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Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Eleanor_A wrote:
The corrected "Pet-Free Zone" signs are back. Are they in the right areas of the park?...

DEFINITELY NOT!!... By my count now THREE lawns are marked "PET-FREE".

I bet that the HPNA and "family initiative" types (especially the ones who always preface their points with "..but I have a dog") won't be so quick to ask the city to correct it.

Posted on: 2010/6/25 10:16
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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mendezia wrote:
As a dog owner, I too would welcome some lawns in the park being designated as "pet free." They already do this at Van Vorst, and the world hasn't ended for dog owners. ...

If you insist on using Van Vorst Park as a comparison, let me raise a few points?

- In VVP, no more than 50% of the total park area is designated ?pet-free? ? including pet-free lawns, children play areas and gardens. Why can?t HP do the same and work within 50%?...
- Minus landscaping, the dog-run area of VVP is situated on an entire lawn - roughly 1/8 the size of the park. Although marginally bigger in square footage, proportionally, the combined HP dog run area isn?t even close.

Like some of the other dog owners posting, I don?t have much use for the final HP large dog run (especially after it was truncated from the original renovation survey). Given that, I would like access to the HP park lawns to walk, exercise, and play with my leashed dogs.

I?m not against the idea ?pet-free lawn section?, as long as it?s within 50% of the total ?pet-free? park area.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 20:26
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Special Meeting - Pet Free Zone
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PBW wrote:
...If all the open space was cut in two, one pet free and one pets on leashes allowed, would that really be a huge issue?

Not trying to stir up trouble. Just asking.

With all the playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts and gardens, the park is already close to 50% pet-free.

If you take what?s left and cut that in half, that means dog-owners would only be legally allowed in 25% of the park area. I can?t answer for Vig, but that would be a pretty big issue for me.

BTW - I've got no objection to a pet-free area,... just so that no more than 50% of the total park is pet-free and there are no shenanigans to introduce a Council resolution to make > 50% pet-free.

Posted on: 2010/3/24 15:22
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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HamiltonParker wrote:
A related, though slightly different problem: I live near the embankment where there don't seem to be any public trash cans....
...Anyone know whom to connect with regarding new public trash can requests?

I?ve contacted Steve Fulop on this issue.

Steve Fulop removed the public garbage cans on Jersey Ave between 7th and 1st street. His position is that those cans attract too much dumping of household and industrial garbage; the city won?t pick up the public cans often enough, so he removed them to discourage the dumping. This situation seems to only apply to the public garbage cans between 7th and 1st Streets on Jersey. You?ll notice that South of Newark Ave, there are plenty of public garbage cans on Jersey Ave.

I?m not a ?Fulop-basher? (I voted for him twice), but I do differ with him on this issue. If enough Ward E residents contact him, maybe he?ll reconsider. If you feel strongly about it, I?d suggest calling or e-mail him.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 13:39
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Backyard Gardening
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grovester wrote:
Having zero previous gardening experience, I'd like to try to grow some basil this year to make my own pesto. Probably in a container. When is the best time to do it? Is it too early? It's feeling like spring already, but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed one more time.

I usually plant the basil the first weekend in May. I agree with other posters about a sunny spot.

Regarding plants vs. seeds,... depends on your patience. I usually like seeds, because I can choose the exact variety. I've had the best pesto from the "Genoa" variety of basil - some seed companies consider it "heirloom" - whatever it is, it works!! Also, I find that buying seed costs less than buying plants. Either way, you can't go wrong.

Good Luck!!!

Posted on: 2010/3/15 13:51
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Backyard Gardening
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AmyJCNJ wrote:
...I?ve been to the one over by the Holland Tunnel but I can?t remember the name and want to call them. Do you have the name or number?...

14th Street Garden Center (201) 963-1414


AmyJCNJ wrote:
...Also if you have any general tips about backyard gardening in downtown I would be most grateful....

Last year there was widespread problems with tomato blight. Luckily enough, we were blight free. I "think" the reasons why we escaped the blight were two:
1.) we got our plants from a small independant nursey who "grow their own" seedlings, Dreyers in Cranford. I heard that blight came from some of the mega nurseys that sell thru the big chains (Home Depot, etc)
2.) I used plastic mulch (the sheets) around the plants. This seemed to keep the blight spores from getting bounced from the ground to the foliage during rain/watering.

Good luck. We usually do pole beans, tomatoes, basil and a few herbs. Wish we had more room.

Posted on: 2010/3/12 19:31
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Retail in Hamilton Park
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neverleft wrote:
..."Tenants include a wide array of boutique shops and services, such as an Equinox style gym, restaurant and bar, noodle shop, bakery, wine shop,...

I think this may be the wine shop that Mattias and Alice from Madame Claude's are opening up.

If so, it should be a FANTASTIC additon to the neighborhood. From talking to them, they're planning on having a different emphasis than Buy-Rite, but still keeping their wines reasonably priced. Fingers crossed...

Posted on: 2010/1/6 16:17
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: My coffee maker broke!
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We?ve been in the market for a drip coffee maker too (I'm assuming the OP is talking about drip).

Some of my hard-core foodie friends rave about Technivorm. They claim that it?s all about a consistent brew temperature and that Technivorm is one of the few to really crack that. Some of the coffee aficionado websites support the rec for Technivorm. The dowside ? it?s expensive (~$250). Supposedly, an American company, Newco, is considered up there with Technivorm on temp regulation and is about ? the cost.

To confuse matters more, Consumer Reports favorite drip maker was the Cuisinart Brew Central. CR claims that the Brew Central rivals the Technivorm for temp regulation.

Not sure what we?ll ultimately do, but we can wait until after X-mas to see if there are any dips in price. Whatever we get, I?ll probably get a burr grinder at the same time.

Posted on: 2009/12/21 21:38
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Vigilante wrote:
BTW? The method by which you can push the odds in your favor in these kinds of votes is simple. It is not guaranteed but it can be effective. First of all submit one choice that is in your "lobbys" favor. The choice should be obvious and clear to your constituents. "Vote for this Plan"! (Lets call it Plan D for our purposes).To help tilt the odds in your favor you then submit several alternative plans, let's say 3 other plans (for our purposes). The 3 other plans should be similar but not exact. Each of them should have some little thing that will appeal to people in various ways. (For instance, a bacci court in this plan, a putting green in this plan etc etc. The ultimate effect is to "dilute" the votes of your opposition. People, the non "organized" ones, will innocently vote for a plan that they truly find appealling. Thus you have these other votes split amongst several similar choices and the lone "fixed" plan winning out by a nose. In this recent case the majority won by a hair but they weren't taking any chances. The wool has been removed.

Design A: 96 votes (14.8% of the total)

Design B: 141 votes (21.7% of the total)

Design C: 83 votes (12.8% of the total)

Design D: 329 votes (50.7% of the total)

This is what I?ve been saying since 2007?

If , like Althea Berheim, you?ve basically gotten almost everything you?ve wanted out of the renovation, it?s been ??an incredible process and one which the HPNA pulled off flawlessly?? and you can gush that the HPNA is ??one of the most engaged and finest neighborhood associations in the whole City.?

On the other hand, if you express an opinion contrary to the party line, you?re labeled a ?hater? or a ?narcissist? or you?re trashed in hissy fits on other JC websites - ironically, by many of the same individuals who like to pontificate on Emotional IQ here.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 13:53
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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tern wrote:
...* Lawns designated as dog free so I don't have to sit in their stinking piss.

Is it confirmed that there definitely won?t be any pet-free lawns?... Do you know something I don?t?...


NON / Iwitness wrote:
Let it never be said that narcissism isn't alive and well. Shocking as it may be, this is not all about any one person or one interest group, and plenty of people will not be getting their own personal park....

My? how touchy everyone is to a legitimate subjective question based on opinion? As always, NON, the character assassination masked as a reply is very entertaining!

Posted on: 2009/11/18 18:54
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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SamS wrote:
...The park renovation is nearly complete, we should be happy.

Interestingly, when we started this process four years ago I cautioned that everyone should be sensitive to the fact that all of our interests in this process are going to be brushed up against and none of us will get the park we exactly want. But most people will get some of what they want....

When I do the math, the combined actual dog-run area is close to 30% smaller than the original survey target.

I?m legitimately curious? Aside from those who want a safe, legal space to throw a ball for their dogs, what other groups / interests do you think aren?t getting ?the park we exactly want? in the final implementation?...

Posted on: 2009/11/18 16:41
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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2DogDoll wrote:
Tooooo bad the truck didn't knock over that hideous play area. Now that would be an improvement!

My wife and I drove past it yesterday after being out of town on vacation and thought the same.

That's a whole lot of pretty fugly plastic and it seems quite a bit higher than the other "play areas" in the downtown parks. I guess it could be worse... it could be orange and yellow instead of beige and hunter green.

Posted on: 2009/11/16 15:52
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Absentee ballot for Gubernatorial election this year?...
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My wife and I will be out of the country on vacation on Nov. 3rd. I?d like to vote before via absentee ballot.

Does anyone know of an easy way (hopefully on the web) were I can request to have 2 absentee ballots mailed to me??

Many thanks in advance!!!

Posted on: 2009/10/2 13:56
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: The 3rd Street Screamer
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Bike_Lane wrote:
...Both were bouts of obscenities in Spanglish. Is this the same guy?

I think it?s a different guy.

Most mornings, the guy from 3rd walks a round-trip to the Newark Ave Dunkin Donuts to get a cup of coffee. Besides the yelling, he also has a VERY large, raw growth on his nose that doesn?t look too good.

I?ve heard that he is a diagnosed schizophrenic and that it?s been controlled with medication in the past. While his mother was alive, she monitored him with the meds, but since she passed, I think he?s been on his own. I don?t know the particulars, but if he?s erratic with taking medication, it might explain the periods of yelling then quiet.

Sad story?

Posted on: 2009/9/11 18:05
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

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matt07302 wrote:
To resolve a problem I have had with my Verizon DSL I had a repair technician out today. He said that it looks like there is nothing to stop me from getting Fios, but web site says I am not eligible yet. After making a call they said that there was an error on the database. They corrected it and said I can get Fios whenever I like...

Based on this news, I phoned Verizon a half hour ago...

If you're tracking... For 3rd St., WEST of Jersey Ave, the tenative date for FIOS installation is August 31st. We should be able to place an order after that. Fingers crossed!

Too bad,... I was kind of hoping that HD FIOS TV would be available for the U.S. Open (Tennis Channel) this year.

Posted on: 2009/8/25 19:15
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Jersey Avenue Repaving Project
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FGJCNJ1970 wrote:
...Also, are there plans to bring back the rumble strips making them more permanent? I would really like to see these return. Since the repaving, everybody is just speeding down Jersey Ave like CRAZY. I guess that's what happens when there are no potholes and the surface is so smooth...

+1!! Couldn't agree more! Without the rumble strips, it's a speedway.

I'd welcome the return of the rumble strips as well as the municipal garbage cans on Jersey north of Newark.

Posted on: 2009/8/25 14:10
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: What Happened to the Trash Cans?
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Cleo +1!! ?

I e-mailed Steve Fulop and got a response. He said he had them removed after discussing with ?community groups? (don?t know which ones, but I?d like to know ? HPNA?... Harsimus Cove?...). His reasoning was that they?ve been trying to get the Healy admin to do better picking up the trash and enforcing the laws on those who illegally dump and it hasn?t been effective, so,? the cans go? He added that the plan is to order cans with smaller lids that won?t encourage illegal dumping. No time frame on these new cans.

My 2 cents? I understand the concerns about illegal dumping, but I think it would be a better idea to put the cans back until you can get and deploy the other cans with the smaller lids. Odd that the cans on Jersey south of Newark are still there, while the ones north of Newark are gone.

I know there are plenty of bigger issues since last week, but these little quality of life issue are irritating, especially with a tax increase. If you think that the cans should be returned, I?d encourage you to send an e-mail to Steve Fulop.

Maybe MaryAnn and the DOGJC folks will get involved?

Posted on: 2009/8/3 17:36
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Metal sculptor on Coles St.
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It's A&A Iron Works. The number is (201) 653-8681. The partner who does most of the sculpture is Peter. My guess is that they'd do any commission work.

They've done a couple restoration projects for me and I'd recommend them for the quality of their work. However, the pacing can be frustrating if you're not accustomed to Hudson county contractors. This may be better if they're not as busy with the state of the current ecomony (I used them last 4 years ago).

Posted on: 2009/7/23 18:54
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: OX gone? Another one bites the dust??
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I sincerely hope this is just a rumor.

Last Monday, 7/6, we took relatives from out of town there. I was surprised how full the restaurant was for a Monday and remarked on it to our server. He said that Mondays have been working out rather well for them, being one of the few restaurants open on Mondays.

Given how crowded it was on a Monday (after a holiday weekend), I would be surprised if it was more than a vacation.

Posted on: 2009/7/13 15:34
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Can I plant “anything” in a sidewalk cut-out?
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Our place in the historic district has a ?tree cut-out? in the sidewalk that was ?cemented over? from a previous owner. This patch job has started to crumble while the adjoining sidewalk is fine. Rather than mix another batch of concrete, I was thinking of ripping up the crumbled stuff and planting something.

I did not want the city to plant a tree there for two reasons:
1.) The "cut out" is almost directly over our building sewer main.
2.) I?ve already invested in and planted ?sun loving? plants in the front yard; it would be a shame to cut the sun exposure to the front with a large tree.

I was thinking about putting in a bayberry shrub that wouldn?t grow too high and that didn?t have a root system that could damage the sewer main.

Anyone know if there?s any odd restriction in ?the books? on what can be planted in a sidewalk cut-out originally meant for a tree?...


Posted on: 2009/6/25 20:14
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

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super_furry wrote:
...It seems to be available in most of the Hamilton Park area....

I keep trying the verzion availability web app, and it keeps telling me FIOS isn't available yet.

Just for tracking - are there any posters in Harsimus Cove eligible/installed as of today (early June?)?...

Posted on: 2009/6/4 17:27
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: I heart Second Street Bakery
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harborside2 wrote:
...Has anybody tried their hot dishes?

I?ve mentioned this on the other 2nd Street thread?

The brasciole is a winner! My wife and I usually order a platter with extra quarts of sauce. We portion it into quart-size containers and freeze it - usually lasts us a month or two. Whenever the urge hits, we defrost a quart to have over rigatoni ? la dolce vita!

As a matter of fact, we?re having it tonight with a chianti and nero d?avola.

Posted on: 2009/5/29 18:33
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: RECYCLING BINS for Jersey City - Change We Want to See
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Binky wrote:
When someone puts their plastic bag of their dog's scooped poop in my plastic trash can, and it sits in the hot summer sun for a couple of days, it bakes a semi-permanent stench into the can.
I end up having to wash the can out with diluted bleach and leave it to air out in order to rid it of the odor.

I would guess that its a rare house owner who would be okay with that system. Take it home with you.
I would also guess that most people who drop litter on the street wouldn't bother carrying it as far as the next corner to a public trash bin.

Yet another reason, why the notion of homeowners providing cans won?t work?

We?re in the historic district, so I don?t know if this is applicable/enforced everywhere. 4 or 5 years ago, we kept our covered garbage cans on our side of the low fence that separates our property from the sidewalk. The NID sent us a ?warning?, citing some statue and claimied that cans can?t be visible out front. They threatened a fine if we didn?t move them.

Ultimately, we bought one of the big plastic Suncast bins to put the cans in and that seemed to pacify the NID.

Posted on: 2009/5/26 13:27
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Amy wrote:
They're digging up the sidewalk along the perimeter of the park. What's the plan here, and why aren't they concentrating on the inside of the park?

I?m not involved with the plans, but my ?guess??

The renovation plans divide the park in half into ?active? (NE) and ?passive? (SW) halves on a diagonal. If the sidewalk is being uprooted on the NE side, it makes sense if they?re putting in a drainage system for all the asphalt surfaces.

If they?re digging up all the sidewalks (including the ?passive? SW side), I can?t say why.

Posted on: 2009/5/20 14:40
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: My choice for Mayor and Council on May 12, 2009...
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I was out of town for a long weekend, so I didn?t see the Jersey Journal endorsements until after I voted this morning.

Turns out, I was in synch with them exactly:

Mayor: Manzo
Ward E: Fulop
At-Large: Serrano / Hubsch / DeLia

Posted on: 2009/5/12 14:05
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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AlexC wrote:
I don't mean to antagonize you but, since when do dog owners get special rights in terms of allocating taxpayer money? It's not like dogs (or cats for that matter) pay taxes. Do dog owners pay a surcharge that entitles them to dog runs?

If I own a cow, should I have some rights to grazing land, or a cow pasture in Hamilton Park? Am I missing something here, or have we elevated some forms of animal's stature to those of humans?

Let me try not to antagonizing in my reply, but take it as you like.

Say my chosen form of park recreation is throwing a ball for my dog, playing tug of war, etc. Personally, it?s my way of blowing off steam after a day of work. Not for everyone ? but to each his own. I may see value in that activity, you don?t ? so be it.

To me, asking dog owner?s to pay a surcharge for a dog run in a public space, is like asking basket players to pay a surcharge to play basketball, tennis players a surcharge to use the courts, or parents a surcharge to use the swings. Yes dog ownership is a privilege, not a right. But isn?t it also a privilege, not a right, to play full-court basketball, tennis on two courts or have a park spray pool at your kids disposal?...

Dogs don?t pay taxes. Dog-owners do. The run is for dog-owners. I don?t see it as a matter of ?special rights? or ?entitlement? (the single most ridiculously misused word on jclist) - to me, I?d call it a matter of equal rights.

Just trying to be constructive,? but I fear conversations like these are doomed. Feel free to flame away!

Posted on: 2009/4/30 19:48
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Forget Taqueria!
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Taqueria has been on our neighborhood regular rotation for years. We?re very pleased with the food and happy to have them here. But,?


Abe_Froman wrote:
...I do have one complaint though: they stopped taking call in-pick up orders. Nothing worse than getting stuck behind a party of 8 Hoboken looking folks that take 2 minutes a piece ordering.

+1. Gotta agree!

Phil / Andrea ? would you ever reconsider taking calls for pick-up orders??...

Posted on: 2009/4/27 15:20
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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+1 lunawolf!!

I'll be signing.

Posted on: 2009/4/24 17:48
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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stevehpna wrote:
.... You can download this site plan from ... _Renovation-Site_Plan.pdf. The plans are rather large so this may take some time to download....

stevehpna/SF -

FYI... I don't think that link works. The other one you PM'd me (
) seems to work better.

Posted on: 2009/4/21 14:28
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Vigilante wrote:
The new playground area, the basketball court and the tennis courts. There is your 50% dog-free zone.

Don?t forget the spray pool area, the gardens, fountain and other areas where pets will be off-limits. I?m guessing the current HP plan is maybe at 45% percent pet-free now.

Looking at the other downtown parks - I don?t have the exact square footage, but VVP seems 65% pet-free. My guess is that Enos Jones is probably 85% pet-free. Isn?t that enough total pet-free areas in the parks available to downtown residents?...

There is no reason for HP to be any more than 50% pet-free, especially given the final truncated dog-run plans.

Posted on: 2009/4/21 11:55
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

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