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Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/5/10 16:36
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2023/7/18 1:45
From Hamilton Park
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For garbage cans that are close to someone's house, perhaps we could have an "adopt a garbage can" program.

A resident nearby could empty the can into their own garbage when it gets filled outside the normal schedule.

I'd be willing to try this with the one on 8th and Erie, though the reposnibility should probably be Basic's.


Posted on: 2010/3/22 15:45

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2008/4/21 1:07
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How about the a-holes who clean their car out before leaving and leave it all on the curb?

Posted on: 2010/3/22 15:02

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2008/4/21 1:07
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50 feet? Right. That might be true if there was a trash can on every corner. But brilliant city government officials thought removing the trash cans would simply make the waste disappear so now instead of a trash can every 50 feet there is 3/4 of a mile between cans.

You know what? Can't blame the city for this one. A person who drops their can, bottle, wrapper, whatever on the street is going to do it whether a can is 50 feet away or 10 feet away. I've seen this enough to know.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 15:01

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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ianmac47 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
others are too lazy to carry a coffee cup or Snapple bottle 50 feet to a garbage can.

50 feet? Right. That might be true if there was a trash can on every corner. But brilliant city government officials thought removing the trash cans would simply make the waste disappear so now instead of a trash can every 50 feet there is 3/4 of a mile between cans.

Yes......but it's a coffee cup, not an anvil.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 14:56

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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Vigilante wrote:
others are too lazy to carry a coffee cup or Snapple bottle 50 feet to a garbage can.

50 feet? Right. That might be true if there was a trash can on every corner. But brilliant city government officials thought removing the trash cans would simply make the waste disappear so now instead of a trash can every 50 feet there is 3/4 of a mile between cans.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 14:54

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
Posts: 3002
I started a thread about this yesterday. Let's be honest, people are lazy. Some can't bend over and pick up their dog's poop and others are too lazy to carry a coffee cup or Snapple bottle 50 feet to a garbage can. What's amazing to me is how many home-owners seem to have no concern about the appearance of their neighborhood. I am currently a renter but I am the first person on my block of almost exclusively owners to sweep up trash, broken glass etc. Often I have to clean up after the street-sweepers. Some of the residents near the corner of 8th and McWilliams have no qualms about leaving tons of household trash piled in and around the garbage cans. The cans overflow and the trash blows everywhere. Again this morning there were 2 giant plastic bags of someone's household trash at the very same corner. It seems that many residents don't want to be bothered walking to the common areas where their trash should be left so they just carry it out on the way to their car or whatever and drop it in the public cans. Some are too lazy to sort the recycling so they dump it on the street. I will be aggressively reporting any violations I see and I suggest you do the same. It isn't as if these people don't have TRASH CANS! JCIA 201-432-4645 ext. 600.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 14:46

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2008/4/21 1:07
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2012/9/28 17:36
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Trash problem is WAYYYYY better than it used to be. Like it or not, let's just say the changing demographic has A LOT to do with that.

People using the public cans to put out their household trash because they don't want to wait until their scheduled pick-up is and has been a very legitimate problem. One or two kitchen bags full of trash and the can is filled. Now anyone who wants to drop a candy wrapper or dog-crap bag is out of luck and it starts overflowing or worse.... Would you want one of these cans on your corner? I wouldn't.

Flip side: the city does not empty them enough. Hoboken is either every day or every other day. Twice a week is not often enough.

Also, I'm not sure how it's done now, but the city used to send a crew on a truck around JUST to empty the public cans. Always seemed like a waste of funds & manpower since these could be emptied while they go around on the regular runs picking up residential trash...

Posted on: 2010/3/22 14:38

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2009/8/19 13:06
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Recently, a car drove by our house and threw a bottle out the window. To my surprise (or perhaps not), the car was a city vehicle!

I wish I was faster with my camera phone!

Posted on: 2010/3/22 14:29

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2008/10/19 1:18
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stepanstas wrote:
As far a lightrails. What are people supposed to do? Hold their trash till they get outside? Lightrails (and PATH, etc) should have mini cans in the train. Works in other parts of the world, why not here?

Because we live in a world of terrah. If we give the terrorists convenient hiding places, then they will build snickers bars made of plutonium and print anthrax-laced Jersey Journals as part of their ultimate objectives to wipe out Bayonne, Harrison and Weehawken. If we give into the litterers, we give into the terrorists. Can't you see that??? They are working together!!!

Posted on: 2010/3/22 14:10

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/7/14 19:34
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4bailey wrote:

HamiltonParker wrote:
A related, though slightly different problem: I live near the embankment where there don't seem to be any public trash cans....
...Anyone know whom to connect with regarding new public trash can requests?

I?ve contacted Steve Fulop on this issue.

Steve Fulop removed the public garbage cans on Jersey Ave between 7th and 1st street. His position is that those cans attract too much dumping of household and industrial garbage; the city won?t pick up the public cans often enough, so he removed them to discourage the dumping. This situation seems to only apply to the public garbage cans between 7th and 1st Streets on Jersey. You?ll notice that South of Newark Ave, there are plenty of public garbage cans on Jersey Ave.

I?m not a ?Fulop-basher? (I voted for him twice), but I do differ with him on this issue. If enough Ward E residents contact him, maybe he?ll reconsider. If you feel strongly about it, I?d suggest calling or e-mail him.

I'm a Fulop supporter and disagree on this issue too.

It seems the solution would be to have them empty the cans more often, rather than take them away.

Although, with Budgets cuts, I doubt they will increase service.

Question - Anyone know how often the cans ARE emptied? Twice a week like regular pickups?

Posted on: 2010/3/22 14:09

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/9/4 4:07
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2016/8/14 6:40
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What would you ask of the people?

So you want to do the right thing. But in this city, the right thing means carry your trash to your house.

There is no reason for having no trash cans in the corner. And I mean absolutely none. That is rediculus, and they are clearly present in nearby cities.

As far a lightrails. What are people supposed to do? Hold their trash till they get outside? Lightrails (and PATH, etc) should have mini cans in the train. Works in other parts of the world, why not here?

Posted on: 2010/3/22 14:03

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/6/27 22:27
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2012/4/20 14:33
From Hamilton Park
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Over the past 3 - 4 months, I've contacted the Mayor's Action Bureau on many occasions about the fact that the garbage cans around Hamilton Park don't get picked up on weekends, so that by Sunday/Monday morning they're all overflowing sending the garbage to the sidewalk. I even suggested that if necessary they can drop one weekday collection to add the weekend collection, although that shouldn't be necessary since they don't have to pick up the cans on Jersey south of 7th St now that they're missing. I think they actually picked up on the weekend once during that time. I'm going to contact the JCIA directly today since I'm getting nowhere with the Action Bureau. I suggest others do the same.

With respect to the garbage cans that were removed from Jersey Ave, Fulop took them away, he can bring them back. I suggest concerned citizens of that neighborhood contact him to bring the cans back.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 13:56

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2010/1/22 15:49
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2016/10/21 16:46
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And also, who, or what agency is responsible for cleaning up the trash that is all over the streets? After car accidents, there is usually glass and plastic car parts all over the street. And it usually remains there for weeks.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 13:49

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2010/1/22 15:49
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You'd think the city would start ticketing for littering. Think about the amount of money that would generate.

People are lazy and for the most part, miserable.

Litter = lose a finger. I like the sound of that.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 13:45

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2005/12/12 22:14
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2013/9/9 13:46
From Intersection of Venerated @ Ensconced
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HamiltonParker wrote:
A related, though slightly different problem: I live near the embankment where there don't seem to be any public trash cans....
...Anyone know whom to connect with regarding new public trash can requests?

I?ve contacted Steve Fulop on this issue.

Steve Fulop removed the public garbage cans on Jersey Ave between 7th and 1st street. His position is that those cans attract too much dumping of household and industrial garbage; the city won?t pick up the public cans often enough, so he removed them to discourage the dumping. This situation seems to only apply to the public garbage cans between 7th and 1st Streets on Jersey. You?ll notice that South of Newark Ave, there are plenty of public garbage cans on Jersey Ave.

I?m not a ?Fulop-basher? (I voted for him twice), but I do differ with him on this issue. If enough Ward E residents contact him, maybe he?ll reconsider. If you feel strongly about it, I?d suggest calling or e-mail him.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 13:39
"Dogs are our link to paradise." - Milan Kundera

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/10/10 17:33
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2016/10/4 17:25
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A lot of trash comes from people driving through on the way to the tunnel. Between them tossing out their fast food containers and their open windows letting everything blow out of the car, it only takes a couple of hours for a clean street to become strewn with trash.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 13:11

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2005/7/19 20:29
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2011/7/18 18:17
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There are plenty of public cans on my block, and there is plenty of crap in the streets.

I think most of it gets tossed out of car windows though.

Street sweeping does basically nothing to pick it up.

The simple solution would be to apply the "snow" rule year round - property owners would be responsible for the upkeep of sidewalks. This is how it is in the suburbs - homeowners even have to re-concrete the sidewalks in front of their homes!

If I owned property and this happened, I would install a toll, though. 5 cents to walk on my sidewalk. Like the turnpike tolls, this toll would be rescinded after I paid off my sidewalk resurfacing project. I estimate I'll need to collect tolls for 247 years to recoup. By that time, we'll have conveyor-belt magnetic sidewalks, however, and the investment into that, according to my actuaries, will require an additional 32 thousand years to pay off, IF i don't raised the nickel toll. My personal actuaries suggest that, to remain solvent, I raise the toll, preemptively, to, in 34,257 money, 3.5 Gigarupees (roughly 99 trillion dollars in today's money.)

I'll be hiring toll-collectors soon, as soon as I organize the union.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 13:09

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Just can't stay away
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2009/12/13 14:56
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2010/7/21 18:47
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While mostly good points above...BUT we MUST remember:

We've had terrible storms, high winds and an enormous amount of snow recently.

Just a week or two ago there were so many twisted, broken umbrellas strewn about ALL OVER the streets and rammed into packed garbage cans that it looked surreal.

Trash gets blown about!

Posted on: 2010/3/22 13:06

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/5/10 16:36
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2023/7/18 1:45
From Hamilton Park
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I can't understand how emptying the cans costs any money at all. Can't they be emptied twice a week on the normal schedule? Or is the problem that they get filled inbetween these emptyings?


Posted on: 2010/3/22 13:02

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/4/10 13:29
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2024/5/15 1:51
From Mars
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The litter has a lot to do with the lack of public trash cans on the street corners. The city keeps taking them away. The most recent can that I noticed that disappeared was in front of C-Town on the corner of Third and Jersey.

The city's claim, ostensibly, is the household waste being deposited in the public cans. It probably has to do a lot more with simply not spending the money to empty the cans.

The litter won't go away until the city returns trash cans to the street corners. Trash cans won't be returned to the street corners until there is a new city government.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 12:54

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2007/2/14 14:47
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2011/12/7 6:06
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My understanding is they dont issue summons to the litter'er, they send it to the person who owns the home nearby. one of my neighbors got a $125 ticket for not putting lids on his cans. I have been told jersey city has to many people to clean up after. Although if you go to Union city or North bergen, the streets are much cleaner....not sure how that works...

I especially love the when people let their dogs drop right in front of my gate and then walk off like nothing happened. Should we hold their face in it too?

Posted on: 2010/3/22 12:46

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2006/7/14 19:34
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2013/11/1 17:27
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HamiltonParker wrote:
A related, though slightly different problem: I live near the embankment where there don't seem to be any public trash cans. Seems that all of the dog walkers toss their bagged poop in mine (!). By Sunday evening it's filled to the brim and smells pretty ripe during the summer months.

Anyone know whom to connect with regarding new public trash can requests?

Your problem is that the embankment is not public property.
And didn't the owner have a campaign against Healy during the last election? They probably wouldn't want to help him much.

I would call the mayor's Action bureau and they could probably direct you on who to contact. (201) 547-4900/5555

Do you cans have lids? If not that could help.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 12:10

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2010/2/5 18:48
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2019/7/7 17:42
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A related, though slightly different problem: I live near the embankment where there don't seem to be any public trash cans. Seems that all of the dog walkers toss their bagged poop in mine (!). By Sunday evening it's filled to the brim and smells pretty ripe during the summer months.

Anyone know whom to connect with regarding new public trash can requests?

Posted on: 2010/3/22 11:44

Re: Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2010/2/24 16:45
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2015/10/25 16:31
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The garbage on our streets is a real problem. We really need a campaign to stop the littering. It sure would be a money maker if the city would actually issue summons on these kinds of quality of life violations (including not curbing dogs).
It will only get worse with budget cuts, etc.
One thing we can do is to call and report trash violations. Or go online to the J.C. City Hall website and make a service request. I believe you can track the progress of your request: ... t.aspx?cat=0&sSessionID=&

We have to make ourselves heard. Be a squeaky wheel...

Posted on: 2010/3/22 8:39

Garbage on the ground and sidewalks everywhere
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2009/6/21 22:37
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2010/5/18 2:28
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I honestly don't understand why people destroy their environment like this. I got really tire of seeing garbage all over the place.

On the street to go the work everyday, I see so much trash on the sidewalks it makes me want to puke.

If you ever look at the plant containers around the downtown Path station, they are filled with trash.

Couple of times, I seen people throwing trash right out of light rail.

Why can't we have some sort of penalty/fines for people that are destroying our communities. If we do, why aren't they being enforced.

Posted on: 2010/3/22 6:03

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