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Re: My coffee maker broke!
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Just can't stay away


wibbit wrote:
i dont drink coffee, they are not good for you. green tea is the way to go /nod

What exactly is wrong with coffee?

Posted on: 2009/12/22 4:27

Re: Jersey City Artist Locks Sculpture Outside Harlem Gallery, Gets Locked Up
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Just can't stay away

Uh oh, nobody tell this guy!

Resized Image

Posted on: 2009/12/20 6:40

Re: Bergen Lafayette: Woman dies from gunshot wound in head - boyfriend escorted out in handcuffs
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Just can't stay away


GrovePath wrote:

...and I wonder how they paid their rent?


Jersey Urinal wrote:

Miller allegedly cleaned up the scene before going outside and telling someone to dial 911

Apparently they couldn't afford a phone. That might put a "hole" in your little speculation/theory.

Posted on: 2009/12/18 7:08

Re: Jersey City Astronaut to Lead Next Space Shuttle Mission to the International Space Station!
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Just can't stay away

I wonder where this astronaut guy does his grocery shopping.

Posted on: 2009/12/15 17:01

Re: New Jersey drug dealers get a civil rights victory
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Just can't stay away

As it was, EVERYWHERE in Jersey City was within a school zone because of the density of school locations. Drug dealers could work in front of schools anyway, because the penalty would have been the same as if they were in the back alley behind the Duncan Avenue projects.

Goddamn, you people are stupid.

Posted on: 2009/12/14 5:21

Re: Random Police Stops at Manila and 9th Street
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Just can't stay away

This city has become like a third world country with all you fascists running around.

Posted on: 2009/12/11 0:14

Re: Random Police Stops at Manila and 9th Street
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Just can't stay away


DCofJC wrote:
It's probably just a random checkpoint. I've seen Police in other towns have checkpoints just checking inspection stickers, registration, and giving tickets for broken/inoperable llights etc. But that's good! You never know who they may catch!

We should let them go through people's houses too! You never know what they might find!

Posted on: 2009/12/10 22:25

Re: Greenville teen refuses to leave loud party - arrested for assaulting an officer & underage drinking
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Just can't stay away


coronalime wrote:
So the cops were going to send a drunk 16 y/o girl out onto the streets to find her own way home via MLK blvd at 2am? Nice. Better to be arrested.

Old enough to be out, old enough to get home. If you were born and raised in that neighborhood, you probably wouldn't be so scared.

Were you home schooled or something? Did you miss out on being a teenager? Those cops did those kids a huge favor.. too bad that one idiot had to screw it all up.

Posted on: 2009/12/8 7:32

Re: Owners will pay 24 percent jump in JCMUA water/sewer bills.
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Just can't stay away


jennymayla wrote:
does raw sewage = poo? i've wondered this for a while now and figured I'd finally ask someone.

Yes, that is a part of it. Raw sewage means everything that goes down drains, either from the sink, shower, toilet, washing machine, "safe" industrial waste, street water, etc. It's mostly just plain water with a shitload of lipids from the soap and the occasional floater. Sometimes, if you're in a sewer, it almost smells pleasantly floral from all the detergent.

Posted on: 2009/11/20 1:09

Re: Father of boy who accused Michael Jackson of molestation found dead in Jersey City home
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Just can't stay away


jennymayla wrote:
Another article I read said that the guy had so much plastic surgery that he looked completely different from when he made the charges. He apparently also self-injected himself with botox regularly.


How dare you talk about MJ like that.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 22:40

Re: Bike signs all over town
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Just can't stay away

The city spent $150,000 on those bicycle signs with a vague promise of "looking into" doing a proper bicycle lane impact study at some point in the future "if cyclists responded" to the sign installations.

If they were serious, that meant that we cyclists were nothing more than guinea pigs to test out a dangerous semi-random "route" system, with unaware cyclists being under the impression that the bike routes had been thoroughly investigated for safety when that was far from the truth.

I'm even more cynical than that though, and think that the city thought they would look nice and give Jersey City a little bit of a cosmetic sheen of civility that it certainly lacks. Either that or some developer was crying about the lack of things to include in brochures besides a thousand different ways to say "vibrant community".

Now all the signs are starting to disappear, which might be a good thing.

Posted on: 2009/11/19 0:48

Re: Recommendation: Tattoos in DTJC
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Just can't stay away

I would never vandalize my body with tattoos, but if I did, it would be at the Jersey City Tattoo Company for sure.

Posted on: 2009/11/13 21:47

Re: Atheist Group Stops Parking Discounts for Jehovah's Witnesses in Journal Square
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Just can't stay away


DirtMcGirt wrote:

DowntownSteve28 wrote:
My right to not feel like the victim of systemic discrimination. What kind of an American are you?

I favor the freedom of private enterprises to run their operations as they see fit. You can't get more American than that.

Like apple pie!

This morning I woke up on my "don't remove the tag" mattress, walked through my building code compliant house, used the federally compliant toilet, dressed the kids and drove them to their "state certified" charter school where they'll eat a state approved lunch.

I got back in my state registered, emissions compliant, insured (by state requirement) car and drove the legal speed limit back to the house. I then walked through my Scottsdale code compliant yard (no weeds in our "desert" landscaping")into the house, drank pasteurized (USDA required) juice, and ate cereal processed in an inspected facility with milk from an USDA compliant dairy. I then took my FDA approved prescription pills (from a licensed pharmacy of course) and played with the state-licensed dogs.

I took a call on my federally taxed cell phone (instead of the federally taxed land line), stopped by our FDIC insured bank (which received TARP money that it didn't want and is not allowed to pay back), and drove along city streets (paid for by sales and property taxes) to the closest Costco (which has a business license of course and pays mandated worker's comp). I bought beef franks made from inspected beef in an inspected facility, buns made in an OSHA compliant factory, and a gallon of Frank's in an approved plastic bottle.

All of this before 10:15 am.

Posted on: 2009/11/7 3:06

Re: Atheist Group Stops Parking Discounts for Jehovah's Witnesses in Journal Square
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

My right to not feel like the victim of systemic discrimination. What kind of an American are you?

Posted on: 2009/11/7 2:30

Re: Atheist Group Stops Parking Discounts for Jehovah's Witnesses in Journal Square
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Just can't stay away


Jeebus wrote:
If one didn't want to park there without the discount, or if it bothered you on principle, you were free not to patronize the garage. Why shouldn't the owner be free to charge whatever he wants?

I don't think you're grasping the basic issue at stake here. Maybe if we change some words around in the article, you'll see what the problem is:

The complainant noticed a sign that offered "special parking up to 10 hours" for $5 at the Journal Square Ramp on Saturdays and Sundays for white people. The price for everyone else was $8.

The Civil Rights Act, New Jersey state law and the city code of Jersey City do not distinguish between different forms of diversity. As an atheist living in an overwhelmingly religious society, I'd think you would be a little more conversant in what our rights are.

Posted on: 2009/11/7 0:03

Re: Atheist Group Stops Parking Discounts for Jehovah's Witnesses in Journal Square
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

This is great news for anyone who understands what equality actually means.

Posted on: 2009/11/4 7:44

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Just can't stay away


jaah37 wrote:

DowntownSteve28 wrote:
The First Street Park redevelopment project is expected to be completed by Fall 2011.


No work on the park can happen until the building being renovated to the left of it is completed.

Then why the fuuuuudge were the trees torn down so quickly???

Posted on: 2009/10/31 6:48

Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

The First Street Park redevelopment project is expected to be completed by Fall 2011.


Posted on: 2009/10/30 16:40

Re: CCTV installation downtown
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

How many police officers could have been hired instead for the almost $4 million wasted on these cameras? Did anyone even do any research to see how effective these are in other cities? ... tive-as-previously-hoped/ ...

Thanks for nothing, Fulop.

Posted on: 2009/10/30 16:34

Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Holy shit, 1st street looks like crap now. Great job.

Posted on: 2009/10/25 3:46

Re: DUI on a bicycle?
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Just can't stay away


glenn wrote:

DowntownSteve28 wrote:
People who ride the wrong way down the street need to be dealt with harshly. I usually go for a game of chicken to force them into traffic.

Riding while drunk, however, is a completely different story. Anyone who enjoys speeding down the Newark Avenue hill while wasted deserves free beer.

Ah, now I know how some of you think! I regularly take my bike to the Grove St. PATH as well as ride the streets in lieu of using my car. Generally speaking, JC is not a bike friendly town. There are no bike paths and a zillion potholes. Plus, this town is full of aggressive drivers who think bicyclists have no rights whatsoever. Some drivers get their kicks out of seeing how close they can come to brushing me off the road despite obeying the traffic laws. I hear the same from other cyclists too.

Occasionally I will go the wrong way on a 1 way street for various reasons. One of these reasons, believe it or not, is that I sometimes feel safer ? a rationale is it?s better to see who?s gonna play games and play chicken rather than get blindsided.

To the wise poster DS, all I have to say is I hope you get run over by a Mack truck while jaywalking. Cheers.

Cool story bro, see you on the streets. I might switch from playing chicken to "playing bricks". Hope you have a helmet.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 4:11

Re: DUI on a bicycle?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

People who ride the wrong way down the street need to be dealt with harshly. I usually go for a game of chicken to force them into traffic.

Riding while drunk, however, is a completely different story. Anyone who enjoys speeding down the Newark Avenue hill while wasted deserves free beer.

Posted on: 2009/10/16 16:19

Re: Heat...
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

And it's "lows", not "low's". Shit drives me crazy.

Posted on: 2009/10/13 23:19

Re: Heat...
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Another "I don't know what Google is" post.

Heat requirements
If your lease requires the landlord to provide heat, the landlord must give you the amount of heat required by the state codes and the local town or city ordinance. Under the state housing codes, from October 1 to May 1, the landlord must provide enough heat so that the temperature in the apartment is at least 68 degrees from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., the temperature in the apartment must be at least 65 degrees. Cite: N.J.A.C. 5:10-14 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 5:28-1.12(m). Local health codes cover parts of the year not covered by housing codes.

Posted on: 2009/10/13 23:18

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Just can't stay away


historyrules wrote:
It's really sad to see this post become a rant against local bars rather than staying on topic: the restoration of First Street Park.

I really don't like your attitude. Please tell me you're not actually the one in charge of this project.


By the way: those noises and odors assumed to be coming from the rear of the park were actually coming from one of the 2nd Street residential balconies - there's a known group of partiers out there quite often.

Don't tell me what I saw. I was there; you weren't. People were in the park. "Certain people" (trying to stay on topic here) hang out in front of that park at all hours of the night as it is, and they will continue to do so regardless of whether or not the park is open at night.

Posted on: 2009/10/12 20:37

Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Just walked by during my evening walk and not only is the gate open, but I heard low voices coming from the back of the park, along with the smell of a notoriously aromatic controlled substance.

Good luck with your park. You'll #OOPS#ing need it.

Sorry if this post is not a reflection of positivity or whatever.

Posted on: 2009/10/12 6:09

Re: hey, so who hit my car?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

This is awesome... good luck getting them.

Posted on: 2009/10/12 4:29

Re: Woman Murdered - 135 Amity Street (Near The Beacon)
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Just can't stay away

Why did they write "near the beacon"? Because fear sells newspapers when it has no other merits to be sold on.

I don't live at or near the Beacon so this wording does not really affect me.. still just wanted to point that out.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2009/10/12 4:26

Re: “War of the Worlds” towers in JC????
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Just can't stay away

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Posted on: 2009/10/8 0:10

Re: Free parking near St Johns Condo Complex - JSQ??
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Just can't stay away


missmags wrote:
Does anyone else know of any other spots close to St Johns condos that do not have resident parking that are free.

Sorry, gonna have to park on the street and move it every day with the rest of us lowly schlubs. If there was free off street parking, don't you think EVERYONE would park there?

Posted on: 2009/10/7 4:16

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