Re: Boycott A-1 Deli
Quite a regular
Difference is that the Lees would probably be embarrassed and do something about it were you to point this out at time of purchase. They've been super supportive over the years and have always been helpful/cordial when one has time to shoot the breeze with them on an early weekend morning. Hope they realize how well the neighborhood appreciates them.
Posted on: 2009/4/27 1:03
Re: Cutting Down Crime
Quite a regular
It's looking like another case of pick your poison for the mayoral race - what else is new in JC.
Crime's still an issue, I don't think there are any arguments there - it's plain insulting to be told otherwise. Taxes are higher than the skyscrapers being built downtown. Abatements have been an ongoing issue with this administration. Educational options are still a huge disincentive for families thinking of moving here, a condition that hasn't changed in the last 20-30 years, but certainly should've been improved by the 'gold coast' boom. Transportation infrastructure is a mess - with PATH trains overwhelmed by the masses who commute to NYC (hoodwinked by the ongoing construction boom), and citizens find city departments abusing their mandate - recent animal control issue, the FBI investigation into the building inspector taking bribes, the deputy mayor who married folks for an 'additional' fee, etc. etc. The fellow I would've voted for decided against running; election times make for strange bedfellows. Healy was canny enough to hitch his wagon to Obama; well I hope change is coming to JC, too...
Posted on: 2009/3/7 15:33
Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Quite a regular
Did volunteers find Daisy in the Lincoln Park area? Which means that Animal Control did indeed dump her there?
So, my taxpayer money is going to pay for illegal animal control practices, which the local taxpaying community has to correct at great expense and effort at 2 am on a weeknight. Not sure how trust is to be regained on this one. 'Crime' might be down, but mismanagement doesn't seem to be...lovely stuff. +1 on FAB's responses about this being a systemic issue.
Posted on: 2009/3/5 2:22
Re: Kenya's leading paper visits MLK Dr. calls it "one of the toughest US black inner-city neighborh
Quite a regular
A bit disingenuous of the JJ to feign indignance when one of their own columnists categorized the same neighborhood as a war zone less than a month ago.
Posted on: 2008/10/27 23:46
Re: LITERARY GIANT from Jersey City Dies at 94
Quite a regular
Salute to Mr. Giroux, a fellow Regis alum.
Posted on: 2008/9/7 22:32
Re: Councilman gets ethics questions on the ballot
Quite a regular
+1; hope this goes through.
Posted on: 2008/8/2 17:59
Re: High school Astroturf: $1.3 MILLION!
Quite a regular
In a completely unscientific trawling of recent net news for high school astroturf costs, the highest I saw was ~$900K. Different markets, though. ... -be-replaced-by-Astroturf ... f_set_for_withington.html ... 05/807030339/1020/LOCAL05
Posted on: 2008/7/20 12:45
Re: Bergen Lafayette: Library Hall Lofts in Jersey City, NJ Officially Opens with Grand Opening Part
Quite a regular
Interesting news, but isn't this a press release? Posting it is akin to spamming ourselves.
Posted on: 2008/7/20 12:26
Re: Karate school nearby ??
Quite a regular
It's not karate, but you might be interested in checking out It's an escrima school, but they also do empty hands, and ground holds etc. Attended some classes when they were at 440, they're now in Jrnl Sqr area.
Posted on: 2008/6/19 2:45
Re: What Jersey City Restaurant Do You Miss the Most?
Quite a regular
There was some pretty good guff and graw going on in the parking lot, too.
Posted on: 2008/6/9 1:15
Re: Good Mechanic in Downtown Area
Quite a regular
Joe's Auto Electric 41 Maxwell St, Jersey City, NJ - (201) 435-7035 Joe's a good guy, no nonsense.
Posted on: 2008/6/7 11:12
Re: The Cliffs - great new rental complex
Quite a regular
Were I looking there, my main concern would be flooding. That area is quite prone to flooding (with resulting traffic problems during rainstorms).
Posted on: 2008/3/19 23:21
Re: how dangerous is the heights?
Quite a regular
Post is sounding a bit like an echo chamber. I like urban horror stories as much as the next guy, but I humbly suggest that some of your received opinions are a tad hyperbolic.
Anyway, just returned from a walk to the video store on Central (it's around 10pm now), and didn't notice any bogeymen on the corner (I live off Pershing Field so covered the southern half of Central). I get home late as often as every other working stiff - either a walk home from Journal Square or take the 87 from Hoboken. The walking route goes through Central Avenue, the bus goes through Palisade. Happy to say no incidents since moving back here several years ago. It ain't all peaches and cream; one does have to watch out and be alert, but certainly no more than the Jrnl Sqr area and less than other parts of JC. I would also suggest that the Heights' real battle is with getting the councilpeople to be more attentive to its neighborhood given the strides made lately with the parks and reservoir and the changing population. This board is great for the variety of advice - some spot-on, others little more than hearsay. Do yourself a favor and contact one of the neighborhood associations for their take on the area. There are several in the Heights - Riverview Neighborhood Association; Sgt. Anthony's; Pershing Field Garden Friends; etc. Cheers.
Posted on: 2008/3/11 2:23
Re: Folding bicycles
Quite a regular
Hybrids: more relaxed geometry (more upright position with slacker angles), thicker tires, usually a flat/upright handlebar, thicker seat. The upright position will mean you're more visible to traffic, but some folks will say that it's not as suitable for longer distance charity rides, etc (though if you go on any of the charity rides, you'll see that it doesn't really hold back riders who choose this type). Road: There are sub-categories - performance, sport, etc. Fairly versatile with the ability to customize for racing or touring. More aggressive geometry. Mathias makes a good suggestion of using a cross bike outfitted with slicks (skinny road tires). But knobbies won't hold you back if I understand your intended use. May is bike month and there'll be a lot of activities/promos coming on. Watch out for 'em since you might be able to score some good deals. Also, the bicycle buyers guide for Velonews, Bicycling, Cyclesport and ProCycling magazines usually come out around now, and you can get some tips about finding the right bike. One tip - unless you're buying a high end bike (> ~$4K or so), most bikes are made in China and Taiwan, and re-badged with the different brands. Take a look at for some good deals online, also roadbikereview for useful opinions from experienced riders. See you on 9W.
Posted on: 2008/3/5 13:03
Re: The Heights: Scary moments as mugger pulls trigger in Pershing Field
Quite a regular
Happy to say that the Heights hasn't become a dump - at least Central Avenue and its environs (can't speak for Western Slope or other areas (Heights is a huge area) as I no longer hang out there - anyone remember running around, down, and through the trails off Terrace Ave park?). I used to have to duck for cover from flying bottles on Central Avenue 20 - 25 years ago. Haven't had to do that in a while. I think it's more of the same, but the neighborhood associations have definitely gotten stronger; and that's good. Reservoir - that's good. I'll see you folks on the track at Pershing Field. It's not the crime, but the response by the community to it that will tell. Cheers.
Posted on: 2008/2/13 3:50
Re: What kind of neighborhood is the Heights in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
re: the bus service
Been noticing a lot more new (how's that for code?) residents taking the jitneys/vans/immies . My hunch is that the low ridership on the buses has something to do with that. Regardless of the reasons, what's heartening is how quickly/strongly the local neighborhood associations and the CASID have banded together (with current administration) to rectify the situation. I would agree with Croft that it has gotten better. The crime map is useful, up to a point. It's a bit brittle as it caps out at 50 incidents per query. However, not any of the homicides Mathias mentions are in the database - the db doesn't start until '06. When I requested all homicides in 2006 to the present (pegged to an address in the Heights), the search retrieves just one incident in the Heights, with the rest of the entries elsewhere. Been here a while, so I'm no Pollyana, but I do think it's gotten better. The Reservoir has caught on strongly and I've noticed an increase in the number of stroller-moms/dads heading to the park. Heck, several listers actually complained about the 99cent stores on Central Avenue. That complaint was being made on this board about downtown JC's Newark Avenue not too long ago.
Posted on: 2008/2/3 22:12
Re: What kind of neighborhood is the Heights in Jersey City?
Quite a regular
Welcome to the neighborhood. It's a huge area, sounds like you picked a nice slice of it. There are tons of helpful neighborhood associations. Once you're settled, check 'em out as they're a super helpful source of info. You should also check out the Heights website: to get some of the basics. Definitely check out the Reservoir in the spring/summer - can't be beat.
Posted on: 2008/2/2 16:49
Re: Heights: 'Heavy' fire damages Central Avenue Bagels & free book exchange
Quite a regular
+1 Sammy's a great guy and his store was a stop on my weekend routine. Still will be, fingers crossed. Here's an article in NY Times about him: NY Times article
Posted on: 2008/1/17 0:01
Re: Heights - The Price of New Construction?
Quite a regular
As per 2000 census data for 07307 Housing Units in 07307 Zip Code (Year 2000 census) Total Housing Unit: 16896 Structure Built Year 1999 to March 2000: 92 1995 to 1998: 169 1990 to 1994: 301 1980 to 1989: 815 1970 to 1979: 1380 1960 to 1969: 1850 1950 to 1959: 2124 1940 to 1949: 2497 1939 or earlier: 7668
Posted on: 2007/11/4 3:22
Heights - The Price of New Construction?
Quite a regular
Hi all,
Just sharing a current problem for our block association - one I'm sure is common for other groups as well. Enclosed is a letter which we sent to the Jersey Journal, Hudson Reporter, ward council members, as well as at-large councilpersons. If you feel the same way that we do with regard to the process and results stemming from these new constructions, please voice your displeasure using the numbers listed below. Thanks for reading. A pervasive frustration is growing within many residents in Jersey City Heights in the form of new construction on our blocks. The new builds are at the expense of old Victorian homes representative of the time period in which our area was developed, and they come with a price?be that of street parking spaces (with already over-crowded street parking), illegal living situations in basement apartments common in two-family zoned new constructions, asbestos contamination caused by non-compliant demolitions, and non-compliance with zoning, building and design standards (much of it negatively impacting the green space and public utilities in Jersey City). The house on a double lot at 43 Ravine was sold. Last week, the neighbors noticed ?No Parking? signs indicating an imminent tear down. The neighbors within 200 feet of the house have not been alerted to the fact that it would be torn down (as per a buildings requirement) and the house appears to have asbestos siding. The tear down has not occurred yet and neighbors have alerted the NJDEP and Jersey City Buildings Department regarding the potential asbestos hazard and the fact that required notification was never received by surrounding homeowners ? but will our calls to the city be heeded? It wasn't when a similar property was torn down at 76-78 Booraem just a year ago. And what is the impact going to be of the two multi-unit dwellings put in its place? The greed and flagrant neglect by developers of Jersey City's basic zoning and building ordinances is apparent in these new builds. Residents are no longer willing to stand by while laws that protect our health, safety and standard of living are flagrantly violated. We urge the people of Jersey City Heights and our elected officials to speak out against the developers who are building these multi-family homes. Please utilize the following numbers. To report an environmental incident impacting your neighborhood: The Toll-Free 24-Hour Hotline 1-877-WARNDEP/1-877-927-6337. To inquire about possible tear downs or similar neighborhood concerns: The City of Jersey City Mayor?s Task Force 1-201-547-5200. Sincerely, East Pershing Residents? Association
Posted on: 2007/10/24 0:47
Re: Is it safe for two single women to live in this neighborhood? Please help!
Quite a regular
Posted on: 2007/7/15 16:11
Re: Throw the Books at Them - Peeved by Library's Dumping
Quite a regular
Don't know when you checked, but the library has multiple copies of Julian Barnes' "Arthur & George" as per online catalog. Neither Duberman's Kirstein bio nor the Lerman memoir is in the catalog, but then the NYPL doesn't have 'em either, so might still be waiting for 'em from publishers.
Posted on: 2007/7/10 2:59
Re: Throw the Books at Them - Peeved by Library's Dumping
Quite a regular
Wow, ohmigod, that's like the most trenchant description of library, ahem, information workers I've ever heard. As I understand it, the original post came about due to the opaque nature of library weeding. I think the original article gave a fair overview of the different factors that inform the process. With re: the inventory of a particular library's holdings, collection development also has guidelines - user behavior patterns, trends in library literature, updated editions, and BUDGET. Given the paltry amount provided to most public libraries, individual branches can't stock everything, nor do they need to. In those instances, inter-library loan can take advantage of the holdings of a wide network of institutions. But, if you're too impatient for that, try and see if the local branch can order the book for you. Chances are, they'll do so. As for accusing people who chose to work daily with books of not being 'book people', that's just idiotic. Bright Moment, for penance, you'll have to listen to Kenny G's version of Cherokee 20 times straight.
Posted on: 2007/7/9 22:38
Re: Throw the Books at Them - Peeved by Library's Dumping
Quite a regular
This is silly. The article noted that the library reaches out to schools and local community centers to donate these. It also then places some books into the 'store' where they are sold for 50cents or so. Only after those steps are taken will the books be set aside as discards. The library is already a 'free table', anyone who lives in JC can borrow books for free. If you're so interested in the books - why didn't you go and borrow them from the library? There are several criteria for weeds - one of which the community satisfied by showing no interest in these books over the last 5 -10 years (no check-outs).
Posted on: 2007/7/9 18:53
Re: Throw the Books at Them - Peeved by Library's Dumping
Quite a regular
As someone with an MLS who volunteers at the circulation desk, I can say that the folks who work there know their stuff. While they may not be able to field all the questions thrown at them, they know how to get the right answers. As well, I've seen them go out of their way to cater to the diverse interests of patrons who come in, knowing trends well enough to guide them towards newly arrived books of interest. Weeding, especially in this digital age, is a regular necessary process, kinda like pruning the branches to keep the tree healthy.
Posted on: 2007/7/8 16:40
Condo Law: Restrictions
Quite a regular
Hi all,
Questions: As part of our condo handbook - Restrictions on use of Apartment Units: Our condo policy states: No Portion of any Apartment Unit (other than the entire Apartment Unit) may be rented, and to transients may be accommodated. I have a 2 bedroom with a friend. Does the clause above forbid me from renting out my room? If so, is there a way to get around it? Does anyone have any experience on transient housing laws in New Jersey? What are pros/cons? Also, can anyone recommend a condo lawyer who is good with litigation?
Posted on: 2007/6/25 0:33
Re: Buying a condo in JC Heights - anything I should know?
Quite a regular
You're looking for the #82 NJ Transit bus that comes in from Union City. Last stop is Exchange Place. It travels on Summit Avenue past Bowers.
Posted on: 2007/3/22 2:35
Re: Has anyone used any of these dentists?
Quite a regular
Been going to him for close to 10 years, and never had that treatment 'pushed' on me. Also, over the last couple of years, his practice has expanded due to include 2(?) other dentists within the office. Have had sessions with one other (whose name escapes me) besides Lustiger. No complaints.
Posted on: 2007/1/24 0:45
Re: Buying a condo in JC Heights - anything I should know?
Quite a regular
I hear ya. However, while I've not had the pleasure of driving a company car, I tend to think that this issue revolves around ownership of the car (and by extension its registration) and not your residency status. Don't know the particulars of your company, etc. but mine agrees to take care of parking fees, gas, etc. on those occasions where I've had to use my car for business. I would guess that your company annually budgets for gas, mileage, lease, maintenance of car, insurance, etc. for its company cars. What's another $300 on the automobile line item?
Posted on: 2007/1/15 22:44