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Re: Puerto Rican Parade launches Aug. 22 with Downtown festival
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I was getting takeout at Komegashi last night and parked near the old Bank Building on Montgomery. When I came out, someone had broken one of the front windows. I think the owner of the Waterfront Wine and Liquors store saw the guy. Hopefully they caught him.

Posted on: 2010/8/23 19:47

Re: Jersey City says savings from canceling July 4 fireworks will ensure funding for other summer ev
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Just can't stay away

I was running in LSP today and saw one of those electric signs that there will be no Fireworks or viewing of the NYC fireworks. I am guessing they are just going to close the park.

It would be interesting to see how much the parades cost vs. the fireworks. The crowds for the 4th fireworks seem a lot less rowdy then the parade crowds. Doesn't seem like they would need as much police presence.

Posted on: 2010/6/24 2:10

Re: Liberty Harbor
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Just can't stay away


lhsucks wrote:
Liberty Harbor just SUCKS! I'm sure this will be erased by the management company as all my other posts on other websites with my warnings of STAY AWAY!

The management company is the MOST INEPT, DISHONEST, UNRESPONSIVE, AND RUDE management I've ever met. Everything is the renter's fault and they do not give a crap about you once you have rented or own your unit. They do not put the customer first after you move, but will do whatever it takes to get you in the building...including lie, after lie, after lie, which they will never admit too.

Yes, they did tell us that we were going to have additional amenities - swimming pool, theater room, coffee shop, other businesses that were just moving in around the buildings, and that the beer garden was going to be a small section around the back. Interesting...lie, lie, lie. Oh and how there was not going to be any construction across the street from my window. Somehow I endured 3 months of parking lot cleanup. Now, I have to listen to garbage pickup nightly at various hours and beer keg dropoffs during the day with the trucks and their blaring music. It's just noise and problems with the clientele. I've had enough, but now they are giving us problems about moving out because they have cash flow problems.

No they do not care about residents or their reputation and so this is what they get. Unhappy residents.

Liberty Harbor is definitely not perfect, but I am not sure what you are talking about regarding the amenities. The pool opened, not for long but it did open. There is a theater room, and there is the internet cafe. (granted it is instant coffee) Either way, it is what it is. You have to know there is going to be construction if they are planning several more phases. Not sure why people are suprised about that. And as far as the noise, you live in a city. They pick up garbage everywhere. Your going to have traffic everywhere. How about some more substance on why the management is so bad. I am interested as a resident.

Posted on: 2009/10/23 19:18

Re: Opening at The Regent at Liberty Harbor
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Just can't stay away

The gym opened yesterday. No parking garage yet, but the outdoor lot is open. No pool.

Posted on: 2009/9/3 19:40

Re: Opening at The Regent at Liberty Harbor
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Just can't stay away

I was wondering if anyone ran into this problem with this building or any other rental building. The Regent requires that the managment company be on the renters insurance policy. My Insurance company refuses to put managment companies on the policy. Are their ways around this or do you have to go with an insurance company that will allow this?

Posted on: 2009/8/26 15:34

Re: Opening at The Regent at Liberty Harbor
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Just can't stay away

I am moving in Sept. 1 to 30 Regent. How are the gym and pool coming along? Will the pool even open this year?

Posted on: 2009/8/17 16:31

Re: Several local politicians arrested on corruption charges
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Just can't stay away


ianmac47 wrote:
Arrested were: Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell, Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, Jersey City Council President Mariano Vega, Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Baldini, Jersey City Republican John Guarini, La Vern Webb-Washington, a Jersey City council candidate, Joseph Castagna, Jersey City's health officer, and Michael Manzo, a long-time veteran of the Jersey City fire department.


Why do they point out John Guarini's political affiliation? Or is it because he is the only Republican?

Many of them were getting paid off by builders. BIG shocker there.

Posted on: 2009/7/23 13:48

Re: Paulus Hook Pizza-back open and better than before !!
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Just can't stay away

I tried this place last night and thought it was pretty terrible. I had a stomach ache the rest of the night. Granted it was later in the evening so the pizza may have been sitting around, but I had a pepperoni slice that was overseasoned, dry, and just tasted funny. The white slice was mediocre at best.

Posted on: 2009/7/14 18:37

Re: Paulus Hook Park
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Just can't stay away

The city may have a lot of other problems, but I believe they need to step in and enforce leash laws as well because obviously dog owners live in their own world. Case and point, the woman that was mauled by a dog a few months ago.

Your dog may be "so sweet" or "would never hurt anyone," but what it comes down to is, they are still animals. Not everyone loves your dog as much as you do. Keep it on a freaking leash. I don't want to be chased by your dog when running through the park. End of story. GET A LIFE.

Posted on: 2009/5/28 18:28

Re: Downtown Jersey City major streets very unsafe and bad access for pedestrians
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Just can't stay away


07310 wrote:

ianmac47 wrote:
Another solution might be making travel down Marin Blvd. terribly inconvenient; add traffic lights at each cross street, and then make the light cycles alternate green and red so that traffic flowing north hits every red light along the way. Not only would that allow pedestrians safe crossing at each street, it would frustrate drivers looking for a quick shortcut.

Great idea, what we need is more traffic clogging the streets and more angry frustrated drivers racing around taking out their anger on the streets of JC.

It doesn't matter either way. There are so many a$$ holes driving the streets of Jersey City that they will speed and take anger out on you traffic or no traffic. I am glad to see that they are putting lights in and I agree that alternate greens will slow people down especially on streets like Columbus, Grand and Montgomery. They are speedways. Now they need to eliminate Fresh Direct trucks and tell the bus drivers to slow down.

Posted on: 2009/5/5 17:21

Re: Bistro la Source
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Just can't stay away

What is with Macaroni and Cheese and JC? Every place in the city has their own take on the dish. Not complaining though...

Posted on: 2009/4/24 13:15

Re: What would you do with the Powerhouse???
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Just can't stay away

Condos with granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances...

Posted on: 2009/4/10 20:12

Re: Pedestrians beware....Renegade City Buses
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Just can't stay away

They really are agressive. They are really bad on Montgomery and Marin. They could care less if you are crossing the street.

Posted on: 2009/2/18 20:43

Re: Armed robbers make getaway along light rail tracks in Downtown
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Just can't stay away


hudsonhorizons wrote:

wibbit wrote:

mfadam wrote:
I'm confused did this mugging happen at noon or midnight?

If it happened during the daytime that's quite brazen. I can't imagine that would help the city's pitch for more comapnies to move to "wall st west.".

it has to be at midnight. I work right by the waterfront there, at noon there are tons of people getting lunch etc, there is no way 2 guys running on the track would be able to get away.

Why, coz a bunch of scared shitless d-bag finance industry yuppies might throw a latt? at them?

Flame on indeed, pussoir.

What a STUPID comment. If it is noon, there are many more witnesses to the society draining thugs that commit these crimes. Maybe NJ should legalize concealed weapons and make it fair.

Those awful yuppies, with their jobs, and their tax paying, and the lattes they buy at local businesses. Give me those thugs that are probably receiving food stamps, monthly welfare checks, and scaring honest citizens away from Downtown Jersey City.

Posted on: 2009/2/13 15:47

Re: Liberty Harbor North
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Just can't stay away


ThirdStreet wrote:
I have a one bedroom at the sutton and am currently paying $445. Needless to say, the maintenance cost is tied to the square footage. I know of one bedrooms which are slightly smaller and pay a little less.
As for justifying it by looking at the amenities, I'll repeat what I said in an another thread : this only works out if your actually making use of them. Yes, there's a neat little movie theater, game room,giant jaccuzi, party room, etc etc but how often are you going to use them?

Also, free internet is only 120KBs per second. If you're someone who uses it for work or require something resembling 21 century broadband, you're going to have to pay (but not much, about $45 for 10Mbs a connection).

If you're concerned about maintenance costs being tad too high take a look at gulls cove. I found that maintenance costs there are are about $80 - $100 less every month on a comparable unit. GC comparable units do tend to be higher priced, however you maybe able to negotiate them down in the environment.

hope this helps

Is there a fitness center? Thanks for your help.

Posted on: 2009/1/13 20:48

Re: Schundler drops mayoral bid
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Just can't stay away


BrightMoment wrote:

Jeebus wrote:

I'm sure that there are many other candidates but how many have done anything but leech off of taxpayer money their whole life?

I would include Schundler in that group of "candidates ...(who)leech off of taxpayer money".

Go the site of my sig to find out why Schundler's just like all you Republican/Libertarians who talk the talk, but don't walk the walk, just like BushWhack & his ilk who bled our economy dry during the last 8 years running up the greatest deficit this country has ever known while left a surplus.

Republicans/Libertarians leech off both the corporate/institutional tit as well as the taxpayer.

Good riddance to Schundler's candidacy!

I don't want to get into an all out political fight over this, but its not only the Republicans/Libertarians "leeching off both the corporate/institutional tit." All politicians are doing us wrong.

Posted on: 2009/1/13 19:12

Re: Liberty Harbor North
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Just can't stay away

Does anyone have any idea what the maintenance goes for in 1brs here? Specifically the Sutton if anyone has looked into it.


Posted on: 2009/1/13 18:51

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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Just can't stay away

They bashed in the lock in causing serious damage to the door the first time and then ripped off the handle and bashed the lock in the second time. The door needed to be replaced both times. I guess a little early christmas present from the scum of the earth. I'm sure they will get theirs some day.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 19:37

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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Just can't stay away

Unfortunately a state of the art alarm won't stop them from breaking your window. My car has been broken into twice over the last month. Once on Morris and then on Van Vorst. $2000 each time. It's really frustrating. I don't even know if driving a POS will stop these animals.

Don't leave anything in your car and think about putting it a garage.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 19:22

Re: DO NOT park at PepBoys, BJs, Shoprite to go to Newport Mall right now
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Just can't stay away

If I have learned anything from living in Jersey City, just follow the rules. The police, parking authority, etc. are just waiting for you to screw up so they can fine the heck out you. This means, when you ride the light rail, buy a round trip ticket and validate it or else there is a good chance you will get a $70 ticket. Park on the correct side of the street and if you don't have a permit, 2 hours means 2 hours. Park in the correct lots. It's not to difficult.

And most important rule, don't bitch about it on the JCList because most will have no sympathy for you.

Posted on: 2008/12/17 18:36

Re: Pedestrian fatality numbers are bad for Hudson seniors
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Just can't stay away

Wow, this is no surpise. I have never seen so much blatant disregard for traffic signals then I do in Jersey City. I have said this before, it is the wild wild west. And it is EVERYONE. Residents, workers, livery cabs.

Following traffic rules really needs to start at a resident level. Take some pride in your city.

Posted on: 2008/12/12 16:36

Re: Construction in front of Gulls Cove
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Just can't stay away

I am going to go out on a limb and say condos...or a new Japanese Restaurant...

Posted on: 2008/12/1 20:21

Re: Same sex marriage in NJ
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Just can't stay away

Can democrats be rednecks? Because I'm going to say that Jersey City is loaded with them.

Posted on: 2008/11/28 14:56

Re: Same sex marriage in NJ
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Just can't stay away

Loopy, please give me the definition of a "redneck."

Posted on: 2008/11/28 14:20

Re: Same sex marriage in NJ
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Interesting break down. Those who voted for Prop 8

84% of weekly churchgoers ? (32% of electorate);
82% of Republicans ? (29% of electorate);
81% of white evangelicals ? (17% of electorate);
70% of African Americans ? (10% of electorate);
65% of all Protestants - (43% of electorate);
65% of white Protestants ? (29% of electorate);
64% of voters w/children in household ? (40% of electorate);
64% of Catholics ? (30% of electorate);
61% of age 65 and over ? (15% of electorate);
60% of married people ? (62% of electorate);
59% of suburban dwellers ? (51% of electorate);
58% of non-college graduates ? (50% of electorate);
53% of Latinos ? (18% of electorate);
51% of white men ? (31% of electorate).

Posted on: 2008/11/26 18:55

Re: Same sex marriage in NJ
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Just can't stay away


Loopy wrote:
JC_Man wrote:
"Is anyone else troubled by our govenor's recent position on this issue?"

Boy, you got that backwards. It's only a "moral" issue for Bible-thumping rednecks other species of conservative "Christians." It is a civil rights issue and your take on referenda (in addition to being a classic case of argumentum ad populum) displays a serious misunderstanding of one of the primary reasons this country's founders rejected direct democracy in favor of a representative republic: the tyranny of the majority over the weak minority. Read Mill, you angry little man.

So 6,775,560 of voters in California are "Bible-thumping rednecks other speciec of conservative christians." Because Obama won by millions of votes. "Rednecks" don't vote democrat.

I am not taking a stand on this either way, but this vote clearly shows that it is not just Republicans that are against gay marriage.

Posted on: 2008/11/26 18:47

Re: Visitor Parking Permits/Parking Regulations
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Just can't stay away

I can't speak on whether criminals target out of state plates or not because they seem to be equal opportunity offenders, but anyone can park on the street over the weekend. And as far as Friday, they can park after the posted hours.

Posted on: 2008/11/24 19:35

Re: Barack Obama for President
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Just can't stay away

Who the heck cares what he has to say. He has openly admitted forming the group that bombed dozens of buildings in the US. He does not apologize for it. He is a terrorist.

Groups that set fire to homes in protest of over building or groups that burn Hummer Dealerships are called Eco-Terrorists. How is this any different then what Ayers did?

To say that Obama is a terrorist because he knows Ayers is irresponsible. Lets move on.

Posted on: 2008/11/21 17:55

Re: ‘The Donald’ strikes again in Jersey City - Council considers naming street for Trump
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Just can't stay away

It's kind of like the city changing the name of the Morris Canal to the Lipski Stream...

Posted on: 2008/11/17 20:48

Re: Where are all the BJ shopping carts coming from?
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Just can't stay away

I was walking down Sussex St. on my way to work and saw a Trader Joe's hand basket. HP and HC have a BJ's cart problem. Paulus Hook has a Trader Joe's hand basket issue.

Maybe Trader Joe's is starting a guerrilla marketing campaign...

Posted on: 2008/11/14 15:02

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