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Re: Coronavirus is now in Hudson County
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CDC's website is a joke. Use this one instead:

Posted on: 2020/3/9 15:47

The beloved Times published Darren Wilson's home street name
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Posted on: 2014/11/26 21:54

California's bathroom bill
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Although it was passed more than a year ago, it's the first time I have ever heard of it. I don't recall reading it in the beloved New York Times. ... ents-bill-_n_3745337.html


As the Associated Press reported last month, California's Assembly Bill 1266 gives students in public K-12 schools the right "to participate in sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities" based on their self-perception, regardless of their birth gender.

Posted on: 2014/9/20 18:18

Re: Black community responds to police shooting of unarmed black teenager by looting businesses
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JCMan8 wrote:

Your "facts" are wrong.

Shaun King wrote:
"What 4 different witnesses saw is not opinion, but fact. W/O talking to each other or knowing each other, they all reported the same thing."

And later,

"And again, I accept that eye witnesses are unreliable, but it was a clear day on a clear street with no traffic. Furthermore..."

I have to ask, what about this? ... fficer-Darren-Wilson.html

"Despite being difficult to make out, the conversation suggests that Brown ran towards Wilson before he was shot"

And this: ... ting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

"Wilson pursued Brown and his friend, ordering them to freeze, according to the account. When they turned around, Brown began taunting Wilson, saying he would not arrest them, then ran at the officer at full speed, the caller said."

Posted on: 2014/8/19 1:30

Re: Jersey City schools working with company soon to be headed by Cerf
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dojan wrote:
In the case of a liberal there is a two-word term for this which starts with "useful".

Sorry there was a typo. I meant to say

In this case there is a two-word term which starts with "useful".

Posted on: 2014/5/31 3:18

Re: Jersey City schools working with company soon to be headed by Cerf
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1) For the illiterate who cannot read, I will simply quote the first sentence of that article I linked:

"Top journalists from The New York Times, NBC News and CNN acknowledged Wednesday that, generally speaking, the national media have a liberal bias."

And the source of that graph is from Pew Research. And you consider Pew Research conservative? Unbelievable.

2) A person who judges anything based on its source, instead of the content, simply lacks the ability to think for him/herself, whether s/he is a liberal, a conservative, or an independent. In the case of a liberal there is a two-word term for this which starts with "useful".

3) Now I remember where I read about media's liberal bias: ... n-answers-your-questions/

Now don't tell me Freakonomics is right wing conservative nuts.

Posted on: 2014/5/31 1:22

Re: Jersey City schools working with company soon to be headed by Cerf
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It's a great speech.

In the second part he criticized those who oppose to gun control, who deny evolution/climate change, etc.

Posted on: 2014/5/30 14:23

Re: Jersey City schools working with company soon to be headed by Cerf
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Monroe wrote:
Next you'll be telling me that the Hollywood elite are closet Republicans!

Journalist consensus: Media lean left ... ia-leans-left-179852.html

Pew Study Finds MSNBC the Most Opinionated Cable News Channel By Far ... able-news-channel-by-far/

Resized Image

I remember reading somewhere that Republicans are far less likely to pursue journalist careers than Democrats so it's harder for the media to hire Republicans: they have to pay more because of lack of supply, therefore they end up hiring more Democrats.

Fox News (which I don't watch) is good at telling its audience what they want to hear. Sadly media on the left side have been following this route. Now I use Economist as my primary news source. It's much better to have a weekly update than a noisy daily update.

Posted on: 2014/5/29 18:59

Re: Piano Recital Space
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St. Paul Lutheran Church at Journal Square.

Posted on: 2014/5/1 13:55

Re: Ben Crump, Trayvon Martin family lawyer to speak at NJCU
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devilsadvocate wrote:
You can see her discussion of those that are "constructively white" below.

Yes I have. What a piece of work she is. I should've given my kids constructively black/Hispanic names so that they don't have to score up to 400 points higher in SAT to compete with rich immigrants from Africa tribes or Cuba.

Posted on: 2014/3/15 23:52

Re: Ben Crump, Trayvon Martin family lawyer to speak at NJCU
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caj11 wrote:
Seems so many of those people want to emphasize that Martin was black, but none of them emphasize that Zimmerman was latino.

When liberals promote race-based discrimination in education they never mention Asians, as if Asians are the majority, or non-existent. How convenient.

de blasio wants to do that to NYC's gifted program, and in California they want to apply that to UC admission: ... ction-sca5-249985511.html

Posted on: 2014/3/15 3:07

Re: N.J. has neo-Nazi problem
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dtjcview wrote:

heights wrote:

dtjcview wrote: ... m/history/history_1.shtml

The Sikhs fought oppression from Islamic, Hindu and Christian countries for centuries, only to come here and fall victim to local ignorance.

Why would they travel to a place where they are not wanted, this would only prove dangerous for both the aggressors and the opressed. Didn't groucho Marx state I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.

That post came across as ignorant, intolerant and contradictory. Member of that Bayonne club?

Every time I saw some posts that are negative about some immigrants I'd tell myself "heights is going to reply" and every single time I was right. But this time I wasn't expecting he'd join in.

Posted on: 2014/3/7 19:07

Re: De Blasio Picks More Liberal Activists Than Managers for City Posts
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Monroe wrote:
Government needs managers, not activists with specific agendas, right or left.

And Cuomo spanked de Blasio again today, when it's reported he'll support payments for charter school rent if Kaiser Wilhelm tries to screw them more. After all, the NY Governor, the US Secretary of Education, and President Obama all support charter schools because of their successes. ... ols-evicted-by-de-blasio/

Yes, Obama supports charter schools but not vouchers.

And de Blasio cut gifted programs due to lack of "diversity". ... s-over-lack-of-diversity/

He also wanted to apply affirmative action on NY's G&T school admssion. ... issions-article-1.1481345

Posted on: 2014/3/4 1:24

Re: Port Authority officials: Battle over toll hikes was all for show
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At the very least it was a bipartisan effort!

Posted on: 2014/3/3 18:23

De Blasio Picks More Liberal Activists Than Managers for City Posts
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Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2014/3/1 19:11

Re: Christie says drop dead
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Monroe wrote:
Only 1% of workers earn minimum wage, and many of those are teens. Raising the minimum wage won't lift anyone out of poverty when it's all said and done.

And many of them are second earners of the household.


Just know that the lowest earners have benefitted from Obama's economy, in that he's doubled the money available for food stamps during his Presidency-we now spend over 100 billion dollars a year, it was about half that. The number of people receiving food stamps has gone up 70% in the Obama economy.

And there is something called negative income tax, or earned income tax credit.

What really worries Americans? The government itself: ... lf-cited-top-problem.aspx

Resized Image

Gap between rich and poor: only 4%

Posted on: 2014/2/3 19:53

Re: The State Of The Union 2014, predictions
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nyrgravey9 wrote:
My favorite is watching left wing jerkoffs use talking points to call out right wing jerkoffs for using talking points.

F*cking fools.

My favorite too! Watching left wingers quoting MSNBC to refute right wingers FOX NEWS talking points...

Posted on: 2014/1/29 15:41

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Just can't stay away


nyrgravey9 wrote:
For the last time...I've never, and probably will never, watch Fox News. Why is it that lefties immediately lump opposing thought into Fox News territory?

Come on, stop thinking so simply and understand that the average person is more complex than just left/right.

Me neither. I have found Bill O'reilly ok. I watched his debate with Jon Stewart (whom I dislike), but I don't watch Fox News at all because it's so successful at telling people (its audience) what they want to hear than any other media (though they are catching up, e.g., NYT).

I highly recommend The Economist. It's the only thing I read (actually, listen to) regularly for news and analysis. And being weekly it doesn't have the daily noise.

Posted on: 2014/1/1 14:06

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Br6dR wrote:
Wishful thinking. People are.dissatisfied with government period. You wont find me defending the Obama Admin. I think most of our leaders in both parties are owned by corporations.

Yeah, people disapprove a Republican president/congress because they are dissatisfied with a Republican president/congress; people disapprove a Democrat president/congress because they are dissatisfied with government.

Posted on: 2013/12/31 20:02

Re: Any New Years resolutions?
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YouniqPilates wrote:
What is your 2014 resolution?
Mine is not to make any.

Mine is still at 1920x1080.

Posted on: 2013/12/31 19:48

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Br6dR wrote:

Monroe wrote:

Br6dR wrote:

Monroe wrote:
Guess who's fleeing from the Democratic Party now in droves? Women.

If you don't have a case just make shit up. It's the Republican way.

Nationally Obama's poll numbers are nosediving most among women.

Locally, Christie did very well with women.

lol, I'm making up the Quinnipiac University polls?

A poll that says women are leaving.the Democratic Party.for the Republican Party in droves? Link?

He mentioned Qunnipiac, and I found this: ... ase-detail?ReleaseID=1975

"... women disapprove 51 - 40 percent". Don't know the number a year ago, I just guess at least 11 points margin (meaning ladies liked him then as much as they don't now), so it's at least 22 points in change.

He didn't say they go to Republicans now. They may well become independents.

Posted on: 2013/12/31 17:40

Re: JC schools worse than Newark?
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Monroe wrote:

dojan wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
The "spending per student" includes immigrants, so the spending itself is still high, so dilution probably isn't the issue. As far as welfare goes, there might be something to that, but it's tough to imagine other countries don't have the same issue.

From reading various sources, it seems that money is being wasted on items not directed at improving education. Smaller class sizes doesn't seem to corrrelate to education improvements. The US has an extremely high spending on non-education items like Sports. The US does invest in early childhood education, but that program doesn't seem to reaped dividends as it has in other countries.

I think some of the things that are broken are:
- Little fiscal accountability. The billions of dollars of spend is managed by locally elected moms and pops. Local government isn't the right way to run a multi-billion dollar industry.
- No competition for teaching jobs. It seems there is little initial and ongoing standardized teacher training and assessment, performance incentives, career development, etc. The teaching industry seems geared to attract and retain the worst. Paying teachers more, but removing obstacles such as tenure might be the way to go.
- Misdirected parental participation - according to authors such as Amanda Ripley, parents in the US engage as much other countries in ed-related activities, but it's not directed to helping the kids learn. Cheering the school team at the weekend doesn't help the kid count.
- Bar is set too low. Lessons, homework, tests don't challenge the students to think critically, and are more designed to "learn-by-rote".

The focus should be on education and the educators, and not the excuses. Standardized student testing and more competition and choice provided by charter schools are steps in the right direction.

Great post. It's amazing a lot of people in this country whine about healthcare (which is valid) while at the same time deny that US education is in bad shape overall and find all kinds of excuses, like xenophobias blaming everything on immigrants.

If you're taking a poor shot at me-I'm just trying to figure out how we can improve our own inner city kids education. Most of the countries that send millions of their citizens to be educated, fed, housed, and have their medical problems fixed on our tax dollars are much less likely to do the same with illegals who visit THEIR country.

Suggesting that our own children get a better education is a bad thing AND xenophobic? Why don't you support the children of the USA; black, brown, white, red, and yellow?

No, not to you at all, nor to anybody else specific. Just a general impression on comments from all over the space these days since the 2012 PISA test results came out.

Posted on: 2013/12/30 14:42

Re: JC schools worse than Newark?
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Just can't stay away


dtjcview wrote:
The "spending per student" includes immigrants, so the spending itself is still high, so dilution probably isn't the issue. As far as welfare goes, there might be something to that, but it's tough to imagine other countries don't have the same issue.

From reading various sources, it seems that money is being wasted on items not directed at improving education. Smaller class sizes doesn't seem to corrrelate to education improvements. The US has an extremely high spending on non-education items like Sports. The US does invest in early childhood education, but that program doesn't seem to reaped dividends as it has in other countries.

I think some of the things that are broken are:
- Little fiscal accountability. The billions of dollars of spend is managed by locally elected moms and pops. Local government isn't the right way to run a multi-billion dollar industry.
- No competition for teaching jobs. It seems there is little initial and ongoing standardized teacher training and assessment, performance incentives, career development, etc. The teaching industry seems geared to attract and retain the worst. Paying teachers more, but removing obstacles such as tenure might be the way to go.
- Misdirected parental participation - according to authors such as Amanda Ripley, parents in the US engage as much other countries in ed-related activities, but it's not directed to helping the kids learn. Cheering the school team at the weekend doesn't help the kid count.
- Bar is set too low. Lessons, homework, tests don't challenge the students to think critically, and are more designed to "learn-by-rote".

The focus should be on education and the educators, and not the excuses. Standardized student testing and more competition and choice provided by charter schools are steps in the right direction.

Great post. It's amazing a lot of people in this country whine about healthcare (which is valid) while at the same time deny that US education is in bad shape overall and find all kinds of excuses, like xenophobias blaming everything on immigrants.

Even US top students lag behind other countries in math: ... l-standardized-tests.html

Posted on: 2013/12/30 14:25

Re: De Blasio’s Daughter Reveals Substance Abuse
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JoeGee wrote:
Ever notice how political elects that are not born with silver spoons in their mouth are always bashed for life issues instead of their political view points?

This is exactly how Obama was chosen instead of Hilary. I wouldn't mind whether Bill was a cocksuckee as long as he got his job done.

Posted on: 2013/12/26 17:38

De Blasio’s Daughter Reveals Substance Abuse
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Just can't stay away ... s-to-substance-abuse.html ... ?comments#permid=10808429

John Burke
New York

NYT Pick

DeBlasio cynically used his children as campaign props to get elected, creating a happy picture -- in 30-second TV spots -- of a well-adjusted family. (For those who say, all politicians use their families, quick, how many children does Andrew Cuomo have?) Now, in order to get out in front of this story, as they say in the PR business, no doubt because some journalist was tracking it down, he deploys his daughter in a preemptive media strike -- in a professionally produced video infomercial, no less. And puts it out on Christmas eve, the better to limit its exposure in news coverage, while having the video with its editorially unfiltered "confession" available to go viral through social media, garnering Big Bill sympathy instead of new or added scrutiny.

It would be hard to find an example of a major political figure more cynically -- or skillfully -- using his own children. Sarah Palin, perhaps, who sought to turn potential criticism of her as a parent to advantage with all sorts of psychobabble hooey that was, in fact, embraced by her most devoted fans. I expect something similar to happen here, with DeBlasio supporters fawning over the whole family as "brave" and "strong" in the face of adversity.

Posted on: 2013/12/26 16:21

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Monroe wrote:
So, Pebble, you're a fan of bi-partisanship, reaching across the aisle to make common sense deals? I can only conclude you're a Governor Christie fan, who does just that! Remember, the best deals between parties tend to have both holding their nose over the final result. Do I think Christie is in favor of in-state tuition for illegal aliens? Nope. But he for sure wasn't going to give Sweeney the ability to fund free tuition money in the form of grants either for the illegal aliens.

Same thing on tenure reform. Christie didn't get everything he wanted, but the deal got done.

I wish our nation's chief executive would take a page from Christie's book in this regard.

There have been plenty of articles from the liberal's favorite newspaper, the New York Times, on how Obama not willing to do the things ordinary people do. Why is he so presumptuous? Is this the CHANGE people who voted for him had HOPED for?

Christie didn't get everything he wanted, but the deal got done."

Exactly. If one truly reaches out, things get done.

Posted on: 2013/12/26 16:16

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Pebble wrote:

I also think you're full of it when saying Obama hasn't reached across the aisle. He has. You need to remember that the other side of the aisle has an arm too that needs to reach across as well. Bush didn't do it. This Congress certainly hasn't.

Wake me up when the Republicans even try...

Whether Bush did it or not is irrelevant. And don't blame the Congress. Obama is the f**king President and he is supposed to lead.

Now I do *not* *think* you are full of it. You *ARE* full of it when you wanted to pull a Biden on me. I ain't no Paul Ryan. I'm not even a Republican, and whether you are spineless or brainless is none of my f___ing business. I'll keep bashing Obama here but will never bother to reply to your post. Feel free to have the last words.

Posted on: 2013/12/26 16:08

Re: "Asian Supermarket" on 440--open? Real name?
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asny10011 wrote:
I dont know the western name is but the Chinese name is "mei dong" which may be a combination of the words for America and East. It is a chain if grocery stores in plainsbro, Plainfield, Middletown and Piscataway. The chain already has the jersey city location printed on their shopping bags but I threw out already so not sure of its western name. The store hasn't opened as of last week when I went by it out of curiosity. ... ood-market-jersey-city-nj

Asian Food Market
701 State Rt 440
Jersey City, NJ 07304
(201) 333-8898

Posted on: 2013/12/26 4:41

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Pebble wrote:

dojan wrote:
...This country has become so polarized with a President who refused to make small talks across the aisle...

I'm sorry but if you think this started with Obama, your understanding of history is about deep as a shot glass of water.

I do NOT think this started with Obama. However it's his JOB to work with the Republicans which he failed. Clinton reached out to the other side and he succeeded. In his impeachment, a number of Republican congressmen voted no. If it were Obama who got impeached, how many votes from the Republicans you think he would get? Zero. If you don't reach out, you don't get your job done. It's that simple. It is politics.

If anyone wants to attack my understanding of anything without first understanding what I said, I don't think it's worth my timing arguing with this person. Right now I don't think you are doing that, just to let you know.

Merry Christmas and f**k the "Happy Holidays" crap (I'm no Christian but I like the traditional holidays).

Posted on: 2013/12/22 1:19

Re: Chris Christie 'Suspiciously Connected' To Revenge Traffic Jam
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Just can't stay away


nyrgravey9 wrote:
Also, there are more dems at the top of the millionaire politician list.

Yes, Gates, Buffett, Soros, and most of the Hollywood supershtars...


DAMN! I said I wouldn't comment on this stuff.

My bad, that was the last one.

Let's get a JC political debate group going. Zeppelin Hall???

This country has become so polarized with a President who refused to make small talks across the aisle, that I didn't see any hope until last week's budget deal.

Anyway, would like to share my favorite youtube video here (albeit an old one):

Posted on: 2013/12/19 19:01

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