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Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
I see "Absolute Wizard" all the time. He or she must live in my neighborhood.
Posted on: 2008/4/22 21:19
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
'Tag' vandals compete in Bayonne; 7 arrests
Saturday, April 19, 2008 By RONALD LEIR JOURNAL STAFF WRITER Bayonne police have arrested seven kids over the past nine days for spray-painting their graffiti "tags" in what cops call a citywide contest among the juveniles. The arrests of the 11-to 14-year-olds stemmed from three separate incidents from one end of town to the other that involved painting on a factory wall, a railroad bridge, and an old gas station, reports said. "They call it a 'style war,'" Police Chief Robert Kubert said. "A couple of 'crews' meet to decide where to (display) their graffiti and they choose kids who happen to be hanging around - not the actual taggers - as 'referees' to judge their work." As many as 14 different tags have been scrawled around the city, he said. Youths charged in connection with the unlawful activity face criminal hearings in the county's Juvenile Court and "whenever possible, we press for restitution" for the vandalism, Kubert said. Kubert said arrests were made on April 11, 12, and 15. On April 11, cops grabbed a pair of 12-year-olds spray painting three tags - "RXTM," "COCO" and "SQUARE1" - in black, red and gold on the wall of a tool plant on Evergreen Street, police said; all were charged with criminal mischief. On April 12, police hauled in a 14-year-old Bayonne High School student cops caught using silver paint to spray "KOMPONE" on the old Exxon Station, which is fenced, at Avenue E and 49th Street, police said. The teen was charged with criminal trespass and criminal mischief. On April 15, acting on a tipster's call and using a police surveillance camera to scan the area around Avenue C and Eighth Street, police arrested four boys - one Henry Harris School 11-year-old and three 14-year-olds, one from Horace Mann and two from Bayonne High School - tagging the concrete Conrail overpass with the word "LIMA" in black spray paint, reports said. All were charged with criminal trespass and criminal mischief, police said. Police additionally charged the 11-year-old with marking a patrol car in a parking lot at Eighth Street and Avenue C in December.
Posted on: 2008/4/21 7:59
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
I'm a tenant. If I actually owned a home and had a wall or security shutter that would make a good graffiti wall, I'd probably put up a little sign that said, "Graffiti artists welcome." Um, no you wouldn't.
Posted on: 2008/4/14 18:08
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
Some gang graffiti resources:
Anti-gang Web site started by Jersey City police officers (has guide to graffiti) New Jersey Gang Awareness Guide Gang graffiti guide written by Los Angeles academic
Posted on: 2008/4/14 16:39
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
a) I agree that communities should be ultra-strict about attacking gang-related graffiti. b) My memory is shot, so I can't give you specific examples, but I think I see a lot of "art type" graffiti in Jersey City that stays in the same place for months or even years without being vandalized. (Don't a couple of the sneaker shops have art graffiti security shutters?) Maybe there would be a way to "curate" art type graffiti, and to, say, work through the Web or an art teacher to pay, say, a P.S. 3 kid $50 to re-art-graffiti a security shutter each month. Another idea: why not let kids who are willing to obey rules but just want a chance to paint big, outdoor art a chance to sign up to paint an unused billboard or a warehouse wall each month? Some some graffiti artists would think of that as being selling out, but maybe there are some graffiti artists who really just artists, as opposed to hoodlums, and would rather have legal space than illegal space. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I think the only way to find out whether something like that would work and/or help prevent unwanted graffiti here is to try this and see what happens. Here's a description of a legal graffiti program in Australia. Here's a site for a legal graffiti ad mural company in the U.S.
Posted on: 2008/4/14 15:35
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
Alb sweetie, you're off your rails. 99% of graffiti is not "art" but gang tags or their equivalent. Like I said, dogs pissing on poles. Even if an Artist made your surface beautiful the next day some ass would place his tag over it, because you put it in play. Take your camera and show me 5 spots downtown that you'd like on your home. If you actually owned a valuable piece of property you wouldn't dream of doing as you say, uncontrolled graffiti is one of the things can cause a neighborhood's property value to plummet. Your neighbors would throw bricks through your windows.
Posted on: 2008/4/13 21:32
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
woah woah, Heights please enlighten me on who you directed that comment too.
Posted on: 2008/4/13 20:41
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : Yesterday 17:44 From Western Slope
Registered Users
This is what happens when you have mixed income & mixed educated neighborhoods.
Posted on: 2008/4/13 1:59
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
I'm a tenant. If I actually owned a home and had a wall or security shutter that would make a good graffiti wall, I'd probably put up a little sign that said, "Graffiti artists welcome." But, as other people have posted, one issue is that it sucks to violate a property owner's property rights. I think another problem with a lot of the tagging in Jersey City is that it's gang tagging. I went to the gang awareness talk at my daughter's school a few days ago, and there was something about hearing that there are 40 gangs operating in Jersey City and seeing examples of the various gang logos that was creepier than I thought it would be. The guy who spoke to us told us that, at one school, a seventh grade gang member had actually organized second graders into a little tiny gang for second graders before adults figured out what was going on. If we could, say, put a lot of blank walls up and encourage kids to paint on those instead of joining gangs, I think that would be great. But, if gang members are using tagging to tell some kids, "We'll kill you if you come to try to buy milk for your mom here," then that sucks, and the city should be extra vigilant about erasing that kind of graffiti.
Posted on: 2008/4/12 23:49
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
Contradicting yourself again.
Posted on: 2008/4/12 23:33
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
You sound like an idiot with the lame ol " i'll come and write on your stuff, and see how you like it ". What are you a 75 year old woman? It's a problem with no solution other than bucket paint and fines for those who are caught. Personally stuff on mailboxes, storm doors, abandoned buildings, sound barrier on the highways, etc doesn't bother me. Maybe I'm just used to it.
NYC is lame thanks to Guiliani. Police State??. I can't wipe my nose without getting harrassed by some undercover. It's the #1 reason I moved back to JC from Brooklyn. I'm anxious to see the wave of whiney topics if one day the JCPD strictly enforces quality of life offenses. You people will be crying about them not busting " the real criminals ".
Posted on: 2008/4/12 22:54
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
New Heights, I drive a car without hub caps, what makes you think id spend my money on "sweet rims". But seriously, did you read the second part of my post where I said I could understand being mad if it was done to your house.
Posted on: 2008/4/11 13:53
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Posted on: 2008/4/11 5:29
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
crushthedemoniac and 201
Next time you purchase some type of property whether it be real estate, a plasma tv or a car with sweet rims , can I put my tag on it. After all we are in the city right? we need to bring the Guliani mentality to JC. Just because we are in a city doesnt mean we have to live like animals.
Posted on: 2008/4/11 2:16
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
Others have already beaten you too it.
Posted on: 2008/4/10 13:09
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
2005/7/14 18:51 Last Login : 2018/12/12 21:42 From on van vorst park
Registered Users
My offer of $500 still stands for information leading to the arrest of the ?artist? who writes ?dog shit? and ?god is shit? on the benches in Van Vorst Park.
Posted on: 2008/4/10 13:08
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
Please PM me your address, I'd like to come by and spray my initials all over your home. I'm sure you won't mind, its art after all. kthx.
Posted on: 2008/4/10 12:43
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
Yes, it was done to my home and other people's homes. And it's done all over to people private property, their businesses and, OUR public spaces. There's no reason to tolerate vandalism just because it's common. Part of the great turnaround of NYC in the 90's was not tolerating graffiti and all the other little crap like squeegee terrorists that made life there miserable. Guiliani would have made a miserable president, but he was the right mayor at the right time, at least for his 1st term.
Posted on: 2008/4/10 3:46
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
To the people that acctually get upset over graffiti and want it reported, are you being serious or did I miss the sarcasm? You do realize you live in a city right? Once again if you refer to 201's post I think he sums it up pretty well. Maybe we can all come together and get a fund raiser together to clean up grafitti and with the extra money we can open a whole foods and maybe even a wine tasting event(for those that dont know, im being sarcastic). I can completley understand if this was being done to your house other than that maybe you need to go back to a suburb.
Posted on: 2008/4/10 1:42
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
that's not art??? go eat some smelly cheese and sip cheap wine while looking at some of the nonsense being passed off as art at the jc museum
Posted on: 2008/4/9 23:08
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
I suppose. I would be much more interested though in seeing hammer and sickles tagged everywhere than some bastard spelling of Caesar.
Posted on: 2008/4/8 15:32
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
It's just like dogs lifting their leg at everything they see to mark it: "I've been here"....not that I want to change the topic to dogs here!
Posted on: 2008/4/8 15:21
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
I just don't understand why people bother "tagging" stuff. I mean, I could understand graffiti if these people actually had some message, like "Topple the government" or "Universal Healthcare" or "Workers Rise Up" or something that they were trying to express. But just "tagging" something for sake of putting your brand on some building just seems stupid.
Posted on: 2008/4/8 15:08
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
Why is something so obvious ever fuzzy to some people? Was the fact that my garden wall had some peeling paint make it a free fire zone for "free expression?" Between the tagging and the Comcast thugs climbing over my fences this liberal is ready to get me a shotgun. Anyone know where to get rocksalt loads like Granny Clampett used?
Posted on: 2008/4/8 2:48
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
its all vandalism, if you dont own the property dont write on it plain and simple
Posted on: 2008/4/8 2:19
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
2006/12/5 15:53 Last Login : 2012/9/30 0:28 From Belmont Ave.
Registered Users
Ceaze is pretty much a nationally recognized and respected graffiti artist. Like graffiti or not, it's pretty silly to straight up call it vandalism when he tags on abandoned/decrepit buildings mostly and clearly has artistic talent.
Now those kids scribbling "AIDS" and "DIE" on mailboxes....that's vandalism.
Posted on: 2008/4/7 20:37
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
| ... wgraff.php?artist_id=9010 is a NY based website that "taggers" display their "work" on. The link above shows vandalism by "CEAZE" - a grafitti name I see a lot of in JC. Scroll down and you'll see his/her work on a PATH train overpass. If you click on the GRAFF section of the website and search by the tagger's ID, you'll see familiar sites all over JC. I've noticed a big increase in grafitti in North Bergen, too - and they're usually completely on top of getting rid of this stuff.
Posted on: 2008/4/7 18:04
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Quite a regular
It's funny when I first opened, the garage next door to the store had been tagged. I asked a few of the kids if they knew who did it, they said yes and that they'd make sure they would stop & or stay away from here.
I haven't seen anymore around here since, hopefully it won't start up again
Posted on: 2008/4/7 16:57
Re: Graffiti - Downtown
Home away from home
If a landlord doesnt clean the graffiti or provide the city with the correct color paint to do so, they will be issued a summons.
The only way graffiti is removed is if enough neighbors complain to (I think its a guy named pat) at the Incinerator authority. 201-432-4656 x-627. He is very helpful in getting it removed. I was told "there is so much graffiti they dont even know where to start." If you dont get it cleaned off , other punks tag over it and before you know it enire walls are covered in the crap.
Posted on: 2008/4/7 16:55