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Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2007/4/11 2:51
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robotjustin wrote:
We should have roving bands of police going from house to house, too, looking for code violations, pot smoking, illegal bee keeping, obscene barbecuing... Think of all the tickets and money the city would get if cops could just walk into your house and write you tickets for your infractions! What a wonderful world it would be!

Move to Cuba sir!

Posted on: 2010/8/30 3:52

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2006/11/27 12:04
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heights wrote:
They usually continue to walk in the street ignoring me as if I am some kind of nut, they just tune you out.

Like they've browsed JCList.

Posted on: 2010/8/28 13:41

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2005/7/19 20:29
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We should have roving bands of police going from house to house, too, looking for code violations, pot smoking, illegal bee keeping, obscene barbecuing... Think of all the tickets and money the city would get if cops could just walk into your house and write you tickets for your infractions! What a wonderful world it would be!

Posted on: 2010/8/28 12:25

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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Jay-walkers are annoying but are hardly a problem compared to horrible drivers. The cops should be writing tickets as often as possible. Criminals are stupid and have an uncanny knack for attracting attention to themselves while driving like morons. Most crimes are commited by people while they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Since the two usually go hand in hand we should have many more DWI roadblocks as well. No better way to expose outstanding warrants and criminals in the act.

Posted on: 2010/8/27 23:10

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2005/7/13 15:03
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JCSteve wrote:
How about the JCPD crackdown on jaywalkers on Montgomery between I-78 & JFK? It absolutely is like a game of frogger -- accept the people in the road don't try to avoid the cars.

I drive on Montgomery every evening when I pick up my kid from daycare. I knew something was up -- recently the JCPD has had someone pulled over when I'm headed to daycare, and on my way back they have a new car pulled over.

What about when these idiots walk in the gutter of the street instead on the sidewalk. I usually scream out to them "Hey get on the sidewalk" ! They usually continue to walk in the street ignoring me as if I am some kind of nut, they just tune you out.

Posted on: 2010/8/27 15:04

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown

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2010/8/27 14:32
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How about the JCPD crackdown on jaywalkers on Montgomery between I-78 & JFK? It absolutely is like a game of frogger -- accept the people in the road don't try to avoid the cars.

I drive on Montgomery every evening when I pick up my kid from daycare. I knew something was up -- recently the JCPD has had someone pulled over when I'm headed to daycare, and on my way back they have a new car pulled over.

Posted on: 2010/8/27 14:46

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2005/7/13 15:03
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FGJCNJ1970 wrote:
Well, all I know is they then said that in that one day, they issued tickets to 55 drivers. At $200 bucks a pop, that is $11,000 to their city. Now if they could do this 365 days a year... 55 drivers at $200 bucks, That is $4,015,000. WOW. Jersey City should do this every day.... and in multiple areas. I bet we could do 100 tickets a day and double that $4 million to $8 million for the city coffers.
Plus it would be nice to have a stable police presence in neighborhoods on a daily basis.
Hello Police Chief. That money would help pay for the bloated top-heavy 6-figure making police department that we have.FG

And if those that get a traffic ticket with points and go to the court to eliminate or reduce the points by having their ticket ammended then even more money is added to the coffers.

Posted on: 2010/8/27 12:21

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2007/11/29 18:19
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From Jersey City, NJ
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Well, all I know is they then said that in that one day, they issued tickets to 55 drivers. At $200 bucks a pop, that is $11,000 to their city.

Now if they could do this 365 days a year... 55 drivers at $200 bucks,

That is $4,015,000.

WOW. Jersey City should do this every day.... and in multiple areas. I bet we could do 100 tickets a day and double that $4 million to $8 million for the city coffers.

Plus it would be nice to have a stable police presence in neighborhoods on a daily basis.

Hello Police Chief. That money would help pay for the bloated top-heavy 6-figure making police department that we have.


Posted on: 2010/8/27 11:34

Re: Cops in Crosswalks... Dear Jersey City... Try out this Federal Program
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2007/11/28 3:26
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Posted on: 2010/8/27 2:42

Cops in Crosswalks... Dear Jersey City... Try out this Federal Program
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2007/11/29 18:19
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2015/7/15 3:35
From Jersey City, NJ
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I was watching News 12 NJ tonight and they just did a segment on the cops in crosswalks program.

There are Federal Grants available. Even without, please emulate and get lots of $$$$ for city government.

Start right down Jersey Avenue. Get your decoy pedestrians... and then "Book em Danno". And give em their $200 tickets.

This also will be good because JCPD will be visible.

Time to get out from behind the desks. Jersey City needs revenues. You want your jobs... start delivering the fines.

So inspired by News 12. Wow who knew.


Posted on: 2010/8/27 1:52

Re: State-funded crackdown
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2010/5/5 18:19
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Adonis wrote:

So Jersey City needs money from other government entities in order for our cops to do pro-active crime fighting instead of the usual reactive crime fighting. That's ridiculous.

not really. there's no political will to do this from up top and the PD itself is managing it's budget priorities as it sees fit.

obviously, enforcing a relatively new traffic law is a low priority. and it's not about crime-fighting. we're talkingabout traffic laws and public safety in crosswlks. not crime. but, the cops will get some crime-fighting done at the same time. warrants. drugs. DUI. etc.

the cops are probably focused on crime-fighting and manpower deployment.

if they don't have copstat or an integrated public safety plan as modern, professional cops should, they'll limp along and we'll be their crutches

Posted on: 2010/7/18 17:53

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2006/11/13 18:42
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With all the tickets issued the cops should be given a bonus and pay increase !

We should have a parade for them getting off their ass and doing so little.

Posted on: 2010/7/17 23:05
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Re: State-funded crackdown
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2008/9/10 17:55
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Whatever happened to the intersection cameras?

Oh no, we can't use them because they cause rear end accidents.....So does stopping for pedestrians also cause those accidents? Damned if you do; damned if you don't.

Posted on: 2010/7/17 16:31

Re: State-funded crackdown
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DickCheney wrote:

K-Lo wrote:
I don't get why the crackdown isn't self-funded by the payment of the tickets. Why do we need extra funding to collect fines for traffic violations?

The funds were to provide for a officers to work on a dedicated enforcement program, so overtime is involved, either for them or those who are covering their regular tours.

So Jersey City needs money from other government entities in order for our cops to do pro-active crime fighting instead of the usual reactive crime fighting. That's ridiculous.

Posted on: 2010/7/16 14:44

Re: State-funded crackdown
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2006/4/10 13:29
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alanwright wrote:
Ian, you have me picturing the video game Frogger. Even the best gamers get smooshed in Frogger, but they can clean up and play again.

This is why I prefer cars to be in gridlock. If there was less traffic, like at off peak hours, the cars in JC do 50mph in 25mph zones.

Posted on: 2010/7/16 13:20

Re: State-funded crackdown
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2004/11/5 17:59
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I'm always amazed at how few cars stop for emergency and police vehicles when the lights are flashing and the sirens are blaring. I feel so "old school" when I pull over while so many cars pass me with no sense of care. Did they change the laws?

I wish officers would give tickets for this. Of course you cannot stage an emergency... yet I see it so often that the cops must see it too. Cops... if you're reading this... please give more tickets to the drivers that fail to stop for emergency vehicles. Or stop me and give me twenty bucks for doing so, because I feel like the only idiot that pulls over and stops.

Posted on: 2010/7/16 12:59

Re: State-funded crackdown
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Ian, you have me picturing the video game Frogger. Even the best gamers get smooshed in Frogger, but they can clean up and play again.

Yesterday, a man from Queens was struck and killed by a drunk hit-and-run driver who was more concerned about getting off Scot-free (take that!) than being held accountable. That is an egregious example of how selfishness can be put before humanitarian feelings.

But just that kind of thinking... short-term self-serving behavior... typifies the decision-making of most drivers out there.

It's a warzone: tanks vs. infantry.

Posted on: 2010/7/16 10:47

Re: State-funded crackdown
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alanwright wrote:

and since it's just going to make traffic worse, it'll actually make things worse for pedestrians.

I disagree. As a pedestrian, the ideal traffic situation is all the cars in bumper to bumper stand still traffic. Cars are only dangerous and only get in the way when they are moving; when they are standing in traffic its very easy to navigate across a road.

Posted on: 2010/7/16 5:37

Re: State-funded crackdown
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The potential beauty of this is that, if you wanted to, you could target areas that likely would disproportionately affect non-residents. Not that residents don't need driving behavioral modification, but anything that disrupts the high-speed migration through Jersey City every morning from the turnpike to the tunnel is a winner in my book.

Spot on. Now we just have to wait for the bad drivers to complain that other people are driving up the county's insurance rates... how these tickets are just a tax on working people and only protect bums and other urban degenerates... and since it's just going to make traffic worse, it'll actually make things worse for pedestrians. Oh, and that the enforcement won't change behavior.

But, that's more of an kind of thing.

Posted on: 2010/7/16 4:44

Re: State-funded crackdown
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The potential beauty of this is that, if you wanted to, you could target areas that likely would disproportionately affect non-residents. Not that residents don't need driving behavioral modification, but anything that disrupts the high-speed migration through Jersey City every morning from the turnpike to the tunnel is a winner in my book.

Put a cop on Jersey, a cop on Marin and one on Grand. My god, you could have a whole flock of cops walking across the crosswalk by the firehouse (near 8th?) on Marin and probably issue 10 tickets per hour per cop.

Posted on: 2010/7/15 15:20

Re: State-funded crackdown
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JC_Man wrote: April 21 - June 30 = 71 days 250 tickets/71 days = 3.5 tickets/day WOW!! Some "crackdown" What do they do when they're not cracking down?
I'm sorry, but I don't think we have enough information to make that conclusion. That said, I understand the cynicism about police officer overtime. First, the numbers: April 21 is the 111th day of the year. June 30th is the 181st day of the year. Let's call that 70 days for a rounder number. So, about 3.50 tickets per day. But, there are ten weekends = 20 days. 70 days - 20 days = 50 days. So, that's 5 tickets per weekday. I didn't include Memorial Day or other reasons enforcement would not happen every weekday. But, we still have no reason to think ticketing was done every weekday... though it clearly could be. The police have many other priorities. Realistically, maybe this work is best done during rush hour mornings, lunch, or rush hour evenings to increase it's efficiency. So, is that 5 tickets per morning? Ok. Fine. Maybe that's not enough even. But writing each ticket and running background checks for summonses takes 10-15 minutes away from the enforcement aspect. When you spread the cost of enforcement against statewide taxpayers, the citizens of Jersey City will be made (marginally?) safer through driver re-education, and will no longer need to bear the burden of bad drivers on their own. I hope this programs expands and continues while becoming more efficient: * Better corner selection. * Better signs indicating the law * "Don't Block the Box" enforcement. * An undercover radioing a motorcycle / bike cop half a block down. * More state funding Give real traffic enforcement some bone-gnashing teeth and cut the city deficit. Pedestrians and cyclists out there are spilling blood so drivers can talk on their cellphones, sit in air-conditioning, and walkie-talkie their way to the job site turn-by-turn. Driving like that in urban areas is detestable, and such drivers deserve no respect or leniency.

Posted on: 2010/7/15 14:57

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown

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2010/6/25 19:46
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It would be easy money if they cracked down on the north side of the CC Dr. and Marin Blvd. intersection, especially those drivers making a left turn onto Marin off CC.

Posted on: 2010/7/15 13:53

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2005/9/20 14:11
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It's a joke. I laughed the other day when a train of cars rolled through Wayne and Jersey just to get to the red light at CC Blvd. The last car that passed that didn't let me cross was a JCPD...just to have to stop just on the other side of the crosswalk to wait for the light.

If it's a state funded "crackdown" there should be min requirements for the number of tickets per shift. 2 an hour or 14 per 8 hour detail (allowing an hour for break) isn't much too ask.

Posted on: 2010/7/15 12:45

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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DTNJC wrote:
Beware, I have seen someone who looks like a bum stumble into the street on Montgomery and the trap is right after that. He will jump out from the center island and than the police are waiting. I asked the cop about it and he laughed but was giving out tickets.....

This is the same method the N.J. state police used when pulling drivers over on busy highways such as the turnpike and Rt. 80 but drivers either hit the cops or almost hit them so that method was abandoned. If the J.C. cops want to act like Serpico and jump in front of cars let them do it on their own time and not through my tax dollars. Whose bright idea was this anyway? Must be the same guy that told Officer Dinardo to go into that house and now his widow is suing for a million $$$ because of that executive decision.

Posted on: 2010/7/15 12:37

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2009/8/19 13:06
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> 250 tickets/71 days = 3.5 tickets/day

That is very disappointing. You can stand on the corner of Columbus and Marin and almost immediately pull over drivers who are failing to yield to pedestrians. Actually unless the pedestrian is completely blocking the car's path, many drivers choose to accelerate. To add to their violations, they are usually on their cell phone, and frequently making left turns after the light has turned red.

This corner is a bit extreme as it desperately needs a left turn signal, but that's no excuse for the consistently dangerous behavior.

With the most modest effort, the city could issue a few dozen tickets per day on almost any corner in JC. It would easily bring in much needed revenues and make the city safer.

I for one would fully support it.

Posted on: 2010/7/15 12:26

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2007/10/20 17:38
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Two weeks ago, I was crossing Jersey Ave at First Street. This woman saw me crossing and slowed down, admittedly a little hard on the brakes. The funny thing is the off duty JCPD officer that almost rear ended her as she stopped.

Posted on: 2010/7/15 1:48
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: State-funded crackdown
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2004/11/6 21:13
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JC_Man wrote:
April 21 - June 30 = 71 days

250 tickets/71 days = 3.5 tickets/day

WOW!! Some "crackdown"

What do they do when they're not cracking down?

Yup, pretty ridiculous, especially if they're getting overtime or someone else is. Any one of us could name a traffic spot where the only limit to how many tickets they could give out is their writing speed. Even at 15 minutes per that's 32 a shift. Since few NJ drivers yield to pedestrians while turning, never mind going straight, it's not like they're waiting all day for a perp.

Pedestrians are definitely at risk here, but I'd like to see all traffic laws enforced. I cannot take a 5 minute drive without seeing at least stop signs and turn lanes ignored. I got hit by a driver going straight from the turn lane on Montgomery and Jersey a while back.

Posted on: 2010/7/14 23:24

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2008/7/2 19:11
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Just what the City needs, another lazy JC cop OT scam

Posted on: 2010/7/14 23:10

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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Toonces wrote:

alanwright wrote:

I'd be willing to bet that a solid 75% of the people who roll down Grand, Montgomery, Jersey, and Newark Avenues are not downtown residents. They might not even be urban residents.

Yeah, but they're probably also not reading, either.

Come on!

Posted on: 2010/7/14 22:20

Re: Jersey City cops have issued drivers hundreds of tickets in state-funded crackdown
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2009/9/25 22:27
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alanwright wrote:

I'd be willing to bet that a solid 75% of the people who roll down Grand, Montgomery, Jersey, and Newark Avenues are not downtown residents. They might not even be urban residents.

Yeah, but they're probably also not reading, either.

Posted on: 2010/7/14 22:03

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