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Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/1/19 19:23
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I have not assaulted anyone. Yes I have called out that Team Healy members are a disgrace when it comes to doing the right thing overall for the JC Residents. At the council meeting last week you can see by their body language they were trying to ignore the people, the suggestions and will let things fall on deaf ears.


CapnJon wrote:
we know JRL lifts weights and practices karate... and he's even mentioned carrying a bat... if he keeps assaulting folks like Gaughan, i can see him getting arrested pretty easy!

Posted on: 2010/2/2 16:23

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2007/11/28 3:26
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Just take a page from Rex Ryan's book and give them the finger instead.

Posted on: 2010/2/2 16:10

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2005/9/21 13:53
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we know JRL lifts weights and practices karate... and he's even mentioned carrying a bat... if he keeps assaulting folks like Gaughan, i can see him getting arrested pretty easy!

Posted on: 2010/2/2 15:51

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/5/15 17:21
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2010/11/24 18:54
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I also would not recommend screaming at people in the streets. The angry should all take a step back from their collective fury and realize that the people who work for city departments are not the same as the people on the city council.
(and you might get punched in the face.)

Posted on: 2010/2/2 15:48

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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JRL wrote:
Stop with the negativity about keeping up the pressure and lets do it! You are right they are counting on the JC Residents to fade away!

I don't know about you, but there are a lot of us they are not going to let the anger fade away.

It will be a Journey. I'm asking right now who on JC List. Who is in? Do you want to keep the pressure on, the lets do it.

Spread the word..Keep packing City Hall Chambers for the City Council meetings.

When the weather gets warm, lets get Thousands of people to march and protest on city hall.

When anybody sees a Team Healy member in public, scream at them, call them a disgrace, call them a piece of shit, or whatever you want to call them, make them so miserable, that they will want to run and hide and wish they never had the job, perhaps to the point of resigning.

I'm in, although you won't find me screaming at people in the streets.

I cannot make it to the meeting on the 10th, but I will be there on the 24th.

I see that I've been added to some GoogleGroup; I assume that the person collecting email addresses and info started it but there has been no activity on it yet.

Is there someone organizing?

Posted on: 2010/2/1 17:54

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2008/10/19 1:18
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Insider: Jersey City citizens band together to fight a common enemy, City Hall
By Agustin C. Torres/The Jersey Journal
January 30, 2010, 4:00PM

Wednesday evening, the City Hall council chamber in Jersey City was a special place. The crowd, an angry gathering of residents, was electric. This evening was not for the squeamish.

"That he which hath no stomach to this fight, let him depart; ...," said King Henry V, as quoted by Shakespeare. The same held this night.

The red that clouded their eyes did not see individuals on the city panel but one despicable monster. Familiar faces in the crowd mixed with newcomers to form a beast, much as those larger creatures that are formed by a school of fish to confront predators.

Citizens -- alone, couples, those with children -- filled the chamber and walked the hallways looking for any excuse for a catharsis, a release from the nearly physical pain of yet another large tax levy increase, perhaps as much as 25 percent. This is on top of a previous levy increase of 11.25 percent. Did we mention last year's 24 percent hike in water and sewer bills?

It is why they even booed and cursed Downtown Councilman Steven Fulop, whom they initially failed to recognize as an ally. Fulop made the mistake of prefacing his remarks to an impatient communal beast rather than just voting on an ordinance to essentially exceed a municipal spending cap.

It didn't take much to start things off at the meeting. After an initial speaker on the ordinance complained about the inability of the city to hold down spending year after year, the people responded with a standing ovation.

This is when City Council President Peter Brennan decided to take control of the situation and came forward with his whip and chair.

Brennan hammered his gavel and declared that he would not accept a breech in decorum with the outburst. He also warned the crowd that their numbers already exceed the fire code for the chamber.

His remarks were met with a tsunami of boos and catcalls. The beast showed its claws.
It was not enough to prevent the measure from being approved. Oddly, besides Fulop and Councilwoman Viola Richardson voting against it, they were joined by Journal Square Councilwoman Nidia Lopez, usually an administration echo.

Yesterday, the regular face of reformers was present, but there were those unfamiliar with municipal government making their first visit, after getting their quarterly tax bill. Is it a sign of things to come?

We'll see. As winter progresses, the ides of March is only about a month and a half away.


-- Michelle Richardson of Jersey City was appointed this week as director of the Hudson County Department of Parks and Planning.

Richardson once worked in the banking world, was a deputy commissioner in the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs and later the state Department of Labor. Recently, she was a deputy director at the Jersey City Housing Authority.

I might mention that she's the wife of former Assemblyman Joe Charles and a friend of state Sen. Sandra Cunningham.

This is a confusing signal.

Not long ago, the widow of Bobby Jackson lost her job at the county Schools of Technology which appeared to be a shot across Cunningham's bow.

-- I point out, for no apparent reason, that county Executive Tom DeGise gave his State of the County speech wearing his John Denver-like yellow power tie.

-- U.S. Rep. Albio Sires of West New York held a fundraising event last night at Puccini's.

-- It's good thing because 33rd District Assemblyman Ruben Ramos, who would probably love to be a congressman, was named the New Jersey Democratic Party treasurer at the party's reorganization meeting on Wednesday. This makes Ramos a member of the party leadership.

-- Jersey City is among seven New Jersey municipalities elected to participate in the "Mayor's Book Clubs: Promoting Early Literacy." It is a partnership between Mayor Jerramiah Healy and the Jersey City Public Library.

The city will receive 750 books donated by the Healthcare Institute of New Jersey. Titles of donated books include "The Eensy Weensy Spider" and "Something Big Has Been Here."

Most curiously interesting of the titles in the Mayor's Book Club, in my opinion, is Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed. Does the book have a dedication?

Posted on: 2010/1/31 15:30

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2008/10/19 1:18
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JerseyCityPower wrote:
Wrong "W.S.F.Y."

Do YOU know there is a 'war tax' on your phone bill?

Look, if the the costs of these illegal wars didn't take up BILLIONS in our taxpayer dollars, there would be money for other social programs and for states individually.

Why DO you think property taxes go up?
What's THE reason?

To ultimately pay for WhAT?

Ignorance + fear = a good complacent citizen

To Whospeaksforyou's point - Healy doesn't control the phone company (or your phone bill) either. (I've always heard that "war tax" stems from the Spanish-American war. Is this true?)

People spoke pretty clearly in November '08 about how they felt about the wars and I'd bet you'll see people speak just as forcefully this November on how angry they are with the bailouts.

Who are these "citizens" who support spending tax dollars on these things? Corporations and other special interests are the biggest supporters of most if not all of the things you are complaining about - far more so than "citizens".

Posted on: 2010/1/30 19:24

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
Just can't stay away
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2009/12/13 14:56
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2010/7/21 18:47
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Wrong "W.S.F.Y."

Do YOU know there is a 'war tax' on your phone bill?

Look, if the the costs of these illegal wars didn't take up BILLIONS in our taxpayer dollars, there would be money for other social programs and for states individually.

Why DO you think property taxes go up?
What's THE reason?

To ultimately pay for WhAT?

Ignorance + fear = a good complacent citizen

Posted on: 2010/1/30 18:14

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/4/27 22:18
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JCPower --

People here are talking about property taxes which are paid to the municipal government. There may be many problems with the Healy administration, but they did not invade Iraq.

I think you might be confusing property taxes with income taxes.

Anger + Wanton Ignorance = Comedy

Posted on: 2010/1/30 17:43

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/12/13 14:56
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2010/7/21 18:47
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But wait.....
Citizens are upset TAXES are going UP?

The SAME citizens that SUPPORT endless wars, invasions and occupations on OTHER nations?........

The SAME citizens that SUPPORT the wars on Iraq and Afghinastan?........

The SAME citizens that SUPPORT sending BILLIONS to OTHER countries?........

The SAME citizens who SUPPORT the airline and bank BAILOUTS?.......

The SAME citizens who SUPPORT Obama's $600 Billion war budget for fiscal 2010?

But HOW will those citizens continue to PAY for ALL OF THE ABOVE....WHICH THEY SUPPORT...if our taxes DON'T go up?

(Let's REALLY support our troops and bring'em back here NOW! Stop sending BILLIONS to other nations yearly. STOP bailing out BIG BUSINESS and BANKS. money for the USA infrastructure, people and smart, intelligently priced healthcare! THEN we'll have lower taxes...after all HOW do you really think we pay for endless wars?)

Posted on: 2010/1/30 17:05

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/1/19 19:23
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I hope you are feeling a different vibe around Jersey City these days, I see it and feel it in my neighborhood. JC Residents might have finally had it and more and more want to get involved to fight against Healy and is Captive Council.

A store owner asked me this morning if there will be a poster for the next rally to get even more people to show up at the next Council meeting as he will put one in his window.

While I have seen some concern about this fading away, JC Residents, keep in mind this is a Journey and could be a long one, but do not give up and keep the pressure on.

Residents of JC we need to keep mobilizing.

Posted on: 2010/1/30 16:51

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/1/19 19:23
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Stop with the negativity about keeping up the pressure and lets do it! You are right they are counting on the JC Residents to fade away!

I don't know about you, but there are a lot of us they are not going to let the anger fade away.

It will be a Journey. I'm asking right now who on JC List. Who is in? Do you want to keep the pressure on, the lets do it.

Spread the word..Keep packing City Hall Chambers for the City Council meetings.

When the weather gets warm, lets get Thousands of people to march and protest on city hall.

When anybody sees a Team Healy member in public, scream at them, call them a disgrace, call them a piece of shit, or whatever you want to call them, make them so miserable, that they will want to run and hide and wish they never had the job, perhaps to the point of resigning.

The more and more noise we residents make, the more we get noticed from the media outlets and all the way to Trenton, where sooner or later the Governor's Ofiice could step in and ask these dysfunctional Team Healy Council members to step down. I will say it again it will be a Journey.

We can defeat them, we must not give up. The power is in the people's hands if we choose to use it.

Lets use every method possible to chase them out of office.

So again I ask, who is in???


PBW wrote:

whospeaksforyou wrote:

Again, Esther riled a lot of people up and there's certainly something to be said for that; but populist anger only goes so far until it becomes self-destructive.

My opinion is people aren't angry enough. We, as citizens, can't keep up the pressure to get Vega off the council the way the citizens of Hoboken got their mayor to resign.

They count on JC apathy. Folks will get riled up for a little bit then fade away.

As a collective, it's our fault for not keeping up the pressure and our fault for putting them there in the first place.

Posted on: 2010/1/30 6:38

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/4/27 22:18
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Anger + More Anger = Even More Anger

Anger + Focus = Action

Posted on: 2010/1/30 2:46

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?

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2009/7/28 15:45
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What happened to the collective appeal option or a petition in a court (public interest litigation) option ??

Posted on: 2010/1/30 0:58

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2006/7/14 19:34
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whospeaksforyou wrote:

Again, Esther riled a lot of people up and there's certainly something to be said for that; but populist anger only goes so far until it becomes self-destructive.

My opinion is people aren't angry enough. We, as citizens, can't keep up the pressure to get Vega off the council the way the citizens of Hoboken got their mayor to resign.

They count on JC apathy. Folks will get riled up for a little bit then fade away.

As a collective, it's our fault for not keeping up the pressure and our fault for putting them there in the first place.

Posted on: 2010/1/30 0:39

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/4/27 22:18
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I agree that the most effective speaker was the young mother speaking so candidly about her finances and the values she teaches her son. A close second was the guy who called the Mayor's dial-a-story with his daughter only to hear quite a pertinent one: the three little pigs.

Again, Esther riled a lot of people up and there's certainly something to be said for that; but populist anger only goes so far until it becomes self-destructive.

Posted on: 2010/1/29 23:49

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/1/19 19:23
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Esther rocked!!! My favorite quotes:

"I am not your ATM."

"Did you really believe even for a moment that we would graciously bend over and accept your pillage"

We cannot not stop now, there is POWER in numbers, it would be to easy to give up, that is what Healy and his Captive Council wants. Come on JC Residents we are better than that, lets fight them.

They want to make our lives miserable, than let's make theirs equally as miserable, and make them feel uncomfortable so everywhere they turn, the need to run and hide.

Let's break their will, will it be easy NO...

We can fight them and win. .SHOW UP AT THE MEETINGS!!! BE STRONG!! BE HEARD!


allen wrote:
Thank You. I am down with Esther. She also spoke my mind, as well as the minds and hearts of all those who are affected by this idiotic tax increase. And yes, all it seemed to elicit from the council was contempt although it's not in anyone's best interest to care what they thought. Esther brought it on and we have to bring it further until they realize the citizens of Jersey City mean business. This tax increase is legal extortion, because who wants to lose their home. I don't need a plan to help me pay what I already owe although I appreciate the gesture. I see it as giving me time to sell my house, pay off my bills and get out. I've been struggling already and the last thing I need is to extend my debt. It's hard times out here, and the city knows this because they have felt the crunch also. But to place that weight on homeowners who are already overburdened in debt is simply unspeakable.

Posted on: 2010/1/29 22:19

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?

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2010/1/29 13:20
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Thank You. I am down with Esther. She also spoke my mind, as well as the minds and hearts of all those who are affected by this idiotic tax increase. And yes, all it seemed to elicit from the council was contempt although it's not in anyone's best interest to care what they thought. Esther brought it on and we have to bring it further until they realize the citizens of Jersey City mean business. This tax increase is legal extortion, because who wants to lose their home. I don't need a plan to help me pay what I already owe although I appreciate the gesture. I see it as giving me time to sell my house, pay off my bills and get out. I've been struggling already and the last thing I need is to extend my debt. It's hard times out here, and the city knows this because they have felt the crunch also. But to place that weight on homeowners who are already overburdened in debt is simply unspeakable.

Posted on: 2010/1/29 20:17

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2005/7/13 15:03
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I think my favorite speaker was the 22 year old single mother who stated she scrimped & saved for a home of her own and expected the 9 members of the city council to be good stewards of her hard earned income. "Good stewards, yeah, that a good one your honor." I applaud this woman's ability to stick it out in J.C. Any other favorites out there ?

Posted on: 2010/1/29 19:37

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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whospeaksforyou wrote:
I was there, too.

The problem with these rally/protests is that people go to the Council meeting, they yell, they boo, they hiss, they cheer; and for many, it represents a catharsis of sorts. And by attending that one meeting they feel they've done their civic duty for the day or the month or the year.

As stated in the previous post, for any actual action to occur, there has to be consistent, concerted movement rather than these one-off protests.

No doubt there needs to be more than just what happened Wednesday. For starters, there will be at least two more council meetings before the budget is approved - as many, preferably more, people need to show up at those meetings. But yes - there needs to be other action.

What should that be?

Posted on: 2010/1/29 14:30

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/4/27 22:18
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I was there, too.

The problem with these rally/protests is that people go to the Council meeting, they yell, they boo, they hiss, they cheer; and for many, it represents a catharsis of sorts. And by attending that one meeting they feel they've done their civic duty for the day or the month or the year.

As stated in the previous post, for any actual action to occur, there has to be consistent, concerted movement rather than these one-off protests.

Otherwise it looks like a bunch of crybabies who only show up when their own pocketbooks are affected. Esther's intentions are good, but her speech was so long and overdramatized that it lost its oomph, IMO. When this is what they are faced with, the Councilpeople can still consider themselves above the fray, as ridiculous as that is.

Posted on: 2010/1/29 14:16

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?

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2010/1/29 13:20
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2010/2/1 21:48
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Great rally!!! Now they see that the citizens of Jersey City will come together and are not as dumb as they think. Let's keep it coming!!! I'm sure that each one of us come in contact with at least ten different people in a week. Can someone create a petition, post it online so it can be printed out? Then forward signed copies to each councilman, and make sure that the names on these petitions are acknowledged at the next meeting. If we just stand there and read the names of those who are against the increase, the council can do nothing but listen. Citizen after citizen going up to that podium reading names for as long as they are allowed. Remember they work for us. We put them there and we can vote them out.

Posted on: 2010/1/29 13:46

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2005/7/13 15:03
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freedom wrote:

JRL wrote:
Stay will be organized soon and get posted out here.


Bike_Lane wrote:
Is anyone organizing a rally for February 24? How is word getting out? I was thinking yesterday it would\'ve been great if folks were stationed at the PATH stations and JSQ bus depot handing out flyers, spreading the word, intercepting folks coming off trains at Grove Street and urging them to go to City Hall. Are there any action groups who are mobilized? I don\'t have the experience to manage a campaign but I\'ve got the passion to work in one.

As a history lesson does anyone remember the fight for 111 first street ? It did take a huge turnout over and over again, to get the attention of this city council.

We need folks from every corner of the city not just downtown.

What about a short TV spot (Dan L?) urging people to show up at the next meeting. How much would it cost?

There were residents from all over the Jersey City although some that were stunned by the tax rate hike don't even read the Jersey let alone go online not even sure if they vote. But the hike got their attention. And yes I was there as well.

Posted on: 2010/1/29 13:26

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?

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2004/1/2 6:35
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Esther, you can start a New Topic for then next protest.

Posted on: 2010/1/29 7:39

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2006/10/26 1:36
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JRL wrote:
Stay will be organized soon and get posted out here.


Bike_Lane wrote:
Is anyone organizing a rally for February 24? How is word getting out? I was thinking yesterday it would\'ve been great if folks were stationed at the PATH stations and JSQ bus depot handing out flyers, spreading the word, intercepting folks coming off trains at Grove Street and urging them to go to City Hall. Are there any action groups who are mobilized? I don\'t have the experience to manage a campaign but I\'ve got the passion to work in one.

As a history lesson does anyone remember the fight for 111 first street ? It did take a huge turnout over and over again, to get the attention of this city council.

We need folks from every corner of the city not just downtown.

What about a short TV spot (Dan L?) urging people to show up at the next meeting. How much would it cost?

Posted on: 2010/1/29 2:14

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2007/7/4 16:37
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I was there and actually the video doesn't capture the crowd. There were tons of people when Warren Curtin (the 1st on the video, but definitely not the first) spoke. Coming to the next meetings is CRUCIAL to be heard. I was so mad at the cavalier attitude of some of the council members, some look like they have no clue at all ! That's what happens to the mind when cows are fed the lefrak and other's grassy abatement return recipe.

In this year of proposals to tax inflated bonus, it isn't reasonable to DEMAND from the council that they find of way for a special excise tax on the developers who made such handsome profits on inflated property values from the water front, and also to suggest that they put the interest of the people who elected them by defaulting first on some of these loans. Yes that would force them to have a budget with what they have.


Posted on: 2010/1/29 1:20

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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It felt good to get those things off my chest last night. As I looked at the faces of the Council last night, I could feel that they were wishing we would just go away.

It ain't happening.

BTW, I am Esther.

I met a number of people at the meeting and all are eager to jump on board to begin mobilizing.

Last night was just the beginning, I'm not going down without a fight.


T-Bird wrote:

There needs to be at least two more rallies - Feb. 10 and Feb. 24, which are the next two council meetings. If last night is as far as it goes, it may as well never have happened. It's up to us to make sure it continues.

There will be be rallies at the next two council meeting. The clock is ticking.

Just trying to formulate a couple of ideas, as JRL said....

Stay tuned.

Webmaster - Should the title of this thread be changed to reflect the new date or should we start a new thread?

BTW, thank you for the video and giving us this forum.

Posted on: 2010/1/29 1:15

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2009/1/19 19:23
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Stay will be organized soon and get posted out here.


Bike_Lane wrote:
Is anyone organizing a rally for February 24? How is word getting out? I was thinking yesterday it would've been great if folks were stationed at the PATH stations and JSQ bus depot handing out flyers, spreading the word, intercepting folks coming off trains at Grove Street and urging them to go to City Hall. Are there any action groups who are mobilized? I don't have the experience to manage a campaign but I've got the passion to work in one.

Posted on: 2010/1/28 23:55

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?
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2008/11/10 4:48
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2021/11/20 23:45
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Is anyone organizing a rally for February 24? How is word getting out? I was thinking yesterday it would've been great if folks were stationed at the PATH stations and JSQ bus depot handing out flyers, spreading the word, intercepting folks coming off trains at Grove Street and urging them to go to City Hall. Are there any action groups who are mobilized? I don't have the experience to manage a campaign but I've got the passion to work in one.

Posted on: 2010/1/28 23:03

Re: Rally at City Hall Wednesday, Jan 27?

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2009/7/28 15:45
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I was there yesterday at city hall; I dont think they have the situation under control; they have no idea how to fix this; they are just looking for a band-aid solution; this needs a SURGERY; I dont think they understand this; there is no point in blaming the council; only 43% of properties in jc pay taxes; they dont know about howmany condos pay taxes; CFO just wants to increase but he wasnt there to explain why he wants to increase; we need to live with this if not today, we are going to pay at some point; my neighbor already started looking for a place in kearny/harrison to move out; rents will increase in jc. A Landlord friend was asking, how can they increase 25% taxes while certain rent control buildings can increase only around 4% rent. Rents will go up now water bill is already up by 26%, as per the land lord friend... Gosh.. what a mess !!!

Is there a way to collectively appeal the decision in a court ?
if so how ? I think that is the option we should look for... I dont think Gov Christie is going to bailout Jersey City. We need to look beyond the rally to work a future action plan! We need a citizen leader who can negotiate with the city on behalf of people, this is more workable so that atleast we can negotiate some percentage with the administration by forcing them to cut costs further.

Posted on: 2010/1/28 21:45

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