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Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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miserable life on the street over humane euthanization?
sorry cats n dogs, I must respectfully disagree with you on that one. I admire your trap/neuter/release plan, and if the cat population can decline naturally through attrition, then great. but it must decline.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 23:26
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
77% of cats that enter shelters in the US are killed. See
In Jersey City in 2007, over 60% of the cats that entered the shelter were killed. Feral cats should never enter a shelter because they will be killed. Feral cats should be Trapped Neutered and Returned to their colony where caregivers maintain it. Spaying and neutering these cats will reduce the feral cat population through attrition. A feral cat is an unsocialized cat meaning it was never socialized with humans. Though it is a domestic cat, it is now a wild cat and cannot be given a traditional home through adoption. It is a shelter's responsibility to not accept feral cats and to tell people who bring feral cats to them that they will be killed. Only tame, stray cats should enter the shelter for redemption or rehoming. Quote:
Posted on: 2009/3/5 23:11
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
The real story behind Daisy being recaptured is that Robin Pink pushed Joe Frank to set up dozen traps. It was not easy because he kept coming up with excuses like he did not have a dozen traps and so on.
Bottom line Robin P. pushed hard enough that Bingo, Joe came up with 12 traps which they proceeded to set on Wed night using Mackerel as bait. They both took turns checking the traps through the night and sure enough Daisy was caught. So I am sorry, it was NOT Joe Frank who found Daisy but Robin P. and she deserves the credit. Otherwise, Daisy would still be out there. Please let us give this credit to her. The Jersey Journal also got it wrong.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 23:01
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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Frank, you say you agree with me, honest, and then in the next paragraph you admit your inclination to let a feral cat loose in a park, rather than bring it to a shelter.
so no, we don't agree. not in the slightest.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 22:47
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
Thank god Frank M isn't running animal control. Although from the sound of it, he might fit right in.
Congrat on getting your cat back. I'm glad a story with a happy ending can shed light on the idiots who run this city.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 22:28
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
I agree with you, honest. At the same time it's worth questioning the enthusiasm for sending animals to shelters. There is a tendency to be na?ve about these things because the word "shelter" obviously has a more positive connotation than perhaps it deserves in most cases. Supposing I caught a feral cat where his or her presence is intolerable, aside from calling Animal Control I can imagine being more inclined to [insert what happened to Daisy] than take her to a shelter where all nine lives are virtually predetermined. Unfortunately in this case, it was a poor course of action for all involved. Heads will roll that maybe should not.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 22:20
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
Wait a minute, my Mackerel went missing last week and I called Animal Control...... I keed, I keed.
A very happy ending indeed!!
Posted on: 2009/3/5 21:59
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
Update: Daisy the cat back home after being 'dumped' in Jersey City's Lincoln Park
by Charles Hack/The Jersey Journal Thursday March 05, 2009, 3:31 PM Morgan Metius of Jersey City is seen with her cat Daisy, before the frisky feline went missing and was then "dumped'' iin Lincoln Park. The saga of Daisy the missing cat has had a happy ending. After living almost four days in Lincoln Park and surviving Monday's snowstorm, the 2-year-old is now back with her owner, Morgan Metius, according to Jersey City spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill. Jersey City Animal Care and Control's supervising officer, Joe Frank, trapped the kitty in Lincoln Park using mackerel as bait Tuesday night, Morrill said. Daisy was taken by two animal care and control officers Friday after she strayed onto a neighbor's property and released in Lincoln Park in a wooded area near Joseph J. Jaroschak Field, officials said. She should have been brought to the Liberty Humane Shelter, officials said. Both control officers have been put on desk duty pending an internal investigation. "She lost a little weight around the ribs, stinks to high heaven of Mackrel, its purring more than ever and asleep in the place she belongs - at the foot of my bed!!!,'' Morgan wrote on the Web site jclist. "A happy ending! Please understand that its not over for me. What happend is an outrage and needs not be swept under the rug. I am taking measures to ensure that ACO will be treated as the law says appropriate and Animals lost can find saftey at a shelter EVERYTIME!!''
Posted on: 2009/3/5 21:48
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
2006/4/18 0:04 Last Login : 2021/10/2 19:00 From Jersey Cxxx
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1 other cat was trapped (I believe on Saturday) and was brought to Liberty Shelter. It's in the Original Post. No other cats were trapped.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 21:42
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
2007/2/3 21:36 Last Login : 2020/4/18 19:17 From Way Downtown
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Frank, just because some - okay most - shelter cats nationwide are euthanized doesn't mean that turning them out onto the street is a better option.
think about it: a short life with food, shelter and good health, versus a cold, miserable, sickly existence, that in some cases ends just as quickly - though far less humanely - than a life in a shelter. it's a shame that those are the only two choices for most strays and unwanted pets, but until humanity gets its sh*t together -beginning with spaying and neutering - it's all we've got. (with the exception, of course, of great shelters like LHS. but they are, as I say, the exception.)
Posted on: 2009/3/5 21:27
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
I am so glad that Daisy returned home.
Does anyone think that I should call Animal Control about my cat? Would they lie to me? I'm so worried that he hasn't come home. Does anyone know if AC trapped any other cats while looking for Daisy? Thank you.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 21:27
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
Okay, my bad perhaps. The American Humane Association paints a different picture nationwide where an estimated 70% of cats entering shelters are euthanized.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 19:07
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
Most of them are not euthanized at LHS. There are some cats there that have lived there for close to a year. It's an awesome shelter and that's where animals should be brought if they are lost. Join zootoo and earn them some points for a makeover instead of making assumptions Frank.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 18:33
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
You said "healthy and adoptable." I said "most cats." Yes, of course I'm insinuating that most are euthanized, but I don't make a distinction between feral and cuddly.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 18:25
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
If they are healthy and adoptable they stay they are long as needed to be found by their owners or be adopted. What did YOU think happened Frank? Go the the shelter in JC and ask before you make assumptions that all animals at shelters get put to sleep. I'm assuming that is what you were insinuating.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 18:09
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
Many across the country die. While AC has a flame under their arses, they should continue to trap and neuter all the ferals returning them back to the colony afterward. In time, there may be less calls for them to pick up feral cats.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 16:46
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Heres how we got Daisy back...
So a "volunteer" pressured AC to set 15 traps on Tuesday night around the area where they dumped her. Checks were made on the traps every 3-4 hours becuase of the extreamily cold weather. Daisy was caught at 6am and sent to the vet to make sure she didn't get in any fights while in the woods. Then she was returned to me at home.
What do you think happens to most of the cats taken the shelter?
I rescued Daisy from a shelter so I can only hope that they find loving warm homes. And we can't play god on who gets the chance or not, they should all be treated with equal amounts of love and respect.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 16:24
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Quite a regular
I don't think that animal control has any type of logging system - when they came to my house I was surprised that there was no paperwork involved at least on my end.
When I spoke to the reporters as well, I know that they were asking me a lot of questions in regards to animal control logging the cat in and they were surprised as well that I didn't have to sign anything when they left.....
Posted on: 2009/3/5 15:54
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
YAY, Home At Last!!!
How did she get this cat back & by who. Also, dont animal control have a log book of what they did at the scene like if they caught a stray & what they did with it? Do they just log in the book unfounded when they really pick up these strays & dump them in the park so they can take a long lunch? We def need this investigated by an outside company.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 15:00
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
2006/12/5 15:53 Last Login : 2012/9/30 0:28 From Belmont Ave.
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Regardless of whether or not an animal ultimately is put up for adoption, any stray animal brought into a shelter in NJ must be held for 7 days to provide the owner with a chance to locate and reclaim their pet. If the cat had been brought to the shelter she would have been home, safe, days ago.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 14:47
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
I'm glad to hear that your worries are over and your companion is home safe. Now that you are undoubtedly in a calmer state of mind, please take a moment to consider the situation objectively. What do you think happens to most of the cats taken the shelter?
Posted on: 2009/3/5 13:15
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Posted on: 2009/3/5 12:18
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Just can't stay away
YAY Daisy!!
Posted on: 2009/3/5 11:42
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
Best story I've ever read on here. So glad little Daisy is back at home purring away.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 5:09
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Just can't stay away
2008/9/1 12:29 Last Login : 2024/3/31 18:13 From Lincoln Park
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Glad to hear Daisy is back home.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 3:40
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
This is a rare (happy) story, after the snowstorm i was sure the chances of finding daisy would be extremely low. A big thumb up for everyone involved. Lucky cat!
Posted on: 2009/3/5 3:10
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
You Rock Pink!
Posted on: 2009/3/5 2:43
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Quite a regular
Did volunteers find Daisy in the Lincoln Park area? Which means that Animal Control did indeed dump her there?
So, my taxpayer money is going to pay for illegal animal control practices, which the local taxpaying community has to correct at great expense and effort at 2 am on a weeknight. Not sure how trust is to be regained on this one. 'Crime' might be down, but mismanagement doesn't seem to be...lovely stuff. +1 on FAB's responses about this being a systemic issue.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 2:22
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Home away from home
InJC, the very first post explains what happened. But yes, I am very curious to hear who found her and how! It's a total city cat story. Sweet thing.
My sister's cat got out once from their house in LA and ended up living in a guest house in Beverly Hills for two weeks. We could have written a screenplay...
Posted on: 2009/3/5 2:08