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Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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2006/4/1 22:40
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not sure what i think about this "apology".

if countries/empires/world powers had to apologize for their past attrocities while persuing economic power, basically every country in the world would be issuing one.

of course, agreed, slavery was an abomination, but it sticks in our minds because it was relatively recent when considering the overall history of mankind.

man is no more "civilized" than he was thousands of years ago.

Posted on: 2008/3/3 20:48

Re: Kabili Tayari back in the news: Outside firm hired to study policies of HC Corrections Dept.
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2007/3/19 18:28
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SalOnTheHill wrote:
Good job incorporating an otherwise newsworthy story into an already incendiary, and entirely unrelated, thread. But Kabili Tayari is mentioned in both stories, so I guess that must mean that apologizing for slavery is relevant to studying racial bias claims in our local prisons?

thanks, I was trying to figure this out myself.

Posted on: 2008/3/3 20:09
utterly deplorable

Re: Kabili Tayari back in the news: Outside firm hired to study policies of HC Corrections Dept.
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2008/1/28 23:20
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Good job incorporating an otherwise newsworthy story into an already incendiary, and entirely unrelated, thread. But Kabili Tayari is mentioned in both stories, so I guess that must mean that apologizing for slavery is relevant to studying racial bias claims in our local prisons?

Posted on: 2008/3/3 17:17

Kabili Tayari back in the news: Outside firm hired to study policies of HC Corrections Dept.
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Outside firm hired to study policies of Corrections Dept.

Monday, March 03, 2008

A Colorado-based firm has been hired to conduct a study of Hudson County Department of Corrections policies and procedures in response to allegations of bias against African-Americans working at the Hudson County Jail and the Hudson County Youth House.

Despite opposition from Freeholder Bill O'Dea, the board voted Thursday to award a $43,000 contract to the VJRS Corp., located in Denver, Colo., to conduct the study.

O'Dea complained that freeholders weren't given enough time to review the proposal, as they were handed information about the company just before Thursday's freeholders meeting got underway.

But Freeholder Chairman Jeff Dublin recalled that during the last board meeting, he and several others on the board promised to have a resolution to vote on at Thursday's meeting.

Two weeks ago, when Hudson County Administrator Abe Anton was questioned about the proposal from VJRS, he said he expected to recommend the contract be awarded to either VJRS or a second firm which also submitted a proposal to conduct a review of HCDOC policies and procedures.

O'Dea had suggested the creation of an ad-hoc committee of Hudson County officials and community organizations, including the NAACP, the Urban League and the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, to probe the allegations of bias made by Hudson County corrections officers and jail employees.

Nearly six months ago, Jersey City NAACP Chairman Kabili Tayari addressed the freeholders, making his own pitch for the creation of an ad-hoc committee to probe allegations of bias in disciplinary and promotion procedures at the jail.

Last month, Tayari came before the freeholders again and, after noting that no action had been taken to organize the ad-hoc committee, warned them that his organization would proceed with its own efforts to address the bias complaints and possibly urge some arm of the federal or state government to conduct an investigation into the HCDOC.

Tayari termed the action a good decision.

However, he said: "that will not deter my organization from continuing to examine the complaints of bias promotions and the manner in which the department metes out discipline as well as the way it conducts its disciplinary hearings."

Posted on: 2008/3/3 16:39

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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2006/8/15 21:22
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Great informative links. Thanks for posting them, although don't know if some of the posters on here will comprehend it judging by their diatribes. check this link out too when you get a chance.

Posted on: 2008/1/18 16:30

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to
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2005/1/3 6:06
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VanVorster wrote:
Yeah, can see how this anecdote applies to those people. thanks for clearing things up.

The dishonorable Mr. Payne reps district 29. The people in the "anecdote" are his consitituents. He's playing to the peanut gallery. I' glad to see the rather straightforward chain of logic was within your grasp. Well done.


While I appreciate Justiceiro's point, it applies more to socio-economic class than race.

That's absolutely correct. I grew up in an area that was basically all white folks, and my mother worked at the county hospital. The same story can be told when the hospital attempted to do pro bono work as well.


Interesting and disconcerting anecdote but doesn't represent the whole community of African-Americans by any stretch.

I think it represents the lumpenproletariat of all colors; and how their "leaders" divide and rule them via categorizing them along racial or other lines, pander to them, and ultimately steal from them or defraud them (the local Newark examples are Sharpe James and Mr. Payne, who are black, but I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to find a dozen times as many white or latino examples elsewhere)


Also, I still don't understand how this action opens up the floodgates for reparations and litigation. To claim so seems a little premature and assumptive.

I don't think it does either. I think it's a tad disingenuous to pretend that this is about slavery. It's about identity politics- which is essentially antithetical to everything this republic is supposed to be about. It's about smoke and mirrors, mystification, and political parasitism. You can argue about Slavery all day. That's nice. When your mouth is moving it keeps people's eyes off your hands, which are in the public till.

Posted on: 2008/1/18 13:58
"Contemplate this upon the Tree of Woe."

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"

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2008/1/3 20:57
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Posted on: 2008/1/18 5:34

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"

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2008/1/3 20:57
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Why ask why-------hero69? Just check your spelling------than you will have your answer. SLAVERY of any culture is WRONG. And failing to say sorry----- makes anyone a worthless being. Although saying sorry wont erase the past-------but it can be a wounderful start for them. Expressing yourself is a liberty that the AMERICANS have. But you must express yourself in a way that you can support yourself. AND MY DEAR-----YOUR SPELLING DOSE NOT SUPPORT YOU AT ALL!!!!!!!!

Posted on: 2008/1/18 5:14

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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For those who may wish to explore other viewpoints. See

A trip to the library may be another place to explore. May I recommend :
The Souls of Black Folk by DuBois

Mis-education of the Negro by Carter Woodson

You may also want to look at this:

Library of Congress

and here

Many of our local colleges and universities have courses in Human and Intercultural Relations, Black Studies, and White Studies that may be of interest to the posters on this thread.

Posted on: 2008/1/18 1:35

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to
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Everyone knows this is a complete joke and just another
way to appease those who continue to feed off the backs of the working class.



Narrowmindedness is far more tragic in my book. Truly.

Posted on: 2008/1/17 23:52

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to
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VanVorster wrote:
Yeah, can see how this anecdote applies to those people. thanks for clearing things up.

Well put. While I appreciate Justiceiro's point, it applies more to socio-economic class than race. Interesting and disconcerting anecdote but doesn't represent the whole community of African-Americans by any stretch.

Also, I still don't understand how this action opens up the floodgates for reparations and litigation. To claim so seems a little premature and assumptive.

Enjoy the 3-day weekend, people.

Posted on: 2008/1/17 23:50

Re: New Jersey legislature expresses regret for slavery
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BrightMoment wrote:
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New Jersey legislature expresses regret for slavery

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - New Jersey became the fifth U.S. state to apologize for its role in slavery when lawmakers voted on Monday for a resolution expressing "profound regret" for the enslavement of up to 12,000 blacks before the Civil War.

The resolution, which does not have to be signed by Gov. Jon Corzine, was approved by the state Assembly by a vote of 59 to 8, with eight abstentions. The Senate voted for it by a margin of 21 to 9.

Expressing its "deepest sympathies and solemn regrets" to slaves and their descendants, the resolution urged citizens to teach their children about slavery "to ensure that these tragedies will neither be forgotten nor repeated."

Assemblyman Bill Payne, a Democrat who sponsored the measure, said it would help to address modern problems such as unequal access to housing and education that he said were the remnants of slavery.

"Many of the social problems we have in this country are directly related to the fact that this country was involved in slavery," he said.

Four Southern states have so far offered official apologies for slavery: Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama and Maryland. New Jersey is the first Northern state to do so.

(Editing by Eric Beech)

? Reuters 2007. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world.

Not In My Name.

Posted on: 2008/1/17 22:58

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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2004/11/8 16:04
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Everyone knows this is a complete joke and just another
way to appease those who continue to feed off the backs of the working class.



Posted on: 2008/1/17 22:06

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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Yeah, can see how this anecdote applies to those people. thanks for clearing things up.

Posted on: 2008/1/17 21:24

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to
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2005/1/3 6:06
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Assemblyman Bill Payne, a Democrat who sponsored the measure, said it would help to address modern problems such as unequal access to housing and education that he said were the remnants of slavery.

"Many of the social problems we have in this country are directly related to the fact that this country was involved in slavery," he said.

I could care less if the state gov't apologizes for slavery or not.

There isn't anyone directly enslaved that's alive today to apologize to. An apology won't make it any less evil than it was. It doesn't cost anything, it doesn't hurt anything, it doesn't help anything. So why not?

What does disturb me is the motivation behind this call for an apology- an apology which is, as everyone knows, meaningless on its face. What is this apology for? State politicians of all races, (I would say all classes as well, but all politicians generally belong to one class, to wit "Reptilia) do things for reasons of politics, and this apology stinks of political bullshite.

It's one thing to say that this can't be used for a reparations lawsuit. Sure. Do you actually expect politicians to keep their word or pay attention to the niceties of abstruse things like, say, "the law?" Hardly anyone here is that naive, so don't pretend to be. Please, it's a waste of my time.

The real point of this is for preaching to the crowds back in District 29. A district well served by, amongst others, newly minted and newly indicted Senator Sharpe James. Payne keeps lovely company. I'm sure all the problems of Hillside can be attributed, directly, to slavery.

On an interesting side note, I happen to work with a fellow whose wife teaches school in Mr. Payne and Mr. James' district. UMDNJ came to her school and gave free evaluations to every student in the school. They determined that about 160 students needed dental care, half of them critically. The school offered to do the dental work for free. They would even send a UMDNJ bus to pick the kids up. All the parents had to do in order to get free dental care for their children was to sigh a permission slip. 160 were sent out. Do you know how many came back?


This teacher had to call and harrass parent to reach the minimum level of participants (I think it was 10) for UMDNJ to even bother with. Free dental care, and these parents couldn't even be bothered to take a pen and write their names on a piece of paper. Three cheers for not giving a crap abut your offspring. Lovely.

This is not to say that the urban poor are victims, to some scant level, of racism. (insofar as the urban poor are black, I don't know if white urban poor or rural poor are victims of racism or not). But I find it more plausible that the total squalor and cacophony that rule the streets of district 29 have more to do with apathy and anti-social behavior of parents and the citizenry in general than they do with Jim Crow.

Of course, blaming it on the white man is far better than going to your constituents and saying things like "if you want your lot in life to improve, you will have to work at improving your lot in life."

This argument is old. And tired. And no one under 35 gives a shite. NJ may apologize, I shall not. Nor shall I tolerate anyone, black white or purple, who won't take a helping hand when its offered, and then blames someone else because they squat in their own defecatory nightmare.

One standard for all people. No slack for deadbeats of any color, creed, caste or class. None.

Posted on: 2008/1/17 20:51
"Contemplate this upon the Tree of Woe."

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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Read the resolution in order to make an INFORMED opinion. It can't be used in litigation.

Posted on: 2008/1/17 3:44

Re: New Jersey legislature expresses regret for slavery
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Assemblyman Bill Payne, a Democrat who sponsored the measure, said it would help to address modern problems such as unequal access to housing and education that he said were the remnants of slavery.

"Many of the social problems we have in this country are directly related to the fact that this country was involved in slavery," he said.

This sounds like a clear admission to me that the "apology" is meant as a path to reparations, affirmative action, or other racist government policies.

Posted on: 2008/1/17 0:37

Re: New Jersey legislature expresses regret for slavery
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New Jersey legislature expresses regret for slavery

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - New Jersey became the fifth U.S. state to apologize for its role in slavery when lawmakers voted on Monday for a resolution expressing "profound regret" for the enslavement of up to 12,000 blacks before the Civil War.

The resolution, which does not have to be signed by Gov. Jon Corzine, was approved by the state Assembly by a vote of 59 to 8, with eight abstentions. The Senate voted for it by a margin of 21 to 9.

Expressing its "deepest sympathies and solemn regrets" to slaves and their descendants, the resolution urged citizens to teach their children about slavery "to ensure that these tragedies will neither be forgotten nor repeated."

Assemblyman Bill Payne, a Democrat who sponsored the measure, said it would help to address modern problems such as unequal access to housing and education that he said were the remnants of slavery.

"Many of the social problems we have in this country are directly related to the fact that this country was involved in slavery," he said.

Four Southern states have so far offered official apologies for slavery: Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama and Maryland. New Jersey is the first Northern state to do so.

(Editing by Eric Beech)

? Reuters 2007. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world.

Posted on: 2008/1/16 23:11
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Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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2006/8/15 21:22
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Trust me NNJR, jennymayla has an irrefutable basis in mentioning the racist comments in this thread which is indeed different from being a racist. Go back and re-read the thread and you'll see it clear as day. If you don't see it, well I'm baffled. I attribute it to anonymity on here allows some people to express their inner Archie Bunker and get to say things that they wouldn't necessarily pronounce in public or only around other like minded individuals.

Posted on: 2008/1/7 14:56

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to
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NNJR wrote:

jennymayla wrote:
As for the thinly veiled racists comments, I am just going to chalk that up to ignorance or some failed attempts at humor.

As for the other issues du jour, none of this is mutually exclusive. Making a public statement about the horror of slavery has nothing to do with global warming.

And the Chinese are coming whether we admit slavery was wrong or not.


Congradulations to jennymayla for bringing out the racist card, nice to see we can't go a week with a civilized debate without calling people racists.

I don't use the term often and I certainly don't use it lightly.

And for the record -- since you seem to be keeping score -- I did not call anyone racist. I called the comments racists. There is a difference. But I meant it. If I'm wrong, then that's a good thing, frankly.

As for civilized debate, just adding to it, my friend.

Happy Monday.

Posted on: 2008/1/7 14:22

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to
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jennymayla wrote:
As for the thinly veiled racists comments, I am just going to chalk that up to ignorance or some failed attempts at humor.

As for the other issues du jour, none of this is mutually exclusive. Making a public statement about the horror of slavery has nothing to do with global warming.

And the Chinese are coming whether we admit slavery was wrong or not.


Congradulations to jennymayla for bringing out the racist card, nice to see we can't go a week with a civilized debate without calling people racists.

Posted on: 2008/1/7 13:53

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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I know from first hand observations. I'm not saying all, but many. and why am am ahole? Because I dare to speak the truth? Why should be politically correct" when I knwo for a fact that so many children in many urban areas (and rural ones too, but mostly urban) are being behind economically and socially because their parents are not concerned about their children's future.

Posted on: 2008/1/7 13:16

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"

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2008/1/3 20:57
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I totally agree with you, HERO69. Children need to study about azzzzzholes like you. Oh but I forgot----NOT EVERY AZZHOLE MAKES IT IN THE HISTORY BOOK.

Posted on: 2008/1/7 5:29

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to
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Trubrit wrote:
According to this article, as many as 93,000 blacks fought for the South AGAINST emancipation:

Am I supposed to apologise to them too?

I really don't get this....The planet is on environmental meltdown. China's coming up in our rear view mirror at 200 mph. But in NJ, we're going to apologise to a generation of people who wouldn't know what a cotton field looks like if you dropped them in it? History! Get Over It!

Some of these responses are astounding to me. I have been trying to see both sides of this all day but I just can't. What is wrong with a public acknowledgment of a wrongdoing -- regardless of who is around to hear it? What is so threatening about the state saying that what happened was wrong? I say I am sorry when I step on someone's foot, for crying out loud. Saying sorry for slavery is kind of a given.

As for the thinly veiled racists comments, I am just going to chalk that up to ignorance or some failed attempts at humor.

As for the other issues du jour, none of this is mutually exclusive. Making a public statement about the horror of slavery has nothing to do with global warming.

And the Chinese are coming whether we admit slavery was wrong or not.


Posted on: 2008/1/7 2:20

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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How are you so certain that some of these same parents are not encouraging studying in spite of the challenges (poverty, unemployment, poor underfunded schools) that these families face? I doubt you know anything about the people of whom you speak except for what you may see on TV or read about or believe to observe in public.

And for those, groovejet I think may be the main culprit, who easily bandy about the idea that it's about reparations and getting a check without knowing the facts, this clearly demonstrates otherwise. I can only surmise that your fervent belief that it is about reparations is that if your forbears endured THREE CENTURIES ++ of unconscionable treatment (your children sold, partners raped, beaten, forced sex in order to produce yet more slaves to undergird and finance a nascent nation, etc.) and other abject horror (jim crow, lynchings, etc.) that you would most likely expect something whether intangible (an apology) or tangible (a memorial, monument, etc.) and not be summarily and cavalierly told by others, "just get over it, that was like 300 years ago." Your arrogance clearly has no bounds. ... d5CVurA3dUGMq6pQD8TTV4VG0

Posted on: 2008/1/7 1:36

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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Please give me a freaking break. Obviously slavery was wrong but I think that most of the people shouting for apologies and reparations would make better use of their time making sure that their children went to school and studied.

Posted on: 2008/1/6 14:32

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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JC loves their statues and memorials - Can someone direct me to a memorial for the City's / Society's role in slavery, where one could go and reflect on the 'holocaust' called SLAVERY!

Maybe the use of the word 'sorry' could be in the form of a memorial!

Posted on: 2008/1/6 13:28
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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2007/2/17 17:53
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"We're dealing with an issue that was resolved in blood 150 years go, and New Jersey spilled a lot of blood."- Assemblyman Richard A. Merkt (R., Morris),

I think Mr. Merkt is correct on both counts

Here is a list of the New Jersey Volunteer Units that fought to free the Slaves.

So the question is :

Should their decedents apologize too?


1st New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
2nd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
3rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
5th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
6th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
7th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
8th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
9th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
10th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
11th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
12th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
13th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
15th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
16th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
17th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
18th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
19th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
20th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
21st New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
22nd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
23rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
24th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
25th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
26th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
27th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
28th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
29th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
30th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
31st New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
32nd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
33rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
34th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
35th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
36th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
37th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
38th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
39th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment
40th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Regiment

1st New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry Regiment

2nd New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry Regiment

3rd New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry Regiment

1st Battery "A" New Jersey Volunteer Light Artillery "Hexamer's"

2nd Battery "B" New Jersey Volunteer Light Artillery

3rd Battery "C" New Jersey Volunteer Light Artillery

4th Battery "D" New Jersey Volunteer Light Artillery

5th Battery "E" New Jersey Volunteer Light Artillery

Posted on: 2008/1/6 11:56

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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2005/12/2 3:34
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According to this article, as many as 93,000 blacks fought for the South AGAINST emancipation:

Am I supposed to apologise to them too?

I really don't get this....The planet is on environmental meltdown. China's coming up in our rear view mirror at 200 mph. But in NJ, we're going to apologise to a generation of people who wouldn't know what a cotton field looks like if you dropped them in it? History! Get Over It!

Posted on: 2008/1/6 6:51

Re: N.J. may apologize for role in slavery -JC Deputy Mayor Kabili Tayari "It's a righteous thing to do"
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2006/8/15 21:22
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Posts: 435
Stop acting like you know it's about reparations and asking that we all undergo collective amnesia about this country's past.

And to think people used to attend these like picnics, send postcards about it to friends and family and collect mementos like ears or even genitalia and place it in a jar. As Elie Wiesel says, Never Forget. Save the obnoxious remarks for the privacy of your living rooms with your cronies.

Posted on: 2008/1/5 23:14

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