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Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2011/11/28 22:22
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2024/9/8 19:51
From Jersey City yo!
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
It should never be something exclusive or out of reach to those who may not be able to avoid it.

A Freudian slip?

Posted on: 2012/3/27 0:24

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2006/11/13 18:42
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From 280 Grove Street
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Whatever it is in the future, it should be something for the general public to enjoy and share. It should never be something exclusive or out of reach to those who may not be able to avoid it.

Posted on: 2012/3/26 21:55
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2011/11/28 22:22
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neverleft wrote:
Yeah way too much to clean up that mess of land. Also same thing with the Bayonne golf course too costly for city to clean it up. At least both courses have public walk ways along the water so we can see how the other half lives. If you have never taken the Bayonne walkway try it it is really cool. Heli pad and Yacht dock included in the tour.

Dave Barry's father went to jail for (among other things) paying to re-route Caven Point Road to accommodate LNGC.

Regarding the Bayonne walkway - it is awesome.

I fish there all the time - say hello to me if you are there...

Posted on: 2012/3/26 21:46

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2009/10/7 15:46
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Yeah interesting stuff?. and when you start digging more amazing stuff pops up. It is all in my head some where but I need google to bring it out. Also it is good history for the newcomers.

Now I recall Barry wanted to use a sliver of Liberty State Park for 2 holes of his 18 hole golf course.

Use no part of park for golf
Published: February 4, 1999

I commend Michael Park for his fair Jan. 12 story, "Teed Off," about the battle over the Liberty State Park Caven Point Peninsula, which is designated as having "exceptional natural resource value." As the story reported, this land, purchased with federal funds to be a state natural area, is being sought for a long-term lease by Joseph and David Barry for use as 2 holes of a golf course next to their Porte Liberte condominums.

I agree with the following day's editorial," Revisit issue of 18-hole golf course layout," which stated that the "best step" for officials to take is to work with the Barrys to lay out the course without the public land.

Their public golf course will be the second in the county, joining the one which has been proposed to be built in Bayonne, and I'm sure it will be a very nice one without the natural area that must be off-limits. It is unconscionable that the developers want to profit from land that was meant for nature education, wildlife habitat, and passive recreation like bird and beach observation, etc.
The New York-New Jersey Baykeeper asserts that the peninsula's use for golf would irreparably damage the fragile wetlands and tidal ecosystem.

New Jersey Audubon is opposed because many birds including endangered species not only rest there during migrations, but also live there during the various seasons. When U.S. Land and Water Conservation Funds bought the land in 1984, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection scientists and Rutgers University scientists confirmed the peninsula's value as a natural area.
I hope the governor's land preservation thinking leads her to reject the giving away of this scarce urban natural area.

If not, I hope the public good will prevail through the National Park Service saying no!

of Liberty
State Park,
Jersey City

*** ****

Hey speaking of holes?.remember this big one?.. Janiszewski? Busted!!

Developer Joseph Barry pleads guilty Admits to $114,900 in illegal cash payments to former county exec ... nts-to-former-county-exec

*** ***

COMMUNITY; Red Flags Go Up Over Public Golf Courses ... tml?pagewanted=all&src=pm

*** ***

Then there was Mayor Bret Schundler who swears LNGC made a deal that JC folks could use the course on slow days at a reduced rate. But he couldn?t recall if it was a formal or informal agreement.

*** ***

Yeah way too much to clean up that mess of land. Also same thing with the Bayonne golf course too costly for city to clean it up. At least both courses have public walk ways along the water so we can see how the other half lives. If you have never taken the Bayonne walkway try it it is really cool. Heli pad and Yacht dock included in the tour.

Posted on: 2012/3/26 21:36

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2011/11/28 22:22
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2024/9/8 19:51
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Neverleft, you are scary you know so much...

Yes, a parcel of the land now being a part of LNGC was sold by the US Army to Jersey City, which immediately flipped it to Fireman for like 10 mil or so...

Don't ask, don't tell....


Anyway, my opinion is that it is better to have a PRIVATE golf course there than the un-remediated, polluted land.

I think Fireman lost his shirt on that one....

A quarter of a billion $s.

50 members. A couple of tournaments.

JC or NJ would never be able to afford to remediate that Standard Oil crap.

Posted on: 2012/3/26 20:30

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2009/10/7 15:46
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stillinjc wrote:
Neverleft, just to correct a misconception - Liberty National Golf Club sits on private land, not a privatized public land.

Yes, they got the permits by promising public access (weasels), but the land is, and pretty much always has been, private.

Ok thanks stillinjc. The city should have turned the screws on them permit wise. I think the only perk the city got was that LNGC was going to sponsor the Lincoln High School golf team. Giving them uniforms and letting them practice there. How big of them. Oh yeah the other perk was supposed to be WE (JC folk) got to work in the clubhouse or be trained as a caddies?err I mean ?four-hour butler?s? , I wonder how that went?

I know you can?t do things like sticking it to a company but I just saw a legal notice in the JJ that LNGC wanted to transfer a liquor license and maybe renew their entertainment license. City should have said only if you charge JC residents five bucks a game and maybe have either Robert Kraft or one of the Getty?s as caddy?s. It would have been very nice if the city forced them to open up that beautiful clubhouse to the public maybe just for party rentals.

I did know some of the land was the old U.S. Army property. I guess they brought it from the government.??

Found this old hudson reporter piece?.

The membership fee is estimated to range from $300,000 to $500,000. Already among the members are New England Patriots football team owner Robert Kraft, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and Bill Getty of the Getty oil family.

The 7,400-yard course was over 10 years in the making, built on land once occupied by oil containers and used by the U.S. Army as an ammunition dump. Now the 160-acre site of pristine green overlooking the Statue of Liberty will also contain a heliport to fly the members onto the course, a clubhouse to open by 2007 that will offer premier dining from New York restaurateur Tom Colicchio, yacht service from Manhattan to the golf course, and a world class golf performance practice center. ... --has-prestigious-members

*** ***

Benefits for surrounding area

Perhaps fittingly, the 165-acre course, just south of Liberty State Park, lies on land once occupied by rail yards (one of the industries of Jersey City that declined), a military installation, and other industrial sites.

Like many exclusive clubs, Liberty National is beyond the means of most residents of its host surrounding area. But club officials point out that even non-members in Jersey City stand to benefit in several ways.

For example, property taxes from the 165-acre course are certain to far exceed those from the area's former uses. Unlike many of the recent developments farther north along the city's waterfront, including a luxury condominium project announced last September by Donald Trump, the golf course has not been granted a tax abatement by the city, said Maria Pignataro, a spokeswoman for Mayor Jerramiah Healy.

Aurelian Anghelusiu, Liberty National's vice president and managing director, said the course will be looking to hire clubhouse and other staff from the surrounding community. Well aware that the area has never had a golf course and therefore lacks experienced caddies, Anghelusiu said Liberty National will institute a thorough training program.

Beyond learning mere bag-toting skills, he said, each caddie will be trained to serve as a "four-hour butler, if you will."


As Fireman said of the club's well-heeled members, "I want them to feel like they're getting their money's worth." After all, he added, "It's a lot of money." ... uly-4-on-remediated-land?

*** ***
Big whoop about the JC taxes they are paying? put WA RESIDENTIAL CO.,LLC % WILLOWBEND in the owner box of the JC online tax inquiry.

Posted on: 2012/3/26 16:28

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2009/2/20 14:53
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What we could use is a private swimming club. The public pools are much too crowded in the summertime.

Posted on: 2012/3/26 14:33

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2011/11/28 22:22
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neverleft wrote:
I don?t know if the car pound privatization passed yet. Let?s hope the Pump lot and the adjacent Car Pound lot doesn?t go to a developer who will NOT let the citizens of JC use it. Like our ..err I mean their Liberty National Golf Course.

Neverleft, just to correct a misconception - Liberty National Golf Club sits on private land, not a privatized public land.

Yes, they got the permits by promising public access (weasels), but the land is, and pretty much always has been, private.

Posted on: 2012/3/26 12:57

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2009/10/7 15:46
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Ahh the area of the infamous LSP Bret Schundler Water Park. At the time when the LSP Water Park was being considered the folks from the Chelsea Piers Sports and Entertainment Complex were also interested in the car pound lot for a future complex.

Hey maybe it is good this thread popped up again. Keep an eye on this one. I don?t know if the car pound privatization passed yet. Let?s hope the Pump lot and the adjacent Car Pound lot doesn?t go to a developer who will NOT let the citizens of JC use it. Like our ..err I mean their Liberty National Golf Course.

Hey I have a question for Jennifer. If the car pound deficit is over $325K why the fuc* is there a Direct TV Satellite dish on the roof of the car pound trailer? I pay around $120 a month for DirectTV and I watch it at HOME when I am not WORKing!

*** ***
One way or another the administration intends to continue with its plan to replace the city?s car pound operation with private companies. According to City Spokeswoman Jennifer Morril, the Jersey City?s car pound deficit was over $325,000.

?This is especially disturbing considering that no other nearby municipality or county runs a car pound,? she said. ?Not only will the closing of the car pound save City operating expenses, but it will also save approximately $1.4 million in construction costs at the new Department of Public Works (DPW) compound at East Linden Avenue.?

By closing the city?s car pound early, the city can also sell the land sooner than if they had had to wait for the proposed pound at East Linden Avenue to be completed.

?The land sale would provide needed revenue for CY2012, and result in the land being returned to City tax role for revenue in future years,? she said.

From the jc independent? ... -temporarily-put-on-hold/

*** ***

LSP Water Park history?interesting?

Posted on: 2012/3/26 3:53

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2004/11/8 3:36
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user1111 wrote:
Is this project dead?

The previous post on on this was 2006, so I'd say yes.

Posted on: 2012/3/25 18:13

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2012/1/11 18:21
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Is this project dead?

Posted on: 2012/3/25 17:11

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2005/1/9 19:01
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Liberty Humane Society sits on the same plot of land. Maybe Metrovest would like to kick in some bucks or construction material to help them renovate or upgrade their facilities?

Posted on: 2006/12/20 19:26

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2005/7/27 20:36
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fat-ass-bike wrote:
A casino would be perfect for that location - goes well with the crime and corruption theme everyone talks about.

Skeet Range would be better.

Posted on: 2006/12/20 18:59

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2006/11/13 18:42
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A casino would be perfect for that location - goes well with the crime and corruption theme everyone talks about.

Posted on: 2006/12/20 16:48
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2004/9/15 19:03
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OK 250-room hotel for site
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Next to Liberty State Park:

The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency yesterday unanimously selected plans for a hotel and conference center for a 10-acre swath of land adjacent to Liberty State Park dubbed the east side water treatment plant site.

Metrovest Equities and its proposal for a 250-room hotel and conference center at the water pump site beat out its lone competitor, G&S Investors, which pitched plans for a nine-screen movie theater, a children's museum and more than 300,000 feet of retail space.

"The hotel and conference center was more compatible with the redevelopment plan, with the Liberty Science Center and with Liberty State Park," said JCRA Executive Director Robert Antonicello.

The nine-story Liberty Hotel and Conference Center is expected to feature a stone-and-glass facade and include approximately 50,000 square feet of meeting and banquet space, a rooftop bar and pool, and a public plaza surrounded by retail and entertainment establishments.

However, the project is still a long way from construction, Antonicello said.

The site, which houses a Municipal Utilities Authority pump station, is bounded by the New Jersey Turnpike extension, Communipaw Avenue and Phillip Street.

Sam Pesin, president of the Friends of Liberty State Park, had urged the board to accept the Metrovest proposal, arguing it offers the "most compatible" use with the park.

Posted on: 2006/12/20 15:25

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Decision day on water plant site projects
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency Board is expected today to select from two competing proposals for development projects on 10-acre swath of land adjacent to Liberty State Park dubbed the East Side water treatment plant site.

The site, which houses a Municipal Utilities Authority pump station, is bounded by the New Jersey Turnpike extension, Communipaw Avenue and Phillip Street.

G&S Investors pitched their plans to the JCRA board for a nine-screen movie theater, a children's museum and more than 300,000 feet of retail space at the site during its most recent meeting.

The development would attract "national" retail stores and feature three levels of retail and parking, G&S officials said.

They said the project would create 2,000 construction jobs and yield nearly $5 million in annual revenue to the city based on property and sales tax revenue projections.

Metrovest Equities, which is developing the former Jersey City Medical Center into a massive condominium complex called the Beacon, proposed to build a 250-room hotel and conference center at the water pump site.

The nine-story Liberty Hotel and Conference Center would feature a stone-and-glass facade and would include approximately 50,000 square feet of meeting and banquet space, a rooftop bar and pool, and a public plaza surrounded by retail and entertainment establishments.

Sam Pesin, president of the Friends of Liberty State Park, has urged the board to accept the Metrovest proposal, arguing it offers the "most compatible" use with the park.

The JCRA meeting, at its office at 30 Montgomery St., starts at 4 p.m.

Posted on: 2006/12/19 9:38

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2006/7/27 20:48
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fasteddie wrote:
Martha Stewart (did you know she was born here? Probably in the Beacon).

Really? I am seeing Nutley and Jersey City both
and according to an astrology site, Lat: 40.7198N, Long: 74.0659W

Posted on: 2006/11/22 12:47

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente

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2004/11/16 3:26
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Fast Eddie forgot Kool and the Gang! They need some kind of arena or auditorium named after them.....

Posted on: 2006/11/21 20:59

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2006/2/9 14:13
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They can put whatever they want there as long as it's not a renaissance festival.

I HATE those people.

Though I do love turkey drumsticks.

Posted on: 2006/11/21 14:46

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2005/12/30 0:21
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What exactly is an entertainment establishment? How will they entertain me? Will there be puppet shows? ventriloquists? burlesque? clowns and magicians? singing and dancing? sideshow? Will LSP be like the new Branson, MO.? Will every entertainer from JC have their own theater? Will there be a Flip Wilson Show Palace? Queen Latifa? Beetlejuice Theater? Martha Stewart (did you know she was born here? Probably in the Beacon). The Duprees Doowop Hall of Fame?

Posted on: 2006/11/21 14:40

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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JCRA to hear second plan for old east side water treatment plant


The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency board is expected to hear the second of two development proposals today for the east side water treatment plant.

G & S Investors, which recently won approval for construction of the city's second tallest building - the Metropolitan - is expected to unveil plans for an entertainment/retail complex, according to city officials, who said they could not discuss the plans in greater detail until after it becomes public.

The site, which houses a Municipal Utilities Authority pump station, is bounded by the New Jersey Turnpike extension, Communipaw Avenue and Philip Street.

It is also adjacent to Liberty State Park.

Manhattan-based Metrovest - which is developing the former Jersey City Medical Center into a massive condominium complex called the Beacon - pitched a plan to the JCRA last month to build a 250-room hotel and conference center.

The proposed nine-story Liberty Hotel and Conference Center would feature a stone-and-glass facade and would include approximately 50,000 square feet of meeting and banquet space, a rooftop bar and pool and a public plaza surrounded by retail and entertainment establishments.

The plan also calls for the construction of approximately 250 condos and an unspecified amount of retail space. Metrovest President George Filopoulos did not return phone calls seeking comment.

The board will likely select one of the plans next month and offer the developer a memorandum of understanding for development rights.

Posted on: 2006/11/21 11:02

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2004/11/5 17:59
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Did somebody say THEME PARK?

Posted on: 2006/11/7 4:19

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2006/2/2 2:32
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Never much cared for Chelsea Piers, South St. Seaport, etc.

Posted on: 2006/11/7 4:13

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2006/2/2 2:32
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I'm not a big fan of putting "entertainment complexes" in cities - as with urban shopping malls, you're creating a fake downtown where there's already a downtown, not to mention sucking more life out of the city when you should be pouring more into it.

I guess maybe if it's family-oriented it will fill a different niche though.

Posted on: 2006/11/7 4:12

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Cente
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2006/2/18 5:53
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NNJR wrote:

Unless they are going to put a LR stop there how can anything significant not add more traffic?

This would be right next to the Liberty Science Center and about the same walk from the Johnson Ave LR station.

Posted on: 2006/11/7 3:56

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2004/8/24 15:08
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"Anything that will cause a traffic jam should be totally out of the picture.

Unless they are going to put a LR stop there how can anything significant not add more traffic?

Posted on: 2006/11/7 0:07

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2004/9/15 19:03
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OK I hated you as a child -- but I must sat Mr. Rogers -- I think you are right about this!


mrrogers wrote:
Hotel and convention center would be great.Why the city would want to leave the car pound there is stupid.Put it in an industrial zone and sell that property too.

While their at it open up jersey ave to traffic.I know people hate this idea but thats my opinion and i'm sticking with it.

Look at the little dog run in vvp we are all going ga ga over,you could fence off a football feild in LSP and actually run with your dog.Nothing fancy just chain link and grass.

Posted on: 2006/11/6 22:25

Re: Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2006/2/6 15:52
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Hotel and convention center would be great.Why the city would want to leave the car pound there is stupid.Put it in an industrial zone and sell that property too.

While their at it open up jersey ave to traffic.I know people hate this idea but thats my opinion and i'm sticking with it.

Look at the little dog run in vvp we are all going ga ga over,you could fence off a football feild in LSP and actually run with your dog.Nothing fancy just chain link and grass.

Posted on: 2006/11/6 21:37

Liberty State Park - NEAR Downtown Jersey City -- Choice: THEME PARK (OR) HOTEL/Conference Center
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2004/9/15 19:03
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Pump station soon to share with hotel or retail complex
Monday, November 06, 2006

The Jersey City Redevelopment Authority Board is expected to choose between two competing proposals - one for a hotel and the other an entertainment complex - for a nearly 10-acre tract of land adjacent to Liberty State Park.

The site, which houses a Municipal Utilities Authority pump station, is bounded by the New Jersey Turnpike extension to the north, Communipaw Avenue to the east and Philip Street to the south.

Manhattan-based Metrovest - which is turning the former Jersey City Medical Center into a massive condo project called the Beacon - pitched its plan to the JCRA board two weeks ago that calls for a 250-room hotel and conference center.

The proposed nine-story Liberty Hotel and Conference Center would feature a stone-and-glass facade and would include approximately 50,000 square feet of meeting and banquet space, a rooftop bar and pool, along with a public plaza surrounded by retail and entertainment establishments.

The plan also calls for the construction of approximately 250 condos and an unspecified amount of retail space. Metrovest President George Filopoulos did not return phone calls seeking comment.

G & S Investors, who recently won approval for construction of the city's second largest building dubbed the Metropolitan, are expected to unveil their proposal to the JCRA Board on Nov. 21 at 4 p.m.

Details of their proposal are not available since it's not yet a public document, but city officials say the plan is a "retail/entertainment complex" that will include a movie theater.

No sale price for the lot, which is owned by the MUA, has been determined, said city officials.

In requests for proposals, the city asked that all plans include one or more of the following: a class 'A' hotel; tourism and destination developments such as water parks, theme parks, sports complexes or aquariums; public and private recreational facilities and bars and nightclubs.

"Anything that will cause a traffic jam should be totally out of the picture. Water parks, theme parks and those types of things should be off the table," said Friends of Liberty State Park President Sam Pesin, who pointed to public opposition of a proposed water park adjacent to Liberty State Park as a precedent.

The JCRA issued requests for proposals in August, and 17 developers picked up the packets, but only two developers returned them.

City officials said the site's perceived environmental problems and the demand that the Municipal Utilities Authority's pump station remain intact were the reasons for the lack of response.

The site has had a number of former industrial uses, most recently as a water treatment facility and automobile storage area. The site is suspected to include chromium. The cleanup of the site is the developer's responsibility.

The site is adjacent to five acres of property currently being used by the city's Incinerator Authority as a car impoundment yard and is not included in the proposals.

Posted on: 2006/11/6 15:21

Edited by GrovePath on 2006/11/6 15:50:35

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