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Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
You might want to tell parents to not allow their kids to enter the dog run without any parent supervision. I waited until another parent left the small dog run with their 3-4 year old in pj's about an hour ago.
No one is against dogs being on leashes. But when they are off in the dog run, it doesn't help to have babies and children in the dog run. That is STUPID period!
Posted on: 2010/6/22 2:52
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
I am a dog lover however, I love people more. It really sucks that
People are defacing signs. I am so sick of this selfish crap. I can't even plant Flowers in my front yard because people let their dogs piss all over and kill Everything. Dogs must be on a leash period! It is the law. What freakin part Of that don't people understand. God forbid a child gets bitten! Human beings first!
Posted on: 2010/6/22 2:43
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Believe me, I agree that dog owners and their pets are getting a raw deal when it comes to the park, and I think that the designated "pet-free" zones are a pretty crummy side effect of the renovations. I read all the posts on here about dog owners getting harassed by over-zealous parents in the neighborhood and it makes me mad. But when someone acts this way (especially when it comes to dogs interacting w/ kids), it reinforces whatever negative ideas the stroller moms have about the dog owners in the park.
Posted on: 2010/6/22 2:37
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Seriously, you could sell tickets to this thread.
Posted on: 2010/6/22 2:24
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
The dog owner with the two black scottish terriers goes to the park every morning and evening so you can catch him and give him your two cents.
I felt today that the park no longer welcomes dog owners with open arms. There is a lot of hostility toward dog owners and dog owners are hostile right back. The signs are everywhere. I don't agree with what he did, but I understand him. I'm counting down the days to the first fist fight to erupt. Strangers yelling from their cars and "informing" us where we can and can not go with our dogs is ridiculous. I wonder how a parent would feel if I gave them parenting tips or told them to keep their kids 5 feet away from me.
Posted on: 2010/6/22 2:22
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Normally, I'm a huge dog-owner supporter when it comes to the park, but I just witnessed some pretty ridiculous and disrespectful behavior from a guy walking his dogs tonight. He slowly went from one "pet free zone" sign to another and scratched off the word "zone" with his keys. That would have been one thing altogether but then I saw him walk his dogs into the grass around the playground and directly towards a small child playing with one of his parents, ultimately bossing the child out of the way with his dogs, when there was plenty of room to simply walk around. If anyone happens to see this guy (owns 2 black Scottish terriers), please feel free to ask him when he plans on paying for the news signs. Jerk.
Posted on: 2010/6/22 1:12
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
2005/7/14 18:51 Last Login : 2018/12/12 21:42 From on van vorst park
Registered Users
To report a light out in the park or any other PSEG issue, go to the site below and fill out their form. Be sure to check the pole number of the light beforehand. ... egcom/streetlight-out.jsp parkman Ps. don?t expect a prompt response, we have three lights out in VVP and I reported them 3 weeks ago.
Posted on: 2010/6/22 0:44
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Not too shy to talk
2010/5/3 15:50 Last Login : 2011/2/14 18:59 From Hamilton Park
Registered Users
It doesn't take long to destroy what it took so long to build. Today a bum sleeping next to the tennis courts and some guy tearing up the newly seeded grass by taking a weight sled with 45 lb plates and running it across then taking the plates off and dropping them on the grass digging up big divots. When I asked him why he was digging up the grass and wouldn't he be better off running his sled in Liberty State Park he started yelling at me and called me a passive agressive douchebag (really?) and to mind my own business. If you live in Hamilton Park and see him with his weight sled on the grass (5'5 250 lbs bald with an obvious case of roid rage) please ask him to stop ruining the new lawn but be careful, he's angry.
Posted on: 2010/6/22 0:23
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
2007/7/4 16:37 Last Login : 2021/11/4 21:55 From Hamilton Park
Registered Users
Yesterday night I was walking through the park and I noticed that one of the lamp post base was opened - the lamp post on the south side of the west lane going from the gazebo west to Pavonia. That lamp post was working fine but then I noticed that another lamp post on the northwestern lane by the playground was not working.
I hope it's not vandalism, but if it is it is very important to be proactive. Parkman, could you relay this information to the appropriate department ?
Posted on: 2010/6/21 23:40
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Thank You for your honesty and for following up with the city and Fulop.
Posted on: 2010/6/21 22:32
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
At least one of the signs seems to be installed in the wrong area from what I've been told. The signs should designate that 2 of the 4 lawns are pet free, not 3 of 4.
Posted on: 2010/6/21 20:42
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
I noticed the signs for the Pet Free Areas have been installed. Although it is not 2 of 4 lawns it is 3 of 4 (All the open lawns). The only green area that pets are allowed is the small space in the Southeast corner and i suppose some of the bits of grass around the ball courts.
Posted on: 2010/6/21 20:27
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
I walk by the bb court on a nightly basis. Every single night, between 10 and 11. There is always bottles and trash around the court. ALWAYS. But yes, I agree. JC as a whole is disgusting. But I hope, that at the very least, we could keep a newly renovated park clean.
Posted on: 2010/6/21 19:20
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Email from the HPNA:
Attn: All Hamilton Park guests Are you concerned with protecting your 4-legged companions, our $3.2 million restored greenspace and your loved ones? Please come to the next Police Captain's Meeting Tues June 22, 7pm MS4 on Bright/Varick to discuss how we can cooperate to enforce existing ordinances, dog-run rules, and to protect our dogs and children. This is our only opportunity to discus this with the Captain this summer so it's important to attend if you are able.
Posted on: 2010/6/21 19:13
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Yes, people who litter do suck and they should be approached when littering, but you can not blame the bb court on this. Most of the people who use it do not litter. I see litter outside of stores, pizzerias, the PATH station, etc. Do you close those places down as well? The bb court is a positive thing and it seems that the people complaining have deeper issues that involve the kids who go there.
Posted on: 2010/6/17 15:10
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
Feel compelled to point out that littering (be it by kids or adults) is not normal, ordinary behavior that everyone should just buck up about and accept as a result of urban living.
People who litter suck. It's ok to complain about them, even if complaining alone won't change their behavior. Because complaining might, for instance, rally people enough to make the situation a priority, and embolden people to say something when they see something--peer pressure is a good thing for civic pride.
Posted on: 2010/6/17 14:12
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Well said. I live a block from the park and have spoken to many people about the changes. Nearly everyone has nothing but positive comments. Personally, with the exception of a failed fountain and spary park, it's nearly perfect. On the basketball court specifically, most comments are related to how good they look, how considerate it was to put in a surface the deadens the noise of dribbling, and how great it is that kids in the area can come to a local park to play hoop. Your comment about the litter is right on the mark. High school kids, for the most part, could not care less about litter. That responsibility may come later but for now it's just not cool, unfortunately. It should be realized that the whining comes from persistent whiners - that's what they do. And when you accentuate the positive they accuse you of being disengenous. Best to ignore them as most are now doing.
Posted on: 2010/6/17 13:04
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
No. It's only your standards that insist on equating actual DOG SHIT with other lesser annoyances.
Posted on: 2010/6/17 5:03
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
The park does look nice but your post is very disingenuous. By your standards a few piles of dog-sh^t left here or there shouldn't bother anyone.
Posted on: 2010/6/17 0:38
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Wow, the park looks great! I don't understand all the complaints about the BB courts. They've ALWAYS been a positive part of the park - well before all the whining, neighborhood-kid-haters arrived. I walked by last night and could barely hear the kids playing until I got a few feet away. Where's the deafening noise that's making everyone so angry? There was some litter and that's kinda normal for any place where there are kids. The BB courts look really good and I'm happy the kids and adults who love basketball can enjoy the park as well as everyone else.
Posted on: 2010/6/16 21:56
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
A woman in a white minivan stopped in the middle of the street as she was making a left turn onto West Hamilton from Pavonia. She rolled down her window and screamed at a guy walking his dog on leash. His dog was taking a leak.
She ended up calling the guy a "PIG" for allowing his dog to pee. I couldn't tell if she had kids in the back seat. I was completely floored that a parent would have this much anger toward a person. Anger management, people! Let's get all of the squirrels, birds and any furry friends in the park some diapers!
Posted on: 2010/6/16 5:23
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
I was simply answering a charge by other posters. And yes, I have had several supporters of the BB court (many of them dog-owners) say things that I consider racist and prejudice whether intentional or not. I have also noted a strong "not in my FRONT yard" attitude. As long as that court was not near their home people just didn't give a sh*t about the residents on 9th St who are forced to feel the full impact of the noise and litter. That is just a FACT. Doesn't really matter now as many residents have taken "ownership" of the court and are attempting to deal with the litter and noise issues. Build 100 BB courts for all I care but just move them away from where people LIVE and SLEEP. You won at the expense of your neighbors. Shameful really.
Posted on: 2010/6/15 19:04
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
People who are in favor of the court do not live near the court and are not forced to deal with the noise and litter on a daily basis.
Posted on: 2010/6/15 18:32
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
You're crossing a line here and taking this to an ugly place. Go to the embankment dog area, go to Enos Jones dog area, talk to all those you normally talk to. You will find that each and every person is in favor of the bb court. You know us, you've talked to us about many things. Do you really think because we are in favor of the court we are racists? You're desparate to win an argument that you lost a long, long time ago. Come out from behind this veil and tell us how racist we are in person. Everyone is thin-skinned but you, right, Vig? Stop whining. Kids littler.
Posted on: 2010/6/15 18:23
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Just can't stay away
to clarify, was referring to the water park/kids sprinklers...sorry for any vagueness.
Posted on: 2010/6/15 17:46
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Pure genius.
Posted on: 2010/6/15 16:56
I'm not perfect.....but I'm not all bad either.
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
Registered Users
the lawn sprinklers? or the ones in the water park feature?
Posted on: 2010/6/15 14:57
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
Maybe they should have some more powerful ones aimed at the Bball court at them same time.
Posted on: 2010/6/15 14:09
Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
The sprinklers go on around 1 or 2 in the morning.
Posted on: 2010/6/15 13:52