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Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2009/6/21 17:57
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McCann is NOT the person we need in the BOE. He is a FELON. Call me crazy, but I have to think that there are plenty of non-felons who will be willing to challenge the status quo.

To those who don't agree with increases in this climate: Don't be be fooled into voting him in because of this one stance he has taken. Non-felons can vote no too!

Posted on: 2010/3/20 11:53

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2007/1/2 21:05
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Cato wrote:
The teacher's contract isnt the real problem. The real waste is in the administration.....just take a look at the Empire that Epps has built there. He makes over $250k!!! They have by my count the following people making over $100k:

1 Deputy Superintendent
7 Associate Superintendents
14 Special Assistants
2 Executive Assistants
1 Highly Skilled professional

These people are ADMINISTRATORS who work for the board of education. The money isnt getting to the classrom!!!

Epps is currently angling for an extension on his contract. His term has been an utter failure and huge waste of tax payer money. It is time to change up the composition of the school board so we can prevent them from renewing Epps' contract. Get angry and get involved. The same level of corruption that we see in city hall is in the board of education.....remember Ed Cheatem?


Epps is a narcissist and totally corrupt. What a role model for the children of Jersey City. His deceased son Jonathan was the product of an affair he had with the principal of County Prep. My sources tell me that others in BOE administration have slept with Epps on their way up the BOE ladder. And in addition, Epps has gamed the BOE system to give no-bid contacts to cronys.

Hopefully, Schundler steps in to remove Epps before he gets a contract extension. However, I hold out little hope for it.

Posted on: 2010/3/20 1:31

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2009/7/5 17:15
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ogden1 wrote:
Cato, just curious.
What do you think these salaries should be?
Do a comparison througout the major cities in the state and let us know your findings.
Do you think Elena Scambia did a bang up job???
Compare her to Epps. Who is better?

Whatever the market will bear.

Posted on: 2010/3/20 1:19

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2007/4/6 19:49
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2013/1/24 19:41
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Cato, just curious.
What do you think these salaries should be?
Do a comparison througout the major cities in the state and let us know your findings.
Do you think Elena Scambia did a bang up job???
Compare her to Epps. Who is better?

Posted on: 2010/3/20 0:40

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2009/4/30 13:56
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2010/6/30 17:43
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The teacher's contract isnt the real problem. The real waste is in the administration.....just take a look at the Empire that Epps has built there. He makes over $250k!!! They have by my count the following people making over $100k:

1 Deputy Superintendent
7 Associate Superintendents
14 Special Assistants
2 Executive Assistants
1 Highly Skilled professional

These people are ADMINISTRATORS who work for the board of education. The money isnt getting to the classrom!!!

Epps is currently angling for an extension on his contract. His term has been an utter failure and huge waste of tax payer money. It is time to change up the composition of the school board so we can prevent them from renewing Epps' contract. Get angry and get involved. The same level of corruption that we see in city hall is in the board of education.....remember Ed Cheatem?

Posted on: 2010/3/20 0:32

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2007/4/6 19:49
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2013/1/24 19:41
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Yes maybe they should pay more for their benefits but my God,
they can't cure problems society created. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PENSION MONEY?
If our economy was bustling no one would pay attention or VOTE. Now it's open season on these people.
Such hateful times...
Look in the mirror.

Posted on: 2010/3/20 0:02

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2008/11/14 15:00
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2019/6/17 18:59
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Walk in our shoes for 1 day & then tell us we don't deserve our contract.

You don't deserve a contract - sorry.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 21:28

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2009/7/13 21:48
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My grandfather once told me that: "you can't expect a bad person to do the right thing even if he has promised" ......

One of Warren Buffet's business principles states: "that you can't make a good deal with a bad person(company)"........

Bottom line is that no matter what your political position may be, McCann and probably Connors should be voted out.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 21:18
I'm not perfect.....but I'm not all bad either.

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract

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2010/3/19 20:58
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2010/3/19 21:01
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Everyone has a right to their own opinion. I understand that taxpayers struggle with unfair increased taxes. But what you must also realize is that these tax hikes come from our "great" new govenor. He is out to destroy public education as we know it. Now some of you may think that charter schools are great and that's the way to go, some are good some are horrible, and I speak from experience. What also fail to realize is that it will be your tax dollars that will be paying for these fancy charter schools. Teachers do not have to be certified by the state of New Jersey. Now, I don't know about you but I would rather have my child be taught by a highly qualified teacher than someone who calls themself a teacher. So while you cry about giving the teachers of Jersey City their pay increase, you will be crying later with giving charter schools your money.
I am also intrigued by people who love to comment about how teacher's and how they have it easy. I especially love the comment that says that smaller classes arent' any different than huge 30+ sized classrooms. Of course those of you who speak like this have absolutley no clue what it's like to be in a classroom. You have no idea what its like to teach 30 kids and make sure that each and every one of them is understanding what you are teaching and if they don't you have to find a way how to teach it to them individually while keeping an eye on the rest of the children.
Then you have parents. You have some parents that are outstanding and help their child(ren) to no limits and then you have the parents who say we're not doing enough and that it's our job to educate and discipline their child. Teaching is not teaching anymore, we have supervisors that don't even consult with each other telling us what to do , they contradict each other, and let's not mention our direct bosses the principles who are caught between their teachers and the central office. It's a whole bunch of politics!! I wish that they would just let us do our job and give us what we rightfully deserve. I was totally disgusted last night!!!! Walk in our shoes for 1 day & then tell us we don't deserve our contract.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 21:17

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2009/7/5 17:15
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heights wrote:

jc97 wrote:
The 4% increase that teachers are reported to be receiving is misleading. All teachers are not receiving a 4% pay increase. Only those teachers who have been teaching for ten years are due for this increase. Over the course of the first ten years of their careers they have been earning between $40,000 and $53,000 dollars, depending upon their level of education. As I teacher with a master's degree who has dedicated ten years of service to this district, I am finally up for an increase in pay that would bring me to a somewhat decent income of $61,000. So I ask you, with this level of education and this amount of years devoted to the children of our city, is a raise to $61,000 dollars per year obnoxious? I think not.

$61,000 can by a lot of apples. And just think I know lots of non-college workers who get paid more and thats just for 8 hours a day without over time.

Value/compensation isn't neccessarily determined by hours.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 21:02

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2005/7/13 15:03
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jc97 wrote:
The 4% increase that teachers are reported to be receiving is misleading. All teachers are not receiving a 4% pay increase. Only those teachers who have been teaching for ten years are due for this increase. Over the course of the first ten years of their careers they have been earning between $40,000 and $53,000 dollars, depending upon their level of education. As I teacher with a master's degree who has dedicated ten years of service to this district, I am finally up for an increase in pay that would bring me to a somewhat decent income of $61,000. So I ask you, with this level of education and this amount of years devoted to the children of our city, is a raise to $61,000 dollars per year obnoxious? I think not.

$61,000 can by a lot of apples. And just think I know lots of non-college workers who get paid more and thats just for 8 hours a day without over time.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 17:58

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2008/11/14 15:00
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What's the pass/fail rate of your students, jc97?

Posted on: 2010/3/19 17:30

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2007/5/6 16:35
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2011/10/5 14:56
From Van Vorst
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Does anyone have a link to the Jersey City education budget?

Posted on: 2010/3/19 17:29

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2009/2/20 14:53
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2012/10/6 1:10
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The 4% increase that teachers are reported to be receiving is misleading. All teachers are not receiving a 4% pay increase. Only those teachers who have been teaching for ten years are due for this increase. Over the course of the first ten years of their careers they have been earning between $40,000 and $53,000 dollars, depending upon their level of education. As I teacher with a master's degree who has dedicated ten years of service to this district, I am finally up for an increase in pay that would bring me to a somewhat decent income of $61,000. So I ask you, with this level of education and this amount of years devoted to the children of our city, is a raise to $61,000 dollars per year obnoxious? I think not.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 16:55

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2008/10/19 1:18
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heights wrote:
I say vote Gerry in so we can stop these raises. They handled over 30 pupils over 40 years ago why not now !

One doesn't lead to the other. I agree that the contract needs to be pared back, particularly in light of the announced state cuts in aid. I just don't think you need McCann to do that. There are people running for the board who, thanks to Connors' cowardice, will have the opportunity to vote on this contract. Let them do it and keep felons away from the schools.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 13:40

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2007/10/29 12:17
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I am glad this didnt pass as well - Jersey City is paying for sub-par education for it's students.

I will agree with contract negotiation and increase when the teacher's union does something productive.... like talks about consolidating there contract under Hudson county and level setting pay....

I dont care who you are.... you cant drink from a dry well.

Go back to the drawing board and actually come up with something useful.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 13:39

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2005/7/13 15:03
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T-Bird wrote:

12345 wrote:
By Ken Thorbourne/The Jersey Journal
March 18, 2010, 10:34PM

Board member and former mayor Gerald McCann, who taunted the teachers all night, led the opposition to the four-year deal, which called for raises between 4.35 percent and 4.7 percent.......

Relishing the fight, McCann quipped at one point, "I know a lot of you have to go home...I know a lot of you have to get to the Turnpike," referring to the fact that only about a third of the district's 3,400 teachers live in Jersey City.

Gerry McCann scored another victory for Gerry McCann last night! Way to go Gerry! What purpose is served by acting like a child and demonizing the union other than campaign posturing? Isn't there a law that keeps criminals such as McCann a certain distance from schools? Vote McCann off the board on April 20. Protect our children!!

I say vote Gerry in so we can stop these raises. They handled over 30 pupils over 40 years ago why not now !

Posted on: 2010/3/19 13:32

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2007/11/29 18:19
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Personally, I am glad that this didn't pass.

To get anywhere from a 4.3 to 4.7 % raise is just obnoxious while we're still very much in the Great Recession and so many in the private sector (myself included) have lost our jobs outright.

Giving themselves these generous raises does nothing to help the kids. NJ teachers are already the highest paid in the nation.

Finally, I think there is a LOT of waste in our public schools and a lot of teachers who have their jobs because of that thing called tenure. I'm sick of being taxed to hell for it - and I don't even have kids.

Tenure needs to go. In the 70's when I was in elementary school there were between 30-40 kids in my class with just one teacher. I'm not buying that we have to have a lower student / teacher ratio for kids to succeed.



Posted on: 2010/3/19 12:31

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2008/10/19 1:18
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12345 wrote:
By Ken Thorbourne/The Jersey Journal
March 18, 2010, 10:34PM

Board member and former mayor Gerald McCann, who taunted the teachers all night, led the opposition to the four-year deal, which called for raises between 4.35 percent and 4.7 percent.......

Relishing the fight, McCann quipped at one point, "I know a lot of you have to go home...I know a lot of you have to get to the Turnpike," referring to the fact that only about a third of the district's 3,400 teachers live in Jersey City.

Gerry McCann scored another victory for Gerry McCann last night! Way to go Gerry! What purpose is served by acting like a child and demonizing the union other than campaign posturing? Isn't there a law that keeps criminals such as McCann a certain distance from schools? Vote McCann off the board on April 20. Protect our children!!

And Connors? Why are you on the board if you can't make the tough decisions? How much time did you spend looking for someone to recommend you abstain? Incredible.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 11:39

Re: Jersey City Board of Ed fails to pass teachers contract
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2009/4/30 13:56
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I am sorry but how can Sean Conners abstain on this vote! It really shows a lack of spine. He can't decide between his family (McCann) and the teacher's union that got him elected.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 8:13

Jersey City Board of Education approves four-year teachers contract with raises
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2008/5/6 6:21
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2022/11/28 18:03
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By Ken Thorbourne/The Jersey Journal
March 18, 2010, 10:34PM

In a loud and dramatic meeting, the Jersey City school board failed tonight to ratify a teachers union contract that had been negotiated over a 15-month period and agreed to by the administration.

The 4-4-1 vote came three hours into the contentious meeting at School 11 on Bergen Avenue and sent more than 500 teachers home grumbling.

"Throw them out," one teacher yelled referring to the board.

Board member and former mayor Gerald McCann, who taunted the teachers all night, led the opposition to the four-year deal, which called for raises between 4.35 percent and 4.7 percent.

In the wake of a $27 million reduction in state school aid, McCann branded the contract as too expensive.

Combined with previous cuts, McCann said the contract would lead to about 500 layoffs.

The crowd booed and hissed every time he spoke.

Relishing the fight, McCann quipped at one point, "I know a lot of you have to go home...I know a lot of you have to get to the Turnpike," referring to the fact that only about a third of the district's 3,400 teachers live in Jersey City.

Board members L. Terry Dehere, Frances O. Thompson, and Patricia Sebron joined McCann in voting "no," while board members Peter Donnelly, Sue Mack, Angel Valentin and Board president William DeRosa voted for the agreement.

Board member Sean Connors, a Jersey City detective, abstained based on a advisory opinion from the State Schools Ethics Commission stating that board members who are elected with the support of the teachers' union should abstain from voting on contracts for at least a year.

The vote sends the union and its members back to the drawing board.

"We go back to the table," Jersey City Education Association Vice President Bob Cecchine said after the vote.

The teachers argued that the raises in the contract had been misinterpreted. The bulk of the hikes are a result of moving up "steps" based on longevity. The actual raises, they said, ranges from 1.55 percent the first year to .31 percent that last year of the pact.

Tom Favia, the union's president, was lustily cheered when he entered the auditorium and when he rose to speak.

"I've been doing this for 48 years," Favia boomed. "Some of us went to jail because of these contracts. At the end of those contracts we shook hands and honored the agreement."

Board members made it clear they played no role in negotiating the agreement, a point confirmed by Superintendent of Schools Charles T. Epps Jr., who negotiated the contract along with his staff and the help of a mediator.

Epps said that even though some decision-making functions in Jersey City Public Schools has returned to local control, he didn't realize until after the contract was negotiated that the board had to sign off on the agreement.

Posted on: 2010/3/19 5:04

Edited by Webmaster on 2010/5/25 4:36:31
Edited by Webmaster on 2010/5/25 4:39:00

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