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Re: new dunkin donuts opening by exchange place

Rock on! Thanks wibbit!!!

Posted on: 2009/5/15 20:11

THIS WEEKEND: Emergency Drill Planned at Ground Zero Rail Hub

FYI...ALERT from an Exchange Place building:

The following is from the Office of Emergency Management regarding a drill scheduled to take place on the NYC side this Sunday, May 17, 2009.

Just an info alert that here on the Jersey side we will be conducting communication exercises simulating the activation of the NY/NJ EMS MOU focusing on the notification and activation of Statewide EMS Resources through the County OEM/EMS Coordinators and the NJ EMS Task Force leadership. The Holland Tunnel EMS Staging Area will be the simulated site during this exercise. NO ASSETS or RESOURCES will be moving. I bring this to your attention just in case anyone hears of anything to the contrary.

The below is from NYPD.

Emergency Drill Planned at Ground Zero Rail Hub:

Hundreds of responders will stage an emergency drill this weekend at ground zero.

The drill on Sunday morning will simulate a response to an explosion at a PATH commuter rail train in the tunnel between the World Trade Center site and northern New Jersey.

Officials say there will be no sound of an explosion, but emergency vehicles will be responding with flashing lights and sirens.

More than 800 emergency responders will participate from the city police and fire departments and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

The Port Authority says the street on the north side of ground zero will be closed to emergency vehicles. PATH rail service will be suspended between
6 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

The drill is expected to last about two hours.

Posted on: 2009/5/15 18:13

Re: new dunkin donuts opening by exchange place

Where's the new location at Exchange, does it say? Yummy Orange Coolattas for summer!!!

Yes, there are a lot of chains down here, but from talking to the local restaurant owners/managers I've heard the rents are expensive and/or going up so the smaller local shops can't afford the weekend lull of Exchange Place. It's a shame, some character would be nice...

Posted on: 2009/5/15 18:05

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey

All jokes aside: Frau that's a fantastic survey!

Posted on: 2009/5/14 17:52

Re: Someone's going through your garbage!!!

I did not assume what happened to others WOULD happen to when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME!

OH...and just to be a coward and pass the buck...why am I the only one you're calling out here? There are two other people who saw it!!

It's cause I'm pretty, huh?
You're cute too.

I'm done here!!!

Posted on: 2009/5/14 16:34

Re: Someone's going through your garbage!!!

You are NOT wrong! Good detective work! We DID just sit there and watch it all happen. I was contemplating going up to him and putting him under citizen's arrest until the cops showed up for "some guy going through trash" - but then I realized my complaint would be logged AFTER the traffic violations so many posters here have submitted...the cops STILL haven't shown up for theirs so as of today I would've STILL had that biker under citizen's arrest on Eighth Street.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 16:12

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey

What's Step 5...steal underpants???

Posted on: 2009/5/14 16:00

Re: Someone's going through your garbage!!!

That's what I thought too...I'll usually give the benefit of the doubt.
But #1 I've seen the man who goes through the trash bags for cans each week and it wasn't him and #2 when this teenager pulled his backpack around to put stuff in it you could tell - even from where we were - that it wasn't cans, bottles or anything that looked like it could be of use.

Posted on: 2009/5/14 15:33

Someone's going through your garbage!!!

Monday night my friend and I witnessed a teenager on a bike stopping to dig through people's garbage bags (sitting on the curb waiting to be picked up by our loud ?friends?).

The kid didn?t see us because we watched from a stoop across and down the street but when anyone started walking towards him he's stop and pretend to do something else.

My friend suggested he could be looking for credit card statements or anything related to stealing a person's identity! He definitely wasn't looking for food or "trash treasures" to take home and refurbish.

Just a heads up...shredders may be a good investment if you don?t already own one!!!

Posted on: 2009/5/14 14:33

Re: Let's Create a "Pedestrian Safety" survey

Too many about:

0 = I didn't die this week...woo-hoo!
1 = I almost died/was injured from some a-hole driver this week
2 = I'm writing this from my hospital bed
3 = My mom's voting for me because I was mowed down by a car while trying to cross a street in downtown Jersey City and am now dead

Posted on: 2009/5/14 14:19

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians

I read through this and there was little mention of Erie and how pedestrians take their lives in their hands while walking down this street!!! Trying to cross this road is scary from that first intersection down at Bay all the way up - and the drivers look at pedestrians like we're nuts! I like the idea of speed bumps and maybe a cop or two (imagine that).

And while I'm on the topic of Erie...the little "social club" that meets in the garage of the home next to the liquor store (at 7th) is getting WAY out of hand. Drinking in the driveway is one thing - just please keep to yourselves. HOWEVER, when your attendees start getting loud and verbally harassing (and scaring) the people walking by...I think your party needs to end. I'm sick of crossing the street in fear of harassment (and the car that may or may not hit me because the driver is talking on his/her cell and speeding to get to the stoplight at 8th).

I think I?m gonna call the cops next time?yeah.

Posted on: 2009/5/12 20:27

Re: Need a good tailor

Thanks for the suggestions...I'll check them both out!

Posted on: 2009/4/6 18:41

Need a good tailor

It's wedding season and I need a great tailor to do alterations on a man's suit and bridesmaid dress...can anyone help? I'm downtown. Thanks!

Posted on: 2009/4/6 14:48




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