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Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/10/15 20:21
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2019/10/21 3:42
From Hilltop
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Question, what do the delay announcements mean? Is it the number of minutes past schedule that each train will arrive or is the additional time added between each scheduled train?

For example, I was in the PATH the other night when the trains were on a 15 minute schedule (33rd comes every 15 minutes), the announcement said the trains were subject to a 15 minute delay. Does that mean there was one skipped train and the rest are basically on time? Or are they on a 30 minute schedule due to the 15 minute delay?

Posted on: 2010/1/6 20:42

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/9/21 22:19
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simalcga - understand your frustration but it's a little diff situation than mta subways.

ex. a day like today, everyone is crowded around the entrance bc they know the train is going to be packed and only a handful of people are able to get on. It's frustrating bc when you've seen 2 trains go by and you cant get on, you get a little more aggresive with your approach. Also, not many people get off the train at grove st coming from newark or JSQ so it is safe to assume no one is getting off hence the heavy traffic in front of the doors.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 19:11

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/1/22 23:07
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2020/7/5 20:55
From Jersey City, NJ
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Don't even get me started on the NJ Transit - although most of its delays are caused by Amtrak. Public transportation in NJ is lousy across the board - perhaps, that is why so many people just say f it and drive - which may explain the excessive traffic jams.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 18:53

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/1/22 23:07
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From Jersey City, NJ
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I received the alert - but like always, it was 15-20 minutes after the fact. The fact that they felt the need such an alert system really goes to show you the amount of service issues they have and anticipate to have. I must get (on average) three or four alerts a day. That's insane!

As to the train etiquette, I couldn't agree with you guys more. I grew up in New York, and as a kid learned subway etiquette. I just assumed everyone else that traveled by train into NY knew to get out of the way of people exiting the train before attempting to board. I once saw a woman push through an entire morning rush hour train emptying off at WTC so she could sit and wait in the train - her response to those of us that told her to wait - was "fu-k all you" "I do what I want". Part of the problem is it seems more suburbanites who are not used to riding a commuter train take the PATH; and the rest of the problem (as evidenced by the aforementioned woman) is that more A-holes with no respect or manners live in NJ. I hate to say it, but since moving to NJ, I've found that more people in NJ have an "it's all about me" attitude - even more so than NY, which I found hard to believe. I call it the NJ-Napoleon complex.

Yes, I'm a NJ hater. There I said it.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 18:49

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/12/22 20:28
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From 8th st
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As someone who took NJ transit for a lot of years I freaking love the path. It breaks down about 1/20 the amount time that NJ Transit does.

Limited tracks, old system and a lot of trains will lead to occasional outages. As for ways into and out of the city, I can't think of one that is more reliably on time.

NJ Transit, you can and will get stuck at least once a week.
Car, you can and will hit a major traffic jam every other day if you don't commute at 4am.

Ferry? We'll I actually haven't done this, maybe it is better.

Anyway, I've been using the PATH for only a short period of time now (since September), but in that time it hasn't broken down on me once or made me late once. It would have to break down every day for the next two weeks to catch up to crappy record of NJ Transit.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 18:41

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2007/6/29 20:54
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I take the path from Grove to 33rd every day and yes, it sucks! I had no problems today right before 9 am but my friend had major issues just after 9 and didn't make it to work until almost 11!

And yes, I sign up for path alerts and received NO emails about this at all. Very helpful!

Posted on: 2010/1/6 18:11

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/3/25 17:56
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Couldn't agree more. And it isn't a last stop thing. I used to live near the last stop on the N, and it never turned into a Rugby scrum to get off the train.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 18:00

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/9/10 17:55
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If people on the platforms would just move out of the way to let exiting passengers off, the whole boarding process would be a whole lot faster...but no, people attempt to get on while people are getting off -- or refuse to move to let people out.

Strangely enough, the people who ride the Manhattan subway seem to understand the physics about two bodies occupying the same space.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 17:51

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/9/10 17:55
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I took the train from Grove at 7:25 am with no problems. You would think that problems would be earlier when it's colder, rather than later.

AND even though I am signed up for PATH alerts, I had no emails this morning at all. How odd.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 17:41

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/1/3 19:12
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From Van Vorst Park
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It is indeed frustrating. This morning sucked.

How old on average are the signal systems on the NYC Subway lines? Every line I've been on, and I've been on most, the trains FLY. Arrive at station, quickly open doors, and quickly close doors, and then, ZOOM. Speed.

Has anybody noticed that the PATH process is 10x slower? Aside from the crawling between stations (which is related to the old signal system). Sometimes the trains literally crawl once they are "at" the platform, but just need to pull up. It's like the drivers are tormenting us.

And the opening and closing of doors. This process is lightening speed on the NYC subways. On PATH, it's molasses. Doors open. "". CONDUCTOR: "STAND CLEAR OF THE DOORS!!!". "Bing--boop". The whole process at the platform is 40 seconds...NYC subways? About 10 seconds. You cannot blame that on old signal systems. OR the age of the trains, because it's the same way with the new trains.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 17:28

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/1/22 23:07
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2020/7/5 20:55
From Jersey City, NJ
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There was a "signal problem" system wide starting at about 9:00 am - causing 30 minute delays on all trains to WTC and complete suspension of trains to 33rd Street. It was finally fixed a little after 11. But, I'm sure it will break again just ni time for the evening commute.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 16:52

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)

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2010/1/5 18:56
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2010/2/2 17:22
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There were issues today on the WTC line. There was a huge crowd on the platform at a time that's usually not so busy, and when I got into work I had about 10 emails about delays due to a signal problem.

Posted on: 2010/1/6 16:42

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/9/10 17:55
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THIS morning? Jan 6? There was a problem today?

Posted on: 2010/1/6 16:32

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/1/22 23:07
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2020/7/5 20:55
From Jersey City, NJ
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We can voice our concerns until we're blue in the face. The simple fact is that the PATH doesn't give a sh-t! It has a monopoly and thus has us by the balls. . . unless of course we all start taking the ferry or someone builds a footbridge across the Hudson.

Two days in a row of hours of delays is unacceptable. How does the PATH expect our bosses (many of who have never ridden the PATH) to believe that this train system has this many delays and could be this unreliable for a system in the New York City metro area. I've been on train systems all over the world, and the PATH is by far the worst as far as reliability and customer service. Yet, it is also the smallest. 13 STATIONS (and only two of which are above ground) . . . How can the cold wreck this much havoc on this system?????????

The site at Grove Street this morning was incredible - people waiting in the plaza upstairs/outside because there was no room in the station or platform. Not a single PATH employee to be found.

On Thursdays when the "customer service" (and I use that term loosely) people are in the stations, we should all stop by and just piss on them. It's only fair, because they have been pissing on all of us for years!

Posted on: 2010/1/6 16:24

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2004/9/15 19:03
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PATH train service from Newark is suspended

By The Associated Press
January 05, 2010, 6:50AM

LATEST UPDATE: PATH train service from Newark is restored after problems with bridge

NEWARK? PATH service has been suspended in both directions from Newark to Journal Square in Jersey City.

NJ Transit said a problem with a dock bridge over the Passaic River at the end of Penn Station in Newark is causing the problem.

dock-bridge-newark-path-train-journal-square-world-trade-center.jpgMyFoxNY.comProblems at a dock bridge are causing disruptions at the PATH train service from Newark
NJ Transit is cross-honoring PATH riders from Newark to New York and buses are running express routes from Market Street in Newark to Penn Station and Journal Square.

Train service on the Newark to World Trade Center line has also been suspended.

Posted on: 2010/1/5 15:00

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/9/20 14:11
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Can we get the revolving door fixed at Newport? It's been like two months.

Posted on: 2009/12/17 21:56

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/12/1 22:07
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2011/12/8 18:51
From Grove Street
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I'm certainly not a PATH apologist, but they are modernizing their switching system. They should be able to run more PATH at closer intervals in any direction by 2013. That said, we are bias, and will gain nothing by competing with HOB for more JSQ service. We both need to demand more quality service from the PATH.

Posted on: 2009/12/17 18:28

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/1/3 19:12
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From Van Vorst Park
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I didn't even think that it would be full o' bills. They should empty the things regularly. I've really been screwed many times.

Another serious beef, and I know this has been mentioned before. When I wait at the 23rd Street platform, weekdays, between 6:30 and 8:00 usually...the Hoboken-bound train that comes by is frigging EMPTY. Seriously sometimes the first couple of cars are EMPTY, and the middle cars have plenty of seats that remain empty.

Meanwhile, in this same timeframe, the JSQ-bound trains are ALL packed to the gills by 23rd Street, most times.

I'd imagine that Port Authority is interested in reducing why does this happen? Why don't they, at the very least, reduce the frequency of trains to Hoboken?

Obviously for us JCers the best solution would be to ADD more frequent service to the JSQ line...but you'd think that the Hoboken trains would be reduced. Seriously some of those trains are empty, when the JSQ trains are packed...not only is it not fair to us, but it just doesn't make sense. Doesn't the Port Authority do feasibility research, and adjust their service based on needs?

Posted on: 2009/12/17 17:58

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/1/3 19:12
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From Van Vorst Park
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I have a question. Why sometimes do the kiosks NOT accept bills, at the Grove Street station? There are 2 kiosks, and it seems that most times, at least when I am using them, that at least one of the two says "No Bills".

Quite a few times, BOTH machines have said "No Bills". How frustrating is that!

You add intervals of $, whether it's $5, $10, $ no change is needed. There must be a reason for this "No Bills" mode...but for the life of me I cannot figure it out. Anybody know?

Posted on: 2009/12/17 17:18

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/11/29 2:29
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Has the section of Pavonia Avenue alongside the Pavonia-Newport PATH station been officially renamed?

Posted on: 2009/12/8 0:30

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2009/11/25 16:31
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Brooklynboy wrote:
OK Why is it everyday when I return from Manhattan to Grove Street none of the machines take bills.Sometimes either my Smartcard or Metrocard is running low. I would rather do it upon my return when I am just going home than stand in line in the morning . The morning people, from my own experience, either do not know how to work the machine or scramble trying to find change to make their purchase. I know I know I could do it elsewhere but have you ever tried to use the machines @ 14th and Christopher street in the hurricane like winds. Ok that's all for now

@Brooklynboy: I just started using the auto-replenish feature on the PATH SmartLink card and, so far, it rocks. Every time my card falls below a certain amount (I think it's $5), it automatically adds another $20. I was wary of trusting PATH not to screw it up but it's worked beautifully. Turns out not having to stand in line behind (seemingly) every tourist/person who's never used a touch screen really is priceless...

Posted on: 2009/12/4 15:33

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/7/1 20:11
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2012/9/17 18:39
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OK Why is it everyday when I return from Manhattan to Grove Street none of the machines take bills.Sometimes either my Smartcard or Metrocard is running low. I would rather do it upon my return when I am just going home than stand in line in the morning . The morning people, from my own experience, either do not know how to work the machine or scramble trying to find change to make their purchase. I know I know I could do it elsewhere but have you ever tried to use the machines @ 14th and Christopher street in the hurricane like winds. Ok that's all for now

Posted on: 2009/12/4 0:45

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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Been riding the PATH for 21 years now. It has always been a pretty reliable, no-frills mode of transport. I usually ride in the off-peak hours because of my work schedule. On the few occassions that I ride them at peak hours it is shocking how many more people there are nowadays. I blame the city for allowing developers to cram more and more people into this area with no regard to services or infrastructure. The PATH can only run so many trains on their 2 tracks. Our mayors clawing for more pay-outs and "ratables" equals a claustrophobic ride through the bowels of hell. The impossible dream? A walking bridge to NYC.

Posted on: 2009/12/3 14:42

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Everyone should direct their concerns to rather than only posting them here or relying on Communications with customer service are reviewed by executive level personnel and complaints on particular issues are aggregated. Customer complaints are useful to PA employees looking to make improvements, but that often encounter resistance from higher ups and higher level policy makers.

Posted on: 2009/12/2 16:22

Re: In Transit Goes to Grove Street PATH Station
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2005/12/18 2:57
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there is also no pole to dance on or hold between the doors. Thus crowding more people around the seats.

Posted on: 2009/11/30 15:32

Re: In Transit Goes to Grove Street PATH Station
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2005/7/13 15:03
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I noticed on the new trains which all have 3 doors on each side prevent an open area between the end of the seat and the doors. This open area was a terrific sopt for baby carriages, wheel chairs, and folding bikes. With a bungee cord you could anchor the bike over the arm rest bar of the end seat. Half of the old trains are 2 door models, now with the revamp it is less appealing, also wear your sunglasses.

Posted on: 2009/11/30 14:34

In Transit Goes to Grove Street PATH Station
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2004/9/15 19:03
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In Transit Goes to Jersey City

By Jennifer Weiss/The Star-Ledger
November 30, 2009, 12:01AM

Resized Image
Edwin Fuentes, Jersey City
Age: 43
Occupation: Travel agent
Lives in: Journal Square, Jersey City
Coming from: World Trade Center PATH Station

What are you doing downtown?
I?m coming from work and visiting my sister. We?re celebrating my niece?s birthday. They?ve got pizza waiting and a cake.

Nice. How long have you been taking the PATH?

I?m a native of Jersey City, so since ?89 -?90.

How has the transit system changed over the years?

For the better, but there?s still a lot of room for improvement. It?s like the area is growing quicker than what they can do for the rail system. You have to wake up and say, ?This is what?s happening to Jersey City!? The crowd is here, and more people are coming.

What do you think needs to be fixed?
Folks with disabilities and senior citizens, to get from the train platform to the street, sometimes you see them struggling. No one?s there to open the gate for them. Escalators are out of order, and the crowds of people at rush hour are horrendous.

What do you like?
I love the fact that it?s a 15-minute ride to my office.

What was the last international trip you took?

What transit systems around the world have you liked best? I loved London, Paris. Barcelona was great. Rome, they?ve got it together. But I usually take a car service when I?m traveling.

Do you have a car here? Where do you drive?
I have a Honda hybrid that I take shopping. On the weekends, I?ll definitely get in the car even though there?s the $8 or $6 toll, because I know I?ll get through the tunnel in a few seconds. But unfortunately, I have to deal with the iron horse on a weekly basis.

Every month, we interview a person (or people) taking mass transit. Reading this on a train? You could be next.

Posted on: 2009/11/30 10:54

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/10/6 16:42
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2020/3/11 21:52
From Paulus Hook
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I just found this:

If your Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard expires, you have two years from the expiration date to transfer any remaining money to a new card. Within the first year after expiration, bring your expired card to any subway station and ask the agent to make the transfer. After that time, the expired MetroCard must be sent to MetroCard customer claims. Ask the station agent for a postage-paid Business Reply Envelope.

Damn I did have a card with about 10c left back in 2003.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 2:12

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2005/10/6 16:42
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From Paulus Hook
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mscottc wrote:
I prefer the separate cards for the separate systems. I use the subway every day, I only use the PATH two or three times a month. With the different fares on the two systems, plus both of their potential discounts, I found it very cumbersome to purchase amounts on a MetroCard that would work out evenly and wind up with a zero balance. Given the mag stripe on MetroCards and the propensity for them to wear out, I don't want to re-use them past the $45 fill that is the current amount that winds up getting a discount and also zeros out properly. The PATHLink is actually a better system. Tap it once, it works, and I can re-fill it online, and I know the card will last forever (or as long as PATH keeps them active). I keep the PATH card as well as my ferry and subway cards and my work ID/Security card in a plastic ID card container which is tethered to my belt, so I never have to pull out my wallet for any of those items.

As somebody else pointed out earlier, whenever you recharge your MTA pay-per-ride card within one month of expiration date, the system will ask you whether you want a new card with the balance transferred to it.

Better yet, MTA launched Easy Pay Xpress card early this year. You can either get a monthly pass or a pay-per-ride card. If the latter, your card will be automatically re-filled with pre-specified amount, say $20 when the balance falls below some threshold, just like EZ-pass.

Still, using PATH smartlink card saves you some money if you don't commute to New York everyday AND go to NYC on weekends frequently.

Warning: both EasyPayXpress and SmartLink Card with auto replenishment record your detailed trip info (time and place). So if you have an affair outside your marriage, make sure you cover it up.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 2:05

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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2008/4/23 15:27
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SmartLink cards actually DO cost a good bit more to make than a metrocard -- there's actually a chip inside them, and they're designed to last. (Someone managed to get the chip out of an Oyster card -- the card they use in the London tubes -- and put it into a magic wand!) The $5 fee is annoying, yes, but it's mainly there to get people to treat the card with a little more care than you would a Metrocard or paper ticket.

Posted on: 2009/11/18 22:56

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