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Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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NorthBergen wrote: ... ip%20info%20%207.2.10.pdf


Change Posted On: 11/2/2010 23:55

Change Posts
"My two dogs registration has expired. ONe has died so I sent in the renewal for just the other one."

Change Posts
? A gentleman knocks on my door a week later stating that he is here to issue me a summons due to the license expiration?

Change Posts
?I explained to him my situation and surely the check was lost.?

Change Posts
"and said that the new check is in the mail."

Change Posts
?One is a summons to appear incourt in 9 days but I have to notify the court within 7 days on my appearance that I will be fighting it and another letter with my dogs renewed license?

License expired 01/31/10

Change mails a check for a renewal license on or about the time he posted on 11/2/10

Change did not have a dog license for 9 to10 months

Change- ?I explained to him my situation and surely the check was lost.?

Judge- ?GUILTY?

Court Bailiff- ?Next Case Docket #........?

My original post stands
"What a bunch of internet cry babies. Let me help you.
You broke the law
You got caught
You don't like the law?
You go to the State Capital and ask for the law to be changed.
You come back and tell us how it all worked out for you."

Once again, you don't get it. The OP doesn't seem to have any problem with the "law" or paying a fee. Their problem is with the fumbling bureaucracy behind enforcing the "law". They obviously complied but instead were entangled in a web of incompetence and shoulder shrugs. BTW? Can anyone go to Trenton and "ask for the law to be changed"? I ask because I really wanna start a pot farm and wanna make sure the authorities are okay with it.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 14:34

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
Quite a regular
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2010/11/4 14:22
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2012/8/15 16:39
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Something similar happened to me...

When I first moved to JC and took my dog to the vet to get her annual shots, I got the rabies shot for free.
They gave me the registration information but I did not follow through since I had never had to register my dog in the other places I have lived.

A couple months later there was a warrant for my arrest delivered to my apartment and I had to go to court and explain the situation and pay the fee.

It was a hassle of course and definitely scared me that they would actually arrest me for not registering my dog in the city, but I did learn a lesson. Well...a few.

Anyhow, I guess the moral of the story is that it is easier to obey the JC law and register your dog before becoming a criminal :D

Posted on: 2010/11/4 14:26

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
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2007/11/30 16:55
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Boiled_Mussels wrote:

Josiered wrote:
Screw them ! Oh please, you are going door to door to check on dog licenses but when I call the NON-emergency # to the P.D. for something it takes 4 hours or more to do something so I end up calling the regular JCPD #. Do these people have nothing else to do? My dog has the rabies vaccine tab attached to the leash - now you want me to register the dog - give me a break and tell me WHY?? JC can't control all the crap that goes on in this City, graffiti, muggings, stalkers, dog walkers who let their dogs crap all over the place, people who block crosswalks and cause accidents and you want me to run to City Hall to register my dog. How about you guys RUN to my neighborhood and ticket the morons who crap on my sidewalk, graffiti my garage, throw garbage all over my street and ticket the cars who block my sidewalks and driveway....then maybe I will THINK about registering my freaking dog - If the dog has all the shots necessary then why the hell to I have to pay you to register the dog? Will I then have to take the frigin dog to inspection in two years? JC police and animal control need to concentrate on the city and the people in it not the dogs who live with us ! This City is the biggest JOKE ever -

I agree. God forbid you want to put a new window in your house. You have to wait for years before someone comes out and to take the bribe to get the proper construction permit. Don't register a dog though, and you're in jail within a week. This town is a joke. From what I've witnessed around here, it's best to break every law on the book, and do it blatantly in the open. You'll never get caught.

This is exactly the problem with Jersey City! Indifference and apathy toward the law/quality of life issues is created due to the lack of enforcement from the JCPD, JCIA and JCPA. People who would normally follow the law and be a good neighbor are instead frustrated into acting out of their character. I totally identify with their frustration but have not thrown in the towel and starting acting like those I despise. I instead do my part be it big or small to help make my neighborhood better. I use my frustration to motivate me...try getting involved in your local neighborhhod association. Get involved with the Downtown JC Watch...things will only change if you fight for what's right!

Posted on: 2010/11/4 14:11

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.

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2009/7/29 13:07
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Change Posted On: 11/2/2010 23:55

Change Posts
"My two dogs registration has expired. ONe has died so I sent in the renewal for just the other one."

Change Posts
? A gentleman knocks on my door a week later stating that he is here to issue me a summons due to the license expiration?

Change Posts
?I explained to him my situation and surely the check was lost.?

Change Posts
"and said that the new check is in the mail."

Change Posts
?One is a summons to appear incourt in 9 days but I have to notify the court within 7 days on my appearance that I will be fighting it and another letter with my dogs renewed license?

License expired 01/31/10

Change mails a check for a renewal license on or about the time he posted on 11/2/10

Change did not have a dog license for 9 to10 months

Change- ?I explained to him my situation and surely the check was lost.?

Judge- ?GUILTY?

Court Bailiff- ?Next Case Docket #........?

My original post stands
"What a bunch of internet cry babies. Let me help you.
You broke the law
You got caught
You don't like the law?
You go to the State Capital and ask for the law to be changed.
You come back and tell us how it all worked out for you."

Posted on: 2010/11/4 6:29

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2010/7/17 17:48
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2010/11/23 9:07
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NorthBergen wrote:

What a bunch of internet cry babies. Let me help you.
You broke the law
You got caught
You don't like the law?
You go to the State Capital and ask for the law to be changed.
You come back and tell us how it all worked out for you.

If you actually read the first post, you'd realize that they did NOT break the "law."

Posted on: 2010/11/4 5:38

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2006/6/13 17:16
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This is Jersey City. I think you were expected to slip him a Grant. That would explain why the inspectors are so diligent.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 4:15
I live by the river.

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
Just can't stay away
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2010/10/28 14:25
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2013/6/19 19:47
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It's confidence that you are losing.

Welcome to the club.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 3:33

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.

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2009/7/29 13:07
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What a bunch of internet cry babies. Let me help you.
You broke the law
You got caught
You don't like the law?
You go to the State Capital and ask for the law to be changed.
You come back and tell us how it all worked out for you.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 3:14

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2010/7/17 17:48
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2010/11/23 9:07
Posts: 108

Josiered wrote:
Screw them ! Oh please, you are going door to door to check on dog licenses but when I call the NON-emergency # to the P.D. for something it takes 4 hours or more to do something so I end up calling the regular JCPD #. Do these people have nothing else to do? My dog has the rabies vaccine tab attached to the leash - now you want me to register the dog - give me a break and tell me WHY?? JC can't control all the crap that goes on in this City, graffiti, muggings, stalkers, dog walkers who let their dogs crap all over the place, people who block crosswalks and cause accidents and you want me to run to City Hall to register my dog. How about you guys RUN to my neighborhood and ticket the morons who crap on my sidewalk, graffiti my garage, throw garbage all over my street and ticket the cars who block my sidewalks and driveway....then maybe I will THINK about registering my freaking dog - If the dog has all the shots necessary then why the hell to I have to pay you to register the dog? Will I then have to take the frigin dog to inspection in two years? JC police and animal control need to concentrate on the city and the people in it not the dogs who live with us ! This City is the biggest JOKE ever -

I agree. God forbid you want to put a new window in your house. You have to wait for years before someone comes out and to take the bribe to get the proper construction permit. Don't register a dog though, and you're in jail within a week. This town is a joke. From what I've witnessed around here, it's best to break every law on the book, and do it blatantly in the open. You'll never get caught.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 2:41

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
Just can't stay away
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2004/3/11 23:46
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Posted on: 2010/11/4 2:35

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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I respect the job Animal Control has to do sometimes but their detective skills are not so great. A few years ago, after a pitbull attacked several dogs and eventually killed a daschund, they failed to track down or summons the pit's owner on several occasions. They repeatedly wrote a summons to the name of a resident who had moved years ago. The pit and his owner eventually escaped justice and left one owner holding a vet bill for $1,000.00.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 2:27

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
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2010/9/15 20:51
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2013/1/22 3:23
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Screw them ! Oh please, you are going door to door to check on dog licenses but when I call the NON-emergency # to the P.D. for something it takes 4 hours or more to do something so I end up calling the regular JCPD #. Do these people have nothing else to do? My dog has the rabies vaccine tab attached to the leash - now you want me to register the dog - give me a break and tell me WHY?? JC can't control all the crap that goes on in this City, graffiti, muggings, stalkers, dog walkers who let their dogs crap all over the place, people who block crosswalks and cause accidents and you want me to run to City Hall to register my dog. How about you guys RUN to my neighborhood and ticket the morons who crap on my sidewalk, graffiti my garage, throw garbage all over my street and ticket the cars who block my sidewalks and driveway....then maybe I will THINK about registering my freaking dog - If the dog has all the shots necessary then why the hell to I have to pay you to register the dog? Will I then have to take the frigin dog to inspection in two years? JC police and animal control need to concentrate on the city and the people in it not the dogs who live with us ! This City is the biggest JOKE ever -

Posted on: 2010/11/4 2:24

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2004/3/11 23:46
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2011/10/29 16:00
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Hi Brewster:

If I gave any real credence to the truth of the statements asserted on this site, then I would have scratched what hair remains on my head into terminal baldness. Remember, there was a headless dachshund thread, too, on this site.

All the best.


Posted on: 2010/11/4 2:13

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
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2010/8/17 1:45
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$6-9/license seems way too low for dog licenses.

Tbh I'd rather see $60-90 per year/per licence if the City also covered liability/insurance.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 2:12

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
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2004/11/6 21:13
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G_Elkind wrote:
I'm finding all this griping about getting a dog licensed to be simultaneously amusing on the one hand, and puzzling, on the other.

Are you folks actually that feckless about spending $6.70 to license your dog? I just don't get it.

I think it's more head scratching that a dog unlicensed for a week can get an agent of enforcement knocking at your door, while conditions that present a statistically more likely deadly public hazard, like easy to detect illegal apartments, or potholes big enough to make you lose control of your car, go ignored for years. Not saying dogs shouldn't be licensed, but isn't it odd that they have the manpower for this level of enforcement when it seem there's as many unlicensed drivers in this town as dogs!

On the other hand, we should be joyful that at least somebody on the JC payroll takes their job seriously.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 2:07

$6.70 for a JC Dog License?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2004/3/11 23:46
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2011/10/29 16:00
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I'm finding all this griping about getting a dog licensed to be simultaneously amusing on the one hand, and puzzling, on the other.

Are you folks actually that feckless about spending $6.70 to license your dog? I just don't get it.

If you want to drive a car, you need to get a license, a registration and insurance, because it's the law. It's the price of admission for the privilege.

Getting your dogs registered is no different. If you want fido to live with you, fido needs to be licensed -- because it's the law.

If you don't like the law, maybe you can find some tea party advocate to run on a platform to overturn what you think to be burdensome, over-regulation -- or at least complain to your State Assembly person to get the law repealed.

For reference purposes, have fun with the following links, if you care. ... f-nyc-dogs-not-licensed/#

All the best and good luck getting fido registered.


Posted on: 2010/11/4 1:27

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2004/12/9 1:46
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Wow, they actually hound people to that extent?

A KGB-like dog license enforcement staff seems like a good place to start cutting costs.


chiefdahill wrote:

radryan03 wrote:
Is there any reason to register your dog.... other than to pay another tax?

To prove that your dog has had it's rabies vaccination. You can not register your dog unless you produce proof of the rabies vaccination.

They walk through my building knocking on doors to hear if dogs bark and then come back in the evening to try and catch you home to see if the dog is registered.

I personally had fun telling the guy to stuff it when I produced my valid dog license.

My issue is that JC has the resources for checking dog licences but can't stop people from running red lights and blowing stops signs.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 23:15

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2009/2/18 15:08
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and to answer the question of why a dog needs to be licensed: "because its state law"

thats the best answer you're gonna get. more dogs die from the rabies vaccination than actual rabies itself in urban settings like JC. The idea that it links dogs to owners in bite cases and the like is a weak argument. there have been very few cases in JC over the past couple years where this would have made an impact. certainly not worth the effort that seems to be exerted right now.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 13:19

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2010/1/22 15:49
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radryan03 wrote:
Is there any reason to register your dog.... other than to pay another tax?

just a way for the city to collect a few bucks.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 13:15

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2009/2/18 15:08
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yeah its SO VERY important for your dog to be vaccinnated for rabies.

i was issued several warnings and eventually a summons last week for a dog i have not had in a year. i thought that somehow, AC came to my house and was able to see this non existant dog in my basement apartment with drawn blinds. apparently they saw the dog that lives upstairs but the thought that since the building is a 4 unit home, the dog might not belong to me never occurred to them and i was issued a summons.

they have since offered to squash the ticket upon providing proof that the dog in question no longer belongs to me.

and just to give a heads up to anybody involved in animal rescue/welfare, i was also told that any foster dog has to be licensed as well, regardless of who owns it, because YOU will be issued a summons.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 13:13

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2007/10/9 19:48
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From Van Vorst Park
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radryan03 wrote:
Is there any reason to register your dog.... other than to pay another tax?

To prove that your dog has had it's rabies vaccination. You can not register your dog unless you produce proof of the rabies vaccination.

They walk through my building knocking on doors to hear if dogs bark and then come back in the evening to try and catch you home to see if the dog is registered.

I personally had fun telling the guy to stuff it when I produced my valid dog license.

My issue is that JC has the resources for checking dog licences but can't stop people from running red lights and blowing stops signs.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 12:55

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2007/10/29 12:17
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Is there any reason to register your dog.... other than to pay another tax?

Posted on: 2010/11/3 12:47

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
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Sounds like the real mistake was registering the dogs in the first place.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 6:42

Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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2007/1/26 2:25
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2010/11/3 12:12
From van Vorst
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So here's my story.

My two dogs registration has expired. ONe has died so I sent in the renewal for just the other one. I subsequently received 1 notice that it was not renewed and I might be summoned. A gentleman knocks on my door a week later stating that he is here to issue me a summons due to the license expiration. I explained to him my situation and surely the check was lost. He said he woud sort it out and goes away. I get a call the next day from animal control to state that I would be summoned and I yet explained my whole situation again and said that the new check is in the mail. A few days later now I recieve two letters from animal control. One is a summons to appear incourt in 9 days but I have to notify the court within 7 days on my appearance that I will be fighting it and another letter with my dogs renewed license.

Now I have to lose a day of work and the taxpayers will have to pay the cost of the resources to issues my summons, follow up with me in person and by phone, and now deal with me in courts all just because they didnt recieve my check for 6.70 which I promptly reissued once I was contacted. Does that make sense to you? I'm still trying to figure it out.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 3:55

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