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Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/3/19 15:20 Last Login : 2020/6/2 11:06 From Scenic McGinley Square
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Good economic numbers today. Can't fault a guy for delivering on that.
Posted on: 2017/8/4 23:52
Re: Trump Our New President
Home away from home
Not how it works. Institutional racism is unacceptable and must be stamped out immediately.
Also, affirmative action is largely solely based on race. What the Asians and President Trump want to do is remove race from the equation entirely. That's what is necessary in 2017.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 22:42
Re: Trump Our New President
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I see no statistical data to back up your claim. If we go all the way back in history, I can easily claim not only more cases but also a far more institutional practice that never gets public notice. It is a far more insidious but hardly ever mentioned because the rich and the powerful make it that way.
Affirmative action is not always invoked, race is only one of the many factors considered. On the other hand, legacy admission is by far the most arbitrary decision that can only be made by money and connections. I think it's a no-brainer which is worse and should be dealt with first. When it actually becomes a true meritocracy that money can no longer buy, then you can take off affirmative action, not before.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 22:26
Re: Trump Our New President
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Legacy admissions aren't a big deal because they are only a fraction of affirmative action admissions.
More importantly, affirmative action is institutional racism while legacy admissions are not. Institutional racism should be abolished ASAP. Both practices are bad because they prevent the most deserving people from getting in, but officially discriminating solely on the basis of skin color should not and cannot be tolerated in 2017.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 22:13
Re: Trump Our New President
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A whole lot of "bemoaning" with you today... amazing how you make a whole series of assumptions, mix them with a sociological race theory to support your absolutely absurd contentions. So if I try to connect your scattered dots, you believe that all white kids come from a 1% Lifestyle (progressive term not mine) and that there should be a white on white competion for college admission slots while minority students should be just admitted because their race is all they have to offer? And somehow you think that legacy programs are inherently racist and exclusionary, so they to should be abolished to making the playing field more fair for students that want to compete on racial qualifications only. ... ml?utm_term=.5bda83a940a4 And I am not even going to get going on your foolish NCAA comments about racial preferences for white athletes. It was an interesting choice of DIV1 Schools. I assume you picked Duke because of their excellent Men's Lacrosse Program?
Posted on: 2017/8/3 22:09
Edited by TheBigGuy on 2017/8/3 22:27:16
Edited by TheBigGuy on 2017/8/3 22:30:35 |
Re: Trump Our New President
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Next? It's a far older practice than affirmative action! It should be first and foremost but it seems to be no big deal to you? They could even deal with it at the same time, but nooo, not even a mention. Affirmative action was a reaction to segregationist policies and white privilege practices like legacy admissions. I think it is only right to first remove the primary evil before removing the necessary evil.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 22:01
Re: Trump Our New President
Home away from home
I have no problem getting rid of legacy admissions next. What kind of argument is that?
That because colleges engage in one bad practice, it makes institutional racism somehow ok?
Posted on: 2017/8/3 21:53
Re: Trump Our New President
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Pitting one minority group against another is the best distraction the majority, especially the powerfully rich, can come up with to hide their BS. Asians should be just as pissed about the white privileged getting in through legacy admissions or any other but nooo, let's focus on the tiny scraps that other minorities get over them. I argue that there are just as many people aggrieved by affirmative action as by legacy admissions. I dare you to prove otherwise. I ask again, where is the Department of Justice on legacy admissions? Why are the Kushners and Trumps of the world getting ahead of the Jias? I think if we take away affirmative action, you will truly see how ugly legacy admissions really are.
Now back to Trump, "Grand jury issues subpoenas related to June 2016 Trump Tower meeting" ... ng-report/article/2630570
Posted on: 2017/8/3 21:44
Re: Trump Our New President
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It's funny that you think you know what's better for Asians than they do. That's a common trait I see among white "progressives" towards minorities. You're lying anyway. Legacy admissions are a fraction of affirmative action admissions. Affirmative action is an example of institutional racism. Now that President Trump and the Asians have joined forces, they might finally be able to stamp it out.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 21:06
Re: Trump Our New President
Home away from home
I linked you to the Asians' efforts. Let's see what happens.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 20:58
Re: Trump Our New President
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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Affirmative Action exists due to centuries of racism that prevented individuals from attending colleges based purely on skin color. More Asians are kept out of schools because of the George W Bushes, The Donald Trumps and the Al Gores of this world than because of a few black kids. Why aren't you bemoaning the fact that Bush got into a school despite not being qualified? Why aren't you mad that Gore got into a school despite his grades? Why aren't you mad that Trump got into a school despite his grades (and clear stupidity)? I know people that I went to high school with that were in the bottom 50% but went to top schools due to their parents' wealth. I have ZERO problem with a minority student getting in with possibly lower grades. Then again, you're the boards foremost racist so I'm certain none of those white privileged kids bother you in the slightest...
Posted on: 2017/8/3 20:57
Dos A Cero
Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/3/19 15:20 Last Login : 2020/6/2 11:06 From Scenic McGinley Square
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This has to be the funniest statement in this whole thread. Thank's I needed a good laugh.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 20:56
Re: Trump Our New President
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2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
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Just follow the rubles...
One year into the FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail By Evan Perez, Pamela Brown and Shimon Prokupecz, CNN Updated 4:25 PM ET, Thu August 3, 2017 Mueller is on the Trump money trail ... financial-ties/index.html
Posted on: 2017/8/3 20:54
Re: Trump Our New President
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Affirmative action is a racist policy that discriminates against Asians the most.
In fact, a bunch of Asians sued Harvard for this racism, and the case is ongoing. ... rmative-action-1501785317 And guess what they're looking for? "Asian students recently asked Harvard for data showing academic performance of enrolled students by ethnicity." Uh-oh, I have a feeling many people here won't like the results of this data! Another good quote: "The lawsuit?s allegations formed the basis for a separate complaint against Harvard filed in 2015 by a coalition of 64 Asian-American groups. On Wednesday, the Justice Department announced it would begin an investigation of the complaint, which was filed with the department?s civil rights division and other government agencies." The bottom line is this racism has gone on for long enough. President Trump might finally be able to end it, if the Asians are not.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 20:47
Re: Trump Our New President
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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...or how George W Bush got into Yale. But, no, let's go after black kids! That is the serious problem.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 20:00
Dos A Cero
Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/3/19 15:20 Last Login : 2020/6/2 11:06 From Scenic McGinley Square
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or how Don Jr. got into Wharton.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 19:41
Re: Trump Our New President
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2005/3/19 3:39 Last Login : 2023/1/15 1:11 From HamiltonPARK
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| ... arvard-affirmative-action
"As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let?s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard"
Posted on: 2017/8/3 19:33
Re: Trump Our New President
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I wish affirmative action doesn't have a racial component but since race is still very much tied to the socio-economic component which I think should be the deciding factor on who gets helped by this policy, then I don't have a problem with it. I wish affirmative action can help poor white kids of comparable academics scores or better to be admitted over the other white kids who got in easily because their daddy is a Trump, but sure, let's focus on the those minorities who 'stole' their spot. White people have been screwing each other all the time based on 'legacy' admissions but I don't see the Justice Dept investigating that any time soon.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 19:21
Re: Trump Our New President
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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If those white students were better students then they would have beaten out other white students in order to get into the school of their choice. They FAILED to do so. As such, they bemoan the fact that someone else gets a chance. It's a pity that you fall into the category of protecting the poor wittle delicate snowflake that wasn't smart enough to get into the school they wanted to. Additionally, I want to point out that Duke, Notre Dame and whole host of other schools provide college slots to white students that wouldn't have gotten into the school if it wasn't for their athletic ability. Many of those students wouldn't have been accepted to the school based on academics alone. Instead, they got there through athletics and barely passing the minimum academic requirements. Why aren't you bemoaning this policy? Quote:
The transcripts are comical. Trump is shown for the complete moron that he is. Turnbull is trying to explain that he simply can't take refugees that come by boat and Trump cannot understand. The explanation of human trafficking is too complicated for his simple brain. I also loved how he said that he knows how to build cheaply. Basically, what he does is not pay the labor bill! So, yeah, when you refuse to pay certainly contractors money, it certainly does come out cheaper! He can't simply do that when you are the United States Government.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 19:02
Dos A Cero
Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/3/19 15:20 Last Login : 2020/6/2 11:06 From Scenic McGinley Square
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LOL Wut?. Some people might even call it a WMD.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 17:44
Re: Trump Our New President
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Who knew Trump is a liar, a cheat, and a con-man? Everyone in New Jersey at the very least should know. I have no sympathy for anyone who voted for him in the Northeast. You might have had the unfortunate choice of voting between two douchebags but you still voted for the biggest one so congrats. The irony is, Trump must have been right because you have to be on some serious meds to have voted for him.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 17:27
Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/3/19 15:20 Last Login : 2020/6/2 11:06 From Scenic McGinley Square
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Now we have the full transcript of Trump's phone calls with Mexican President Nieto and Australian Prime Minister Turnbull.
Trump admits he is in a tough spot, politically, with all those chants of making Mexico pay for his border wall. He sounds like a child asking Mexican President Nieto not to say that "Mexico will not pay for the wall". When Trump has Prime Minister Turnbull on the phone, Trump doesn't seem to understand the details of this agreement between the US and Australia; even after Prime Minister Turnbull tries to explain it several times. All he can think about is himself and how he will look to his supporters. I guess, at the end of the day, how Trump looks to his supporters is all he cares about. Then again, it is par for the course for politicians to only care about their base. I guess Trump is just like the rest of the politicians in the swamp after all.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 16:11
Re: Trump Our New President
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2009/3/19 15:20 Last Login : 2020/6/2 11:06 From Scenic McGinley Square
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After giving Obama so much shite for golfing and vacations, and after recommending in his his 2004 book Trump: Think Like a Billionaire, "Don't take vacations. What's the point? If you?re not enjoying your work, you?re in the wrong job.", the AP is reporting that Trump is getting ready to take a 17 day vacation at his private golf club in Jersey. Not to mention his January interview with the Times of London where he said "Who wants to leave the White House to go to some other place and be away on a vacation? The White House is very special, there?s so much work to be done, I?m not gonna be leaving much ? I mean a lot of work to be done ? I?m gonna be in there working, doing what I?m supposed to be doing ? but who wants to leave the White House?"
I don't blame the guy for wanting to take a break, but does he have to be so hypocritical? It's all just fuel for Reddit anyway.
Posted on: 2017/8/3 15:36
Edited by Azul_the_Cat on 2017/8/3 15:57:20
Re: Trump Our New President
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More progressive racial double talk ... "There has never been a white person denied a college education due to a minority getting into one school." A "college education" and "college admission" are very carefully chosen phrases... there have been white people denied college admission to the college of their choice because of minority preferences, over academic performance. This practice has been upheld by SCOTUS. If these little white racist students wanted to pick themselves up by their bootstraps, perhaps they should consider attending a HWCU?
Posted on: 2017/8/3 0:59
Re: Trump Our New President
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I find it quite funny how delicate and pathetic the white males are on this message board. Seriously, colleges are predominantly white but a few people get a chance to better themselves and they cry foul. There has never been a white person denied a college education due to a minority getting into one school.
The fact that they decide to continue their racist agenda really shows how pathetic they are. What happened to "picking yourself up by your boot straps" or "overcoming obstacles"? Seems that those slogans only apply to minorities. Such a sad lot you people are. Your wittle feewings were hurt...
Posted on: 2017/8/3 0:31
Dos A Cero
Re: Trump Our New President
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It just goes to show that Trump and his retard followers would do just about anything to distract from more Russia talk, including the hypocrisy of citing 'fake news.'
And once again, more useless 'policies' that will die in the courts. Just like the recent attempt to curb legal immigration which Congress wouldn't even look at. Please, anything but Russia talk and those sanctions I didn't want to sign!
Posted on: 2017/8/2 18:38
Re: Trump Our New President
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I've never shown any support for the NYT yet you called it literal fakes news.
Posted on: 2017/8/2 17:53
Re: Trump Our New President
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2005/3/19 3:39 Last Login : 2023/1/15 1:11 From HamiltonPARK
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Another empty, feel good issue for aggrieved snowflakes.
Posted on: 2017/8/2 16:31
Re: Trump Our New President
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I'm trying to accommodate you liberal crazies who utterly disregard the content to attack the source, if it's from a conservative website. Clearly I thought too much of you, as you managed to utterly disregard the content regardless. Congrats!
Posted on: 2017/8/2 2:09