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Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Put a sock in it 81905.

This is not about the lack of appreciation of the good things we have here or about the benefits of living in this society. And this is not about negative, unhappy people. (That tiresome mantra endlessly repeated by the ?righteous? tools in this community against anyone who disagrees with the current agenda.)

This is a fight against a bureaucratic machine that is denying good people who love their dogs equal access to what precious little green space exists in this city. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Posted on: 2010/6/27 19:05

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

>>>>Of these, the DPF is the authoritative source of where the zones should be, but the other two should be able to help at least provide information or assist in contacting the city.>>>>>
That's it, in a nutshell. They put them there and that's where they're gonna stay. Good luck changing it.

Posted on: 2010/6/25 18:28

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The initial placement of the signs was a deliberate act to gauge public opinion. Now that they "have it" they can and will use it to justify the sign placements.

You can believe that the first placing was an "error" if that makes you feel good. But the second -- permanent -- placing in the exact same areas as the first is a deliberate act to close off a significant portioin of the park to those with pets. It will be justified as "we're only doing what the people want."

Those of use who have lived here for any serious length of time will tell you that this is the way it has always been done.

Rights are always taken away a little at a time so as not to awaken a comatose public.

Posted on: 2010/6/25 13:32

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Ayeceed, I respect your right to disagree with my statement; and since you are in the majority, your views have been "blessed" while my contrary positions are vilified and my character assaulted. FYI: I too took part in the renovation plans and expressed my reservations from the outset.

I only use the park to cross over from 8th to 9th St. One time, my dog who was on leash and is impeccably well behaved was attacked by a wayward four year old who grabbed his fur and then fell screaming to the ground. I helped the child up only to have is neglectful mother start screaming at me for walking my dog on the walkway. My dog stood absolutely still throughout this scene.

Another time, my dog left a trickle on a lamp-post, we'd already walked around the neighborhood for the past hour so there really was nothing left but a few drops, when a hormonal broodmare threatened to have me arrested because she heard that dogs were not allowed in the park at all. "Parks are for people, not animals."

So "Brown Shirts" the park is yours. Knock yourselves out. I don't use the park and except for crossing to the other side, I won't use it. I am and have always been a responsible dog owner and my dogs are some of the best-behaved animals in Downtown.

Posted on: 2010/6/23 23:48

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thank you, Brewster! i love you too.

Clancy, puppy, there's no such thing as "low rent" in this neighborhood.

Posted on: 2010/6/22 23:57

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


What you don't realize is that once something is done in this City (even in error) it is NEVER willingly corrected. The anal retentives immediately decide that since it was put there by an authority, it must be law and it must be enforced, therefore it is "the norm" and you will be arrested if you so much as question it.

The responsible dog owners of this community got the shaft as far as this park is concerned. So did anyone who wanted a little bit of "peace and quiet" in a little bit of green space. I agree the park is pretty. But the noise from the screaming children and foul mouthed amateur sportsmen, leave me no choice but to avoid it. I am sadddened by the fact that I am now not able to use 90% of the park.

So, BIG round of applause to the person with the courage to right a purposeful wrong!

Posted on: 2010/6/22 22:53

Re: Bill Matsikoudis - Jersey City's top lawyer plans to leave City Hall
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Good riddance to bad rubbish. That guy was the ultimate developer a$$ kisser.

Posted on: 2010/6/22 16:07

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So tell us Heights, what's your background --- unless you are a direct decendent from one the original Indian tribes, your people had to have come from somewhere else --- You have such a strong bias against immigrants --- What's your history? Culture?
And, FYI: the thread talks about the Katyn monument, not Guy Catrillo --- that's a WHOLE other story ----

Posted on: 2010/5/1 22:49

Re: Okay, so who here thinks the Katyn monument needs to go?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

>>> It is objectionable to many and is therefore inappropriate. >>>

There are a lot of things in life that are objectionabe to many. One person's objectionable is another person's "fine." So how about the many people who find it compelling and want it to stay? Don't their opinions count?

Have you actually seen the so called "giant vagina" ? It's really a giant tear drop and the reflections in the metal at various times of the day, not to mention the background scenes, can be quite amazing. It may not qualify as great art, whatever that means, but it is a powerful visual.

This is not about Guy Catrillo. This is a part of Jeresy City's history and culture. Leave it alone.

Posted on: 2010/5/1 15:08

Re: Parking garages/lots downtown
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I know of a garage spot on 6th Street, off of Brunswick. Really reasonable. PM me.

Posted on: 2010/5/1 14:53

Re: Local Veterinarian
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

My friend took her 7 year old dog to the Downtown Vet for a teeth cleaning. The Vet ordered a series of pre-tests one week before because the dog was "older"and had to be put under for the procedure. The day of the cleaning, she gets a second bill for the same pre-test. When she asked about it, she got a hostile response and a totally negative attitude. She never did get her money back so a routine teeth cleaning cost more than $500. She never went back.

I don't think any dog owner who truly loves their pet would EVER compromise their dog's health. But there are super expensive vets who order ever procedure under the sun, and there are responsive vets who know how to heal a sick pet. Super expensive is not always better. But, if super expensive makes YOU feel good, then go for it.

Posted on: 2010/4/20 19:31

Re: Need a new vet!
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Dr. John Hatch
Secaucus Animal Hospital

The absolute best!! Kind. Compassionate. Patient. Knows his stuff and knows when to recommend treatment.

He seems to have a very special connection (empathy) to the animals he treats. He never pushed a treatment or a medication. And when needed, he is an excellent surgeon. He removed a tumor from one of my dog's eyelid's and it healed perfectly. You would never know there was a problem. Been going to him for years now and never regretted one moment.

He actually manages to calm down my more skittish dog right before my eyes. And this is a 100 lb dog who is absolutely terrified of the hospital's front door!!!

Tell him that Remy and Marty said Hello! We can't say enough good things about Dr. Hatch and Dr. Cavuto.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:03

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

>>>Do you call your dog runs and the ball courts "family" territory? >>>

Yes, I most certainly do. Do you know how many mothers/fathers with children take their dogs with them into the ball courts? How many dads tied their dogs to the benches while they taught their kids the free-throw? How many dog owners tie their dogs to the fences when they teach their children how to play tennis or baseball? How many dog owners take their children to dog runs? I do.

>>>I believe single people own dogs and play tennis and basketball, as well as have some interest in sitting on clean grass. Or is your position that if it's not specifically for dogs it's for families? Good luck with wanting a child free zone in a public park. >>>

A park should also provide ?quiet space? where anyone can snooze, read, think, bird-watch, sun-bathe, and daydream. Not possible when children run around screaming, riding their bikes or scribbling in chalk on the walks or digging holes and breaking branches. Why can?t one section be left child free, for adults only? Not everyone is interested in or obsessed with parenthood.

>>>The "my dog is my child" or "your child is more annoying than my dog" crap really is tired, don't you think?>>>

My dog is not my child and never will be. He is magnificent as created. And, I actually like children ? in very small doses ? and for very limited periods of time. Your statement doesn't apply.

>>>Just to put a stake in this hyperbole, (LOL) I dragged out my old trusty scan of the park reno plan, dropped it again into CAD (like I did during the dog run size discussions) and calculated the areas of the ball courts combined with the entire playground segment (not just the fenced in area) and the water feature. It came to 1/5 of the enclosed park, and that's before the new strip along McWilliams was added back in. 2 more grass segments at roughly 1/10 apiece brings a dog free area of 2/5 or 40% of the park. Give it a rest.>>>

Now give me a break! Anyone with eyes can see that half the park if covered with activity zones and the other half has grass and concrete. You are also deliberately leaving out the dog runs. Not every dog owner wanted them and not every dog owner can or will use them. And yes, many families with children and dogs will enjoy them. One can make numbers do anything. Enjoy your evening.

Posted on: 2010/3/25 0:15

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

And if, while happily walking my dog along one of the walkways, he decides to pee on a post or on the fence .... then what?

And I don't think it's fair to give over another 2 passive lawns to families. I would like to see an area that is kid free and quiet. Families have more than enough in this design. 50% total.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 21:37

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

While I agree to the need for some dog free space, 50% already exists.

As someone who will never use the basketball court, the tennis courts, the over-sized children?s play area, and the small dog run, I am already constructively denied use of approximately 45% of the park . Since I have no intention of forcing my large dogs into a confined space with other large dogs, I won?t be using the large dog run either. (And, I know I am not alone in having reservations re multiple big dogs in confined spaces), there?s your 50%.

Now people want even more space? Is it getting to the point where I won?t be able to even walk my dogs through the park? I love my dogs. Walking them is my source of both joy and exercise and I won?t let some bulls*** ordinance take that away from me.

Should this Ordinance pass, which it probably will, as a Hamilton Park resident who, while being taxed exorbitantly for the privilege of living on the park, will now be constructively denied access to that public park, I demand that my taxes be downwardly adjusted accordingly.

I also demand that littering laws be strictly enforced, as well as all noise ordinances, AND the 10:00p.m. curfew. The garbage left behind, expecially on weekends, and the noise from constantly screaming children and adults, far exceeds the so-called dog problems.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 16:58

Re: Cafe Nia
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Lots of good restaurants have gone by the wayside in the past number of years. Madame Claude's is the exception and not the rule. And even MC's has cut down on its menu from when it first opened.

As long as JC continues to be a bedroom community for NYC, small business will always suffer. People "talk the talk but don't walk the walk" when it comes spending money in local restaurants and shops.

Posted on: 2010/2/25 21:36

Re: JC Post Office - Be Very Afraid
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Complain to the Postmaster at the Main Post Office on Washington Street.

I have continuing problems with my mail being returned to sender. Checks. Letters. Netflix.

The mailman who usually does the route, Nick, is excellent, I couldn't ask for better. All of my mail delivered, all of the time and with a terrific smile. But, when someone else fills in, especially with some of the women carriers, my door is passed by.

I actually caught one woman in the act. I was waiting for an important letter and kept watching for the postman. The woman mail carrier delivers the mail next door and then walks past my door to the houses across the street. I pop out of the house and ask her if there is anything for my address. There was. My important letter. Her comment: "Oh, I didn't see your door."

I complained and found out that she's done this many times to many other addresses, so do contact the main post office. You may get some satisfaction. I did for a while ....

Posted on: 2010/1/8 17:53

Re: Carbon pawprint of a pet dog is more than double that of a gas-guzzling SUV
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Global warming is a fraud. Climate change is something that is supposed to happen. Nature is about change not stability. Global temperatures have been going up and down since time began. Besides, humans contribute only .28% of total atmospheric carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. 95% of all greenhouse gases are produced by water vapor (given that most of the planet is covered by water, it makes sense.) And if you recall your biology classes, plants use carbon dioxide to grow and in growing, produce oxygen, something we all need to survive. Look at it this way: the more carbon dioxide, the bigger the plants. Bigger plants = more food. Food is a good thing. So is oxygen.

You want sources for ?climate change? as opposed to global warming? Look at the sun and the lack of sunspots for the past two years creating a global cooling. Want proof? Just look at the temperatures around the country and around the world. They are getting colder, not warmer. Not convinced? Look at the volcanos erupting under the oceans. They are getting more active and spewing tons of greenhouse gasses into the air. So much more than the carbon footprint produced by a dog, cat, or human for that matter.

You want to talk about real carbon footprints, look at the horrible wars we are engaged in. The Pentagon and the wars we are fighting create bigger carbon footprints than that produced by most developing nations. What are the carbon emissions from one fighter jet? One tank? Artillery?

With all this in play you focus on a dog?s carbon footprint??

Politicians seek to gain wealth and power and authority by taking something that occurs naturally, transforming it and promoting it as a crisis, and then selling the population a solution in exchange for higher taxes and increased authority over their lives. Al (B)ore is the world?s first ?carbon? billionaire. Doesn't that tell you something? Stop being so gullable.

I agree with Vigilante?if there is a choice between you and my dog ?.. you will most definitely loose.

Posted on: 2009/12/23 3:27

Re: Hawk on First and Erie
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Looks like the same bird I saw. Distinct markings on his back feathers. He doesn't look full-grown either..

Posted on: 2009/11/19 23:47

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Happy to get involved in a Park Conservancy. Count me in. Money and time.

On another note: where is all this "pop" psychology coming from? "Control issues?" "Afraid of change?" What a monumental load of fertilizer ....

Posted on: 2009/11/19 21:14

Re: Hawk on First and Erie
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It looks like a red-tail hawk. It might be the same one I saw on the utility pole outside of Basic. Awesome creature!!! I hope he stays in teh neighborhood.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 16:25

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So, even though the plans called for maintaining the gazebo garden, and the majority of the community voted their approval, according to your inquiry, the City, on its own volition, decided to to rip out the plantings, on the clearly idiotic pretense that the garden was dead. And you are clearly OK with this. Got it. Like I said, thanks for the fish.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 3:10

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The City is sooooo full of s*it and I have the pictures to prove it. Since it was impossible to maintain the garden due to the renovation, there was an overgrowth. Said overgrowth could have easily been cut back. There were many perennials, bulbs and flowering shrubs that were not affected, including the trees.
Thanks anyway.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 2:46

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Contrary to what was implied about me, I am not a "hater" either. I too am happy to volunteer to help restore the gazebo garden when the time comes.

Thank you Sam. I look forward to hearing the City's response..

Posted on: 2009/11/17 21:26

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


1. Take it easy with that ?facepalm? thing lest you knock yourself out. I never said that you don?t need political influence to get things done, I simply said that I have none and I have no intention of doing what needs to be done to get any.

I have to confess that I did get a birthday card, two months early, from Mr. Fulop, but, let me assure you, I didn?t take it as a mark of personal political influence.

2. I was not involved with Minni?s project. But, in her defense, she did more to try to beautify the park with her Friends of Hamilton Park group in the few short months of its existence than the HPNA did in years.

This my last post on the subject, although I will continue to read. Do your worst.

Posted on: 2009/11/17 18:19

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


1. I was very much involved in the HPNA, years ago, and am very proud of what I was able to accomplish. I left the association when my community activism started having a negative impact on my family. So, I know what is involved. Been there. Done that. Got the tattoo. I continued to participate in the HPNA, as did my family, for many years afterwards, as supportive members. As a member, and as a person who truly loves Hamilton Park, I PARTICIPATED IN THE RENOVATION PROCESS FROM ITS START UNTIL NOW. Are you saying that handing out flyers, attending major meetings, and promoting the association at every opportunity have no value? If that is so, I will no longer waste my time.

2. Are you also saying that because people volunteer their time they are above criticism and should not be held accountable for the results of their actions? Does that apply to ?praise? as well, or is that only limited to ?criticism.?

3. If the HPNA regularly reviewed the progress of the park as per information posted on the HPNA blog site, why didn?t they know about the planned removal. If, according to the HPNA Bylaws, the HPNA is the designated spokesmen for the residents of the community, why put the onus on me to contact the city leadership?

Posted on: 2009/11/17 18:16

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Sammy, Sammy, Sammy:

1. Let me share with you one of life?s little secrets: It is very difficult to get embarrassed when you?re over 50.

2. My ego is not hurt because my ego was not involved.

3. I love interacting with my neighbors, their children and their dogs and happily do so on a daily basis. I simply questioned the actions of the HPNA in relation to this specific activity. Are you now saying that every single person who lives in the Hamilton Park neighborhood is a member of the HPNA and that I?ve insulted them all? I don?t think so.

4. Contrary to your truly inane statement about the gardens in the bunkers, the only garden I cared about was the beautiful, loving tribute planted around the gazebo in memory of Joe Wheeler. Joe was a wonderful person, an HPNA president and community activist extraordinaire. He loved Hamilton Park and planted the trees around the gazebo. Members of the community planted the rest. Decades old plantings are now gone because of a ?mistake? and everybody is just supposed to roll over and say ?Oh, well. Never mind.? And when the issue is raised, the person is a ?hate? monger. Divert attention from the issue by smearing the questioner. Classic.

5. The HPNA is, by its very nature, a political entity, interacting with other political entities up the food chain. I don?t need to name names. Those of us who?ve lived here for a while, know exactly who I am referring to.

6. Let?s discuss the developers since there are so few in the Hamilton Park area (NOT). Savvy developers learned a long time ago that the best way to get a community organization off their backs is to throw them a bone. Donate to their causes. Make tiny (but hard fought) concessions to their demands. Speak before their groups and let them think they are important. It?s a great and highly successful strategy which is both wonderful marketing and extraordinary PR for the developer. The Silvermans? are master players and while I don?t agree with everything they do, I have great respect their gamesmanship. (This is not flattery. It is fact.)
Since you insist on names, I still remember one of the meetings you hosted Sam. Your introduction of Mr. Silverman was so effusive I actually thought I was about to meet the first developer saint. Want something more current? How about the recent Exeter Property/HPNA block party at McWilliams. I didn?t see any other businesses co-sponsoring the event, or mentioned on the yellow announcement card, and there are three in the immediate vicinity: Basic, National Cleaners and the Newport Pharmacy. This is all about power and control.

7. All I asked was whether a renovation oversight mechanism was put in place on the part of the HPNA . Your vitriolic response clearly means I hit a nerve. Enough said.

8. I don?t know who you could possibly be talking about in your ?hate? tirade and I don?t really care. Hate is a monumental waste of time and emotion and not part of my emotional makeup. I do have to say that the ego issue and self-esteem part of your diatribe does sound a bit like you?re projecting.

9. We clearly have different standards of beauty. I don?t like yards of slippery concrete and grey gazebo walls you clearly do. The plants are gone. You win. Feel better?

10. Finally, Sam dear, the adjective you used to describe my ?accusation? is spelled ?v-i-l-e.?

Posted on: 2009/11/17 18:12

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Exactly where did I trash my neighbors?

I simply questioned the role and function of the HPNA.

Posted on: 2009/11/16 20:49

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So, if I, the individual, am supposed to be the vigilant watchdog, pray tell, what exactly is the role of the HPNA?

Wasn't it the HPNA that pushed this process through?

It stands to reason that some oversight mechanism should have been put into place by the Association? Even if that mechanism was to simply ask people in the neighborhood to keep an eye on things and advise on the progress.

Besides, isn't the Association supposed to be using its COLLECTIVE power for the community good? Who in the JC "leadership" is going to listen to an individual who has no political connections and no money to buy some?

And yes, I am a genuinely concerned citizen.

Posted on: 2009/11/16 20:46

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Right outside my door.

I am not on the Board but I did participate in the process. I paid my dues, answered the surveys and actively encouraged everyone who would listen to do the same, gave out some flyers, and attended all major park renovation meetings. Maybe that is why I feel so angry and betrayed.

What did you do?

Posted on: 2009/11/16 19:26

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