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Re: Large street fight; Wayne, Jersey, Mongomery....
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dixonshills wrote:
Were any pedestrians injured, from what you could see, or were they just fighting each other?

No idea... I had just walked outside when about a dozen kids came running down the street and fled into the Dixon Mills parking lot. Varick was blocked for about 15 minutes by an undercover car.

Posted on: 2009/9/25 20:28

Re: Large street fight; Wayne, Jersey, Mongomery....
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jennymayla wrote:

May wrote:
I guess it is a continuation from yesterday's event. ... p?topic_id=18867&forum=10

alleged event. I was there at the time reported and saw nothing. at this point both day's "events" are just rumor.

just trying to keep the inevitable hysteria at bay..

Well I just saw the "alleged" event with my own eyes. Pack of kids running down Wayne St. Cops & undercover cars all over the place... so it's not an "alleged" event. Just because the Jersey Journal doesn't report it, doesn't mean it never happened.

Posted on: 2009/9/25 20:21

Re: Large street fight; Wayne, Jersey, Mongomery....
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2nd day in a row

Posted on: 2009/9/25 19:56

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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What a joke. A phone tree? Really??? That's going to stop what's going on? This isn't a snowday in grammar school. Basically nothing at all was said, or got accomplished. 98% of the cops in this town are completely useless. Period. My take is that they actually like having this park there. This way everything is "contained" to that one block. It's the scourge that's under the rug. It's the slumlord and the tenement housing that's there that is the problem. If/when that leaves, then that block will clean up. I did NOT say all the residents in those building are up to no good, but the majority of the people hanging around, dealing, etc etc LIVE THERE.

Posted on: 2009/9/24 15:54

Re: Today's "Children of Faith" Festival at City Hall - Write to the Mayor if Disturbed
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Althea wrote:
Well Brightgirl didn't say anywhere that this group has no right to speak, nor that we should tell the mayor not to let them speak. I think what she was saying was that all who believe in the right of two consenting adults to marry should also voice their opinion to show the mayor that the sentiments of this group are not the sentiments held (hopefully) by the majority of the residents in JC.

So what exactly is she writing to the mayor about then? As I said previously, she (and whoever else) had every right to hold up gay marriage rights signs as well. Holding a sign about marriage has nothing to do with religion directly. Believe me, I'm as liberal as they come, but I simply don't see the logic behind this argument. Were they holding religious services there? Satanic sacrafices? I don't get it.

Posted on: 2009/9/20 17:34

Re: Today's "Children of Faith" Festival at City Hall - Write to the Mayor if Disturbed
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Welcome to America. Where all people can have their voices heard, or attain the appropriate permits, etc and have a festival, parade or whatever may be. While I also don't agree at all with what this whole "festival" is/was about, it's what this country is about. Freedom. Next time, you have every right to protest them with your own signs. That's the beauty.

Posted on: 2009/9/19 23:29

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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blogcityblog wrote:
you really wouldn't want to have NO park there.
that's not gonna make your neighborhood safer. in fact, it'll probably result in a less safe neighborhood. Take back the park for the people, don't let criminality take away the park.

I can't wait to hear the explanation as to how it would be LESS safe.

Posted on: 2009/9/18 16:39

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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Change you can see!

Posted on: 2009/9/18 4:08

Re: 39:4-123 Improper Right And Left Turns-see Subsections
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What the .... ?????

Posted on: 2009/9/17 23:42

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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regulator wrote:
^i guess the only solace is that there's not some psycho killer on the loose on wayne street (or if there is, he hasn't presented himself yet). it sounds instead like one guy out to get another specific guy, as opposed to random acts of violence, which will terrify young mothers to no end.

although, as was seen recently in newark (i think a week or 2 ago) where a young child was shot amidst crossfire between 2 parties, many times innocents do get hurt, even if they're not the targets.

At 3:00 in the afternoon, there are many innocent people walking by. This nonsense about NA across the street is ridiculous. I'll bet you if you (could) poll the people actually selling the drugs in that playground, they couldn't give a rats ass about the NA meetings. Just like a liquor store doesn't stay open for an AA coin. Myth or not. This was a beef between 2 parties (1 or more per side) and that's that. I don't know what race they were, what they may have disagreed over, but BULLETS WERE FIRED! At 3:00 in BROAD DAYLIGHT! Honestly, I don't care if they were arguing over an Uno game, and if they were black, red, green yellow, purple of a mix of every color on the planet. STOP SHOOTING GUNS ON THE BLOCK!!!! The cops don't care because they're more scared than the residents. That's a fact. I'm not so sure I blame them either! What I'm miffed about is that for the most part, the entire VVP area is mostly pretty sane and civil. Who is continually paying off people to the look the other way? Is it M. Vega who lives on Mercer St.???

Posted on: 2009/9/17 4:52

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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JerseyCityNj wrote:
As ridiculous as you may think that is, it is the truth. The N.A. meetings across the street is one of the main reasons that block is so profitable to drug dealers. And I know where Ferris is, it is a short 3 block walk up Wayne to get there from the playground. I didn't know that is considered far now.

It is ridiculous. Do you have actual proof that this scenario happens? I have never, not once seen a meeting let out and watched someone cross the street to buy drugs in my entire 10 years of living here. Wouldn't you think someone that is in NA with a bunch of other people would maybe not let out and go directly across the street to buy drugs? This whole "setting up shop across from NA meetings" is a new one to me. Aren't there other NA meetings in this town? I highly doubt there is high drug activity around there. This theory is complete nonsense. Spend some time around there. You'll see a constant stream of people pulling up, double parking, then leaving. Anyone know where there's a big AA meeting. I'd like to open up a liquor warehouse right next door.

Posted on: 2009/9/16 21:27

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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JerseyCityNj wrote:
The reason Wayne is a drug hot spot is because of its location just like most of the major drug spots. That is also the reason it would be so hard to get rid of. One of the main reasons it is a prime location to drug dealers is it is directly across the street from the Narcotics Anonymous meetings that are held in Barrow Mansion. Many drug addicts will eventually relapse while trying to stay clean and by dealing drugs across from this building it makes them more money because they will know where to go if that time comes. Now add in the fact Ferris is a few blocks away, it is surrounded by major streets that make it easier to drive there to get your drugs and leave. Not to mention how close a walk it would be to the nearest bus, Path train or Light Rail. Then you have every type of customer from the poor drug addicts to the upper class addicts with disposable incomes because this block surounded by every type of addict. It is nothing more then prime drug real estate.

I am curious though if this was drug related or gang related. I do not know if many of you are aware but there is currently a gang war going on in this city and Downtown has some of the gangs that are at war.

I think that's absolutely ridiculous. No one is dealing drugs there because NA is across the street. And Ferris is all the way down Montgomery, practically under the turnpike. It is a playground that is very "deep" and goes all the way to the back of the houses on Columbus. There are plenty of places to hide, you can loiter there all day, drink, etc etc. No one cop on foot is going to go up to a group of 15 people there. I've seen it happen time and time again. There is also a "core" group that hangs out on that block. For the most part, they are harmless, but I have noticed an awful lot of unfamiliar faces hanging around. Whether they are new, or just coming from elsewhere to buy drugs, hang out, shoot people or what, I don't know.

Posted on: 2009/9/16 20:36

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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I'm still trying to figure out where the "hispanics vs. whites" came into this discussion. If you go to Enos Jones park on Brunswick, there are tons of hispanic people there and never any trouble. If you go to just about any other park/playground around here, you'll find people of all races/colors and there doesn't seem to be bullets flying. I think this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. YOU assumed it was racist blogcity. No one else did. It takes one to know one. Think about it.

Posted on: 2009/9/16 18:21

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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blogcityblog wrote:
Perhaps it's time to put all that pent up anti-corruption outrage to work by organizing a demonstration of some sorts, eh? Maybe the downtown councilman and his JCList followers can muster his forces for a face-off with the "people" who populate that park.

It's one thing to rail against "those people" and encourage the ignorance and perpetuation of stereotypes from the comfort of your living room (or your mom's basement). It's quite another to do something about it, unless you think that your quasi-hysterical ranting here constitutes community activism.

As for Thanks for reading! We'll be there to cover your "stop the shootings" demonstration.

Stereotypes my ass. Get off your high horse and look around you. All I said was the PEOPLE that hang around in the park cause the trouble. Stop being so ignorant to the FACTS. What stereotype am I perpetuating exactly? Would you rather me say that everyone that hangs around there is not unemployed, does not drink all day long, does not openly sell drugs, does not harass working people on their way home, never litter? Stop being so dense. Your little politically correct world doesn't exist. The sooner you realize this, the sooner maybe you yourself might be able to grasp reality.

Posted on: 2009/9/16 15:02

Re: Van Vorst Shooting on Wayne Street
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New_to_JC wrote:
I was a witness to the 3pm shooting. I spent until 6pm giving statements to detectives and trying to ID the car involved. Just to clarify there was only one shot fired and the victim was shot in the thigh (definitely not head and neck). The victim drove away by himself in a double parked vehicle. He drove himself to Christ Hospital. There were many witnesses most of whom fled the scene. The few who remained did not say a word to police when they arrived. I think the detectives thought I was making the whole thing up until they actually found the shell and the report came in from Christ that they had a gun shot victim matching my description.

My husband attended the VVPA meeting tonight to discuss todays incidents and I believe the board has decided to try and organize a rally for next Tuesday. I'm sure details will be posted.

I discussed my concerns about safety on Wayne St. with the police/detectives.. They seem to think that closing the park would obviously resolve many if not most of the problems.

It's not the park, it's the people! There are many parks/playgrounds in Jersey City that do not have this problem. Look around at those areas and ask yourself why they don't have constant bs going on.

Posted on: 2009/9/16 3:04

Re: Save the Food Trucks of Jersey City
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JCGirl09 wrote:
OK I am not talking about the business side of things. I am talking about the experience of eating a meal from a street cart. Very different. Food should be an experience, not a business transaction. And, as a local foodie of sorts, I always support local businesses that make food an experience, not a business proposition.

We can agree to disagree, ms. skin. ha.

So every single meal, of every single day MUST be a sit down experience? You must really have quite the life.

Posted on: 2009/9/13 18:01

Re: Blocking driveways..
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Azul_the_Cat wrote:

You sir are out of your mind. To think that people are expected to park by braille is just wrong. How did become acceptable to damage another person property, because you don't know how to drive/ park? I drove a full size sedan (Audi A6) for a few years and was always able to park it on the street and not hit people in the process. When I have caught people using the Helen Keller method of parking, I either take down the offenders info and put a not on the car they hit, or if it was my car, get their all their info and then file a claim to have the damage repaired. So the person who was to lazy to learn to park in the first place, now has a nice $500-$1000 bill to pay.

HAHAHAHAHAHA $500-$1000 for a bumper ding. Man, keep up the good work. This stuff is comedic gold!

Posted on: 2009/9/6 16:01

Re: Shooting near LSP
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bodhipooh wrote:
Reading this thread shows the ignorance of so many...

First off, JCorNYC is full of BS. To go to LSP, you do not need to go through bad neighborhoods, or even approach them. You take the HBLR and get off at the LSP light rail station, which is the one after Jersey Ave (if heading South) and before all the other ones referenced by JCorNYC.

As for Wibbit, JennyMayla and GreenevilleChick, you are all taking extreme sides of the same topic. I live in The Foundry, which is very near where the shooting took place, and across the street from the LSP area. The area that sorrounds The Foundry definitely looks sketchy (at best) but it is rather safe most of the times. We could argue ad nauseum why it is "ghetto" but the fact remains that most people would find the area, at face-value, to be "undesireable". Still, I like the area and feel safer here that I would living in many other parts of JC, including the Ocean Ave mess, as well as many/most parts of the Heights. I bike in the area often and do not fear for my life, and my hot beautiful wife (who, if it matters, appears whitey, but is actually Mexican) walks in the area and visits the bodegas and corner stores, and we never feel threatened or at risk. The worst aspect of this area, besides the litter, chicken bones and dog poop, has got to be the constant noise late at night of trucks and cars, as well as the ocassional low-life arguing with a boyfriend/girlfriend.

sounds like a real dream living situation

Posted on: 2009/9/3 20:03

Re: What should Tiger do while in JC? Play tour guide.
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maybe he can pay off the people in Ward F, so they don't show up.

Posted on: 2009/8/26 21:39

Re: BJs - What are some of the good things to buy there?
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Do we really need a thread on what people like to buy at BJ's?

Posted on: 2009/8/25 10:34

Re: The Postal Carrier keeps leaving our front door unlocked
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creativeconquests wrote:
We tested our door to see if they think they locked it when it's not and it's a normal door, normal lock, normal closing, nothing out of the ordinary.

It's obviously not a "normal" door. Just about every door I've seen is self locking when it closes. And as someone else stated, I believe it's absolutely necessary to pass "inspection." Door closes behind you, latch catches, door is locked... problem solved.

Posted on: 2009/8/23 16:12

Re: You're Bob Dylan? Jersey Shore Cops Want to See Some ID
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kitten wrote:
This is such a non-story to me. WHO CARES!!! oooh, 20 something year olds didn't recognize Bob Dylan. So what. My stepson doesn't know who Kermit the Frog is. Big deal. I am over it.

Damn, you're cool!

Posted on: 2009/8/17 21:02

Re: You're Bob Dylan? Jersey Shore Cops Want to See Some ID
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Last time I checked being old & scraggly wasn't a crime. No matter what neighborhood you are in. Freedom is a joke.

Posted on: 2009/8/16 16:08

Re: Rolon's Bar is Underrated
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nasal_avenger wrote:



I'm sure they love you there.

Posted on: 2009/8/13 15:21

Re: A1 Deli - rude service?
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Brooklynboy wrote:

They do not sell fine French cheese. They do not sell Frio Gras. They do not sell prosciutto.

Good luck my dear

What's Frio Gras?

Posted on: 2009/8/13 10:12

Re: Obtaining a Variance?
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Someone's gotta be filling in for Vega, etc here. Healy can't possibly be living off $98k/year salary. I would guess with all the hoopla, it shouldn't cost you more than $6 or $7k to get that variance. Just set up a "lunch" out of town and hand over some "coupons" you have in an envelope and it'll be variance schmariance....

Posted on: 2009/8/11 3:52

Re: Possible new tea house - would you go?
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jrsygrl22 wrote:
For the love of god, please have decent tea and you will have my eternal gratitude! Bagged is fine for people who don't know any better but the loose leaf is better by far. The closest "real" tea place is in Montclair so you'd have a corner on the market. (It's called Cha Ma Gu Dao, I strongly suggest check them out). There is a forum called They have a subforum for people who are operating or thinking about opening tea places. The folks there can probably direct you towards some great wholesalers.

What's wrong with Lipton? I think it's a good deal for the size of the box & amount of teabags...

Posted on: 2009/8/11 3:45

Re: Possible new tea house - would you go?
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she also spent year(s) in India and went back a few times and was a teaologist.

Posted on: 2009/8/10 21:09

Re: Healy announces freezing of salaries
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$98,363 salary for being about as useful as a package of stale hotdog buns (actually they would have far more use for breadcrumbs, etc). Combine that with a few $20,000 "donations" a week and he's pulling in a cool million per year. Good job Mr. H.

Posted on: 2009/8/10 15:15

Re: Possible new tea house - would you go?
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I would go, but.... you would need baby friendly areas, changing stations, non smoking areas outdoors, absolutely no gum on the sidewalk, chairs with cushions, adjustable umbrellas, no gravel, cannot be within earshot of the lightrail, make sure it is on york st. and not bright as the wind blows down bright st. with much more force, a bicycle rack with locks provided, childcare, sandwiches for under $3, all hoboken residents denied entrance, no pets, but a pet friendly area, open 24/7, provide free taxi service within a 10 mile radius, and serve oolong tea.

Posted on: 2009/8/10 15:06

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