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Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2005/7/13 15:03
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From Western Slope
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It can be a sort of 24 hour church minus the 24 hour mass. You could call the rectory and set up an appointment with the parish administrator or the pastor. Also have you tried Catholic institutions such as a hospital or school they have chapels to pray in.

Posted on: 2011/1/24 20:59

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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JC_DowntownRegular wrote:
Point understood dtjcview, but maybe this wasn't the proper thread to vent your personal disgust with the church. It is the equivalent of someone asking you what time the baseball game was on cable and you response was that all baseball players are overpaid cocaine abusers or that cable companies are filthy rich enough and make us pay through the nose for watching a game(by the way these are not my opinions nor am I implying these are anyone else's). You merely stated your opinion and have not provided the person with any information and in the end make the OP feel personally attacked.

That being said, are there any churches in the country opened 24 hours a day? I don't even think St. Patrick's in NYC is open 24-7.

Certainly wasn't meant as an attack on the OP. It was meant though as an alternate theory to the "burglars steal the chalices and bibles" from the OP.

Posted on: 2011/1/24 19:58

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2006/9/13 14:54
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No there are. St. Peters in Pt. Pleasant Beach is open 24 hours (but they have a motion sensor that goes off if one enters the sanctuary..). BTW, St. Joe's on the hill is open daily...

Posted on: 2011/1/24 19:22

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2007/10/20 17:38
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dtjcview wrote:
Churches are closing their doors not just because they are more likely to be robbed, but because they don't have the financial support keep their doors open. A lot of that is down to losing congregation, especially in the more affluent communities.

My attack wasn't intended to be attack on people practicing their faith, nor on finding places of worship. It was an expression of my disgust against the child-abusers within the Catholic clergy, and those senior members of the clergy that have helped cover-up these crimes over the past few decades. For me and I'm sure many others it has eroded and shattered my faith and trust in those spiritual leaders. Going forward, I've chosen to exercise my freewill and decision-making capability, rather than follow another man's/institution's script. A tough personal decision given I was indoctrinated as a Catholic from an early age. I don't feel any guilt though, I left that back at the church.

Point understood dtjcview, but maybe this wasn't the proper thread to vent your personal disgust with the church. It is the equivalent of someone asking you what time the baseball game was on cable and you response was that all baseball players are overpaid cocaine abusers or that cable companies are filthy rich enough and make us pay through the nose for watching a game(by the way these are not my opinions nor am I implying these are anyone else's). You merely stated your opinion and have not provided the person with any information and in the end make the OP feel personally attacked.

That being said, are there any churches in the country opened 24 hours a day? I don't even think St. Patrick's in NYC is open 24-7.

Posted on: 2011/1/24 18:37
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2005/9/20 14:11
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PubliusIII wrote:
Actually, yes, it was a sign of the end of civilization when they started to lock Catholic churches (or at least that was how it was percieved by the citizens at the time). My family hightailed it "down the shore" in the great exodus in the late 1950, but grandma stayed on Kennsington Avenue in St. Aloysius parish. Visiting her was always an adventure. It must have been like 1973 when the church had been robbed of some of its precious art and the poor box broken into that the church was locked. This struck a deep cord. Crime had been rising since the late sixties and the city's sense of self was at risk. Churches remained a sanctuary, seemingly protected by the collective and by a palable taboo. When these were violated without any consequence for the violator the santuary was no more. Even the holy of holies was not immune. The psychological impact on these densely Catholic neighborhoods was palpable. Prior to that, the church was the home of the entire neighborhood who would go to the Tabernacle at any time, yes at 2:00 am, or 3:00 PM, to thank God, to implore God, to praise God. I remember a story of a friend's mother who was widowed when he was an infant. They would find his mother prostrate before the altar of St. Michael's at all hours because that was the only place she could find solace for the first years of her widowhood.

I remember the similiar situation growing up in Atlantic City. There were a few churches that held out through the early 80's but not much longer after that.

Posted on: 2011/1/24 18:14

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Churches are closing their doors not just because they are more likely to be robbed, but because they don't have the financial support keep their doors open. A lot of that is down to losing congregation, especially in the more affluent communities.

My attack wasn't intended to be attack on people practicing their faith, nor on finding places of worship. It was an expression of my disgust against the child-abusers within the Catholic clergy, and those senior members of the clergy that have helped cover-up these crimes over the past few decades. For me and I'm sure many others it has eroded and shattered my faith and trust in those spiritual leaders. Going forward, I've chosen to exercise my freewill and decision-making capability, rather than follow another man's/institution's script. A tough personal decision given I was indoctrinated as a Catholic from an early age. I don't feel any guilt though, I left that back at the church.

Posted on: 2011/1/24 18:08

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2006/9/13 14:54
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2011/7/18 17:14
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Actually, yes, it was a sign of the end of civilization when they started to lock Catholic churches (or at least that was how it was percieved by the citizens at the time). My family hightailed it "down the shore" in the great exodus in the late 1950, but grandma stayed on Kennsington Avenue in St. Aloysius parish. Visiting her was always an adventure. It must have been like 1973 when the church had been robbed of some of its precious art and the poor box broken into that the church was locked. This struck a deep cord. Crime had been rising since the late sixties and the city's sense of self was at risk. Churches remained a sanctuary, seemingly protected by the collective and by a palable taboo. When these were violated without any consequence for the violator the santuary was no more. Even the holy of holies was not immune. The psychological impact on these densely Catholic neighborhoods was palpable. Prior to that, the church was the home of the entire neighborhood who would go to the Tabernacle at any time, yes at 2:00 am, or 3:00 PM, to thank God, to implore God, to praise God. I remember a story of a friend's mother who was widowed when he was an infant. They would find his mother prostrate before the altar of St. Michael's at all hours because that was the only place she could find solace for the first years of her widowhood.

So after they locked St. AL's, the city was never the same for grandma and she gave up fighting to stay here and was moved to Bergen County where she died a few years later always pining for the old days. As so many of these passing customs, the rise in crime also conveniently meshed with the modernist mentality of the new priests in the 1970s who dismissed the Eucharistic presence of the Lord as superstituious and so wanted to close the church to discourage traditional piety and to pull the wool from the idea of the Holy, the mysterium tremdum et fascinans. Stalin would have approved. Modernists priests are sort of self limiting as they leave the priesthood, or "get asked to leave" after getting jammed up, out and modernist parisihioners logically just stop going. So Tradition is reasserting itself a bit. BTW, to clarify a point made in the tread above, Holy Rosary does not open its church but does have a chapel open most days for perpetual adoration.

Posted on: 2011/1/24 15:49

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2010/7/7 17:29
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"You could give some JCListers a pot of gold and they would complain that it was too heavy to carry, while others would be insulted for not getting the gold, and others would start a diatribe on the human rights and environmental horrors of gold and diamond mining and animal poaching and how horrible it is to wear jewelry and eat meat. Why diamond mining and animal poaching - because it has nothing to do with the original pot of gold and that is the path that many of the of the discussions take here. And now someone will make a comment about the PATH and roads less traveled because the word path was mentioned in the previous sentence ."

+++1 - The original poster just wanted to know if a church that is open around-the-clock still existed. Why did that simple question generate so much hate? If we want this city to improve, why not start with supporting each other? Believe me, I'm no saint but the level of discord in this thread is absurd.

Posted on: 2011/1/22 23:50

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2010/6/3 19:22
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You can also make a home in a cardboard box, but no one forces you to live in a brownstone.

Posted on: 2011/1/22 23:39

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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you don't need a church to seek solace or pray

Posted on: 2011/1/22 22:16
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2005/4/25 17:23
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correction--i need to proofread before posting -- meant johnr, not john reilly -- had a friend by that name on my mind as i was typing

Posted on: 2011/1/22 19:24

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2005/4/25 17:23
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john reilly's statement:

"dtjcview, and anyone like you, looking for an excuse to rationalize away your guilt for not going to Mass"

a bit sanctimonious? a tad presumptuous?


Posted on: 2011/1/22 18:49

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2007/10/20 17:38
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MikeyTBC wrote:
It's too bad that a simple question turned into attacking the Catholic Faith. At least we now know that Catholics along with yuppies, hipsters, bj's carts and pit bulls are not liked by some of the JClist.

JCList - the only place in the world where simple questions turn into insults and complaints.

You could give some JCListers a pot of gold and they would complain that it was too heavy to carry, while others would be insulted for not getting the gold, and others would start a diatribe on the human rights and environmental horrors of gold and diamond mining and animal poaching and how horrible it is to wear jewelry and eat meat. Why diamond mining and animal poaching - because it has nothing to do with the original pot of gold and that is the path that many of the of the discussions take here. And now someone will make a comment about the PATH and roads less traveled because the word path was mentioned in the previous sentence .

Posted on: 2011/1/22 17:23
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2005/9/20 14:11
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It's too bad that a simple question turned into attacking the Catholic Faith. At least we now know that Catholics along with yuppies, hipsters, bj's carts and pit bulls are not liked by some of the JClist.

Posted on: 2011/1/22 16:36

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2005/9/6 15:48
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And I thought it was the crucifix around your neck.

Quite an advertisement there, sport.
I'm sure we're all ready to convert.

Posted on: 2011/1/22 3:13

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2009/3/9 16:41
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Baptism makes you a Christian.

Irrelevant metaphor 1
Strawman 0

Posted on: 2011/1/22 2:30

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2008/5/22 20:46
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JSleeze, great analogy - who the hell wants to be a car?

Posted on: 2011/1/22 1:48

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2009/8/27 22:16
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Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more than being in a garage makes you a car.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 18:04

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2009/3/9 16:41
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dtjcview, and anyone like you, looking for an excuse to rationalize away your guilt for not going to Mass, or just anyone in general who likes to feel high about themselves by putting down other people or institutions, I would invite you to spend some time doing some actual research into sexual abuse within religious communities. The rate within the Catholic Church is NOT higher than any other religion, but it gets more media attention given the stature of the institution.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 17:36

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?

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2009/7/21 15:56
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when they expose the blessed sacrament, there are shifts for people to stay up with the blessed sacrament.
i know st. lucy's in newark does this.
maybe holy rosary has some days when they do this.
it's unfortunate that the churches close their doors ever. but, that's just my opinion.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 16:57

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2005/7/19 20:29
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14 seems to be the general age of consent for about half the world.

The point is moot, however, because within the Church relations are only licit within heterosexual marriage. So it's not like this is a license to have sex with 14 years olds. Disregarding the sex scandal, the selective outrage at the age of consent in the Vatican is ridiculous. The age of consent in Japan, for instance, is 13. Are you all boycotting Godzilla movies, too?

Posted on: 2011/1/21 14:53

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2006/3/22 3:51
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From John Wilkes Park
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Yeah the Vatican did adopt the new Italian age of consent so 12 is wrong, it's 14 now which is OBVIOUSLY SO MUCH BETTER.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 14:32

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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Posted on: 2011/1/21 14:23

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2008/5/22 20:46
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From Wikipedia -

The Vatican does not have its own separate criminal code. Instead, in matters of criminal law, as per Article 3 of the "Law of the Source of Law" (one of the six fundamental laws adopted upon ratification of the Lateran Treaty in 1929) the Vatican State generally uses current Italian national law, as well as regional and municipal laws for Rome, as long as they do not conflict with ecclesiastical law or laws specifically promulgated by Pope for the Vatican.[40] As a result, the age of consent is the same as that of Italy. Before January 1, 2009, the adoption by the Vatican of changes made by Italy in its laws was automatic. After this date, the Vatican adoption of changes in Italian law is no longer automatic but comes into effect only after a review. However, as Italy adopted its present age of consent before January 1, 2009, this change in Vatican policy does not affect the age of consent in Vatican City, which remains the same as that of Italy.
The claim is sometimes made that "In the Vatican State, there is an equal age of consent set at 12 years of age", but this is incorrect. In 1929, when the Lateran Treaty was signed, the age of consent in Italy was 12, and this was indeed adopted by the Vatican. However, as stated above, the rise in the Italian age of consent applied automatically to the Vatican City.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 12:01

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2010/8/17 1:45
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Please, please, please, Pope Benedict. Explain to the rest of the world why the Vatican supports an age of consent of 12? Then explain why by any measure you're not paedophiles if you support that view.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 6:05

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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When I found out that the age of consent in the Vatican was 12-years old, I stopped caring about those lying, two-faced, double-standard, scumbag paedophiles and apologists.

Before the scandals I was a lapsed Catholic. After them, I'm totally ex-Catholic. Twelve years old for Christ's sake!!!

Posted on: 2011/1/21 4:28

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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JC_DowntownRegular wrote:
I haven't heard of a Catholic church being open for 24 hours at all in my lifetime.

During Good Friday to Easter Sunday it was common for churches in Jersey City to remain open.

I don't know of any now.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 2:36

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2007/10/20 17:38
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I haven't heard of a Catholic church being open for 24 hours at all in my lifetime.

Posted on: 2011/1/21 2:11
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: 24 Hour catholic churches?
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2008/7/2 19:11
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From Paulus Hook
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you must be some kinda perpetual sinner!

Posted on: 2011/1/21 1:02

24 Hour catholic churches?
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2009/3/9 16:41
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2011/5/2 7:31
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Does anyone know of one in the area? They all used to be like that and it seems now they never are, I guess burglars steal the chalice and Bibles? What a world. Anyway let me know, thanks!

Posted on: 2011/1/21 0:48

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