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Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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2008/1/3 19:12
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From Van Vorst Park
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Thanks radyran. I think most people appreciated my was only 2 or 3 folks who thought I was "bragging".

Again, to cap this thread off...I did not intend for this thread to be a Tommy C chest-thumping. Was just meant to exemplify that we can all (and should) exert a little effort to make a difference in the neighborhoods that we love.

Posted on: 2009/7/9 15:37

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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Who cares how Tommy posted this - I hope it encourages more people to do the same. Rock on Tom - I pat you on the back and would gladly buy you a beer.

More people should tout the good things they do for our community - it would make JC a better place for all of us.

Your perception on Tommy's post are your problem - not his.

Posted on: 2009/7/9 13:12

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer

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2009/4/30 4:12
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Hay Tommy don?t feel bad, look at all of the slanderous attacks that Joe Frank have been putting up with for years. Nobody cares that he has been protecting the public safety and welfare for over 30 years (mostly by himself 24/7) and not to mention his 16 years of military services for his country. They only care about the complaints that were being fictitiously made by a bunch of none residents in order to get what they wanted and at the same time rally up and manipulate residents of this city to go after one of their own. It?s sad, but it is true, there are a lot of people in this city that don?t care for residents of this city; they would put you down in a heartbeat. Never, ever let it get to you, you are a much better person than they would ever be. You Saved Someone?s Life that Night and at the same time you ?Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer.?

Posted on: 2009/7/2 3:08

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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2007/6/26 18:48
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You know I love you Jenny.

Anyhow, Tommy, look at it this way... you got a lot of people to read and reply to your thread... you know how many threads die a quick death on here? And you didn't even have to offend anyone or call anyone a racial slur to make it happen! goo 4 u.

It's all good.

Posted on: 2009/7/1 20:04

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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2008/1/3 19:12
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Sheesh, maybe I'll just change the title of the damn thread. I didn't intend for it to sound like a chest-thumping. I'm sorry if it did.

Why do people naturally assume the worst about what people's intentions are? Is it because of the nature of people in the NJ/NYC area? My intention was to just "set a good example" with this thread. Not brag. I take great interest in the safety of my neighborhood.

Posted on: 2009/7/1 19:42

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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In world where all we ever hear about is bad news, I like to know that people are out there doing good... even if it has to come from the horses mouth... or however that saying goes.

Posted on: 2009/7/1 19:24

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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kitten wrote:
Looking for a pat on the back is nothing more than human nature. You see it a lot with children... not as much with adults because we all are just children with learned behavior.

But everyone likes to get credit or compliments... what's so wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with getting compliments, per se. It's the act of actively seeking them out is what I don't like.

I certainly like receiving compliments, when others deem necessary. I won't run around saying "look what I did" in order to get them.

Posted on: 2009/7/1 18:58

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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Looking for a pat on the back is nothing more than human nature. You see it a lot with children... not as much with adults because we all are just children with learned behavior.

But everyone likes to get credit or compliments... what's so wrong with that?

Posted on: 2009/7/1 18:33

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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1stStGuy wrote:

radryan03 wrote:
Way to go Tommy - nicely done. I agree - sometimes decisions have to be made - you made the right one.

Not sure what is up with the haters. Hate on brothers - Tommy still did the right thing for all of us.

Quite the opposite. I don't hate what he did at all, I rather admire it. It's the self-serving fashion in which he had to run home and post about it. Do what you need to do, then go on about your day. Even the title reeks of self-praise. "I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer." , instead of something like, "One less Drunk Driver on the streets."

You nailed it!

Posted on: 2009/7/1 17:10

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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GnomeGeneral wrote:

They what exactly WERE you looking for when you posted? You weren't warning people of anything, or offering any content other than "Look what I did!"

What kind of bait do you use when you fish for compliments.[/quote]

What are you fishing for with your consistent "I'm an asshole" shtick?[/quote]

Nothing at all. What would make you think I was fishing for anything?

Posted on: 2009/7/1 15:34

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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2008/10/9 3:09
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radryan03 wrote:
Way to go Tommy - nicely done. I agree - sometimes decisions have to be made - you made the right one.

Not sure what is up with the haters. Hate on brothers - Tommy still did the right thing for all of us.

Quite the opposite. I don't hate what he did at all, I rather admire it. It's the self-serving fashion in which he had to run home and post about it. Do what you need to do, then go on about your day. Even the title reeks of self-praise. "I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer." , instead of something like, "One less Drunk Driver on the streets."

Posted on: 2009/7/1 15:33

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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macks wrote: Can someone please ban alanwright from this site? He's a muckraking troll who contributes nothing of interest or merit to anything. I've seen nothing but completely nonconstructive, arrogant criticism from this user that almost always ends up starting some pointless argument. If you don't have something of your own to say or anything constructive to contribute, please just continue reading and resist the urge to click that reply button. Great job by the way tommy.
I agree 100%. What you've seen is spot on! That SOB alanwright lives in the Chasm of Accommodation, where the Bridge of Platitudes crosses the River of Epic Self-Praise. Let's excoriate and burn off that hairy, malignant troll before it metastasizes! While we're at it, can we ban dissent and disagreement? It's never what the poster wants, and contributes nothing. We should forever call it "bashing," no matter what. Stop the insanity, and stop the bashing!

Posted on: 2009/7/1 13:17

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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2007/10/29 12:17
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Way to go Tommy - nicely done. I agree - sometimes decisions have to be made - you made the right one.

Not sure what is up with the haters. Hate on brothers - Tommy still did the right thing for all of us.

Posted on: 2009/6/30 0:13

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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2006/7/19 18:11
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From Paulus Hook
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Good work tommyc!

You should know you are not alone.....

Motorist stops suspected drunken driver

Posted on: 2009/6/29 21:48

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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Coster wrote:
Good work tommy, You Save Someone's Life that Night :) Do you think it was alanwrong that you pulled out of that car? I agree with newtothearea post.

Ha ha, that would be pretty funny if the person I pulled out of the car was a poster on this board!

Posted on: 2009/6/29 21:12

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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2006/10/16 18:26
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Okay, what I got out of the post wasn't that there was a needed pat on the back (but come on, I'll confess if you will that it feels good) but to encourage us to DO SOMETHING. Every thread on every blog I have ever read bitches and moans and few of them come up with a solution or even just a positive thought. That is why I posted my experience. Believe me I have a lot more but I hardly think of myself as Lochinvar, just at one point in my life I placed myself in a position to see worse things than I ever thought possible. Can we just celebrate good stuff and positive action? In fact i am starting a thread right now---GOOD STUFF I HAVE DONE OR ENCOURAGED. Please add your contributions to society, especially in JC :)

Posted on: 2009/6/29 21:10

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer

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2009/4/30 4:12
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Good work tommy, You Save Someone's Life that Night :) Do you think it was alanwrong that you pulled out of that car? I agree with newtothearea post.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 21:00

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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Our first instinct is always our finest, born from purity, like giving cash to a panhandler, if we think about it less likely to give. Your action was for the common good and perhaps safety of all of us. Never doubt your instincts.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 20:08

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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They what exactly WERE you looking for when you posted? You weren't warning people of anything, or offering any content other than "Look what I did!"

What kind of bait do you use when you fish for compliments.[/quote]

What are you fishing for with your consistent "I'm an asshole" shtick?

Posted on: 2009/6/29 20:02

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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GeorgeWBush wrote:
Not sure I follow you.

You bring up a good conversation, so as precursor and disclaimer, I'm not trying to nit pick - at least not too much. I agree with most of what you write. I'm also mistaken, giving more thought, what you write is not illogical.

However, the driver as much as he intended to, did not drive the car, so there is no DUI. From the link I provided, public intoxication is not a crime. What then is the JCPD suppose to charge the individual with?

If you use the "guy tripping on his shoe laces" example, then let me take liberty and say perhaps the intended driver was going to commit suicide. That's a felony and then a citizen's arrest is warranted/justified.

Alternatively, if he just let him willingly get in the car and he ended up killing someone or doing property damage $$$, the would-be-good-deeder could be charged as an accessory to a crime. If one thinks that is crazy, it's been done to bartenders. I think I'm done freely speculating.

Anyway, most importantly, I fully agree with: "I'm glad it worked out, glad Tommy did what he did, and hope it doesn't cause him problems."

Posted on: 2009/6/29 19:31

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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1stStGuy wrote:

tommyc_37 wrote:

I honestly was not looking for a pat on the back

They what exactly WERE you looking for when you posted? You weren't warning people of anything, or offering any content other than "Look what I did!"

What kind of bait do you use when you fish for compliments.

As I have said twice in this thread, my sole intention was to make people aware that they CAN make a difference and make the streets safer. My story is a first hand example that we can all make a difference in our neighborhood. This particular example was right outside my house, so I took action, because I'm invested in my neighborhood, and I'm interested in making it safer. THAT was the point of my post. If you look at my original post, I even posted the JCPD number in hopes that anybody who DOESN'T have it saved in their cell phones will take the 12 seconds out of their day to save the number.

In retrospect, looking back on my post, I can see why it seems that I'm looking for a pat on my back. That is not why I posted it, honestly. Although like I said - the pats on the back that I HAVE received definitely feel good....I am, after all, human.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 19:28

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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1stStGuy wrote:

tommyc_37 wrote:

I honestly was not looking for a pat on the back

They what exactly WERE you looking for when you posted? You weren't warning people of anything, or offering any content other than "Look what I did!"

What kind of bait do you use when you fish for compliments.

Maybe he posted it to alert others to the possibilities and that sometimes people actually do make a difference after reading/watching what others have done. There's a concept for ya eh?

Posted on: 2009/6/29 19:20

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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You did the right thing..and you deserve to come on JC list and be recognized for it, don't listen to these goons. Alternatively, getting him out of the car, locking his keys in the car, then getting his reaction on the new iphone and uploading it to youtube would have been priceless, maybe next time huh?

Posted on: 2009/6/29 19:20

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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Who cares if he was or wasn't looking for a pat on the back? This board is filled with grievances, some justified, some not. Although I agree with the posters who said things could have gone horribly wrong with what Tommy did (I can't honestly say I would have done the same, even if I did have the physical strength to pull a man out of a car), the story had a good outcome, and ultimately, he did end up making the streets safer by stopping someone from driving drunk. It's interesting to think "What would I have done?" I guess I would have called the police and tried to give them a license plate number as the guy drove away, although I kind of doubt the police would have taken action.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 19:18

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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Great job Tommy. I am sorry you have to witness the decline of with the posters who evidently have WAAAY too much time on their hands and must respond to you with paragraph's upon paragraph's to make their point.

You saved a life. You were being a good citizen. You acted on instinct, and often in those situations that is all we have. You were thinking of saving someone from themselves before thinking of the fact you could be sued. God Bless you for that.

My advice to you Tommy is to stop reading this thread. It will only disappoint you in knowing there are individuals out there willing to put you down, or make their points, to make themselves feel superior. GREAT JOB AND THANK YOU.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 18:56

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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tommyc_37 wrote:

I honestly was not looking for a pat on the back

They what exactly WERE you looking for when you posted? You weren't warning people of anything, or offering any content other than "Look what I did!"

What kind of bait do you use when you fish for compliments.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 18:49

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer

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2008/1/30 16:59
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Can someone please ban alanwright from this site? He's a muckraking troll who contributes nothing of interest or merit to anything.

I've seen nothing but completely nonconstructive, arrogant criticism from this user that almost always ends up starting some pointless argument. If you don't have something of your own to say or anything constructive to contribute, please just continue reading and resist the urge to click that reply button.

Great job by the way tommy.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 18:44

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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LifeOfRiley wrote:
GeorgeWBush wrote:


I'm also disturbed by the apparent lack of charges by the JCPD. If they could have hooked him up, they would have. But they didn't. They took him to the medical center to sober up, which leads me to believe they couldn't find a reason to lock him up, even for public intoxication. Neat and clean for the cops- now the guy probably won't drive, and it's the hospital's problem if he does.


Point being you "detained" a guy for 10 minutes. I'm foggy on this, but if I recall my old criminal justice courses correctly, citizen's arrests only work for felonies witnessed by the arrestor- Believe it or not, DWI isn't a felony. It's not even a misdemeanor, unless it's changed over the last 15-20 years- It's in title 39, which is motor vehicle violations, not 2C, which is the NJ criminal code.

Slight criticism: your logic above is a bit illogical, i.e. JCPD non arrest vs. citizen's arrest, or more like detainment.

Furthermore, for what it's worth, it appears the JCPD did the right thing: ... enges_new_jersey_pub.html

Not sure I follow you. A sworn officer can detain for any number of reasons, not all of which are predicated by a violation by the detainee. A private citizen, in the state of NJ, can only do so if they witness a felony. DWI is not a felony, nor is it a misdemeanor, residing instead in Title 39, which is Jersey's Motor Vehicle code.

A cop, for example, can detain you briefly as a witness to a crime. They can also detain you based on the statement of someone attesting to your commission of a crime without witnessing it themselves. They're sworn, and as such are acting directly as agents of the State, and therefore have both a higher degree of authority & a higher degree of liability if things go wrong.

In regards to my "disturbed" comment, perhaps I wasn't clear enough- I wasn't disturbed by the JCPD's handling of the situation- I was disturbed by the fact that they found nothing to justify criminally detaining the guy, in light of the fact that a private citizen did so. That would seem to suggest that the detention, from a legal standpoint, was unlawful, even if detention by private citizens in the case of MV violations were legal in NJ, which as I mentioned they're not.

Arrest & detainment are the same thing- You don't have freedom for that period of time. In one case you're probably in cuffs and on the way to being formally charged, in the other you may or may not be, but you are without question "arrested" in the truest sense of the word regardless of the outcome.

Anyway, I'm glad it worked out, glad Tommy did what he did, and hope it doesn't cause him problems.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 18:33

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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2007/10/11 3:28
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Here is the nightmare scenario for Tommy. He tries to stop the guy from getting in his car but the guy resists and gets into the car and speeds off. A moment later the guy runs someone down and cops show up etc. The guy later claims, under advice of a lawyer, that he felt threatened by Tommy and was trying to get away. Like it or not the guy could use such a defense to plea down any serious charges and the next thing you know, under advice from a lawyer, the victim who was rundown or his family is now including Tommy in any civil suit. It could happen and maybe Tommy escapes any legal settlement but it would make his life hell for months or years.
Thankfully that didn't happen. Lawyers are slime and will do anything to defend their clients. As someone who has helped the cops put 7 people away in 3 different incidents I say Good Job Tommy.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 18:24

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer
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GeorgeWBush wrote:


I'm also disturbed by the apparent lack of charges by the JCPD. If they could have hooked him up, they would have. But they didn't. They took him to the medical center to sober up, which leads me to believe they couldn't find a reason to lock him up, even for public intoxication. Neat and clean for the cops- now the guy probably won't drive, and it's the hospital's problem if he does.


Point being you "detained" a guy for 10 minutes. I'm foggy on this, but if I recall my old criminal justice courses correctly, citizen's arrests only work for felonies witnessed by the arrestor- Believe it or not, DWI isn't a felony. It's not even a misdemeanor, unless it's changed over the last 15-20 years- It's in title 39, which is motor vehicle violations, not 2C, which is the NJ criminal code.

Slight criticism: your logic above is a bit illogical, i.e. JCPD non arrest vs. citizen's arrest, or more like detainment.

Furthermore, for what it's worth, it appears the JCPD did the right thing: ... enges_new_jersey_pub.html

Posted on: 2009/6/29 18:19

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