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Re: NYT: Jersey City May Require Paid Sick Leave
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Here is a question: Is there a loop hole? The answer is yes, if the worker is part time. So Jersey City will give small businesses an incentive to hire part time instead of full time workers. This on top of the "Affordable Care Act" incentive to only hire part timers. According to this: ... nt-of-net-jobs-added.html

Somewhere between 59 and 63%(and possibly more) of the net new jobs created in the US this year were part time(you have to read down to the updates).

It will also give business a reason to move to surrounding communities if possible. A law like this makes much more sense if enacted on a state wide level. On a city only level it could actually hurt some of the people it is aiming to help.

Posted on: 2013/9/11 2:45

Re: Email: too many Jersey City cops are on vacation to do foot patrols
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I understand what you said. However, because of the contract they cannot stop officers from taking their time because it was agreed that operational readiness would not be impacted as long as no more then 20% of the district is on vacation. So the bosses cannot, in the absence of a state of emergency, force anyone to forgo their desired dates, according to a legally binding contract approved by the city council. That is the bottom line.

Now, understandably, the idea that in the middle of summer 20% of the force may be on vacation leaving the district short handed, is upsetting to most people. However the blame rests not with the supervisors but with the people who negotiated and approved the contract. The city can't ignore the parts that now seem unfair or inconvenient. You seem to have a hard time understanding that you can't break the work rules of a contract. The supervisors can ASK that officers change their dates, but they cannot refuse to let them have the time as long as the staffing numbers stay at or above the percentages called for by the LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT.

Posted on: 2013/7/27 21:07

Edited by DickCheney on 2013/7/27 21:35:26

Re: Dozens arrested and multiple weapons seized during police sweep in JC
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The numbers are going down: ... y_cops_other_law_enf.html

on June 04, 2011 at 3:00 AM, updated June 04, 2011 at 10:05 AM

Jersey City police working with federal, state and county law enforcement arrested 176 violent offenders and wanted suspects during the past eight days as the culmination of Operation Summer Shield, officials said.

?The intelligence phase of gathering street information on violent offenders and open-air drug markets paid big dividends,? said Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy, who announced the results of the effort at City Hall yesterday morning.

Posted on: 2013/7/27 18:20

Re: Dozens arrested and multiple weapons seized during police sweep in JC
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Just can't stay away ... 50_arrested_in_conne.html

on June 04, 2012 at 12:02 PM, updated June 04, 2012 at 12:03 PM

"Jersey City police have arrested more than 50 people, including 29 in an investigation into a building cops say was taken over by drug dealers, authorities said.

At a news conference today, police are to announce the results of Operation Summer Shield 2, which included an effort to get the 25 "most significant" parole offenders off the street. Police also focused on what they called notorious open-air drug markets, making five arrests.

In all, 85 people have been charged and 51 have been arrested."

A little late this year, probably due to leadership turnover.

Posted on: 2013/7/27 18:11

Re: Email: too many Jersey City cops are on vacation to do foot patrols
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bodhipooh wrote:
Brewster, your story clearly illustrates the failure by the brass and superiors to effectively, efficiently and coherently manage the police force. "It's in the contract"?! Does that mean that it is also in the contract that superiors can abdicate their responsibility to the city and its citizens and NOT perform their managerial jobs??? A true leader would work to set vacation schedules that give employees their earned time off, while still providing the service they are LEGALLY REQUIRED to render. Unbelievable. And, scary. I wonder if the criminals "know" that Summer is basically open season on the "unprotected" masses. Apparently they do...

"It's in the contract" means that superiors cannot prevent the workers from taking their contractually agreed upon vacation until the contracts limits are reached. The superiors hands are tied. They are " providing the service they are LEGALLY REQUIRED to render." No more than 20% of the force is on vacation, that is what the LEGALLY AGREED UPON contract calls for.

The question is, since everyone feels this is such a problem, why did this contract pass a Fulop controlled City Council without a nay vote on March 13th of this year? ... salaries--cap-sick-banks-

Posted on: 2013/7/27 16:55

Re: DEBATE SCHEDULE: Mayoral & Ward Races
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The April 30th Ward B Forum has been cancelled due to "scheduling conflicts and time constraints".

This is the only chance you have to see 3 of the candidates answering questions. Everyone should watch this.

Posted on: 2013/4/27 15:16

Re: Jersey City election 2013: Ward B candidate debate in Jersey City
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I would urge every Ward B resident to actually watch the video and make up their own minds. In fact i would urge every Fulop and Healy supporter to watch the video.

Posted on: 2013/4/20 14:08

Re: Dan is still Dan
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You mean like Sean Connors, and like Chico's 2 jobs now?

Posted on: 2013/1/10 20:33

Re: Pulaski Skyway to close for 2 years after Super Bowl:
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pacoYtaco wrote:
so with pulaski closed, witt-penn closed all weekend, all we will have left is 1&9 truck over the great bridge that 2 cops plunged into the river when the drawbridge alerts were faulty or taking the turnpike and paying $4 for 3 miles. not that i don't agree with pulaski closing, it's a disaster waiting to happen, but witt-penn is closed all weekend and it doesn't look like they are doing much other than setting up cones and laughing at motorists who have to take fish house road.

As for the TP, the roadway is usually being worked on somewhere along it's length between May and October so it doesn't end up like the skyway. Should be a fun 2 or 3 years.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 18:56

Re: Jersey City cop to be stationed at every council meeting
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If they are so fearful of their constituents perhaps they shouldn't have run for office.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 18:24

Re: Pulaski Skyway to close for 2 years after Super Bowl:
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This will be a traffic disaster around Communipauw from the Blvd to 440.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 18:08

Re: Dan is still Dan
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T-Bird wrote:

DickCheney wrote:

Sorry, you don't get your own facts. O'Dea stood up at the meeting and told them how to table it, before public comments were closed, so only the person who tabled it could bring it back. As it was said, it was done. Steve wouldn't cross O'Dea because he needs him, see Chico on his ticket now. It was just another one of Jersey City's stinky political deals. No Change.

If you are going to go so far as resort to "facts", Jim - please bring the truth. Fulop introduced the JCIA/DPW merger ordinance and fought hard against it being tabled. Call the clerk and ask for the transcript from the meeting.

As for Chico - he has a job. If elected, he will quit that job - he's on public record as having said so.

I realize the ward B council race, and the last one, are personal to you and maybe that is clouding your objectivity but it would be helpful if you stick to "facts" as they actually occurred and not as you'd like them to be.

I realize that as part of Team Fulop you have to put lipstick on a pig, but hypocrite is a hypocrite.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 18:01

Edited by DickCheney on 2013/1/10 18:30:56

Re: Connors called Fulop “un-American” but now they are on the same ticket.
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LimpiarElSucio wrote:
Lets ignore Connors' prior associations (the good and the bad)... can anyone name one bad thing that he is actually responsible for?

How about Chico, other than being Phil Kenny's assistant and David Donnelly's assistant and O'Dea's gofer, and double dipping what has he done? Just more backroom politics.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 14:06

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Mouse wrote:

DickCheney wrote:

That's right because Steve and his allies allowed it to be blocked at Bill O'Dea's request.

Absolute nonsense. But nice try at twisting this. Actually, Healy wanted to fold the DPW into the JCIA so that they could preserve all the patronage jobs -- as a favor to Sandra Cunningham.

The fact is that Healy has had plenty of time to enact positive change, but has failed (since this was not his real goal anyway -- keeping the paychecks coming is the goal). So he is now looking to run the clock.

Same thing for the Parking Authority. This is a nice juicy plum for his buddies. He could have moved on this years ago, but didn't, for obvious reasons.

But, I do have to give him some credit for working on city parks.

Sorry, you don't get your own facts. O'Dea stood up at the meeting and told them how to table it, before public comments were closed, so only the person who tabled it could bring it back. As it was said, it was done. Steve wouldn't cross O'Dea because he needs him, see Chico on his ticket now. It was just another one of Jersey City's stinky political deals. No Change.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 14:01

Re: Dan is still Dan
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T-Bird wrote:

OneJC wrote:

Comments on the State of the City Address

Finally, the administration is working on long overdue and much needed initiatives.

During Mayor Healy?s State of the City address, we heard good news about moving forward on long-discussed necessary restructuring: merging the Jersey City Incinerator Authority and the Department of Public Works together; combining the Police and Fire Directors? offices into one public safety office; and eliminating the independent Parking Authority, putting it under the public safety umbrella and direct city control.

Daniel Levin

Good news inde.... Wait. What? But none of those things have happened and its almost a year later. What's your point?

That's right because Steve and his allies allowed it to be blocked at Bill O'Dea's request. In fact Bill stood there and told them how to table it so it could not be brought back easily and they followed his instructions. Now Steve has the double dipper Chico on his ticket. Chico, a Bill O'Dea clubroom guy, who was Phil Kenny's assistant when Phil was taking the Dwek bucks. Then David Donnelly's assistant. David who was perhaps the least responsive council member in the history of Jersey City. This guy and Sean Conners are supposedly everything Fulop supporters hate about Jersey City politics. Some change.

Posted on: 2013/1/10 11:55

Re: Connors called Fulop “un-American” but now they are on the same ticket.
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neverleft wrote:
WAIT! Stop the presses two political adversaries coming together for the betterment of Jersey City. What a freaking crime.

Gee whiz?Obama said some really nasty things about Hillary and visa versa. But Obama still offered her the Secretary of State job. Just look at how Billy Clinton kissed Obama?s as* during the past 2012 election cycle.

Remember that Hillary primary ad the ?3 am call? one? Nasty! Now they are best bud?s.
(ironic it looks like Hillary was the one who missed the Benghazi call)

Gee, did you say the same thing when Dan Levin announced he was running with Healy?

Posted on: 2012/12/30 14:15

Re: Connors called Fulop “un-American” but now they are on the same ticket.
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heights wrote:
What is the educational and political backround of Sean ?

Let's just say his political education background came from Uncle Gerry McCann, former mayor who was convicted of bank fraud.

Perhaps Steve should look in the mirror and say this:
?The easy route is not always the right route, he will learn, to just get a title,? he added, saying, ?I suspect that voters are going to have a hard time accepting this as anything than a character reversal making this about Dan ME and not about the public that he I said was the priority.? Steve Fulop 10-2012

Posted on: 2012/12/22 19:56

Re: Fulop Violating Pay-To-Play?
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T-Bird wrote:
Steve didnt campaign for Esther nor for any other reason than she is very conservative (tea party rallies, etc).

He wasn't involved with the election for Donnelly.

You would be hard pressed to get anyone in the political machine to say that Bill O'Dea is an HCDO stalwart. He has run independent off the line more often over his career than anyone.

Last and most importantly, the Reporter article entirely lacks facts. So no, it doesn't appear Steve lied.

You mean the Jersey City Tea Party? One of whose founders is a huge Steve Fulop volunteer and supporter? The same volunteer who sends out Steve's monthly birthday card greetings and Mothers day flowers?

The same volunteer that asked Esther and Mia Scanga, another Fulop supporter, to attend their event. Both were present. I believe at that point, Esther was meeting everyone drumming support to fight the tax increases.

You mean the "very conservative" Esther that was awarded the Jersey City Peace Movement Activist award? Anyone who has spoken to her knows she's libertarian, not conservative.

Steve did make appearances with David during the campaign giving him de facto, if not du jour support.

O'Dea the independent, that stood there and helped short circuit the JCIA DPW merger, while Steve sat there quietly.

Last and most importantly, you're saying that we should NEVER believe an article that has unnamed or anonymous sources, or only the ones about Steve?

The easiest way to answer this is for Steve to ask his friend, Mr. Rivera to come forward publicly and deny the allegations and challenge the anonymous sources to come forward.

Then we can put that issue behind us.

Posted on: 2012/9/18 1:07

Re: Fulop Violating Pay-To-Play?
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HeightsBrat wrote:

JCFree wrote:
Did anyone witness Esther Wintner question Steve Fulop at Wednesday's City Council meeting on whether the JC Board of Education's attorney- Ramon Rivera- has raised funds for his mayoral election campaign?

Was that a confirmation or a denial by Fulop?

Does anyone remember Esther waving her fist at a Healy controlled clowncil declaring "We are NOT your ATM"? That was before she pressed the Easy button and became Healy's latest shill.

Bar Keep! Another round!

Emily, I do recall that. I also recall Fulop sitting in a meeting where recalling certain City Council members was discussed and him being supportive of the effort. I recall Steve then being quoted in the paper that a recall was not the way to go, after supposedly getting called on the carpet by the powers in the HCDO.

I recall Esther running against David Donnelly, the Team Healy candidate in the special election. I recall being told that when he was asked by one of his supporters if he would support Esther, Steve asked how that would help him. I recall Steve making appearances with David during the campaign. I recall being told that Steve referred to David as an ?Empty Suit?. I also recall Steve making a big announcement that David would be on the Fulop reform ticket. Why? I believe it was because Steve needs the support of HCDO stalwart Bill O?Dea in Ward B.

I recall Esther going down to the City Council meeting and shaking her fist and yelling about crime this early this year. When the rally was being organized, I recall being told that when approached by one of his supporters about helping, Steve?s office said these were 2013 issues. I recall that Esther, and John Lynch and a whole group of people forced the mayor and chief to confront the issue and hold meetings with the people of Jersey City. I recall the Chief asking for help in writing our Washington representatives in support of a Federal Grant that would enable the hiring of additional police officers. I recall Esther going from meeting to meeting gathering hundreds of letters. I don?t recall Steve making an appearance, supporting the program, collecting letters or writing letters on our behalf.

I recall Esther being willing to work with anyone, Fulop supporter, Healy supporter, democrat, republican, libertarian, liberal or conservative in the attempt to improve the lives of the people of Jersey City; as long as they were willing to help and without worrying about what year in the election cycle it was. I recall Esther fighting hard, with many others, to stop the use of Eminent Domain at McGinley Square. I recall Esther willingly giving Steve, Mayor Healy, Nidia, Brennan, Viola, David, whomever, credit for their actions when it was due them. It seems to me that unlike Steve she does play well with others, even if they have disagreements on certain issues.

I recall Steve saying if you have an issue with him come down to the council meetings and ask him yourself. I recall Esther asking him about Ramon Rivera and I recall Steve saying in no uncertain terms that Rivera has neither contributed to, nor raised funds for, Fulop?s mayoral campaign. I also recall reading an article in the Hudson Reporter that seems to be saying that Steve sat there and lied. I recall reading in the article that Steve twisted some arms to get another friend a contract from the BOE. I also recall Fulop supporters telling me how evil it is to get your cronies jobs and contracts. I recall one of Steve?s past assistants now works for the county. So is bad to get your cronies jobs and contracts or is it only bad if your name isn?t Steve Fulop?

What I don?t recall is ad hominem attacks on Esther by the Healy crew when she opposed them on issues, but I see it from the Fulop Gang when she works with the powers that be to get things done.

I was a Fulop supporter although not from his ward, and thought 4 years ago he would make a good mayor. Now however I am reminded of Animal Farm and I am sure you can guess what animal I see in Steve. I also think he lacks the temperament to be an effective mayor.

Let the Ad Hominem attacks begin.

Posted on: 2012/9/17 20:30

St. Peter's University- Bill Cosby Show
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St. Peter's College University is bringing in acts to perform at St. Aedan's Church including Bill Cosby on November 3rd as they begin to build a Performing Arts Center.

"Saint Peter?s PAC is a consortium of distinctive performing arts spaces situated within the campus of Saint Peter?s University in Jersey City. The venues include St. Aedan?s: The Saint Peter?s University Church ? a 1,200 seat cathedral that transforms into a majestic theatre providing a grand backdrop for world-class artists; a 3,200 seat arena that hosts family events, trade shows, food expos and more; an intimate 200 seat theatre; black box spaces showcasing everything from poetry jams to comedy improv to film screenings; and a 400 seat cabaret-style performance space (currently under construction), perfect for jazz or acoustic concerts and set against a coveted view of the Manhattan skyline."

Maybe something will interest you, and the more support the community shows the more likely it is to grow.

Posted on: 2012/9/6 12:34

Re: Church for Wedding
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You might want to try to find the closest Unitarian Church. They always seemed to be the most open to performing marriages for non-members.

Posted on: 2012/1/7 15:36

Re: Another motorcyclist killed -- this time on Tonnelle -- "curve caught him off guard."
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tommyc_37 wrote:
Where the heck is Charlotte Circle??

Where 1&9 and 7 meet, it used to be a (very dangerous) traffic circle.

Charlotte Circle

Posted on: 2011/9/7 18:18

Re: Jury Awards $4Mil to 16 Shore Club owners
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Just can't stay away ... ts_t912zOZ30ZBegoWEwgJATO

Jamie LeFrak, heir to iconic New York real-estate company The LeFrak Organization, has been ordered to fork over $4.8 million to 16 jilted residents of one of his luxury apartment buildings in Jersey City.
The award closes the loop on a ruling from June that found LeFrak falsely lured buyers to his tony Shore Club condominium with promises of panoramic views of Manhattan that were soon obstructed by another LeFrak building, the 32-story AquaBlu.
New Jersey state court Judge Edward O?Connor?s order included $3.8 million in damages, plus interest, for the false advertising.
Adding insult to injury, the judge also ordered the 38-year-old developer and his firm to cough up close to $1 million in legal fees -- bringing the final tally to close to $5 million.
LeFrak has 45 days to appeal.
A call to a LeFrak Organization spokeswoman of wasn?t returned.

Read more: ... egoWEwgJATO#ixzz1W4yeIOwh

Posted on: 2011/8/25 21:41

Re: Bus from City hall to St Peter's college
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Montgomery Westside Ave Bus

Next most direct is #80

Posted on: 2011/7/9 13:17

Re: Jury Awards $4Mil to 16 Shore Club owners
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CatDog wrote:
hahahaha what how the hell could you sue for this crap? Didn't they realize when they got to the freaking condo and bought it that there wasn't a breathtaking or panoramic view?

Because the AquaBlu was not built yet. In the story it says the rendering showed the AquaBlu at 12 stories.

The second building, known as AquaBlu, was depicted on the promotional materials as a 12 story building, but it grew to be a whopping 32-stories tall.

Posted on: 2011/6/29 16:22

Jury Awards $4Mil to 16 Shore Club owners
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LeFrak Tenants Win

A New Jersey jury awarded a group of 16 angry tenants of a LeFrak luxury condo building in Jersey City close to $4 million after determining that the 37-year-old real estate developer and his firm falsely promised them "breathtaking" and "panoramic" views of Manhattan.

How many more people will line up to sue now?

Posted on: 2011/6/29 15:48

Re: Jersey City high school principal, others removed pending probe into alleged grade-fixing
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dtjcview wrote:

DickCheney wrote:

dtjcview wrote:

The US is probably the only non-communist country, that builds in communist principles into the core of it's education system as far as sports goes. Read it and weep. No other democratic country makes sport part of it's core curriculum at colleges and Universities. Long live US communism. (Or perhaps wake up America.)

Ummmm..... sports in school long predates the rise of communism:

* First intercollegiate crew regatta (Harvard vs. Yale): 1852
* First intercollegiate baseball game (Williams vs. Amherst): 1859
* First intercollegiate football association (Harvard-Yale-Princeton): 1872
* First intercollegiate track and field association (Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletics of America, or IC4A): 1875
* First intercollegiate tennis match: 1883
* First intercollegiate ice hockey game (Harvard vs. Brown): 1895
* First intercollegiate gymnastics competition: 1899

Read more: ... niversities#ixzz1BRZcf4Em

Athletic competition in High School also go back well over 100 years.

And it's not just the US:

You may also recall a famous quote by the Duke of Wellington: "The Battle of Warterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton."

Rugby, from which American football descends, was invented in ~1823 at Rugby, when a player picked up the "soccer ball" in a game and ran with it. I think that pre-dates Karl Marx.

You have really no clue? Right? Deduction, inference that kinda stuff? When you can get past pasting facts on a website, I'm sure we can have an intelligent discussion.

Yeah as long as we don't let facts get in the way.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 2:48

Re: Jersey City high school principal, others removed pending probe into alleged grade-fixing
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dtjcview wrote:

The US is probably the only non-communist country, that builds in communist principles into the core of it's education system as far as sports goes. Read it and weep. No other democratic country makes sport part of it's core curriculum at colleges and Universities. Long live US communism. (Or perhaps wake up America.)

Ummmm..... sports in school long predates the rise of communism:

* First intercollegiate crew regatta (Harvard vs. Yale): 1852
* First intercollegiate baseball game (Williams vs. Amherst): 1859
* First intercollegiate football association (Harvard-Yale-Princeton): 1872
* First intercollegiate track and field association (Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletics of America, or IC4A): 1875
* First intercollegiate tennis match: 1883
* First intercollegiate ice hockey game (Harvard vs. Brown): 1895
* First intercollegiate gymnastics competition: 1899

Read more: ... niversities#ixzz1BRZcf4Em

Athletic competition in High School also go back well over 100 years.

And it's not just the US:

You may also recall a famous quote by the Duke of Wellington: "The Battle of Warterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton."

Rugby, from which American football descends, was invented in ~1823 at Rugby, when a player picked up the "soccer ball" in a game and ran with it. That would make Karl Marx about 4 or 5 yo.

Posted on: 2011/1/19 2:31

Re: Sledding hills
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Dickinson HS has a great hill for sledding, except you have to jump off before you hit the wrought iron fence.

Posted on: 2010/12/28 16:57

Re: towing at shoprite
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Towers and Towing ... OTO_S319-17REVEPAABPRPRFE

H. As a condition of receiving a tower's license under this chapter, a licensee shall at minimum arrange to accept payment by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, cash and money order from the owner or driver of a vehicle for any towing, impoundment and storage fees. Personal check or other methods of payment will be at the option of the licensee. If payment is made by personal check, the licensee may require identification in the form of a valid major credit card in the name of the owner or driver of the vehicle. In appropriate cases and for good cause shown, the Division Director may waive the requirement of payment acceptance by credit card as to any tower who provides evidence of an unsuccessful but good faith attempt to make such arrangement. The licensee must provide an itemized receipt, including the licensee's name, address and telephone number, listing all fees charged. The payment options available shall be posted in a conspicuous place near the place of payment and shall be on the rate schedule required to be given to the owner or driver of vehicles. The wording and placement of the payment options shall be approved by the Director.

Posted on: 2010/10/12 20:17

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