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Re: ox restaurant - Closed
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uffs79 wrote:
We were walking by today and there was a box truck in front, they were moving things into the restaurant.. We asked someone inside what kind of cuisine it was going to be and he said Asian...

Just what we need. Another asian fusion place.

Posted on: 2010/11/21 14:23

Re: Hard Grove wants an Entertainment and Dance License: help petition against it
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rosej wrote:
honey I do not at all over priced been around and ate at all yes HG food fab. dont be fooled

whatever that means

Posted on: 2010/11/18 21:11

Re: Hard Grove wants an Entertainment and Dance License: help petition against it
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eggzbenedict wrote:

Seriously. It's on the corner of Grove & Columbus. Which is soon to be SIX lanes of traffic. There are hardly any residences there. Be more concerned with the shady characters hanging out in the shadows on Wayne Street instead of people coming or going to a restaurant/bar for a good time.

Posted on: 2010/11/16 23:48

Re: Is there anything you can do after getting your car keyed?
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caj11 wrote:

Once again, for those who weren't listening when their mother gave them the lesson - Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right!

My mother taught me "An eye for an eye."

Posted on: 2010/11/8 16:14

Re: Is there anything you can do after getting your car keyed?
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spider wrote:

ararar5 wrote:
Not condoning damage to the car... but just wanted to clear up the facts :

1. You knew it was in front of a garage driveway and would trouble the owner - yet you didn't care

2. The owner has left notes for people who have parked there earlier (oh.. let's be specific.. rude notes) which means people do this all the time - yet you didn't care

3. After parking there, you "forgot" about it and left it there till the morning.. potentially inconveniencing the owners significantly - yet you didn't care

Hmmm - and you are the only wronged person here. Interesting.

So you're clearing up the facts that you made up? Ok. Did you read my post? "I realize I was in the wrong if I was blocking them at all, and I do apologize to whomever...Whoever did it, that's the wrong way to deal with it." Where did i say I didn't care? Obviously you read that somewhere else. My landlord even says he doesn't blame for blaming them, and they still got into their garage just fine. "Potentially inconveniencing the owners"? Really? No. They could have called to get it towed if they were so inconvenienced but they werent and vandalizing out of rage is inexcusable. And also found out he has security cameras which will prove everything that happened.

Once again, you're still pointing fingers with zero proof. Get back to us after seeing the videotape.

Posted on: 2010/11/8 3:29

Re: Is there anything you can do after getting your car keyed?
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Just can't stay away

Unless you have 100% proof that they did it, I'd shut up and move on. My bike was stolen and I have a good idea who did it. But without 100% proof, I'm not going to confront them. You know why? Because there's a chance they didn't do it. And as the above response stated, if they did indeed do it, they might just key your face next. Good luck in whatever you chose to do.

Posted on: 2010/11/6 21:05

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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Just can't stay away


LG77 wrote:

And yet a liquor store popped out of NOWHERE on Columbus and Barrow.

It truly is amazing. That place was literally open in a week. It's simply inexplicable how someone that wants to do something with good intentions just cannot move forward with this city. Yet some businesses pop up overnight. It's a slap in the face, and this city has no shame.

Posted on: 2010/11/6 4:37

Re: Weird People
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retep1968 wrote:
You know what's weird? People's obsession with Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. I think that's really weird.

My first ever comment about Trader Joe's and now I'm labeled obsessed.
That's weird.

You really must be new here.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 17:15

Re: Weird People
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
Anti-social classes 101

Read above on how to harass, bully, stereo-type, elitism, patronize, zero tolerance to individuals with different views, image or interests and all things that promote a dysfunctional community and their values

Advanced Know-it-all Classes: see above ^^^

Posted on: 2010/11/4 11:51

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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Just can't stay away


NorthBergen wrote:

What a bunch of internet cry babies. Let me help you.
You broke the law
You got caught
You don't like the law?
You go to the State Capital and ask for the law to be changed.
You come back and tell us how it all worked out for you.

If you actually read the first post, you'd realize that they did NOT break the "law."

Posted on: 2010/11/4 5:38

Re: $6.70 for a JC Dog License?
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Just can't stay away


Josiered wrote:
Screw them ! Oh please, you are going door to door to check on dog licenses but when I call the NON-emergency # to the P.D. for something it takes 4 hours or more to do something so I end up calling the regular JCPD #. Do these people have nothing else to do? My dog has the rabies vaccine tab attached to the leash - now you want me to register the dog - give me a break and tell me WHY?? JC can't control all the crap that goes on in this City, graffiti, muggings, stalkers, dog walkers who let their dogs crap all over the place, people who block crosswalks and cause accidents and you want me to run to City Hall to register my dog. How about you guys RUN to my neighborhood and ticket the morons who crap on my sidewalk, graffiti my garage, throw garbage all over my street and ticket the cars who block my sidewalks and driveway....then maybe I will THINK about registering my freaking dog - If the dog has all the shots necessary then why the hell to I have to pay you to register the dog? Will I then have to take the frigin dog to inspection in two years? JC police and animal control need to concentrate on the city and the people in it not the dogs who live with us ! This City is the biggest JOKE ever -

I agree. God forbid you want to put a new window in your house. You have to wait for years before someone comes out and to take the bribe to get the proper construction permit. Don't register a dog though, and you're in jail within a week. This town is a joke. From what I've witnessed around here, it's best to break every law on the book, and do it blatantly in the open. You'll never get caught.

Posted on: 2010/11/4 2:41

Re: Weird People
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Just can't stay away

You know what's weird? People's obsession with Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. I think that's really weird. Then again I think most fish look weird too. Buffalo are pretty weird looking as well. Don't even get me started on hammerhead sharks.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 23:49

Re: Value Plus on Newark Ave btw Erie and Grove
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Just can't stay away


retep1968 wrote:
Trader Joe's makes more sense than Whole Foods. Plus can you imagine the traffic nightmare that either a Trader Joe's or a Whole Foods would cause in that location? Parking?

Really??? This again?

Posted on: 2010/11/3 19:24

Re: Weird People
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Just can't stay away

It's also "weird" that his next post/reply used zero apostrophes/commas.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 17:42

Re: Weird People
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Just can't stay away


gt2220 wrote:

fedupman wrote:
I,m just saying that I find people odd when they stare at you funny or stare at you without blinking an eye.First of all staring is rude.It,s one thing to glance at a person when you,re passing them on the street but to stare like that often makes you wonder what,s going through their minds.It just seems odd because I,m very down to earth.If I pass somebody on the street and we look at each other I,ll say Good Morning so it dosen,t seem so awkward.

Also don,t get me started on these people with their cell phones. These people are not happy unless they,re on that cell phone 24/7. It,s become an addiction like drugs. Just yesterday I saw a woman on her phone while her dog was taking a crap and she was leaning over in such an unatural angle to allow him room to go while talking on the cell phone the entire time.Actually it was so funny I laughed.I could see cell phones for emergencies but these people make it their life blood. People did survive before cell phones,believe it or not.These people today are spoiled and become obsessed with it.

I generally find it weird when people continually use commas in place of apostrophes, but to each their own I guess.

That is strange indeed. I must say, that's the first time I've ever seen that done. Very interesting.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 15:36

Re: Value Plus on Newark Ave btw Erie and Grove
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Just can't stay away

Value Plus is not a 99? store. It's close, but that's not what it is. And yes, I'm sure the landlord will try to entice someone to come in and pay higher rent. Maybe Western Beef will go there.

Posted on: 2010/11/2 21:33

Re: Weird People
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Just can't stay away


fedupman wrote:
Did anyone notice how many strange people there are in Jersey City? I live downtown and some of the people that pass you on the street are very odd.They stare at you in a funny way and even if you say hello to some they either ignore you or look right through you. Some look as if they,re high as if on drugs.There are some nice people who are friendly but some are so weird.It,s almost like a zombie movie. I think some may be homeless and it,s unfortunate how lax this area is in taking care of the homeless.They should look into this more.I was just wondering if anyone else noticed that there seems to be more weirdos now than a few years back.

So what exactly makes one a "weirdo?" Is it not saying hello to people? Or when people don't acknowledge just you? I'm very curious. Personally I think people in suits & ties carrying briefcases are very weird. I'm just sayin.

Posted on: 2010/11/2 17:33

Re: Downtown: Liberty Liquors & Deli guy pulls out a BIG knife in broad daylight…
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Just can't stay away


neverleft wrote:
I saw a small piece in today?s (11/2) print Jersey Journal about a problem at 200 Washington Street. Seems a guy walked into the store at 2:00 pm and stuffed a few bottles of booze down his pants. A customer and employee saw him do it and tried holding him for the po-po. He pulled out a BIG knife and took off. The car he escaped in had Pennsylvania plates. Someone wrote down the plate number so they will probably get the low life.

Unless of course it was a stolen car.

Posted on: 2010/11/2 14:57

Re: Governor Christie halts new train tunnel into Manhattan due to cost overun
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Just can't stay away

Keep thinking they have your best interest in mind. Meanwhile they bleed you dry and laugh all the way to the bank. They are all common folk just like you and me. The only difference is their millions of dollars, 7 houses, yachts, limos. Keep believing the hype. Smaller government and fatter stuffed pockets.

Posted on: 2010/10/30 20:19

Re: Governor Christie halts new train tunnel into Manhattan due to cost overun
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Just can't stay away

The sheer stupidity of some people here is astounding. All it takes is a quick few searches and most questions are answered. It's easier to take the Fox "news" route I suppose and just make things up to fit what works.

Posted on: 2010/10/28 0:00

Re: 50-pound bass in Hudson River near the George Washington Bridge
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Just can't stay away

That fish looks healthy as hell. And being a striped bass, it's a migratory fish. It doesn't live in one small area of the Hudson. That same fish could have been off the coast of Virginia just a few days ago.

Posted on: 2010/10/27 4:08

Re: Governor Christie halts new train tunnel into Manhattan due to cost overun
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Just can't stay away

I love how all of a sudden everyone is fiscally responsible. Where were all you people in years past? WHERE????

Posted on: 2010/10/27 2:22

Re: Developer prohibits volunteers from cleaning up contested Sixth Street Embankment
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Just can't stay away

I really don't get it. The guy bought the property, owns it. He can do what he wants with it. What's the issue? They are big ugly stones that are quite honestly an eye sore.

Posted on: 2010/10/26 23:21

Re: Ducky's and Dumplings
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CloverLeigh wrote:
My concern is that the ground level there floods all the time and sits as stagnant water. How sanitary can it possibly be, that's why no restaurants have lasted down there?

You know this as fact? I've never heard that's why Comfort Bistro closed. There are plenty of "garden level" residences and business that seem to be just fine.

Posted on: 2010/10/26 22:30

Re: Governor Christie halts new train tunnel into Manhattan due to cost overun
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Just can't stay away

You'd think with the amount of food this guy eats, NJ would be in the black in no time.

Posted on: 2010/10/26 22:27

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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DanL wrote:
there is an first reading ordinance on the agenda for this week's city council meeting relating to updating zoning for arcades/coin operated amusements.

That should take a few years. Then when they are done with that, they can debate some other obscure laws on Jersey City's books. Like you can't serve fried eggs on Wednesdays before noon or something.

Posted on: 2010/10/25 19:32

Re: Ducky's and Dumplings
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Just can't stay away

Just went there. Prepare to wait a LONG time. The dumplings are ok. They are very doughy. The fried ones I got were burned, and when they put them int he styrofoam, it actually melted the styrofoam container. For $2.75, you get 5 dumplings which isn't bad, but it is mostly dough. I'll go back to try the other dishes.

Posted on: 2010/10/25 19:29

Re: Fulop wants to stop lifetime health benefits for select group of city employees
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Just can't stay away

Sadly, it seems like the more corrupt you are in this town, the more likely you are to get re-elected. What amazes me is that the people that get the most screwed are the ones that continually elect the same people that are screwing them.

Posted on: 2010/10/24 17:13

Re: Woman robbed at knifepoint on Erie St
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spider wrote:

scribblejam wrote:
I'd be a little surprised if it was those two 'near-homeless' couple. They are always really high/drunk and hobble around jersey city with a shopping cart, looking like they will fall over any second. That said, there's no telling what people will do to feed their habits.

that's the first thing i thought and then i saw you beat me to it. those people are so annoying. i often see them harassing people on the bench outside helen's. what other male/female combo in this area would pull a knife on someone?

Uh... maybe they weren't from the area and came to downtown where working folks are getting home with wallets in their purses. Just a thought.

Posted on: 2010/10/20 21:51

Re: Ducky's and Dumplings
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Just can't stay away

I just walked by it and it had an "OPEN" sign lit up in the window. I was across the street though, so I'm not 100% sure if the doors were actually open for customers.

Posted on: 2010/10/20 21:28

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