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Pedestrians have the right of way. NOT in Jersey City.
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2008/4/20 15:31
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What part of the pedestrian has the right away do the majority of drivers in Jersey City not understand?!? You really have to watch yourself when you cross a street around here. I live downtown and I bet it's the same all over the city. I would be curious to find out how many people have been hit trying to cross a street in this town. It's ridiculous.

Chill out when someone is crossing a cross walk.

Posted on: 2009/6/16 17:06

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2006/7/14 19:34
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When two cars approach a 2 way or 4 way stop sign, who has the right of way? I don't think more than 10 drivers in Jersey City know the answer to that.

If two cars approach at the same time, the driver on the right has the right of way.

I looked on the MVC online manual, and since it's not mentioned, I assume left on red (only at two one way streets) is not allowed, as it is in some states. Yet I saw someone doing this the other day. I may ask a cop, but does anyone know for sure?

Posted on: 2009/6/8 23:56

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2005/10/7 15:05
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Binky wrote:

LoraJ wrote:

Binky wrote:

LoraJ wrote:
Just keep in mind, cross in a crosswalk and the driver yields to you, if you jaywalk, you yield to the traffic.

I sort of wish it were that way, but unfortunately you're wrong.

Wrong? Isn't that the law?


seriously, are you joking?

Jaywalking is an informal term used to refer to illegal or reckless pedestrian crossing of a roadway. Examples include a pedestrian crossing between intersections (outside a crosswalk, marked or unmarked) without yielding to drivers and starting to cross a crosswalk at a signalized intersection without waiting for a permissive indication to be displayed. In the United States, state statutes generally reflect the Uniform Vehicle Code in requiring drivers to yield the right of way to a pedestrians at crosswalks; at other locations, crossing pedestrians are either required to yield to drivers or, under some conditions, are prohibited from crossing.

When two cars approach a 2 way or 4 way stop sign, who has the right of way? I don't think more than 10 drivers in Jersey City know the answer to that.

Oh and I definitely agree about having to yield no matter what in Jersey City. While crossing the street, and nearly getting hit by morons who blow through the stop sign, I always yell that there is a stop sign and they respond with some not so kind words about my mother and what I could do with her.

Posted on: 2009/6/8 4:32

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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LoraJ wrote:

Binky wrote:

LoraJ wrote:
Just keep in mind, cross in a crosswalk and the driver yields to you, if you jaywalk, you yield to the traffic.

I sort of wish it were that way, but unfortunately you're wrong.

Wrong? Isn't that the law?


seriously, are you joking?

Posted on: 2009/6/8 3:37

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2007/8/11 4:06
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In JC if you if you jaywalk you yield to traffic. In JC if you step into a crosswalk you yield traffic... Unless you want to be dead. The law isn't going to stop a car.

Posted on: 2009/6/8 3:30

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2005/10/7 15:05
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Binky wrote:

LoraJ wrote:
Just keep in mind, cross in a crosswalk and the driver yields to you, if you jaywalk, you yield to the traffic.

I sort of wish it were that way, but unfortunately you're wrong.

Wrong? Isn't that the law?

Posted on: 2009/6/8 3:01

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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LoraJ wrote:
Just keep in mind, cross in a crosswalk and the driver yields to you, if you jaywalk, you yield to the traffic.

I sort of wish it were that way, but unfortunately you're wrong.

Posted on: 2009/6/7 23:06

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2005/10/7 15:05
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I've been wanting to put a camera on 8th & Erie. That corner is awful. No one knows the basic laws of who goes first at a stop sign. Everyone on Erie thinks they do not have to stop.

They really should have some cops out and ticketing the morons who blow through the stop signs.

To the poster commenting about people stopping in the crosswalk, sometimes you have to when there are no pedestrians around because people park on the corners and you can't see if it is safe to proceed unless you pull up.

Pedestrians in this area can be as bad as the drivers. Especially in Hoboken. Darting into the roads into on-coming traffic. It's scary as a driver. Just keep in mind, cross in a crosswalk and the driver yields to you, if you jaywalk, you yield to the traffic.

Posted on: 2009/6/7 22:41

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2009/2/2 2:16
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Wow, nice cam work. I've seen that Volvo do that at many other places downtown too. Gonna catch that person soon before someone gets killed......

City Planner Cotter is the problem. Been in with the political machine too long. He is just worried about his own home and value. Did anyone notice that the only part of Columbus that has been paved by the high school is in front
of his house? I'm watching for his car "citykid" at those four way stop signs too since he usually drives around like the volvo guy anyway.

Posted on: 2009/6/7 12:58

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2006/10/23 18:47
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regulator wrote:
when i was in ecuador they had those types of bumps lined up at random places and cars had to slow to literally a crawl to get over them. if a 3rd world country can get it right, why cant jc do the same?

Because Jersey City is worse than a third-world country. A guy I used to work with best described it as a "Tribal Area."

Posted on: 2009/6/6 22:20

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2006/11/1 23:31
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2009/12/24 20:41
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that video of the 4-way stop sign is really bad. it reminds me of hoboken.. absolute f*cking worst drivers. i just get to a 4way stop and begin my stop. guy comes from the intersecting direction after me to the stop sign (where there's a speed bump no less), proceeds to accelerate through the bump and the stop sign, narrowly missing a pedestrian within her right to walk, and then blows through the intersection - all in an effort to 'beat' me to the intersection

i think this problem can be averted most economically by adding those huge speed bumps at every intersection where there's a stop. not talking about the run of the mill speed bumps that feel like clouds when you drive over them... i mean those really hard ones that hurt your ass if you drive over them at 5 mph, let alone anything over that. im sure you'll see all the precious volvo and bmw owners slow to a crawl at every intersection after they f*ck up their chassis going 25 mph across one.

when i was in ecuador they had those types of bumps lined up at random places and cars had to slow to literally a crawl to get over them. if a 3rd world country can get it right, why cant jc do the same?

Posted on: 2009/6/6 15:28

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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I dream of doing this to the drivers around here.

Posted on: 2009/6/6 15:21

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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linky wrote:
I live very near this corner and I have two kids. My oldest daughter is seven. I'd love to give her the freedom to cross the street when she's eight, but I'm petrified because the crosswalk is not safe.

Why do drivers think it's okay to stop in the middle of the crosswalk like that roll through guy?

It would be awesome if you could leave that camera there, and shame people.

The driver of the silver Volvo actually lives on Pavonia Ave. closer to Monmouth on the North side of the street. I saw him one rainy night driving so fast around a corner that he fish-tailed and almost lost control of the car. I may have to have a "talk" with him. He usually parks his car on Pavonia.

Posted on: 2009/5/27 19:27

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2007/1/28 22:55
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I've said it here before, but doing some sneaky enforcement of stop signs around here would be a goldmine for the police and the city. The profits could be used to hire more police, amongst other useful things.

Does the city not want the money?? Is there some sort of disincentive for the police to enforce stop signs?? It blows my mind...

Posted on: 2009/5/27 17:41

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2007/6/20 16:54
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I live very near this corner and I have two kids. My oldest daughter is seven. I'd love to give her the freedom to cross the street when she's eight, but I'm petrified because the crosswalk is not safe.

Why do drivers think it's okay to stop in the middle of the crosswalk like that roll through guy?

It would be awesome if you could leave that camera there, and shame people.

Posted on: 2009/5/27 17:34

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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This morning at Pavonia Ave. and Coles Street. Lo and behold the a-hole in the silver Volvo wagon, who always drives like an aggressive douche in this neighborhood, blows through the Stop-sign when he sees the other driver actually obeying the law. The PATH SUV following him does stop followed by another vehicle doing the classic roll through.

Posted on: 2009/5/27 15:33

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2007/10/11 3:28
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To the a-hole who drove at me and my dogs as we crossed 10th St and Jersey Ave. Please enjoy the bag of poo that stuck to your rear windshield as you, cowardly, drove away.

Posted on: 2009/5/19 18:44

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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sinik wrote: Quote:
you had me at "pedestrian" but if he's one of the cyclists that rides on the side walk, goes through red lights and rides stealthily the wrong way up one way streets like very many cyclists I see, I wouldn't vote for him.
Cool user name. Anyway... You raise a good point about misbehaving cyclists. Sometimes that behavior is short-term: going on the sidewalk because the traffic is too dangerous; rolling a stop sign or a red light to get a jump on car traffic. I have done both with safety in mind... not often... but not only then, I admit. Recently, after picking up a take-out order from Big Chef (near Wonder Bagels), I was crossing Columbus on my bike in the cross-walk. I was traveling in the direction of Jersey Ave, but going against traffic. When I started across the crosswalk, there was nobody coming in either direction on Jersey, so I thought it would be best to stay in the crosswalk/ sidewalk until I had more visibility. [It was 9pm munchies]. Halfway across Columbus, a car speeds towards me from Jersey. I'm in the crosswalk, with the ampelmann in my favor, but I'm on my bike. A known bicycle advocate (BMX, ten-speed, mountain, etc.), I later determine, is driving the car... and the driver is using his flip phone walkie-talkie style in front of his face. I didn't see any downshifting, but he was turning towards me with his other hand on the wheel. It wasn't cool, and seeing this recognizable pro-bike face was a bit daunting. But here, both people were in the wrong, but who's wrong was wronger? The jerk who put himself at risk thinking he was being safer, or the jerk who put me at risking doing an unsafe thing? I'd say 15/85, as my only error was not dismounting while in the cross-walk. But it's MY head which cracks like an egg, not his fender. I do whatever I can to act "like a car" because I know that on my bicycle, I too am traffic. If I were treated like a car - given my own lane, my boundaries and safety respected, not turned into blindly, not doored - I would have little reason to gripe. However, bicyclists are not treated as traffic. Nor are they treated as vulnerable human beings with breakable bones and soft flesh. Thus, they are not encouraged to behave according to traffic laws which are heavily focused on coupes, sedans, light trucks, delivery, and heavy trucks. Cyclists should act more safely, but sometimes you just have to go down an empty one-way street in the wrong direction rather than a busy two-way street with traffic. It's a problematic relationship that we're describing, and I hope this town will find a way to be more bike and pedestrian friendly soon. The best way to do that is by demanding/expecting change of drivers (enforcement, new traffic laws and patterns, better public transit, changes to infrastructure such as bike lanes and cut-outs at corners). Unfortunately, those may be very difficult changes.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 20:41

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians

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2008/2/26 19:46
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I read through this and there was little mention of Erie and how pedestrians take their lives in their hands while walking down this street!!! Trying to cross this road is scary from that first intersection down at Bay all the way up - and the drivers look at pedestrians like we're nuts! I like the idea of speed bumps and maybe a cop or two (imagine that).

And while I'm on the topic of Erie...the little "social club" that meets in the garage of the home next to the liquor store (at 7th) is getting WAY out of hand. Drinking in the driveway is one thing - just please keep to yourselves. HOWEVER, when your attendees start getting loud and verbally harassing (and scaring) the people walking by...I think your party needs to end. I'm sick of crossing the street in fear of harassment (and the car that may or may not hit me because the driver is talking on his/her cell and speeding to get to the stoplight at 8th).

I think I?m gonna call the cops next time?yeah.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 20:27

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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I am voting for Dan Levin specifically because he is a pedestrian and does not own a car.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 19:15

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2006/7/27 20:48
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you had me at "pedestrian" but if he's one of the cyclists that rides on the side walk, goes through red lights and rides stealthily the wrong way up one way streets like very many cyclists I see, I wouldn't vote for him.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 16:19

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2006/5/31 15:16
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Vote for the only mayoral candidate who DOES NOT OWN A CAR. He knows about life as a pedestrian and a bicyclist in this town.

Vote for Dan Levin.


Posted on: 2009/5/12 15:47

Re: Traffic light at 9th & Marin delayed till 2010 - WTF!
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The process is confusing and long. It seems that it takes an average of 2-3 years to get a light or a stop sign. When the Fall 2008 newsletter was written, there wasn't an understanding of the funding cycle and the Ward E Council office was simply told the light was approved and we would see it happening in Spring 2009.

The misunderstanding was that the funding for it would be in the financial cycle starting in Spring 2009. I can only assume that the traffic division was waiting for the budget.

The light for Marin and 9th is in about the middle of the process. I believe the City administration sincerely believes a light is needed. However, there area a lot of state regulations that go along with installing a light and the City must make sure all of their ducks are in a row, receive the funding; put out bids; work with various engineers from different agencies - MUA, PSE&G, Verizon, etc. to make sure they know how to avoid electrical lines and sewer pipes when they start the construction.

The intersection at Marin and 2nd has just been determined to qualify for a light. This is just the beginning for that light.

Steve tries to give the public a time frame so they can track the lights going up, but it is very difficult to give this information especially if there are set backs. However, he tries to work closely with the Traffic division to stay updated on their progress.

To make things even more confusing, when a light is privately funded, such as when a developer builds condos and in their agreement with the City they will fund and construct a light, the process is much different. The light may go up much fast because the developer is a private entity and need not go through the same bidding process. In addition, the studies and determinations for the need of a light were done along with the plans for the building and there is no weight for a funding cycle.

However, that being said, the developer may not find the light their first priority so the City needs to lean on them to get the light finished.

I believe the Traffic Division does really care and that it is a large City. This is on their radar and hopefully Ward E Council Office can keep you informed of the progress.

With a school right there at 9th there is no doubt that this is a priority to all those involved.




Robocub wrote:
I had read late in 2008 that there would be a traffic light installed at the intersection of 9th Street & Marin Blvd in Spring of 2009 (now). I am very pissed to have read today in Councilman Fulop's email that this traffic light won't be installed until 2010. I was under the impression this traffic light was already approved and slated for installation.

The fact that this crossing is extremely dangerous and is the only place for many residents who live north of 8th St to cross to get to the Path at Pavonia is unacceptable. Last Summer, one of the crossing guards was struck by a speeding car. Does someone need to get killed before the city takes action? And what makes 2nd & Marin any more deserving?

From Steven Fulop
2nd & Marin? This intersection has been studied and determined to qualify for a traffic light.

9th & Marin ? This is in the works and funding needs to be approved. State procedures for lights are strict, but I am pushing and we will see this light go up in 2010.

Posted on: 2009/5/6 3:27
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Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2006/11/30 3:15
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From Paulus Hook
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07310 wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
Another solution might be making travel down Marin Blvd. terribly inconvenient; add traffic lights at each cross street, and then make the light cycles alternate green and red so that traffic flowing north hits every red light along the way. Not only would that allow pedestrians safe crossing at each street, it would frustrate drivers looking for a quick shortcut.

Great idea, what we need is more traffic clogging the streets and more angry frustrated drivers racing around taking out their anger on the streets of JC.

It doesn't matter either way. There are so many a$$ holes driving the streets of Jersey City that they will speed and take anger out on you traffic or no traffic. I am glad to see that they are putting lights in and I agree that alternate greens will slow people down especially on streets like Columbus, Grand and Montgomery. They are speedways. Now they need to eliminate Fresh Direct trucks and tell the bus drivers to slow down.

Posted on: 2009/5/5 17:21

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2006/7/14 19:34
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From Fulop's newsletter this week:

Traffic Lights update:

2nd & Marin? This intersection has been studied and determined to qualify for a traffic light.
9th & Marin ? This is in the works and funding needs to be approved. State procedures for lights are strict, but I am pushing and we will see this light go up in 2010.
Christopher Columbus & Warren - This is near completion. This light will be made live in the next month or two.
Grand & Barrow ? This light is still hitting road blocks that I hope will be cleared in the coming week.

Montgomery & Warren - This is even closer to completion and will be made live in the next 30-45 days, barring any unforeseen complications.

Posted on: 2009/5/5 17:13

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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ianmac47 wrote:
Another solution might be making travel down Marin Blvd. terribly inconvenient; add traffic lights at each cross street, and then make the light cycles alternate green and red so that traffic flowing north hits every red light along the way. Not only would that allow pedestrians safe crossing at each street, it would frustrate drivers looking for a quick shortcut.

Great idea, what we need is more traffic clogging the streets and more angry frustrated drivers racing around taking out their anger on the streets of JC.

Posted on: 2009/5/5 15:46

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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I agree. There are many good solutions available to fix a lot of what's wrong with the traffic problems downtown. They just don't seem to be up for consideration. So - I try to think of how to make the best of what's attainable, thus my interest in MORE cars on Grand.

Posted on: 2009/5/5 15:38

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Another solution might be making travel down Marin Blvd. terribly inconvenient; add traffic lights at each cross street, and then make the light cycles alternate green and red so that traffic flowing north hits every red light along the way. Not only would that allow pedestrians safe crossing at each street, it would frustrate drivers looking for a quick shortcut.

Posted on: 2009/5/5 15:29

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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You are probably right Ianmac, but perversely I'm looking forward to the extension of Jersey Ave. into LSP. The issue with Grand St. isn't so much the volume of traffic as it is the speed and disregard for even the most basic traffic laws (running lights, passing over the solid line, etc.) Once the volume of traffic increases substantially, I'm betting the pace of it will slow considerably. Certainly not the best answer, but at this point it's the most attractive of a field of really poor choices.

Posted on: 2009/5/5 15:08

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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2006/4/10 13:29
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linky wrote:

GrovePath wrote:
They really need to stop Downtown being used as a shortcut to the Holland Tunnel and the suburban shopping at the Newport Mall, the Target, the BJ's etc. They need to put cameras on traffic lights on Newark Avenue, Columbus & Grand and enforce the traffic lights. SLOW TRAFFIC AND YOU LIMIT TRAFFIC!

You hit the nail on the head. Agree with you 100%. Fewer people would use streets like Erie and Coles St. to go to and from the tunnel if there were lights, speed bumps, cops, cameras etc.

And Grand St. is totally nuts. There are three schools and a hospital there, and still people are allowed to drive like thery're on the freeway. Those crossing guards really earn their pay. God bless 'em. It's going to take a kid or crossing guard to get killed before the city does something.

The only way to prevent drivers from using the downtown as a cut through to the Holland Tunnel would be cutting off the downtown's access to the tunnel. Then we and Hoboken would have all the noise and exhaust of the tunnel traffic without any of the benefits of access.

Posted on: 2009/5/5 13:36

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