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Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2009/6/21 22:37
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2010/5/18 2:28
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I was thinking about selling this car because of bad luck factor (my other car I drove here and never got into anything, this one been involved in 4 as I mentioned), but now I'm hoping I could last until next year when I going to have my own parking instead of street parking.

Anyway, hope that in the future they implement some kind of camera system everywhere that can catch mini and major crimes everywhere. Until them, we'll have to deal with these losers that have no consideration for other people's properties.

Posted on: 2009/8/23 22:05

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
Just can't stay away
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2007/5/4 21:28
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2019/8/21 0:12
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My car splits its time between The Heights and Manhattan where my girlfriend lives. So far this summer, it's been hit three times while parked, all in Manhattan. The worst has been my drivers side view mirror getting smashed off, so it hasn't been too serious yet.

I get really angry every time it happens, especially when I think about how many cowards are driving around out there, and how the incredibly high insurance I pay can do nothing for me. It's a real paralyzing frustration and I sympathize with everyone here in similar situations.

I bought it used at a discount from a dealer because it already had a lot of scratches on the sides in the first place...makes me wonder if it's really just a giant damage magnet.

Posted on: 2009/8/22 12:46

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2004/12/9 1:46
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About a year ago a young woman crashed her SUV into a full sized dumpster across the street from my place. Almost immediately I looked out my window and saw her scrambling around the airbag to pick up her open cell phone. Her vehicle being totaled was poetic justice but I was surprised that the cops didn't give her a breathalyzer test after they showed up.

Then there was the drunk that not only sideswiped cars on Warren Street but took out people's front fences. It amazes me that people park very expensive cars on the street here.

Posted on: 2009/8/21 23:20

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......

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2007/2/22 19:33
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2015/12/14 17:06
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Sorry, I can sympathize.

Bought new car last May (always a bad idea to buy new when you park in the street, I guess). Has been hit twice in the last year, parked on what is supposed to be a nice, residential street. First time was just significant paint scraped off the bumper, we didn't even file anything, figured we would eventually shell out the $$ to paint it if we moved somewhere where we had an actual parking space/driveway.

2nd time was discovered this morning, a big chunk of the front bumper ripped off (and it wasn't even on the ground, don't know where it went), the rest cracked and all scraped up. No note. Sigh, I'm going to have to reduce my deductible, literally thousands of $$ spent on car repairs in the past few years due to being parked in the street (Our previous car was stolen and various parts removed/got a huge dent in the door where someone hit it while it was parked (no note)/broken into and had the headlights torn out/in addition to the usual dents and dings)

Maybe I should expect the thefts but on this street, most of the people who park (looks like damage happened when someone tried to pull forward into a parallel parking spot) are either my neighbors or friends of my neigbors. C'mon, you see me and my car all the time, you can't leave a note?

Posted on: 2009/8/21 15:54

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2009/6/21 22:37
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2010/5/18 2:28
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well, on top of the 2, there was an moving accident where this guy came on my lane and took out my side mirror and denied wrong doing, there are one time that someone keyed my car but the 2 is what I have to spend real money on.

Posted on: 2009/8/21 2:22

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2007/7/4 16:37
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2021/11/4 21:55
From Hamilton Park
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The first week I moved to Hamilton Park my car was keyed presumably by some kid on the way to school. Only a flat tire since, knock on wood...

Posted on: 2009/8/20 0:50

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2009/5/13 12:51
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2014/5/21 20:27
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yahjcforya wrote:
This is so frustrating, taking a hit on insurance and paying money out of pocket for something that some irresponsible person did. I've asked neighbors and all of them are either inside or at work when it happened, I wonder if anyone saw it happen. I filed a police report and a claim with my insurance company.

I just wish there is some kind of video around. Sigh....

Any suggestions?

Only twice? Consider yourself lucky.

Posted on: 2009/8/20 0:37

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
Just can't stay away
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2009/7/28 16:14
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2009/12/25 2:12
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trambone wrote:
no in a city i expect my car to get stolen, broken into, or put on cinder blocks. Hit and runs i expect in the burbs. Less cops who are looser with the law with townies on dwi.

Have you ever lived in the suburbs? I used to get harassed constantly when I lived out in Boonton, no matter what town I was in. Denville, Mountain Lakes, Parsippany, whatever. For what? Hanging around town after hours, reading books under street lights. The situation got so bad that the county prosecutor became involved and had to force a directive on the local departments because of the numerous constitutional violations that occurred nearly every time I was stopped.

Since moving to Jersey City six years ago, I have only talked to a police officer once, and as soon as they realized I was not up to anything bad, they left me alone. Suburban cops are bored bullies with nothing to do. City cops are real workers with real problems to deal with.

Posted on: 2009/8/12 6:32

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2009/5/12 2:57
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2018/7/30 16:48
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no in a city i expect my car to get stolen, broken into, or put on cinder blocks. Hit and runs i expect in the burbs. Less cops who are looser with the law with townies on dwi.

Posted on: 2009/8/12 4:11

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......

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2009/6/30 15:11
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2012/9/2 1:40
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Sorry to offend, when I said living in the city it's the chance we take, all I meant was basically with the narrow streets & tight parking it's more likely to happen than in the suburbs. I didn't know the extent of damage so it could've been a bad bump, scratch, big ass dent or whatever. I didn't think the car was totaled. Anyway, it still sucks.

Posted on: 2009/8/12 3:54

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/9/17 0:02
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2009/11/22 2:28
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My car was hit overnight in June. They smashed up the whole entire drivers side, and the wheel covers were smashed on the road. It was my first time ever having my car hit like that and someone taking off. I know we live in a city, and I know that small scraps, dents, and nicks are normal but come on. If it happens a second time I like the OP may be looking into some sort of surveillance equipment as well.

Posted on: 2009/8/12 1:35

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2007/10/20 17:38
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2012/7/18 2:23
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jcfun wrote:
...but when we live in the city it's the chance we take.

Can we all please stop using this argument? Your car getting hit is not part of living in the city.

I lived in NYC (Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan) for the better part of my life (30 years before coming to JC), and neither my car nor any of my friends' or family's cars were damaged when parked. Yes we all get nicks, chips, and small scrapes, but never any major damage.

We move to JC 5 years ago, bought a new car last year, and what did I get as a Christmas present (literally)? Someone decided to plow into my driver's side door and take off.

Now I did have a friend in NYC who opened their car door while not paying attention and had it ripped off by a passing truck.......

Posted on: 2009/8/11 22:30
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2009/6/21 22:37
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2010/5/18 2:28
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I would've think the idea of a potential big fine, suspension of licence and potential criminal record should be enough for them to do the right thing, the easy thing.

Dropped off my car at the shop today. Will figure out what it will cost the insurance company tomorrow (at least my part is fixed, something positive I guess).

I try to search for a surveillance technology that could be installed on the front and side of the car to catch license plates in the future but couldn't find anything. That could be an idea for some auto companies.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 22:16

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......

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2009/6/30 15:11
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2012/9/2 1:40
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It sucks to get hit like that but when we live in the city it's the chance we take.
People rarely do the right thing these days, but hopefully, what goes around - comes around.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 22:02

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2008/4/9 19:26
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2014/1/15 16:41
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Quote:'s a car.'s Abbeyskin.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 15:37

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
Home away from home
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2007/4/17 20:50
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2011/3/3 2:45
From Hamilton Park
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Thanks for the advise - it's a great conversation piece when hung above a coffee table. And what an innovative idea for sleep-overs too! AND storage.

I keep my Hyundai on a gravity car rack. Works great!

Posted on: 2009/8/11 15:36

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2007/9/24 22:26
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2020/1/10 17:34
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DowntownSteve28 wrote:
You should try locking it securely to a nearby fence with multiple u-locks or chains, but not structures like parking meters or light poles; thieves can sometimes easily lift it over the top of the structure.

An even better option would be to park it inside, if you have room. You can buy special hooks to hang it from the ceiling.

Thanks for the advise - it's a great conversation piece when hung above a coffee table. And what an innovative idea for sleep-overs too! AND storage.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 15:33

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
Home away from home
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2005/7/13 15:03
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1/14 17:44
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A.) you live in a big city; different cuts of $$$ cloth
B.) it is congested with people of various mind sets
C.) you park on the street
D.) the streets are narrow
E.) it is not the age of prohibition
F.) everyone is multi-tasking

I bet this is taken in consideration by insurance companies
and all this is justified as past research shows.
I wish I could hit the "number" the way you got hit
what are the odds ??

Posted on: 2009/8/11 11:16

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
Home away from home
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2009/3/19 15:20
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2020/6/2 11:06
From Scenic McGinley Square
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I have been in this situation a few times myself. I got tired of forking over the deductible every few months, so at the advice of I lowered my deductible for vandalism. Increased my premium only a few $$$, but the next time someone hits my car or breaks my windows, I will only be paying $100 instead of $500, much easier to swallow.

Of course I just wish people would have enough respect for other peoples property not to hit cars, and if they did to leave a note.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 10:25

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2009/8/11 4:41
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2017/3/26 13:02
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I would consider only 2 times in 4 years pretty good (depending on the damage). Between JC and New Brunswick I can't even count the number of times my car has been hit in the past 4 years. The most recent was fairly bad damage within the 10 hours prior to security cameras being installed which would have caught the person who hit me. oh well... such is the life of parallel parking.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 4:46

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
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2009/6/21 22:37
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2010/5/18 2:28
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was thinking about a surveillance camera of some sorts. it's quite frustrating having to deal with it twice with this same car now.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 3:44

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
Home away from home
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2006/4/18 0:04
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2/8 9:16
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DowntownSteve28 wrote:
You should try locking it securely to a nearby fence with multiple u-locks or chains, but not structures like parking meters or light poles; thieves can sometimes easily lift it over the top of the structure.

An even better option would be to park it inside, if you have room. You can buy special hooks to hang it from the ceiling.'s a car.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 3:26

Re: Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2009/7/28 16:14
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2009/12/25 2:12
Posts: 105
You should try locking it securely to a nearby fence with multiple u-locks or chains, but not structures like parking meters or light poles; thieves can sometimes easily lift it over the top of the structure.

An even better option would be to park it inside, if you have room. You can buy special hooks to hang it from the ceiling.

Posted on: 2009/8/11 3:22

Someone hit my parked car for the 2nd time in 4 years.......
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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2009/6/21 22:37
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2010/5/18 2:28
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This is so frustrating, taking a hit on insurance and paying money out of pocket for something that some irresponsible person did. I've asked neighbors and all of them are either inside or at work when it happened, I wonder if anyone saw it happen. I filed a police report and a claim with my insurance company.

I just wish there is some kind of video around. Sigh....

Any suggestions?

Posted on: 2009/8/11 2:57

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