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Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2007/3/31 20:15
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not a dog owner or a parent.... just hoping that there is some space in the park for me as well

I don't see why designating some of the lawn are as pet free is so terrible - though unless it is fenced in I don't see how it will prevent the dogs of those people who feel the park is their personal dog run from getting in there since last I checked dogs don't read

its pretty sad to see people on here getting in fights over how they won't follow the rules cause they aren't 'fair' before the park is even open... sorry life isn't fair why should the park space distribution be? its a small park and everyone wants their chunk why can't we all work together to meet as many of those needs as possible

yes its true some people feel they are above the law and won't follow the rules anyways but shouldn't we try to set an example and attempt to act like adults

Posted on: 2010/3/25 1:09

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2007/7/18 0:01
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>>>Do you call your dog runs and the ball courts "family" territory? >>>

Yes, I most certainly do. Do you know how many mothers/fathers with children take their dogs with them into the ball courts? How many dads tied their dogs to the benches while they taught their kids the free-throw? How many dog owners tie their dogs to the fences when they teach their children how to play tennis or baseball? How many dog owners take their children to dog runs? I do.

>>>I believe single people own dogs and play tennis and basketball, as well as have some interest in sitting on clean grass. Or is your position that if it's not specifically for dogs it's for families? Good luck with wanting a child free zone in a public park. >>>

A park should also provide ?quiet space? where anyone can snooze, read, think, bird-watch, sun-bathe, and daydream. Not possible when children run around screaming, riding their bikes or scribbling in chalk on the walks or digging holes and breaking branches. Why can?t one section be left child free, for adults only? Not everyone is interested in or obsessed with parenthood.

>>>The "my dog is my child" or "your child is more annoying than my dog" crap really is tired, don't you think?>>>

My dog is not my child and never will be. He is magnificent as created. And, I actually like children ? in very small doses ? and for very limited periods of time. Your statement doesn't apply.

>>>Just to put a stake in this hyperbole, (LOL) I dragged out my old trusty scan of the park reno plan, dropped it again into CAD (like I did during the dog run size discussions) and calculated the areas of the ball courts combined with the entire playground segment (not just the fenced in area) and the water feature. It came to 1/5 of the enclosed park, and that's before the new strip along McWilliams was added back in. 2 more grass segments at roughly 1/10 apiece brings a dog free area of 2/5 or 40% of the park. Give it a rest.>>>

Now give me a break! Anyone with eyes can see that half the park if covered with activity zones and the other half has grass and concrete. You are also deliberately leaving out the dog runs. Not every dog owner wanted them and not every dog owner can or will use them. And yes, many families with children and dogs will enjoy them. One can make numbers do anything. Enjoy your evening.

Posted on: 2010/3/25 0:15

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2004/11/6 21:13
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2DogDoll wrote:
And if, while happily walking my dog along one of the walkways, he decides to pee on a post or on the fence .... then what?

It's expected, which is why walkways will never be designated dog free but some area of lawn needs to be.


And I don't think it's fair to give over another 2 passive lawns to families. I would like to see an area that is kid free and quiet. Families have more than enough in this design. 50% total.

Do you call your dog runs and the ball courts "family" territory? I believe single people own dogs and play tennis and basketball, as well as have some interest in sitting on clean grass. Or is your position that if it's not specifically for dogs it's for families? Good luck with wanting a child free zone in a public park.The "my dog is my child" or "your child is more annoying than my dog" crap really is tired, don't you think?

Just to put a stake in this hyperbole, I dragged out my old trusty scan of the park reno plan, dropped it again into CAD (like I did during the dog run size discussions) and calculated the areas of the ball courts combined with the entire playground segment (not just the fenced in area) and the water feature. It came to 1/5 of the enclosed park, and that's before the new strip along McWilliams was added back in. 2 more grass segments at roughly 1/10 apiece brings a dog free area of 2/5 or 40% of the park. Give it a rest.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 22:52

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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2007/10/11 3:28
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brewster wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
And no, the dog-runs don't count because not everyone will use them. I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.

Well at least the city will be able to balance the budget issuing off-leash tickets.

Designating dog free areas or not will not change the fact that the only place dogs will be allowed off leash is in the runs. Now that we have the runs there will be no more turning a blind eye to the scofflaws.

Having 2 of the 4 passive lawns on the SW side of the park dog waste free is completely fair. Sunbathers, picnickers and families with children should be able to experience grass without doggy "surprises".

That means the park would be approx. 75% "pet-free" which is illegal. Unless of course I can bring my dogs into the children's playground?

Posted on: 2010/3/24 22:46

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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And if, while happily walking my dog along one of the walkways, he decides to pee on a post or on the fence .... then what?

And I don't think it's fair to give over another 2 passive lawns to families. I would like to see an area that is kid free and quiet. Families have more than enough in this design. 50% total.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 21:37

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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2004/11/6 21:13
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ianmac47 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
And no, the dog-runs don't count because not everyone will use them. I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.

Well at least the city will be able to balance the budget issuing off-leash tickets.

Designating dog free areas or not will not change the fact that the only place dogs will be allowed off leash is in the runs. Now that we have the runs there will be no more turning a blind eye to the scofflaws.

Having 2 of the 4 passive lawns on the SW side of the park dog waste free is completely fair. Sunbathers, picnickers and families with children should be able to experience grass without doggy "surprises".

Posted on: 2010/3/24 20:32

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2005/12/12 22:14
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mendezia wrote:
As a dog owner, I too would welcome some lawns in the park being designated as "pet free." They already do this at Van Vorst, and the world hasn't ended for dog owners. ...

If you insist on using Van Vorst Park as a comparison, let me raise a few points?

- In VVP, no more than 50% of the total park area is designated ?pet-free? ? including pet-free lawns, children play areas and gardens. Why can?t HP do the same and work within 50%?...
- Minus landscaping, the dog-run area of VVP is situated on an entire lawn - roughly 1/8 the size of the park. Although marginally bigger in square footage, proportionally, the combined HP dog run area isn?t even close.

Like some of the other dog owners posting, I don?t have much use for the final HP large dog run (especially after it was truncated from the original renovation survey). Given that, I would like access to the HP park lawns to walk, exercise, and play with my leashed dogs.

I?m not against the idea ?pet-free lawn section?, as long as it?s within 50% of the total ?pet-free? park area.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 20:26
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2010/1/22 15:49
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As a dog owner, I too would welcome some lawns in the park being designated as "pet free." They already do this at Van Vorst, and the world hasn't ended for dog owners. Nobody wants to sit on a lawn that's saturated with piss and crap.

I think most people are fine with this. It just depends on how large this pet-free zone is.

While I am looking forward to the park being open....I really am going to miss how quiet it is. And as usual, i will have the JCPD on speed dial when those basketball games are being played late at night.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 19:58

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2008/2/5 2:27
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As a dog owner, I too would welcome some lawns in the park being designated as "pet free." They already do this at Van Vorst, and the world hasn't ended for dog owners. Nobody wants to sit on a lawn that's saturated with piss and crap.

The assumption that this will somehow mean you won't be able to walk you dog through the park is nonsense. You simply wouldn't be able to let your dog (be it leashed or unleashed) piss and crap in the "pet free" lawns. This is totally reasonable

Posted on: 2010/3/24 19:05

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2008/2/19 19:39
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stani wrote:

2DogDoll wrote:
Is it getting to the point where I won?t be able to even walk my dogs through the park? I love my dogs. Walking them is my source of both joy and exercise and I won?t let some bulls*** ordinance take that away from me.

I don't believe I'm out of place in saying that you will be able to walk your dogs in the park. You will get all of the exercise you wish walking your dogs through the park's walkways, which will most certainly be dog-friendly.

Can't wait to walk thru the park both with my dogs and without. Look so forward to that day. If the dogs arnt allowed in the park then I will just walk them on the side walk like I have been!! I have lived in a city for way to many years and Hamilton Park was a luxury for a while!!!~ If it is not going to be available any longer than so be it!! I can't wait to sit on the grass and enjoy the sunshine either.... DOG SHIT free hopefully.

I bought in Hamilton Park beacuse of Hamilton Park. Dogs or no dogs I am going to enjoy it again.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 17:43

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2007/6/27 22:27
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2DogDoll wrote:
Is it getting to the point where I won?t be able to even walk my dogs through the park? I love my dogs. Walking them is my source of both joy and exercise and I won?t let some bulls*** ordinance take that away from me.

I don't believe I'm out of place in saying that you will be able to walk your dogs in the park. You will get all of the exercise you wish walking your dogs through the park's walkways, which will most certainly be dog-friendly.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 17:34

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Vigilante wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
And no, the dog-runs don't count because not everyone will use them. I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.

Well at least the city will be able to balance the budget issuing off-leash tickets.

I don't know what you're talking about. Some people have dogs that just won't do well in a dog-run. Many have rescues that are not completely socialized yet or are traumatized by their past lives. My dog is harmless but she doesn't do well in the runs when there are many dogs in there. I'm not gonna force her into an uncomfortble situation. She will get walked in and around the park. End of story.

As long as she is on a leash.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 17:04

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2007/7/18 0:01
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While I agree to the need for some dog free space, 50% already exists.

As someone who will never use the basketball court, the tennis courts, the over-sized children?s play area, and the small dog run, I am already constructively denied use of approximately 45% of the park . Since I have no intention of forcing my large dogs into a confined space with other large dogs, I won?t be using the large dog run either. (And, I know I am not alone in having reservations re multiple big dogs in confined spaces), there?s your 50%.

Now people want even more space? Is it getting to the point where I won?t be able to even walk my dogs through the park? I love my dogs. Walking them is my source of both joy and exercise and I won?t let some bulls*** ordinance take that away from me.

Should this Ordinance pass, which it probably will, as a Hamilton Park resident who, while being taxed exorbitantly for the privilege of living on the park, will now be constructively denied access to that public park, I demand that my taxes be downwardly adjusted accordingly.

I also demand that littering laws be strictly enforced, as well as all noise ordinances, AND the 10:00p.m. curfew. The garbage left behind, expecially on weekends, and the noise from constantly screaming children and adults, far exceeds the so-called dog problems.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 16:58

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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2010/1/22 18:54
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Pet and dog owners are welcome throughout the entire park. Its their pets that may have some limitations. As a dog owner I welcome an ordinance for 50% of the vacant green space as entirely pet free. There are now two huge dog runs in Hamilton Park giving ample room for dogs to run, play and wrestle. A space free of trampling dogs and their feces is definitely needed.


4bailey wrote:

PBW wrote:
...If all the open space was cut in two, one pet free and one pets on leashes allowed, would that really be a huge issue?

Not trying to stir up trouble. Just asking.

With all the playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts and gardens, the park is already close to 50% pet-free.

If you take what?s left and cut that in half, that means dog-owners would only be legally allowed in 25% of the park area. I can?t answer for Vig, but that would be a pretty big issue for me.

BTW - I've got no objection to a pet-free area,... just so that no more than 50% of the total park is pet-free and there are no shenanigans to introduce a Council resolution to make > 50% pet-free.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 16:03

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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I am a dog owner, and I don't mind pets being _walked_ on leash in the park, but I do mind off-leash pets outside the dog runs. First of all, if your dog isn't well-socialized enough to be in a dog run, then it shouldn't be off-leash outside of a dog run either. This park is mostly for the people, and some people are afraid of dogs. Sure, walk your dog all over the park (or if they have pet areas, then walk the dog there), but please don't let your dog run free in the park. It's not fair to others. I believe VVP has the same rule.

(I used to walk my dog in HP until so many off-leash dogs ran up to her that she developed leash reactivity. Now my dog can't be in that park.)

Posted on: 2010/3/24 16:02

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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[Seriously? Do you have any idea how many dog-owners we can summon up? Don't go there.[/quote]

As a fellow dog owner who talks to lots of other dog owners, I suggest you ask them what they think. I have and the majority would be on my list. All pointless anyway. A court there will be.

PS: Do you really think that when football was being played in the park last year the F bomb wasn't heard by the kids in the playground? So don't be so offended by what you hear at Enos Jones.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 15:26

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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PBW wrote:
...If all the open space was cut in two, one pet free and one pets on leashes allowed, would that really be a huge issue?

Not trying to stir up trouble. Just asking.

With all the playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts and gardens, the park is already close to 50% pet-free.

If you take what?s left and cut that in half, that means dog-owners would only be legally allowed in 25% of the park area. I can?t answer for Vig, but that would be a pretty big issue for me.

BTW - I've got no objection to a pet-free area,... just so that no more than 50% of the total park is pet-free and there are no shenanigans to introduce a Council resolution to make > 50% pet-free.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 15:22
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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2010/1/22 15:49
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I have the same passion and focus for having basketball courts in HP that you have for dog space. And as you dare the city toenforce their rules, I dare you to mount a fight against the courts. Your liberal friends, the entire department of recreation, and as many high school students as we choose will be on hand to sign and fight for what is rightfully theirs. You give your anti-court speeches and just about everyone walks away shaking their heads.

BB courts so close to people's homes is a bad idea, no matter what you think. The only way the court would be acceptable would be it were enclosed by some kind of soundproofing. The yelling, screaming and cursing is annoying, disgusting and embarrassing.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 15:11

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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Vig. If all the open space was cut in two, one pet free and one pets on leashes allowed, would that really be a huge issue?

Not trying to stir up trouble. Just asking.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 15:07

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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2007/10/11 3:28
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sandstone wrote:
I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.

I have the same passion and focus for having basketball courts in HP that you have for dog space. And as you dare the city toenforce their rules, I dare you to mount a fight against the courts. Your liberal friends, the entire department of recreation, and as many high school students as we choose will be on hand to sign and fight for what is rightfully theirs. You give your anti-court speeches and just about everyone walks away shaking their heads.[/quote]

Seriously? Do you have any idea how many dog-owners we can summon up? Don't go there.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 15:03

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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ianmac47 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
And no, the dog-runs don't count because not everyone will use them. I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.

Well at least the city will be able to balance the budget issuing off-leash tickets.

I don't know what you're talking about. Some people have dogs that just won't do well in a dog-run. Many have rescues that are not completely socialized yet or are traumatized by their past lives. My dog is harmless but she doesn't do well in the runs when there are many dogs in there. I'm not gonna force her into an uncomfortble situation. She will get walked in and around the park. End of story.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 14:57

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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2009/1/6 19:19
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I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.[/quote]

I have the same passion and focus for having basketball courts in HP that you have for dog space. And as you dare the city toenforce their rules, I dare you to mount a fight against the courts. Your liberal friends, the entire department of recreation, and as many high school students as we choose will be on hand to sign and fight for what is rightfully theirs. You give your anti-court speeches and just about everyone walks away shaking their heads.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 14:56

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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Vigilante wrote:
And no, the dog-runs don't count because not everyone will use them. I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.

Well at least the city will be able to balance the budget issuing off-leash tickets.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 14:52

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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PBW wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

stevehpna wrote:
Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone

A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 30 2010 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 280 Grove Street.

The purpose of the special meeting is to consider a pet free zone in Hamilton Park. The meeting is in accordance with Jersey City Municipal Code 90-20.

? 90-20.
E. The Director of Public Works shall have the authority, to designate any pet-fee zone(s) within city parks; provided, however, that not more than 50% of the area of any city park shall be designated as pet-free without prior approval of the Municipal Council via resolution.
F. Prior to designating any pet-free zone(s) within any city park, the Director of Public Works shall hold a public meeting to solicit the comments of residents on the proposed location of such zone(s). The Director of Public Works shall provide written notice of the meeting to the City Clerk and two newspapers of general circulation within Jersey City of the time and place of said meeting at least 14 days prior to its occurrence.
G. Areas within parks where pets are permitted and pet-free zones may be designated by appropriate signs, fences, and other devices consistent with the design and aesthetics of the park and the use and enjoyment of the park by all members of the public.

This was advertised in the Jersey Journal and Hudson Reporter, in accordance with the ordinance.

What's the point? The new playgrounds are huge+the stupid bb court+the tennis courts=lots of pet-free areas. People are bending over backwards so that people from all over the area can play Basketball till the wee hours of the night and trash the park. Meanwhile, the city is gonna try and marginalize dog owners? Don't these people realize that it was the constant presensce of dog walkers which helped clean that park of riff-raff 15-20 years ago? Chase the dog walkers out and watch crime sky-rocket in that park! And no, the dog-runs don't count because not everyone will use them. I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.

I agree with with you. One of the counter arguments could be people will want a space where they can sit on the grass without getting some hidden poop on them. Not all dog owners are responsible. Yes it all comes back to poop.

A good point you bring up. Are the playground and court areas considered part of the 50 pet free zone, or are the gonna take any non-designated areas then split that in half?

I understand but that's gonna happen anyway, "pet-free" or not. Just like the BB court, you can have all the rules you want but the real scumbags just don't let it effect them. They will do what they want, when they want and the good citizens will have to suffer.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 14:49

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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Vigilante wrote:

stevehpna wrote:
Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone

A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 30 2010 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 280 Grove Street.

The purpose of the special meeting is to consider a pet free zone in Hamilton Park. The meeting is in accordance with Jersey City Municipal Code 90-20.

? 90-20.
E. The Director of Public Works shall have the authority, to designate any pet-fee zone(s) within city parks; provided, however, that not more than 50% of the area of any city park shall be designated as pet-free without prior approval of the Municipal Council via resolution.
F. Prior to designating any pet-free zone(s) within any city park, the Director of Public Works shall hold a public meeting to solicit the comments of residents on the proposed location of such zone(s). The Director of Public Works shall provide written notice of the meeting to the City Clerk and two newspapers of general circulation within Jersey City of the time and place of said meeting at least 14 days prior to its occurrence.
G. Areas within parks where pets are permitted and pet-free zones may be designated by appropriate signs, fences, and other devices consistent with the design and aesthetics of the park and the use and enjoyment of the park by all members of the public.

This was advertised in the Jersey Journal and Hudson Reporter, in accordance with the ordinance.

What's the point? The new playgrounds are huge+the stupid bb court+the tennis courts=lots of pet-free areas. People are bending over backwards so that people from all over the area can play Basketball till the wee hours of the night and trash the park. Meanwhile, the city is gonna try and marginalize dog owners? Don't these people realize that it was the constant presensce of dog walkers which helped clean that park of riff-raff 15-20 years ago? Chase the dog walkers out and watch crime sky-rocket in that park! And no, the dog-runs don't count because not everyone will use them. I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.

I agree with with you. One of the counter arguments could be people will want a space where they can sit on the grass without getting some hidden poop on them. Not all dog owners are responsible. Yes it all comes back to poop.

A good point you bring up. Are the playground and court areas considered part of the 50 pet free zone, or are the gonna take any non-designated areas then split that in half?

Posted on: 2010/3/24 14:42

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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2007/10/11 3:28
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stevehpna wrote:
Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone

A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 30 2010 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 280 Grove Street.

The purpose of the special meeting is to consider a pet free zone in Hamilton Park. The meeting is in accordance with Jersey City Municipal Code 90-20.

? 90-20.
E. The Director of Public Works shall have the authority, to designate any pet-fee zone(s) within city parks; provided, however, that not more than 50% of the area of any city park shall be designated as pet-free without prior approval of the Municipal Council via resolution.
F. Prior to designating any pet-free zone(s) within any city park, the Director of Public Works shall hold a public meeting to solicit the comments of residents on the proposed location of such zone(s). The Director of Public Works shall provide written notice of the meeting to the City Clerk and two newspapers of general circulation within Jersey City of the time and place of said meeting at least 14 days prior to its occurrence.
G. Areas within parks where pets are permitted and pet-free zones may be designated by appropriate signs, fences, and other devices consistent with the design and aesthetics of the park and the use and enjoyment of the park by all members of the public.

This was advertised in the Jersey Journal and Hudson Reporter, in accordance with the ordinance.

What's the point? The new playgrounds are huge+the stupid bb court+the tennis courts=lots of pet-free areas. People are bending over backwards so that people from all over the area can play Basketball till the wee hours of the night and trash the park. Meanwhile, the city is gonna try and marginalize dog owners? Don't these people realize that it was the constant presensce of dog walkers which helped clean that park of riff-raff 15-20 years ago? Chase the dog walkers out and watch crime sky-rocket in that park! And no, the dog-runs don't count because not everyone will use them. I DARE the city to pass this!! And Good Luck enforcing it.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 14:37

Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone

A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 30 2010 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 280 Grove Street.

The purpose of the special meeting is to consider a pet free zone in Hamilton Park. The meeting is in accordance with Jersey City Municipal Code 90-20.

? 90-20.
E. The Director of Public Works shall have the authority, to designate any pet-fee zone(s) within city parks; provided, however, that not more than 50% of the area of any city park shall be designated as pet-free without prior approval of the Municipal Council via resolution.
F. Prior to designating any pet-free zone(s) within any city park, the Director of Public Works shall hold a public meeting to solicit the comments of residents on the proposed location of such zone(s). The Director of Public Works shall provide written notice of the meeting to the City Clerk and two newspapers of general circulation within Jersey City of the time and place of said meeting at least 14 days prior to its occurrence.
G. Areas within parks where pets are permitted and pet-free zones may be designated by appropriate signs, fences, and other devices consistent with the design and aesthetics of the park and the use and enjoyment of the park by all members of the public.

This was advertised in the Jersey Journal and Hudson Reporter, in accordance with the ordinance.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 14:20

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2010/1/22 15:49
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They have been working there for the last couple of weeks but it doesn't seem like they're making much progress. Still hoping they "86" the BB court. I was down at Enos Jones and the litter and screaming of F-bombs and "ni**ar" made me really dread that court reopening.

Hate, hate, hate that bb court.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 16:45

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Eleanor_A wrote:
We were at Lincoln Park today flying hubby's remote controlled helicopter.

It's a beautiful park. I wish Hamilton Park was open but it made us get out of our hood and visit another part of town.

I grew up in that neighborhood, and that was my park growing up. And, yes, it is a big, beautiful park. It's a county park. Not only is the park nice, but the whole neighborhood used to be beautiful. There are gorgeous victorian homes, and single family homes with lots of space. And NO FLOODING! Imagine how wonderful it would be if my old nabe came back the way downtown did.

There's room in that park for numerous dogruns, playgrounds, and basketball courts and still tons of open space.

Posted on: 2010/3/21 11:28

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Home away from home
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2007/4/17 20:50
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2011/3/3 2:45
From Hamilton Park
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We were at Lincoln Park today flying hubby's remote controlled helicopter.

It's a beautiful park. I wish Hamilton Park was open but it made us get out of our hood and visit another part of town.

Posted on: 2010/3/21 4:36

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