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Re: multi car break ins on same night

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2007/5/27 7:19
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2008/12/23 11:56
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bluekollar wrote:
I'm sure this topic has been beaten to death but I'm new on this forum and I need to vent. I woke up on Tuesday morning and went out to move my car @ 8AM and I found my drivers side window and the center console of my car laying on the sidewalk (the window was still mainly together due to the light tinting I had on it) my stereo had been savagely ripped out leaving nothing but wires sticking out of my dash. They used a flathead screwdriver to "pop" the window out which left a nice gash in the window pillar. And yes, my GPS was taken as well but I have a feeling I was targeted because I take down the mounting hardware AND I clean the suction mark that it leaves and I put everything under the rear seat, so they must have seen me before. Yeah, I have customized my car a little bit to make it look nice (not like a hood rat-wanna-be-rapper) but just a bit of class, not chrome. Lesson learned - drive a POS and you'll be fine. I went over to Communipaw and had the glass replaced, no lie, 4 OTHER PEOPLE were there for THE SAME REASON, it all happened on the same night. This happened on 4th and Erie, right on the corner of my block! and it had to have taken place between 2AM and 8AM, I work very late and this hood seems so peaceful, so I never really worried about this sort of thing happening. One guy I spoke to at the glass place said he heard his alarm go off but he couldn't get outside fast enough, all he saw was 2 African-American males jump into a gold colored BMW that was double-parked a few spaces up from his truck on Wayne St., he didn't SEE them break into his vehicle but they sure did leave in a hurry. Anyhow, this infuriates me to no end, I love downtown JC and I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna fix my car, invest in a state of the art alarm, and park in the space left for the hydrant in front of my house every night from now on and just get up extra early and move it. Check out the stats for car theft and auto vandalism in JC @ the JCPD website, big numbers. The cop told me that it is getting worse and worse in our area. Need to start a neighborhood watch thing.....

I live on Wayne Street and I heard someone's car window smash that particular morning just as their car alarm began to go off.

I believe the time was approximately 4:45am.

By the time I made it out of bed, opened my bedroom window and opened my screen to stick my head out to see what was going on, I could see a BMW sedan double parked alongside a dark-colored Honda SUV.

What I was seeing was way up the block and partially obscured by the branches of a tree, but it looked like an African-American guy was frantically going through the SUV looking for something.

And then, just a few seconds later, he grabbed some big metal box and jumped in the passenger seat of the BMW, and then the car sped off really fast.

The driver's side window of the SUV had been smashed in and there was some black thing crumpled on the ground next to the car, which I am now guessing was window tinting film or part of the SUV's console.

Anyway, it all happened really fast and I was half asleep, but the BMW definitely had New York plates (if that helps).

I called a number which I thought was the Jersey City Police Department's main number, but they told me that I should call another number to report what I saw.

So I called that number, gave the person on the line a quick description of what I saw and then I went back to bed.

I hope this helps, and I am sorry to hear that your car was broken into.

Posted on: 2008/12/23 11:57

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2007/2/22 23:34
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Last night my car was broken into. down in Paulus Hook, right off of Washington. They broke the lock on the driver side door- They went through everything, but didnt take anything? left the satellite radio, sunglasses, etc...

Posted on: 2008/12/21 2:14

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2006/4/10 13:29
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Illegal parking spots are illegal for a reason. Cars parked too close to the corners is a big contributing factor to all the accidents on Erie Street. Parking in front of a fire hydrant is irresponsible. Don't be a lazy fu

Posted on: 2008/12/19 22:53

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2006/9/1 11:45
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we had video cameras installed on the outside of my parents house in the heights after all 3 of our cars were broken and our furniture was stolen off of the porch. cars on our block still get broken into, but the red glow of the cameras seems to keep them from touching our property anymore.

Posted on: 2008/12/19 21:05

Re: multi car break ins on same night
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/9/17 0:02
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2009/11/22 2:28
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bluekollar wrote:
Thank you for posting that link, I was going to do it but I couldn't remember how I got to it, forgot it was called compstat. I ALWAYS go for the corner spot first, that goes without saying. I reached out to a neighbor that has a driveway and he told me I am more than welcome to park in front of his driveway just so long as I get up early so his wife can get out, as he understands my dilemma, wouldn't take any money from me after I offered either. See, that's what I'm talkin' about - people helping people, cool. I work for a printing company and I was trying to come up with something to post on tele-poles or something clever to slip under windshield wipers to let punks know that they aren't welcome in our hood and they are being watched, or maybe take a shot at listing the contents that are or aren't in the vehicle to help criminals be a bit more selective on which cars to break into, lol. Does anyone have a vehicle immobilizer device on thier car? I have one, so stealing the car itself is very difficult and I was thinking, "why not just leave the car unlocked....there isn't anything in there anyhow?" anyone ever do that?

Wow, thats really nice of your neighbor. Although I myself have not been a victim of a break-in (knock on wood), my boyfriend had his spare tire stolen off of his Honda CRV, which was a big pain in the a$#. Good luck and hopefully they leave your car alone, even if it's for a little while.

Posted on: 2008/12/19 19:37

Re: multi car break ins on same night
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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2005/11/29 14:59
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2011/8/11 19:06
From Paulus Hook
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"why not just leave the car unlocked....there isn't anything in there anyhow?" anyone ever do that?

Kind of. 3 times my car was broken into, each time they busted the lock and dug around inside. Never messed with the ignition. The first two times I paid to get the lock fixed; the 3rd time I just left it busted and no break-ins since (over 2 years).
My thought is that a busted lock indicates there are no valuables inside and it gives them easy enough access if they want to look inside anyway without doing more damage

Posted on: 2008/12/19 19:05

Re: multi car break ins on same night

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2008/12/18 18:11
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2014/6/12 2:47
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Thank you for posting that link, I was going to do it but I couldn't remember how I got to it, forgot it was called compstat. I ALWAYS go for the corner spot first, that goes without saying. I reached out to a neighbor that has a driveway and he told me I am more than welcome to park in front of his driveway just so long as I get up early so his wife can get out, as he understands my dilemma, wouldn't take any money from me after I offered either. See, that's what I'm talkin' about - people helping people, cool. I work for a printing company and I was trying to come up with something to post on tele-poles or something clever to slip under windshield wipers to let punks know that they aren't welcome in our hood and they are being watched, or maybe take a shot at listing the contents that are or aren't in the vehicle to help criminals be a bit more selective on which cars to break into, lol. Does anyone have a vehicle immobilizer device on thier car? I have one, so stealing the car itself is very difficult and I was thinking, "why not just leave the car unlocked....there isn't anything in there anyhow?" anyone ever do that?

Posted on: 2008/12/19 18:03

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2007/10/20 17:38
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JimiJump wrote:
RE the first post, I've been all over the JCPD website and don't see any stats. Am I missing something or could someone please post the proper link. Thanks

I haven't looked at the stats to verify what the OP said, but I believe he is referring to this page

Posted on: 2008/12/19 3:57
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: multi car break ins on same night

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2005/3/24 4:06
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2014/11/10 4:23
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RE the first post, I've been all over the JCPD website and don't see any stats. Am I missing something or could someone please post the proper link. Thanks

Posted on: 2008/12/19 3:27

Re: multi car break ins on same night
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2008/9/11 22:33
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2011/10/19 19:54
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JC_DowntownRegular wrote:

bluekollar wrote:
I'm sure that one honk from a horn or siren and I'm up and out the house in 15 seconds, bet on that...and not to mention, the hydrant on the block is on the sidewalk in front of a big empty lot, no building, an engine could drive right into the lot and hook up, but still, I wouldn't let that happen, I'd get out and move it.

That's not the point. Go park on the corner so you won't jeopardize anyone's life or property. It's not fun trying to hook up a hose and make a 90 degree bend with it. And if it's the large diameter discharge and not the 2 1/2 inch that is blocked, good luck. Hose is not meant to make hard bends. They want to keep it clear for a reason. They don't want to wait any bit of time to access that water.

And god forbid it's your house on fire, and you forgot your car keys.


It's either an illegal corner spot, in someones driveway, or in front of the hydrant

They are all illegal spots - take the corner. That is the least intrusive. I'm tired of the people rationalizing parking in front of a hydrant.

hahahahahahahaha. that's awesome...

Posted on: 2008/12/19 1:32

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2005/1/24 19:00
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Everyone should have comprehensive coverage on their car insurance to cover the cost of damage due to vandalism or theft. I have a $100 deductible and it only costs about $125/year for that coverage. There is no reason to be paying $2,000 out of pocket.

Posted on: 2008/12/19 0:50

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2007/10/20 17:38
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bluekollar wrote:
I'm sure that one honk from a horn or siren and I'm up and out the house in 15 seconds, bet on that...and not to mention, the hydrant on the block is on the sidewalk in front of a big empty lot, no building, an engine could drive right into the lot and hook up, but still, I wouldn't let that happen, I'd get out and move it.

That's not the point. Go park on the corner so you won't jeopardize anyone's life or property. It's not fun trying to hook up a hose and make a 90 degree bend with it. And if it's the large diameter discharge and not the 2 1/2 inch that is blocked, good luck. Hose is not meant to make hard bends. They want to keep it clear for a reason. They don't want to wait any bit of time to access that water.

And god forbid it's your house on fire, and you forgot your car keys.


It's either an illegal corner spot, in someones driveway, or in front of the hydrant

They are all illegal spots - take the corner. That is the least intrusive. I'm tired of the people rationalizing parking in front of a hydrant.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 23:58
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2008/10/23 16:11
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Yeah I'm talking about these bad boys

hook them up to stream to the internet and you can access them from anywhere you can get the net, maybe even your iphone

Posted on: 2008/12/18 22:00

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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Quite a regular

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2007/7/18 0:01
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2012/3/15 16:15
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I think they?re targeting Jeeps. They tried to steal my jeep last Thursday night from the corner of Jersey & 8th. They popped the lock on the passenger side and tried to hotwire my car but they couldn't get it started. They didn't take anything from the back of the jeep so the police think they just wanted to steal the whole thing.
Just got it back from the repair shop with a bill big enough to choke a horse.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 21:54

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2008/10/21 23:17
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internet based surveillance system ???

Posted on: 2008/12/18 21:51

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2007/10/14 15:17
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bluekollar wrote:
an engine could drive right into the lot and hook up, but still, I wouldn't let that happen

Oh, don't worry. It's not going to happen.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2008/12/18 21:47

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2008/10/23 16:11
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2015/4/29 16:55
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Or this option ... as-a-car-theft-deterrent/

or take out the ignition circuit breaker to help prevent full theft

Posted on: 2008/12/18 21:27

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2008/10/23 16:11
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Set up an internet based surveillance system that you can adjust from your window to cover the area that you park your car, or get an alarm so loud it sounds like when a store is broken into.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 21:13

Re: multi car break ins on same night

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2008/9/29 21:42
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2011/3/11 0:31
From JSQ
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Beat this. Someone stole my Jeep Liberty's Spare tire (attached to the back car) in daylight (3pm). My car was parked right in front of my drive way. People who work accross the street in a school have full view of my house. I have an alarm too.

I started noticing other jeep liberties in the area driving around without a spare tire.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 20:58

Re: multi car break ins on same night

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2008/12/18 18:11
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2014/6/12 2:47
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It's either an illegal corner spot, in someones driveway, or in front of the hydrant - right outside of my front window. I realize that rules are made for a purpose as far as parking is concerned but I work at EWR at night until 1:30 AM and when I get home there is obviously nowhere to park. I know, I know......."should've thought of that before you decided to buy a car" or "you'd better look into an indoor parking facility"'s just not fair, I live on my block so I'm parking on my block from now on and that's the end of it, as long as I get up before 8AM to move it I'm fine. It does piss me off when I have to put it in front of the hydrant, I know that's wrong, I care for everyone's safety on my block, but hey...I'm a light sleeper, peoples footsteps on the sidewalk wake me up....I'm sure that one honk from a horn or siren and I'm up and out the house in 15 seconds, bet on that...and not to mention, the hydrant on the block is on the sidewalk in front of a big empty lot, no building, an engine could drive right into the lot and hook up, but still, I wouldn't let that happen, I'd get out and move it.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 20:37

Re: multi car break ins on same night
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2007/10/20 17:38
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bluekollar wrote:
...and park in the space left for the hydrant in front of my house every night from now on and just get up extra early and move it.

Um, does this mean you will be blocking the fire hydrant?


sullyx wrote:
well there are signs up around grove to join the guardian angels, not that I've ever seen one in jersey though

I've seen the Guardian Angels around, but not in a long while.

Driving a POS does not matter. Had a 1993 Nissan a few years back, and that was even broken into. They took a screwdriver and punched a hole in the door next to the lock. Then they just popped the locking mechanism.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 19:51
- Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: multi car break ins on same night
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/11/30 3:15
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2010/9/16 19:10
From Paulus Hook
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They bashed in the lock in causing serious damage to the door the first time and then ripped off the handle and bashed the lock in the second time. The door needed to be replaced both times. I guess a little early christmas present from the scum of the earth. I'm sure they will get theirs some day.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 19:37

Re: multi car break ins on same night
Home away from home
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2007/3/19 18:28
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2020/3/10 14:50
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well there are signs up around grove to join the guardian angels, not that I've ever seen one in jersey though

Posted on: 2008/12/18 19:31
utterly deplorable

Re: multi car break ins on same night

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2008/12/18 18:11
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2014/6/12 2:47
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2 grand each time? damn! So far I've spent 150 on the window and I don't even know how much electrical damage has been done but I have no dash lights and my trunk wont pop from the release handle, I assume that will be $. My buddy got one of those alarms that the keyfob goes bezerk when movement is detected inside your vehicle, I could deal with paying for a broken window and it would actually be worth it if I could catch the mutha*&%*#@er in the act, I'd have a special holiday beating, er greeting for his ass, guaranteed...

Posted on: 2008/12/18 19:31

Re: multi car break ins on same night
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2006/11/30 3:15
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2010/9/16 19:10
From Paulus Hook
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Unfortunately a state of the art alarm won't stop them from breaking your window. My car has been broken into twice over the last month. Once on Morris and then on Van Vorst. $2000 each time. It's really frustrating. I don't even know if driving a POS will stop these animals.

Don't leave anything in your car and think about putting it a garage.

Posted on: 2008/12/18 19:22

multi car break ins on same night

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2008/12/18 18:11
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2014/6/12 2:47
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I'm sure this topic has been beaten to death but I'm new on this forum and I need to vent. I woke up on Tuesday morning and went out to move my car @ 8AM and I found my drivers side window and the center console of my car laying on the sidewalk (the window was still mainly together due to the light tinting I had on it) my stereo had been savagely ripped out leaving nothing but wires sticking out of my dash. They used a flathead screwdriver to "pop" the window out which left a nice gash in the window pillar. And yes, my GPS was taken as well but I have a feeling I was targeted because I take down the mounting hardware AND I clean the suction mark that it leaves and I put everything under the rear seat, so they must have seen me before. Yeah, I have customized my car a little bit to make it look nice (not like a hood rat-wanna-be-rapper) but just a bit of class, not chrome. Lesson learned - drive a POS and you'll be fine. I went over to Communipaw and had the glass replaced, no lie, 4 OTHER PEOPLE were there for THE SAME REASON, it all happened on the same night. This happened on 4th and Erie, right on the corner of my block! and it had to have taken place between 2AM and 8AM, I work very late and this hood seems so peaceful, so I never really worried about this sort of thing happening. One guy I spoke to at the glass place said he heard his alarm go off but he couldn't get outside fast enough, all he saw was 2 African-American males jump into a gold colored BMW that was double-parked a few spaces up from his truck on Wayne St., he didn't SEE them break into his vehicle but they sure did leave in a hurry. Anyhow, this infuriates me to no end, I love downtown JC and I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna fix my car, invest in a state of the art alarm, and park in the space left for the hydrant in front of my house every night from now on and just get up extra early and move it. Check out the stats for car theft and auto vandalism in JC @ the JCPD website, big numbers. The cop told me that it is getting worse and worse in our area. Need to start a neighborhood watch thing.....

Posted on: 2008/12/18 18:48

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