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Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2007/11/15 21:43
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Vigilante wrote:
I know where this woman lives but I would never tell. She's kooky but she loves her dogs and she has been keeping them leashed except for one. The unleashed one is old, slow and harmless. Call the cops all you want but they will laugh in your face.

Kooky is my aunt who thought brightly-colored turbans in summertime made her appear "Kennedyesque." it's not the first word that comes to mind describing a woman who lets her unleashed dogs attack other dogs on a city street.

safe to say, you and I have different definitions of "kooky."

Posted on: 2011/2/14 6:12

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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I know where this woman lives but I would never tell. She's kooky but she loves her dogs and she has been keeping them leashed except for one. The unleashed one is old, slow and harmless. Call the cops all you want but they will laugh in your face.

Posted on: 2011/2/14 5:06

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2007/6/29 20:54
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
Lets hope your dogs never get out of your yard or break free from your leash grip or bite through the leash !

Your dogs sound like peaceful loving dogs that a child could approach and pat.

Actually my dogs are great with people and kids. They are especially great with my 1 yr old niece as well. :)

Only one of my dogs can sometimes be dog aggressive, but not always. He was actually great when the little white dog attacked him and was just trying to back away while barking and warning the pest.

Not all dogs can be great with other dogs. It doesn't make them horrible pets, but it does require you to be a responsible pet owner. Nothing wrong with that!

I have friends that are not good with meeting new people, but once you get to know them you love them. It doesn't mean that I won't hang out with them with other people, it just means that when I take them to a party, I hang out with them until they feel more comfortable on their own. By your theory, my friends should never be let out of the house. Or kept on a leash that they can't bite through.

Posted on: 2011/2/14 3:28

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2009/8/10 19:53
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Sweets sounds like somebody who knows his/her dog and therefore keeps it on a leash like a responsible dog owner. which was sort of the point, no?

Sounds that way to me. My own dog is sweet like a pumpkin pie and is aces with kids, but I've never been big on letting children we don't know wander up to her. You just never know, and why take a chance? High on my list of peeves are parents who think it's okay to let their children race up to hug the doggie. Because, again, you just never know.

Posted on: 2011/2/13 21:28

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2007/11/15 21:43
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fat-ass-bike wrote:

sweets wrote:
While I was not concerned with my dog since he is a pit/rottie mix ...... I was extremely concerned that my dog would kill her dog...... I know that MY dog could be aggressive ..... when I walked my two pitbulls. :)

Lets hope your dogs never get out of your yard or break free from your leash grip or bite through the leash !

Your dogs sound like peaceful loving dogs that a child could approach and pat.

Sweets sounds like somebody who knows his/her dog and therefore keeps it on a leash like a responsible dog owner. which was sort of the point, no?

Posted on: 2011/2/13 21:05

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2010/1/22 18:54
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From the vast majority of comments on this thread, it's readily apparent this woman and her mismanagement of her dogs is a total nuisance and walking liability. People should be reporting her to the police and animal control on a regular basis. Why isn't that happening?

Posted on: 2011/2/13 14:32

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2006/11/13 18:42
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sweets wrote:
While I was not concerned with my dog since he is a pit/rottie mix ...... I was extremely concerned that my dog would kill her dog...... I know that MY dog could be aggressive ..... when I walked my two pitbulls. :)

Lets hope your dogs never get out of your yard or break free from your leash grip or bite through the leash !

Your dogs sound like peaceful loving dogs that a child could approach and pat.

Posted on: 2011/2/13 8:04
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Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2007/6/29 20:54
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I used to live in HP and have had issues with that lady. One of her unleased dogs ran up and attacked one of my leashed dogs. While I was not concerned with my dog since he is a pit/rottie mix and hers was the size of his tail, I was extremely concerned that my dog would kill her dog. When I finally broke them up, I explained to her that she needed to leash them to prevent them from getting eaten by larger dogs and she yelled at me instead. When I explained that I know that MY dog could be aggressive and that it why he was leashed and that she needed to do the same, she essentially told me to f- off. It is actually amusing that I learned to avoid her pack of mini dogs when I walked my two pitbulls. :)

Posted on: 2011/2/13 2:20

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2005/6/12 15:07
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oh my
we have been talking about this mess of a dog owner for years on DOGJC
My favorite memory is when she lost a dog a few years ago and came frantically looking for it through Hamilton Park. We all felt sorry for her so we helped in her search...only to find out hours later that the dog she was seeking was under her kitchen sink giving birth to a litter of puppies. No I have no sympathy for this ignoramus, none what so ever.
My dogs and many of my client dogs have been the subject of attack from her dogs as well. No sympathy. She is an idiot.
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Posted on: 2011/2/11 3:14

Re: Caution Dog Walkers

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2007/8/23 21:51
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Her dogs attacked mine last summer- multiple bite wounds and a very expensive vet bill. I called the cops, but they claimed they couldn't do anything.

Posted on: 2011/2/10 21:33

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2006/7/14 19:34
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a few months ago as she passed someone else walking their dog, all the dogs started barking wildly and tugging at their leashes. After a shouting match between her and the other owner she kept yelling "fluck you" at the top of her lungs for at least about a block away. All at 6 in the AM. But the best advice given here is if you have a dog and see her coming your way take a detour.
She at least cleans up her dogs poop.

Posted on: 2011/2/10 15:31

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2007/10/11 3:28
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From Leashless Glory.
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The little off-leash one is Noel. She is harmless. The woman rescued her several years ago after she had been dumped in the street. The others are all inbreds and can be quite crazy though they have gotten better. She finally had them all neutered so there won't be anymore. Most people have learned to steer clear of them when one is walking their own dog. The woman is very nice and there is no need to persecute her. She loves her dogs even if her grooming standards are a little low.

Posted on: 2011/2/10 2:50

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2008/3/2 23:05
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I've seen & walked by this lady many times - the little one that follows is cute. I'm surprised to read this about her - I just thought that she was neat and loved her dogs - this is a surprise to me.

Posted on: 2011/2/10 2:38

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2006/9/1 11:45
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The littlest one that follows behind the pack is about 15-16 years old from what I've heard around the neighborhood. She is very well known in the park.

Posted on: 2011/2/9 9:38

Re: Caution Dog Walkers

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2011/1/25 3:39
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Yep, this lady is a menace, she cornered my pathetic excuse for a canine.

Posted on: 2011/2/9 3:36

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2007/12/12 21:00
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Yes, once she had her dogs off-leash in the pre-renovation tennis court and I was walking my dog down the adjacent street. Her dogs came running out and started attacking mine, meaning biting her abdomen (not hard enough to break the skin) and jumping on her. She doesn't like other dogs to begin with, and she just froze in fear. I yelled at the lady to please get her dogs under control, and she just screamed at them. When she finally got the dogs back into the tennis court, I saw her hit one of them with a rolled up newspaper. Lately I've seen an improvement--they all seem to be on leash except the littlest one, who walks behind them.

Posted on: 2011/2/8 21:44

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2010/7/13 2:12
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I avoid this lady and I don't even have a dog.

Just looks like a disaster waiting to happen.

Posted on: 2011/2/8 21:17

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2009/8/10 19:53
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From corner of van vorst and vienna
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I agree with poyc. This is a long-running issue. Before the park was renovated, she kept her dogs in the less-used tennis court when running them. But on the streets, at least one of them is usually off the leash, and yeah, those of us with dogs give her a wide berth.

Posted on: 2011/2/8 21:00

Re: Caution Dog Walkers
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2005/2/1 19:29
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She's known in the area and most owners cross the street when they see her coming. She's carelss and irresponsible with her pack. Be careful as one of the dogs have attacked on previous occassions. I've called Animal Control, but by the time they arrive, she's already gone. I believe she lives quite close so she it hasn't been easy to catch her.

Also, I believe she considers herself a "breeder". Not sure if I know anyone who would take one of her dogs.

Posted on: 2011/2/8 20:54

Caution Dog Walkers

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2010/6/22 23:04
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There is an old Asian woman walking 6 little white dogs around Hamilton Park multiple times a day. You probably can hear them barking if you live in the area. Some of these dogs are not on their leashes and are nasty to other dogs.Let's protect our park from ignorance. Be careful with your pet. Call the police if you see this. This lady is reckless.

Posted on: 2011/2/8 19:33

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