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Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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So here's my story.

My two dogs registration has expired. ONe has died so I sent in the renewal for just the other one. I subsequently received 1 notice that it was not renewed and I might be summoned. A gentleman knocks on my door a week later stating that he is here to issue me a summons due to the license expiration. I explained to him my situation and surely the check was lost. He said he woud sort it out and goes away. I get a call the next day from animal control to state that I would be summoned and I yet explained my whole situation again and said that the new check is in the mail. A few days later now I recieve two letters from animal control. One is a summons to appear incourt in 9 days but I have to notify the court within 7 days on my appearance that I will be fighting it and another letter with my dogs renewed license.

Now I have to lose a day of work and the taxpayers will have to pay the cost of the resources to issues my summons, follow up with me in person and by phone, and now deal with me in courts all just because they didnt recieve my check for 6.70 which I promptly reissued once I was contacted. Does that make sense to you? I'm still trying to figure it out.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 3:55

Re: Cleaning Service
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Not too shy to talk

After having our first child. We need some help around the house with cleaning. We have a 2 BR Rowhouse that needs some sprucing up. This would like be a one off until we can get on our feet then we'll consider looking into regular visits. We do have a dog so the cleaner will need to be dog friendly.

Qualities we are looking for:
*Attention to detail
*Dog Friendly

The last thread we saw on this was pretty old so we're looking for some new good recommendations. We're open to both companies such as reginas maids as well as private housekeepers. Please let us know your thoughts. Thanks in advance.

Posted on: 2010/2/17 2:48

any channel on comcast broadcasts the village halloween parade?
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Is there any channel on comcast playing the village halloween parade?

Posted on: 2009/10/31 20:19

Re: Does Anybody In Downtown JC Have a Beer Keg Tap I Can Rent
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Not too shy to talk

I have one you can borrow hit me up

Posted on: 2009/9/27 4:36

can anyone recommend a tile installer?
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Can anyone recommend someone who is great at tiling? We have glass tiles we bought and we would like them installed as out kitchen backsplash. Its a small job but I need someone reliable, affordable and meticulous. Thanks everyone.

Posted on: 2009/5/25 14:26

Re: Why is there a new flight path today - low commercial planes towards EWR
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Not too shy to talk

we all exavuated by harbourside plaza. Cops told us its okay and that it was a military excercise. We're back in the office now. Everyone is out on the streets.

Posted on: 2009/4/27 14:39

Re: Dixon Mills Safety
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Not too shy to talk

we live by there. You really should have any problems. They offer shuttle bus service to and from the grove path station if youre really concerned take that or a cab. You can always adopt a nice dog. Keep allot of people away. Otherwise theres not too much to worry about in the area. Just use your head and street smarts.

Posted on: 2009/2/11 3:21

Re: Liberty State Park in the evening
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Not too shy to talk

I used to run there around the same time. We'd meet up around 7 at the brownstone diner. I suggest if youre going to do it do it during the warmer seasons where you get more daylight. Often I'd be done around 9 in the summer and it would only start getting dark. I always suggest running with a pack and that just goes for anywhere you can never have too much company or motivation.

On that note there would still be people out at that time whether they are tourists, or fishing, or pet owners. Again this was when it was much warmer.

I would see an occasion park cop but I wouldnt count on them.

If you have no friends and are fairley new to this let me know. I'm looking to get back into it I'm so out of shape at this point I'd be surprised if I have a 12 minute mile for more than a mile. Sad but true.

Posted on: 2009/2/11 3:19

Re: '09 Property Taxes now online
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Not too shy to talk

Thank you. That was really helpful. I'll look into it.

Posted on: 2009/1/21 15:42

Re: '09 Property Taxes now online
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Not too shy to talk

Anyone know what the process is for getting an abatement and reassessed?

Posted on: 2009/1/21 15:14

Re: Property tax reduction?
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Not too shy to talk

Where do we find out if our abatement is up and how do we re-apply? I'm assuming the tax office? where is it located?

Posted on: 2008/9/11 17:17

During street parking is it legal to park in place after the cleaner has passed?
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Not too shy to talk

Hey Everyone, I was just wondering if its legal to park on the side of the street after the cleaner has passed or would you still get a ticket? In NY they would def still ticket you even after the cleaner has pass yet in the downtown are I see tons of people that just move the car when the cleaner comes then park their car and leave it. Has anyone still recieved a ticket after the cleaner passed or is it an unsaid rule that the spot is now legal? Any advice would be appreciated thanks.

Posted on: 2008/8/27 19:00

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Monday 7 PM Mos Def Starbucks at Grove pointe. He looked like he was designing something and an entourage of people were taking notes.

Posted on: 2008/8/6 13:27

Re: Whats happening on Monmouth and york?
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Not too shy to talk

thanks for the info. It looked like there was something bigger almost going on. Well looks like they definitely got one of the guys.

Posted on: 2008/8/5 17:14

Whats happening on Monmouth and york?
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Not too shy to talk

3 rowhouses police taped and a guy sitting on the corner with 6-10 cops wandering around taking reports and taking pictures. Burglerly?

Posted on: 2008/8/5 2:33

JC parking permit renewal fee?
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Not too shy to talk

I just recieved my parking permit renewal envelope. Does anyone know what the renewal fee is? Oddly enough its not posted on the envelope. I dont get it

Posted on: 2008/6/4 0:21

Re: Car broken into - Mercer @ Jersey
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Not too shy to talk

I got hit this sat on York between varick and Monmouth. Didnt touch anything in the car ripped out the door key cylinder and tore up the key cylinder on the steering column. Looks like they just wanted the car but either got startled or gave up. 800 in damages.

Posted on: 2007/8/30 19:44

Re: Mugging at corner of Varick and York
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Not too shy to talk

ugh thats terrible i'm right there. I tell ya I havent had any problems there but when I'm walking with my dogs most of the kids and all cross the street. Dunno if its the dogs that kept me lucky but thats really terrible and I'm sad for it. I hope the lady is okay. I wonder if she's a neighbor.

Posted on: 2007/6/20 1:43

Re: In Hoboken, high hopes are in slow-mo ( Hoboken's West Side tries to follow Jersey City's lead )
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Not too shy to talk

75$ for beef whats wrong with steak umm?

Posted on: 2007/2/6 23:14

Re: New ideas for eyesores - City moves to identify abandoned properties
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Not too shy to talk

Tell me about it i would love to read more.

Posted on: 2007/2/6 23:12

Re: New 5 story 30 unit building with 30 underground parking spaces proposed for Monmouth & Newark Ave
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Not too shy to talk

great another development

Posted on: 2007/2/6 23:10

Re: Healy, Booker rap feds' cuts in housing funds
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Not too shy to talk

Its a shame we dont have a better solution to all of this.

Posted on: 2007/2/6 23:08

Re: Affordable housing groups to get help in putting projects together
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Not too shy to talk

I wonder how much it would cost to sublet an apartment in the "projects"

Posted on: 2007/2/6 23:06

Re: 281 4th St
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Not too shy to talk

whats the name of the developer?

Posted on: 2007/2/6 23:05

Re: Jersey City needs to be more aggressive to woo Merrill Lynch's 48 story/2.3mil sq ft of office space
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Not too shy to talk

you mean tax breaks arent enough?

Posted on: 2007/2/6 23:02

Re: Where'll Colgate clock end up? $1 million for city is riding on answer that Goldman likes
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Not too shy to talk

I've got plenty of room on my building but I just need a long enough extension cord from the building next door.

Posted on: 2007/2/6 22:59




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