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Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2010/1/17 6:54
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2011/5/24 18:45
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I see nobody agrees with my previous post about parents having any responsibility in this situation. We are living in very sad times.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 14:09
>>> IT'S TOO LATE.....<<<

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2009/5/18 21:22
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2014/1/7 17:35
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Fantastic! I am all for not allowing the students off of school grounds or perhaps the "A" students get a pass. There has to be consequences for their actions and currently, there are none.

Posted on: 2011/1/18 12:44

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2005/12/7 2:49
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Anyone affected by these insubordinate ne'er do-wells have the right to propose an ordinance. I think Fulop should put this on his platform. All of DT will be for it. I suspect the only people who will be against it is the school admins and teachers who get a breif respite from the hooligans each lunch hour.

In order for an idea to become an ordinance (a law), it must proceed through a series of steps:

  1. The Mayor, a Council Member, city staff, or a citizen may propose an ordinance to address an identified problem.
  2. The proposal is considered at a Mayor and Council Study Session. Then, it may then be sent to a Mayor and Council Subcommittee for further discussion and input from city staff and interested parties.
  3. A draft ordinance will be written by the City Attorney's staff. It then will be placed on a Mayor and Council Study Session agenda for discussion by the City Council. A Mayor and Council Subcommittee may review the draft ordinance as well.
  4. A public hearing may be scheduled simultaneously at the request of the City Council to permit additional input.
  5. The final version of the proposed ordinance will be placed on a Mayor and Council Regular Session Agenda for approval which may be done in conjunction with a public hearing. A majority of the City Council (at least four out of the seven members) must vote in favor of the proposed ordinance before it is adopted. At that time, the ordinance takes affect 30 days after its adoption by the City Council. The ordinance may be enacted immediately with an emergency clause when five Council Members (not including the Mayor) approve its adoption.

Posted on: 2011/1/18 12:31

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2007/10/20 17:38
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2012/7/18 2:23
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FletchFletcher wrote:
JC Boyz has it right, if its your kids that are joining the gangs and terrorizing the good people of JC, what are you doing on this day off to make things better?

The public high schools in JC suck and everyone knows it! If you are a parent of a student, what have you done this year to improve the situation?

Somehow I think that the parents of the kids "joining the gangs and terrorizing the good people of JC", as you put it, aren't the ones reading and posting on JCList.

And as for me and my family, we will be moving out of JC before we subject our children to the current excuse for education known as the JC Public School System.

Posted on: 2011/1/18 2:47
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2007/12/4 19:47
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2011/10/8 19:02
From Jersey City
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Move out with a "?" I think you meant to put an "!" exclamation point!! But I guess you would not know that if you have attended a Jersey City public high school!!

An exclamation mark, exclamation point, or bang (!) is a punctuation mark usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feeling

And I'm staying!!

Posted on: 2011/1/17 23:14

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2010/10/28 14:25
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2013/6/19 19:47
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FletchFletcher wrote:

The public high schools in JC suck and everyone knows it! If you are a parent of a student, what have you done this year to improve the situation?

Move out?

Posted on: 2011/1/17 20:02

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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Not too shy to talk

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2007/12/4 19:47
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2011/10/8 19:02
From Jersey City
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JC Boyz has it right, if its your kids that are joining the gangs and terrorizing the good people of JC, what are you doing on this day off to make things better?

The public high schools in JC suck and everyone knows it! If you are a parent of a student, what have you done this year to improve the situation?

Posted on: 2011/1/17 17:46

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2009/5/18 21:22
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2014/1/7 17:35
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This has nothing to do with race or MLK. Race card is the go to excuse every time. Apparantly, the Jersey City school system is not teaching what Mr King stood for.

Now why don't you make yourself useful since you apparently are taking the day off. Come downtown and clean up all the trash and graffiti that YOUR kid is responsible for!

Posted on: 2011/1/17 13:37

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2010/11/19 23:02
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2011/12/24 13:20
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Binky wrote:
A holiday jcboyz doesn't recognize, I guess.


Posted on: 2011/1/17 4:05

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2005/9/6 15:48
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A holiday jcboyz doesn't recognize, I guess.

Posted on: 2011/1/17 3:22

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2008/5/19 20:27
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2013/10/29 1:05
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Tomorrow is MLK Day..NO SCHOOL...

Posted on: 2011/1/17 2:55

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2009/5/18 21:22
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2014/1/7 17:35
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The weekends have been great but here comes Monday and the little bastards will start all over again with no regard for anyone.

Posted on: 2011/1/17 2:25

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2007/11/30 16:55
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2012/2/9 14:06
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Yvonne wrote:
Are there police cameras along Newark Avenue? If not then there should be.

Even if there are it will do nothing to help the constant trashing these kids do to our neighborhoods. Paper plates, pizza, soda bottles...its disgraceful. Newark Ave isnt the only street affected...Monmouth gets pounded by litter 5 days a week by these high school litterbugs. Ive also seen a lot of blunt rolling/ weed smoking up and doen Monmouth and on Fourth St. All these kids need to be kept in school for lunch, they do not know how to conduct themselves properly in such large groups!

Posted on: 2011/1/15 23:31

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Are there police cameras along Newark Avenue? If not then there should be.

Posted on: 2011/1/15 21:09

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2004/11/15 1:35
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2012/7/20 16:31
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they should be kept on the school campus, fenced in
by barbed wire.
whatever little lunch business they might bring down here,
i'm sure the shopkeepers don't want it.

Posted on: 2011/1/15 19:01

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2005/12/7 2:49
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2015/11/10 19:14
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I say we blast Charles Epps and his Superintendents office with emails and phone calls to keep these kids on school grounds during lunch hours. Perhaps someone has a moment to draft a boilerplate complaint letter.

When I was in highschool I could not step foot off the grounds unless I had a note.

Deptartment of Education - Jersey City
46 Claremont Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07305-1634 (contact page has Comment section)

Dr. Charles T. Epps, Jr., Superintendent (201)915-6202

Mrs. Melissa Simmons, Business Administrator (201)915-627

Main Number (201)915-6000

Posted on: 2011/1/15 14:11

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC

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2011/1/12 15:21
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2011/3/7 21:08
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I havent seen them fight with bats, or graffiti up the blocks, but they throw trash all over the ground and do smoke a lot of weed, I smell it when ever I walk by them.
As for the cops dont expect anything from them as they are in the donuts shops or writing some working person a BS ticket

Posted on: 2011/1/15 13:30

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2010/1/17 6:54
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2011/5/24 18:45
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Whatever happened to parental responsibility? Most parents, I would say 80% of them, CAN CONTROL THEIR KIDS! So then they need to start getting fined, incrementally over say 5 strikes. By the 5th strike, 1 parent will get 30 days in the slammer and 2K fine. I guarantee that by strike 3, (1K fine, 5 days in the slammer), 80% of those kids will be under control, without a doubt. The other 20% are the incorrigible ones that need to be separated from those of us who choose to behave in a civilized manner throughout our entire day, everyday. While it's true it may create a court backlog and other collection and administrative problems at first, those numbers will decrease quickly once the parents start getting hit in the wallet! I am positive that forcing the parents to be responsible will address this situation adequately. Hey, maybe it could even reduce the taxes around here because the rent is too damn high!

Posted on: 2011/1/15 4:04
>>> IT'S TOO LATE.....<<<

Re: Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2006/11/13 18:42
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maybe the authories should look at introducing legislation that does not allow kids to leave school grounds and police the power to detain and ask why they are out

Posted on: 2011/1/15 3:41
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Ferris High School students are trashing Downtown JC
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2009/5/18 21:22
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2014/1/7 17:35
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Everyday at lunch, they block the streets, throw trash, graffiti tag anything and everything, throw ice balls at the retail on Newark Ave, throw glass bottles in the air, fight with bats, curse, smoke weed and try to intimidate anyone they can by traveling in their little packs. WTF!!!!!! 1 cop car everyday at lunch traveling Newark and Chris Columbus is not asking too much, is it?

They seem to get away with anything and everything but if i crack one of them over the head with a bat, i'm the bad guy, right?

Posted on: 2011/1/15 2:35

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