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Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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icechute wrote:
The late pick-up noise drowns out the gunfire.

Seriously, some of you need to quit bitching about the little stuff.

Much bigger things here to get worked up over.

Funny enough the thieves actually use the noise of the trucks to cover the sound of them breaking car windows etc. And NO the garbagemen are not gonna chase down criminals.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 20:52

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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Sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture. And "night" pick-ups don't exist. It is actually very early morning pick-ups. In other words, FU citizens.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 20:49

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2008/4/21 1:07
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The late pick-up noise drowns out the gunfire.

Seriously, some of you need to quit bitching about the little stuff.

Much bigger things here to get worked up over.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 20:48

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Terri wrote:
People, it's rather simple, (and I might add a wonderful policy) It's because police cars, fire trucks and ambulances were getting stuck behind traffic caused by garbage trucks. I can't believe people would complain about this, for christ sake, ITS A CITY! But I guess if YOU were in the need of emergency assistance................

Seven minutes after trash collection was moved from night collection to day collection or evening collection or morning collection there would be a post on here complaining about traffic or noise or both. But thankfully JCList is not a legislative body.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 19:58

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2009/3/25 17:56
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Agree with above. And I lived in New York City all my life up until 2 week ago, and they seem to have found some way around doing 1 AM garbage pickups.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 19:57

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2006/11/1 23:31
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wouldnt there be more police activity late night (break ins, muggings, dui, drunk fights) rather than in the mid afternoon?

Posted on: 2009/6/12 19:55

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2008/10/11 19:15
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People, it's rather simple, (and I might add a wonderful policy) It's because police cars, fire trucks and ambulances were getting stuck behind traffic caused by garbage trucks. I can't believe people would complain about this, for christ sake, ITS A CITY! But I guess if YOU were in the need of emergency assistance................

Posted on: 2009/6/12 19:39

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2009/3/25 17:56
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I leave my apartment at 7 AM, and there is little to no car traffic, so if they are doing it at that time for traffic purposes, that makes no sense to me. Between 5 and 7 AM, although early, would be far more acceptable and NOMRAL. Or around noontime. Although I am not there at this time, I couldn't imagine the car traffic being too bad.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 17:32

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2008/1/5 23:18
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regulator wrote:
dont know if it was posted already, but why dont they pick it up at 6-7 pm? most people are home by then and no one should be sleeping? i guess it could interrupt dinner

what about 12-1 pm? most people surely arent home, and if they are im sure they're awake by then

Between those hours people are driving around and really don't have time to wait behind a smelly garbage truck blocking the whole street. And by people I mean delivery services, police, firefighters, and just drivers in general.

and webmaster :) thanks for deleting my post.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 17:01

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2006/11/1 23:31
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2009/12/24 20:41
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dont know if it was posted already, but why dont they pick it up at 6-7 pm? most people are home by then and no one should be sleeping? i guess it could interrupt dinner

what about 12-1 pm? most people surely arent home, and if they are im sure they're awake by then

Posted on: 2009/6/12 16:20

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2008/12/19 18:28
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Their logic is to be illogical. But, do not despair, Hrmph. This night time pick up only started a couple years ago, and the recylcing schedule on my block has devolved nearly back to what it was before - between 7-7:30am. And if they "forget" us - somtimes between 8:30 am and 9am.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 16:15

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2009/3/25 17:56
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Actually, yes, I did some research on the "routine", however, the timing of Garbage pickup didn't cross my mind as anything but a reasonable time. It is illogical.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 14:47

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2005/7/13 15:03
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Hrmph wrote:
I wish they picked it up at 6AM, instead last night, at 1:30 AM on 5th street, the garbagemen decided to pick up recycling. Nothing like hearing smashed bottles outside your window. I am new to Jersey City, please tell me this is not the norm, and if so, how on God's sweet Earth this is permitted?

It's the norm. They do overnight pick ups here in Jersey City. Haven't you checked the routine way of doing things in J.C. before moving here ? Hopefully you rent so you can try a different place to live. What brought you here to J.C. in the first place, meaning was it your job or company relocation ? Perhaps they can find you more suitable quarters to settle in.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 13:32

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2009/3/25 17:56
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I wish they picked it up at 6AM, instead last night, at 1:30 AM on 5th street, the garbagemen decided to pick up recycling. Nothing like hearing smashed bottles outside your window. I am new to Jersey City, please tell me this is not the norm, and if so, how on God's sweet Earth this is permitted?

Posted on: 2009/6/12 13:16

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.

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2009/5/9 2:35
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Some people aren't bothered by this at all. They probably aren't light sleepers, or the noise isn't as bad as it may be in other areas of Jersey City.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 2:06

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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It's amazing how many people in this city are willing to bend over and take it. Doormats.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 1:41

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.

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2009/5/13 17:23
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Posted on: 2009/5/13 22:11

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2008/3/24 20:27
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and how it woke their sleeping baby for their nap-time... you cant please everyone... it just seems to work better at night. Learn it, Live it, Love it... EMBRACE IT

Posted on: 2009/5/13 21:54

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.

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2009/5/13 17:23
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2009/10/21 16:38
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If they decided to stop picking the garbage up overnight, there would just be another thread posted by someone complaining about how it is causing them problems that they are picking it up during the day.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 21:41

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/9/24 22:26
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Wow, this thread has the largest quote boxes I've ever seen! Crazy, I need a bigger screen for this.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 1:18

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/11/28 3:26
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pazman wrote:

stani wrote:

pazman wrote:
Further, assuming you were born in the U.S. (correct me if I'm wrong), what did YOU DO to deserve being free of garbage more than someone living in a "3rd world country"? Sorry you have such a sense of entitlement.

Hi, I was born and raised in a third world country and have traveled to many others and can tell you for a fact that there is considerably more garbage on the streets there than in most of Jersey City. It's not a matter of deserving it. It just is. Garbage on the streets is one of those things that distinguishes third world countries from others.

You misunderstood my post. It had nothing to do with whether there is more uncollected garbage in some "3rd world countries", but rather had to do with tim879's attitude. tim879's comment boils down to the following - "JC is not a 3rd world country, therefore I shouldn't be thankful that I don't live in a mound of trash." The corollary is that if tim879 were to live in a 3rd world country he should be thankful that he doesn't live in a mound of trash. Why the higher standard for those living in JC? In effect, tim879 seems to be saying that because he lives in JC HE DESERVES more and better than people living in countries that he deems to be "3rd world." Hence my comment about his sense of "entitlement." The fact that living in a "3rd world country" has nothing whatsoever to do with garbage collection in JC supports this. Based upon the other comments posted in this thread, many others seem to agree.

You are weird.

Posted on: 2009/5/13 0:42

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2006/8/19 20:49
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stani wrote:

pazman wrote:
Further, assuming you were born in the U.S. (correct me if I'm wrong), what did YOU DO to deserve being free of garbage more than someone living in a "3rd world country"? Sorry you have such a sense of entitlement.

Hi, I was born and raised in a third world country and have traveled to many others and can tell you for a fact that there is considerably more garbage on the streets there than in most of Jersey City. It's not a matter of deserving it. It just is. Garbage on the streets is one of those things that distinguishes third world countries from others.

You misunderstood my post. It had nothing to do with whether there is more uncollected garbage in some "3rd world countries", but rather had to do with tim879's attitude. tim879's comment boils down to the following - "JC is not a 3rd world country, therefore I shouldn't be thankful that I don't live in a mound of trash." The corollary is that if tim879 were to live in a 3rd world country he should be thankful that he doesn't live in a mound of trash. Why the higher standard for those living in JC? In effect, tim879 seems to be saying that because he lives in JC HE DESERVES more and better than people living in countries that he deems to be "3rd world." Hence my comment about his sense of "entitlement." The fact that living in a "3rd world country" has nothing whatsoever to do with garbage collection in JC supports this. Based upon the other comments posted in this thread, many others seem to agree.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 22:01

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2006/9/1 11:45
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A few years ago the garbage men would conveniently pick up the trash between 7:30 and 8:00AM on my block, give or take. Sometimes, they too would be stuck behind a school bus or an overnight double parked car. I remember running very low on gas one morning in 2000 or 2001 and after a half hour of waiting for the guys to finish picking up the trash on my block, school busses loading sleepy kids, and also the wheelchair bus that picked up a few kids up the block, my car ran out of gas up the corner.

womp womp...

i'd rather get woken up in the middle of the night than be stuck in traffic on one way streets on the way to work every single morning.

Posted on: 2009/5/11 1:09

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/11/30 16:55
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Vigilante wrote:

jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Eleanor_A wrote:
I live on 8th Street, right across from Hamilton Park. I work nights and don't get home until an hour before they start work. HOW DARE THEY interrupt my sleep! Who do I compalin to?

It just is. Suck it up or move to the 'burbs.

I have decided that you are right. Some things should be chalked up to "city living". I just don't want to see you same people bitching when I let my dogs off leash in the new Hamilton Park. Hey, don't like it? Move to the "burbs".

I agree. I have a 65lb pit bull I'm going to let off leash too. He like some dogs, greatly dislikes others. Wonder whats going to happen when our dogs meet snout to snout? Should be alot of fun!!!

Mine weighs 66lbs. Bring It.

Hopefully others will follow our example and disregard the leash law and join us. Just think of all the chaos that will ensue. Who needs laws, they can make all they want because they don't apply to us...right Vig!

It's "City Living". Relax. Don't like it? Move to the "burbs".

On the contrary, I love it. Although your respose is very boring and quite generic. "City Living" ,as you call it , requires everyone to do their part in keeping their side of the street clean and follow the law to keep order, do to the fact people are living and playing so close to one another. If everyone did as they wanted, regardless of the law, as you say you are going to do with your dog, then chaos ensues and tempers flare. City living is about cooperation.

I am keeping your goat.

I had a sneaky suspicion you were into farm animals!

Posted on: 2009/5/10 23:13

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Eleanor_A wrote:
I live on 8th Street, right across from Hamilton Park. I work nights and don't get home until an hour before they start work. HOW DARE THEY interrupt my sleep! Who do I compalin to?

It just is. Suck it up or move to the 'burbs.

I have decided that you are right. Some things should be chalked up to "city living". I just don't want to see you same people bitching when I let my dogs off leash in the new Hamilton Park. Hey, don't like it? Move to the "burbs".

I agree. I have a 65lb pit bull I'm going to let off leash too. He like some dogs, greatly dislikes others. Wonder whats going to happen when our dogs meet snout to snout? Should be alot of fun!!!

Mine weighs 66lbs. Bring It.

Hopefully others will follow our example and disregard the leash law and join us. Just think of all the chaos that will ensue. Who needs laws, they can make all they want because they don't apply to us...right Vig!

It's "City Living". Relax. Don't like it? Move to the "burbs".

On the contrary, I love it. Although your respose is very boring and quite generic. "City Living" ,as you call it , requires everyone to do their part in keeping their side of the street clean and follow the law to keep order, do to the fact people are living and playing so close to one another. If everyone did as they wanted, regardless of the law, as you say you are going to do with your dog, then chaos ensues and tempers flare. City living is about cooperation.

I am keeping your goat.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 23:06

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/11/30 16:55
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Vigilante wrote:

jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Eleanor_A wrote:
I live on 8th Street, right across from Hamilton Park. I work nights and don't get home until an hour before they start work. HOW DARE THEY interrupt my sleep! Who do I compalin to?

It just is. Suck it up or move to the 'burbs.

I have decided that you are right. Some things should be chalked up to "city living". I just don't want to see you same people bitching when I let my dogs off leash in the new Hamilton Park. Hey, don't like it? Move to the "burbs".

I agree. I have a 65lb pit bull I'm going to let off leash too. He like some dogs, greatly dislikes others. Wonder whats going to happen when our dogs meet snout to snout? Should be alot of fun!!!

Mine weighs 66lbs. Bring It.

Hopefully others will follow our example and disregard the leash law and join us. Just think of all the chaos that will ensue. Who needs laws, they can make all they want because they don't apply to us...right Vig!

It's "City Living". Relax. Don't like it? Move to the "burbs".

On the contrary, I love it. Although your respose is very boring and quite generic. "City Living" ,as you call it , requires everyone to do their part in keeping their side of the street clean and follow the law to keep order, do to the fact people are living and playing so close to one another. If everyone did as they wanted, regardless of the law, as you say you are going to do with your dog, then chaos ensues and tempers flare. City living is about cooperation.

Posted on: 2009/5/10 22:58

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2008/2/19 19:39
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Sounds like The broken window theory

Posted on: 2009/5/10 22:55

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/10/11 3:28
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2023/1/15 1:13
From Leashless Glory.
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jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Eleanor_A wrote:
I live on 8th Street, right across from Hamilton Park. I work nights and don't get home until an hour before they start work. HOW DARE THEY interrupt my sleep! Who do I compalin to?

It just is. Suck it up or move to the 'burbs.

I have decided that you are right. Some things should be chalked up to "city living". I just don't want to see you same people bitching when I let my dogs off leash in the new Hamilton Park. Hey, don't like it? Move to the "burbs".

I agree. I have a 65lb pit bull I'm going to let off leash too. He like some dogs, greatly dislikes others. Wonder whats going to happen when our dogs meet snout to snout? Should be alot of fun!!!

Mine weighs 66lbs. Bring It.

Hopefully others will follow our example and disregard the leash law and join us. Just think of all the chaos that will ensue. Who needs laws, they can make all they want because they don't apply to us...right Vig!

It's "City Living". Relax. Don't like it? Move to the "burbs".

Posted on: 2009/5/10 22:50

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2007/11/30 16:55
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Vigilante wrote:

jaah37 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:

Eleanor_A wrote:
I live on 8th Street, right across from Hamilton Park. I work nights and don't get home until an hour before they start work. HOW DARE THEY interrupt my sleep! Who do I compalin to?

It just is. Suck it up or move to the 'burbs.

I have decided that you are right. Some things should be chalked up to "city living". I just don't want to see you same people bitching when I let my dogs off leash in the new Hamilton Park. Hey, don't like it? Move to the "burbs".

I agree. I have a 65lb pit bull I'm going to let off leash too. He like some dogs, greatly dislikes others. Wonder whats going to happen when our dogs meet snout to snout? Should be alot of fun!!!

Mine weighs 66lbs. Bring It.

Hopefully others will follow our example and disregard the leash law and join us. Just think of all the chaos that will ensue. Who needs laws, they can make all they want because they don't apply to us...right Vig!

Posted on: 2009/5/10 22:45

Re: Just wanted to thank the garbage men for the 6am wake up call this morning.
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2008/2/19 19:39
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2018/2/27 11:11
From Hamilton Park
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Did you just call me a hippo?

Hypocrisy (or the state of being a hypocrite) is the act of preaching a certain belief, religion or way of life, but not, in fact, holding these same virtues oneself. For example, an adult telling children not to smoke cigarettes, even though the adult smokes. Hypocrisy is frequently invoked as an accusation in many contexts.
For linguist and social analyst Noam Chomsky, hypocrisy, defined as the refusal to "...apply to ourselves the same standards we apply to others" is one of the central evils of our society--promoting injustices such as war and social inequalities in a framework of self-deception, which includes the notion that hypocrisy itself is a necessary or beneficial part of human behavior and society.


Posted on: 2009/5/10 22:40

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