70 years after its funding: do we cut much of those "safety nets", or do we press on and run off the brink?

Of course it's not been perfect but hundreds of millions of people have been pretty happy with national medicine and strong social benefits. Too strong, too costly? Perhaps so

"So, we are bankrupt? Perhaps so. But how great was our life in the meanwhile!"

But truly, it hasn't killed tens of millions like Stalin or Mao. Socialism didn't kill them, Communism may have, but the arrogance of men grabbing too much power surely did.

"Yes, we force one man to work for another, - but at least we do not kill him, right?"

Yes. Here I can wholeheartedly agree: you are not genocidal like Stalin. There you have my praise.

Posted on: 2011/6/3 11:57

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borisp wrote:

P.S. One more thing, just so we understand each other. When you say things like "Get over the "socialism" boogieman", - to me it sounds no different than if you said something like "get over Holocaust boogieman". In both cases my feelings and my thoughts are the same.

Wow B, You've really got a thing here on a misused word! I've got to get to sleep so I can't give your post too much time, but you've got no room for nuance in your world.

Socialism=communism=authoritarianism and dictated economy. Period.

What about the many European nations who've had a pretty successful 70 years of fairly loose capitalism buffered by socialism providing a strong safety net? Of course it's not been perfect but hundreds of millions of people have been pretty happy with national medicine and strong social benefits. Too strong, too costly? Perhaps so. But truly, it hasn't killed tens of millions like Stalin or Mao. Socialism didn't kill them, Communism may have, but the arrogance of men grabbing too much power surely did.

Posted on: 2011/6/3 4:43

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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Posted on: 2011/6/3 2:57

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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brewster wrote:
[quote]"communism" is a perfect ideal, just as "democracy" is. They no more had communism than we have a real democracy, as opposed to a republic.

Well, it so happens that I was born and raised in the USSR, and I managed to get straight "A"s in college - despite the fact that my "Scientific Communism" professor was very antisemitic.

So, yes, "communism" is a perfect ideal. And the basic principle of this ideal is: total subjugation of personal rights to the "Common Good".

What they had was simply autocracy no different than the Czars over the serfs, except the oligarchs were the Party rather than the aristocracy.

It is very funny when every single socialistic experiment is pronounced to be "not a real socialism" immediately after the test subject dies.

You pronounce that people's rights should be secondary to the "Common Good". And then you implement a society build on this principle, - and DAMN!!!! It is not a paradise!

And in every experiment.

But it would be wrong to assume that the problem is in your guiding principles! Probably it was bad luck. Yes. It must be it.
Every single time it is attempted.

Get over the "socialism" boogieman. Americans have loved their socialism since the New Deal. The only ones who want to cut them are either wealthy or clueless.

Well, I am not wealthy. Do you think I am clueless?

Ok, in this case, enlighten me. Could you explain to me why exactly did Soviet economy crashed? What did they do wrong - with ECONOMY?

P.S. One more thing, just so we understand each other. When you say things like "Get over the "socialism" boogieman", - to me it sounds no different than if you said something like "get over Holocaust boogieman". In both cases my feelings and my thoughts are the same.

Posted on: 2011/6/3 2:31

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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T-Bird wrote:

CSURugbyHooker wrote:

Youbetcha! Considering she wore the Star of David in Israel and now when touring NYC, I'd say she's (hopelessly) pandering to:
1. The large Jewish population of the city.
2. Evangelical Christians.
Solidarity with Israel is all the rage these days.

Which is really weird, given the "blood libel" she and other conservatives suffered at the hands of the media after the Gabrielle Gifford shooting.

?The blood libel is something anti-Semites have historically used in Europe as an excuse to murder Jews ? the comparison is stupid. Jews and rational people will find it objectionable,? said Hank Sheinkopf, a New York-based Democratic political consultant and devout Jew. ?This will forever link her to the events in Tucson. It deepens the hole she?s already dug for herself. ? It?s absolutely inappropriate.? (see: The Arena: Palin's 'blood libel' defense fair?)

Read more:

Well, this Jew thinks that her allusion to blood libel was absolutely appropriate.

I am also happy to report that I do not need to explain why. I happen to share this view with two people who explain all the whys in the most sufficient manner. So, without further ado, allow me to present the guest speakers: Alan Dershowitz and former NYC Mayor Ed Koch

P.S. Frankly, as a Jew, I think that kind of attack against Palin was extremely offensive. I resent it when someone is trying to manipulate me in this manner. I resent it even more when someone insults my intelligence by attempting it in such a sloppy manner!

Posted on: 2011/6/3 2:13

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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CSURugbyHooker wrote:

borisp wrote:
However, would you care to give an example of said "pandering and exploitative ideology"?

Youbetcha! Considering she wore the Star of David in Israel and now when touring NYC, I'd say she's (hopelessly) pandering to:
1. The large Jewish population of the city.
2. Evangelical Christians.
Solidarity with Israel is all the rage these days.

I'm not sure what you are raging about. It just so happened that President Obama had managed recently to do another one of his famous "bull in a china shop" maneuvers w.r.t Israel, - and most of the political establishment immediately tried to compensate for that in any way they could. Palin did the same as everyone else, - Democrat and Republicans.

I mean, - if you claim that she is the Evil incarnate, - there should be some difference between her, - and the people you eagerly vote for, no?

So, give me some example where she did something - that your favorite politician does not.

Oh, and, please, let's not forget about "exploitative ideology".

Posted on: 2011/6/3 1:53

Re: Sarah Palin in Jersey City?!?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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ladybug247 wrote:
Blah blah blah ha ha ha primary elections june 7 la la la

Yes....speaking of failing political systems. There's only one candidate, Rhavi, actually contesting the coronation of the HCDO slate.

Posted on: 2011/6/2 23:03

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