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Re: Running at night
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2007/10/4 22:11
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Nori wrote:
thanks for the replies.

So there arent random/shady groups of people hanging out in the park? Think I'd be ok if I carried a weapon or mase?

What are other safer routes into the park other than that little crappy bridge/walkway

If you are thinking that you need to carry a weapon or mace to run at LSP, I would just say don't run there. I assume the place is pretty isolated at night, it just takes one time to run into a crazy person or a gang of bored teens.

Posted on: 2010/3/10 14:01

Re: Liberty State Park in the evening
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2009/2/24 20:35
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I've felt unsafe and was very happy I was on a bike in the park in the summer-- around 8:30 or 9 pm or so. I passed some teenagers who were grouped up on both sides of the waterfront walkway-- and they did not look like kids laughing and having a good time, they had a very harsh and cold look, it was not clear to me why they were there. Perhaps I am overcautious but as a slight woman, better safe than sorry.

Posted on: 2010/3/10 13:17

Re: Running at night
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2008/3/24 20:27
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From Bergen/Laf
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I walk my dogs at Liberty at night between 7-9 and there are always usually people around. I go near the LSP entrance by the light rail, not up on Jersey. I have never felt threatened at all, and I would rather walk down MLK then a park at night, but I never get that nervous errie feeling

Posted on: 2010/3/9 22:24

Re: Running at night
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2009/12/1 22:07
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2011/12/8 18:51
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I'm a distance runner. I've run the park, the waterfront (hobo-Paulus), and throughout the city.

I have a lot of running options so I generally don't choose LSP at night because there are better night options. (I like to see people, life, etc) when I run. That said, I feel safe at Liberty all the time, and even on the few occasions when I ran it at night.

I've always felt at ease knowing that I am a runner when I venture into "not so safe" territory. It's sort of harder to catch a runner. I feel (IMHO) that most crooks are smart enough to know that a runner is harder to catch and they probably don't have much on them.

So if I were you, and if LSP was my only option (say you live in Greenville, Port Liberte or wherever), I would run it, or at least attempt to a few times to sense whether I felt comfortable.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 21:28

Re: Running at night
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2004/12/29 17:58
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Waterfront Walkway north of the Morris Canal all the way through to Hoboken is quite safe...although NOTHING is completely safe.

I would judge LSP not quite so safe.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 17:31

Re: Running at night
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2009/9/21 22:19
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thanks for the replies.

So there arent random/shady groups of people hanging out in the park? Think I'd be ok if I carried a weapon or mase?

What are other safer routes into the park other than that little crappy bridge/walkway

Posted on: 2010/3/9 17:21

Re: Running at night

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2009/5/14 21:21
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I would not run LSP at night alone. Not enough people around.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 17:05

Re: Running at night
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2007/10/29 12:17
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2018/9/5 2:01
From Hamilton Park
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I prefer the waterfront starting at the Goldman building up to Hoboken. I feel like LSP is too remote at night - no one can hear you if something happens.

The run from GS to Hobo is a good one.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 15:44

Re: Running at night
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2007/9/4 4:07
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I woudn't say it was dangerious, actually fun since there is hardly anyone around. But like JC_man said, the area around the bridge you have to watch out. If someone was hiding out there, there is no other person or car in sight for quite a distance.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 15:24

Re: Running at night
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2008/5/22 20:46
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I run at LSP at night at least once a week throughout the year and in my opinion it is safe at night inside the park. Running to the park via Pacific Ave or even the Jersey Ave. footbridge is another story, although I've never had any problems by the footbridge even though the lighting is not great. My best advice is to drive to the park and then run the entire park. There are police on patrol (park police and occassionally JCPD) and along the water by the bridge to Ellis Island there is always a police officer stationed there as well as by the old train terminal most of the time.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 15:13

Re: Running at night
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2005/7/13 15:03
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susiederkins wrote:
I don't know about LSP after dark (although I probably wouldn't do it). I see often see people running along the waterfront when I'm coming home from work after dark; up through at least 8pm there are enough people around such that it would probably be pretty safe to go from Paulus Hook up the waterfront into Newport.

I know in Jersey City that the bill is one price for the street lights whether they are working or not. I'm not sure if it is the same way for the park. The park is probably state run seeing that it is a state park. Call Sam Pesin with the group Friends of Liberty State Park (201) 792-1993 I'm sure he will take care of the situation in a quick manner.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 14:59

Re: Running at night
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2009/7/31 12:32
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2011/8/28 13:19
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I don't know about LSP after dark (although I probably wouldn't do it). I see often see people running along the waterfront when I'm coming home from work after dark; up through at least 8pm there are enough people around such that it would probably be pretty safe to go from Paulus Hook up the waterfront into Newport.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 14:53

Re: Running at night
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2005/9/22 15:12
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Last time I ran there at night, there were more lights out than working. I sent a note about it, but I doubt they've been replaced yet. If all the lights were working, you'd feel completely safe there.

Posted on: 2010/3/9 14:51

Running at night
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2009/9/21 22:19
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2018/8/14 18:54
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Is it safe to run in Liberty State Park after dark?

If not, where is a good place to run at night. Other than the obvious answers (gym, treadmill, track...)

Posted on: 2010/3/9 14:24

Re: Liberty State Park in the evening
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2008/5/22 20:46
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2022/5/31 3:07
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I run at LSP a few times every week, about twice during the week at night. In the winter the park at night is pretty much deserted except for a few cars passing through. I wouldn't say there's a strong police presence, but I've never had any reason to not feel secure. There are always police at the bridge to Ellis Island, but other than that you'll maybe see one or two patrolling the main road occassionally or by the ferry to the Statute of Liberty.

During the warmer weather it's a different story - plenty of people and usually no trouble. In the summer on weekends it gets crowded and you can run into some less than desirable people, but the park is so big an there are so many people around, I've never seen any problems.

Posted on: 2009/2/11 21:06

Re: Liberty State Park in the evening
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2007/10/10 17:33
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Bike_Lane wrote:
I go to the park to jog or bike later than that. The park closes at 10, and the park cops have stopped by to ask me to leave as late as 11. Around 7 there are still plenty of people walking, jogging, cycling about, fishing from the esplanade, fewer in winter. On one of the really really cold nights I'm pretty sure I was the only person in the park. By 9 it really thins out. Most of the paths in the park are well-lit and I feel very safe, but I stay away from the dark corners. The most "unsafe" I ever feel is while traversing the gravel and mud pit at the south end of Jersey Avenue and the sagging wooden bridge over to the park.

I agree. I have always felt that LSP is very safe at any time. There is a strong police presence there 24-7. The only sketchy part is getting there.

Posted on: 2009/2/11 15:40

Re: Liberty State Park in the evening
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2008/11/10 4:48
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2021/11/20 23:45
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I go to the park to jog or bike later than that. The park closes at 10, and the park cops have stopped by to ask me to leave as late as 11. Around 7 there are still plenty of people walking, jogging, cycling about, fishing from the esplanade, fewer in winter. On one of the really really cold nights I'm pretty sure I was the only person in the park. By 9 it really thins out. Most of the paths in the park are well-lit and I feel very safe, but I stay away from the dark corners. The most "unsafe" I ever feel is while traversing the gravel and mud pit at the south end of Jersey Avenue and the sagging wooden bridge over to the park.

Posted on: 2009/2/11 14:41

Re: Liberty State Park in the evening
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2008/3/27 15:50
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2009/12/30 21:20
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On skates? Beware the cobblestones! Otherwise it's a nice, flat (VERY flat) ride.

Posted on: 2009/2/11 12:34

Re: Liberty State Park in the evening
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2007/7/4 16:37
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2021/11/4 21:55
From Hamilton Park
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I have been looping on and off around the park at 6-7 PM since ~10 years, including in the winter when I can only find a couple of cars other than mine. Never had a problem.

Posted on: 2009/2/11 3:51

Re: Liberty State Park in the evening
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2007/1/26 2:25
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2010/11/3 12:12
From van Vorst
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I used to run there around the same time. We'd meet up around 7 at the brownstone diner. I suggest if youre going to do it do it during the warmer seasons where you get more daylight. Often I'd be done around 9 in the summer and it would only start getting dark. I always suggest running with a pack and that just goes for anywhere you can never have too much company or motivation.

On that note there would still be people out at that time whether they are tourists, or fishing, or pet owners. Again this was when it was much warmer.

I would see an occasion park cop but I wouldnt count on them.

If you have no friends and are fairley new to this let me know. I'm looking to get back into it I'm so out of shape at this point I'd be surprised if I have a 12 minute mile for more than a mile. Sad but true.

Posted on: 2009/2/11 3:19

Liberty State Park in the evening

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2009/2/4 3:55
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2011/9/4 3:50
From VVP
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I really need to start getting in some exercise after a grueling day of staring blankly at my cubicle wall, drooling slightly and pretending to do work (it takes a hell of a toll on your back).

Rather than tear around the downtown on my skates, dodging people and psychotic drivers, I'd like to explore the vast open plains and beautiful NYC skyline views of LSP.

How's the park in the early evening? Between 7-9? Lots of other people running around, or should I fear for my safety?

Posted on: 2009/2/11 1:53

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