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Re: Traffic Ticket - Fighting It

The location of the sign that was posted by DragonXJC does not appear to be properly posted in the location as in accordance to State law which I believe is questionable and could be contested especially if you happen to stop at the solid white line when the light turned red which is past the ?No Turn on Red? sign.

N.J.S.A. 39:4-183.12. Location
All traffic signs shall be located as provided in subsequent sections of this act covering details of design and installation. Signs other than temporary signs in the roadway shall be placed on the right side of the roadway, except traffic signs erected on or within traffic circles, islands and safety zones. All signs shall be mounted approximately at right angles to the direction of, and facing the traffic that they are intended to serve. This section shall not prohibit location of traffic signs over the roadway.

Posted on: 2009/8/13 2:11

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer

Hay Tommy don?t feel bad, look at all of the slanderous attacks that Joe Frank have been putting up with for years. Nobody cares that he has been protecting the public safety and welfare for over 30 years (mostly by himself 24/7) and not to mention his 16 years of military services for his country. They only care about the complaints that were being fictitiously made by a bunch of none residents in order to get what they wanted and at the same time rally up and manipulate residents of this city to go after one of their own. It?s sad, but it is true, there are a lot of people in this city that don?t care for residents of this city; they would put you down in a heartbeat. Never, ever let it get to you, you are a much better person than they would ever be. You Saved Someone?s Life that Night and at the same time you ?Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer.?

Posted on: 2009/7/2 3:08

Re: Downtown: Sticks up gas station with gun, and a potato

The use of the potato is to place it at the end of the nozzle and supposedly it acts as a silencer. It seems to me that this guy really means business, lucky thing that nobody got hurt.

Posted on: 2009/6/30 18:31

Re: I Made the Streets of JC a Bit Safer

Good work tommy, You Save Someone's Life that Night :) Do you think it was alanwrong that you pulled out of that car? I agree with newtothearea post.

Posted on: 2009/6/29 21:00

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park

I find this case very interesting to share with those users who have posted slanderous statements about Joe Frank that wasn?t even found to be true by the authorities who have investigated it. This story really does have a happy ending to it that we like.

By Laura Parker, USA TODAY
A Florida woman has been awarded $11.3 million in a defamation lawsuit against a Louisiana woman who posted messages on the Internet accusing her of being a "crook," a "con artist" and a "fraud."

Legal analysts say the Sept. 19 award by a jury in Broward County, Fla. ? first reported Friday by the Daily Business Review ? represents the largest such judgment over postings on an Internet blog or message board. Lyrissa Lidsky, a University of Florida law professor who specializes in free-speech issues, calls the award "astonishing." ... net-defamation-case_x.htm

Posted on: 2009/6/16 11:49

Re: please help= animal emergency

I find this case very interesting to share with those users who have posted slanderous statements about Joe Frank that wasn?t even found to be true by the authorities who have investigated it. This story really does have a happy ending to it that we like.

By Laura Parker, USA TODAY
A Florida woman has been awarded $11.3 million in a defamation lawsuit against a Louisiana woman who posted messages on the Internet accusing her of being a "crook," a "con artist" and a "fraud."

Legal analysts say the Sept. 19 award by a jury in Broward County, Fla. ? first reported Friday by the Daily Business Review ? represents the largest such judgment over postings on an Internet blog or message board. Lyrissa Lidsky, a University of Florida law professor who specializes in free-speech issues, calls the award "astonishing." ... net-defamation-case_x.htm

Posted on: 2009/6/16 11:47

Re: please help= animal emergency


I truly believe in what you are saying, it even happen to me with the police and the police never showed up, so maybe we found a flaw in the system after all. This is why animal control needs to have their own dispatch services 24/7 so that there are no mistakes whatsoever. The dispatch will follow through on the call up until it is completed unlike the police dispatch that we don?t really know what happen after a call is given to them whether it was dispatched out or just logged into their system. Again, I am sorry about that, but nevertheless, a good job well done in getting the cat to the vet.

The meeting is at 280 Grove Street in City Hall on the 2nd floor and it is open to the public.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 18:26

Re: please help= animal emergency

I am sorry about that, my apologies. Is just that we want to make sure that we have all of the facts in place before attacking animal control tonight at the council meeting. I hope that you could join us there tonight; we could surely use your support.

By the way for your information, the call that the police received last night was in the 300 block of NY Ave and the call was only about a cat out in front of the building. There was nothing mentioned about a stray cat being injured at that location. There it is as I mentioned, miscommunication.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 17:52

Re: please help= animal emergency

I am sorry, but I failed to mention the fact that the person I spoke to got all of the information directly from the system. So it is possible that the person failed to call the police or they filed the wrong information to the police or they live out of town. Take your pick or better yet, call the police technician yourself and than make your selection.

Posted on: 2009/6/3 17:36

Re: please help= animal emergency

This is totally outrages, so I decided to call the police to see it for myself and they told me that there were no calls made to them regarding any injured cat in Jersey City yesterday. So my questions here; did this incident really happen? And if did (I hope that it wasn?t Daisy) on what street did it occurred on? Did this incident happen in Jersey City? And if it did (this part is important to know), how was the call placed in to the police (i.e., stray cat in the yard, I am holding an injured cat, etc.)? We need to know all of the facts before coming to any conclusion especially if we are planning to complain to the council tonight otherwise it will make us look stupid or worse yet, they may think that we are just doing this in order to get this ordinance passed.

I strongly feel that the advisory committee should make recommendations to the city that they provide animal control with their own dispatch services 24/7 in order to eliminate the police dispatcher who may be working on a real emergency call (i.e., a shooting going on, a robbery in progress, etc.) at the same time which could cause miscommunications or calls not being properly dispatched to animal control.

Already the advisory committee is off to a good start even before the ordinance is passed; the hiring of more animal control officers is a must, the creation of an animal dispatcher 24/7 is a must, how about better communication system, do they have shifts working around the clock? Do they have enough vehicles to do the job right; do they have an office that they could use 24/7? How can I get on this advisory committee?

Posted on: 2009/6/3 17:14

Re: please help= animal emergency

Tell me what animal hospital you brought the cat to, I would like to chipin in helping the critter out.

If you would have google for emergency animal hospital instead of this site you would of have found out about:

Posted on: 2009/6/3 2:50

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park

There are 3 times the amounts of people on the advisory board than what animal control has serving a city of this size. I think it would work out better for the city if they would just hire more animal control officers as they do with the police and fireman to combat short comings and deficiencies. If there weren?t enough police or fireman on the force today what do you think would be happen? Does the city council really need an advisory board to paint them this picture?

Posted on: 2009/6/3 0:28

Re: Boycott A-1 Deli

I can?t believe how easily it is to motivate people on this site to actually hash out punishment to other people based on one side of the incident (not even by the alleged victim) without getting all of the facts from both parties. Is this the way the justice system works on this site?

Posted on: 2009/4/30 4:36




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