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Re: Hypocrite Solomon’s dirty push Poll
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Anyone else notice JCvoter always shows these things like homeowner records almost as if he had done his research.
On another thread he had a long post complete with links to long ago articles.
That's because jcvoter IS james Soloman and he is leaking out his opo research he paid for.
Yet if you look at his elect you will not see any paid opo company.You will see a close to ten thousand dollars paid to a NY law firm.
Why would a Jc council candidate need to pay a NY law firm that kind of money unless he was using them to hide paying for the
Opo. Kind of the same way the DNC paid a law firm to dig up the dirt on Bernie.
Soloman is phony reformer who will be running for Mayor on day one.

Posted on: 2017/11/18 21:48

Re: Michael Billy Video warns of Rebecca Symes/Developer connections.
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That's because JCvoter is James Soloman.
James please go play with your new baby and give it a rest.

Posted on: 2017/11/8 14:41

Re: Dan is still Dan
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Her name is Candice OsBourne running on the Steve Fulop ticket.She has moved into the old Fulop Hdq on 2nd street.

Posted on: 2013/2/7 3:53

Re: Steve Fulop candidate for Jersey City Mayor announces anti-crime plan
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Why not go to the Web site and read the whole policy paper.
It was a little wordy for my taste but it did answer the questions you just asked.
I like the idea of making the Brass live here.

Posted on: 2013/2/7 3:50

Re: Won't keep $17G tied to Dwek, Healy says
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Now that we finally have somone on the healy ticket from downtown maybe we can finally get some answers.
So Dan Levin, can you check into what happened to Dwek's money that Deputy Mayor Baldini took.
Next time your sitting on the park bench with Jerry perhaps you can ask what charities the money went to.

Hey this all might work out after all.

Posted on: 2012/10/11 23:03

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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OneOBall wrote:
Fail. If you think the random drawings for placement are random, you have no business discussing JC politics.

WoW, so your saying that there is no Random drawing,Which could only mean that they Cheat.
Is that how you know Healy will be on Top.Are you OK with that,is Dan.Please Explain?

Posted on: 2012/10/11 0:48

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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r_pinkowitz wrote:

OneOBall wrote:

Also, why won't you identify yourself? What are you hiding?

Resized Image

Pinky please explain to otis how the line works in may elections.Maybe he will listen to you.

Posted on: 2012/10/11 0:36

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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As to the ballot lines, you must be well aware that whomever is on Healy's team will almost certainly be listed first for their position.[quote]

Why would this be? Why will Healy even be listed first?
They draw names out of a barrel like the lottery.
Once for Mayor,Once for at large and ward races last.
Call the city,Call Dan,go on line.
Please send my winnings to St Lucy homeless shelter.

Posted on: 2012/10/11 0:34

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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OneOBall wrote:
Tickets always run on the same line. Healy will almost certainly be top line. So why would you say Dan would run on a different line?

Also, why won't you identify yourself? What are you hiding?

One Ball (is that painfull) Non partisan munincipal elections are not run that way.All mayoral candidates are on one line.
Next line has Council at Large and the next line has the ward candidates. None of them line up with each other unless the clerk draws their names during ballot selection.Did they forget to tell dan that.

Tell you what,call bob byrne at the clerks office and ask
If i'm wrong i'll buy you dinner,we can discuss JC Politics.

Can you say Con job?

Posted on: 2012/10/11 0:16

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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OneOBall wrote:
I didn't catch your first name, Mr. Rogers. What ward do you live in?

Also, your information is incorrect.

Mr oneball , My name is fred.Don't you know me from the nieghborhood? What information is incorrect?

Posted on: 2012/10/11 0:01

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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OneOBall wrote:
Hey cocpele,

I thought I had explained this, but I will go over it again.

Dan Levin has run for both council and mayoral positions, albeit unsuccessfully, twice. He has put his time and money into both runs. He has ended up in debt.

I have known Dan for over 20 years. Dan is not a wealthy man. He is doing this because he has that rare call to serve that very few of us actually follow up on. And yet he has not folded. I had enough after two years on the board of my neighborhood association. Local politics in general is a headache and heartache. Dan Levin still perseveres.

He could run another campaign as an independent, be listed on the bottom of the ballot and lose. As someone who knows him, respects him and wants him to win, well ... the best intentions etc.

Here's how it works. He joins the Healy ticket and he's likely on the top line of the ballot. Which is a HUGE deal. He might even get some HCDO money. What little there is.

If you think Dan Levin has compromised any of his positions for this, you don't know Dan Levin and you aren't following local politics. The HCDO is near collapse. This is how politics works.

I know it's been said, many times, many ways, but politics make strange bedfellows. I know Dan Levin. I want him to represent me in any capacity he cares to. 22 years in Ward E and he is the only candidate that I trust implicitly. I don't expect people to take my word for it. They shouldn't. But if you take this strategic positioning as a political or moral collapse, you don't know Dan Levin.

Otis you Should stop telling other people they know nothing about politics and look in the mirror.

There is no line.He will be in his own colum with candidates running for ward E.
Healy could be in row A and Dan could be in Row F.
Thats why an Independent Can win. This is not a primary or even a general election where you run as a team on one line.
So the only thing Dan gets is extra mailers paid for with Healy money.

Heally people will not work hard for Dan,they just want to use him for cover.Really Funny part is that Levin actually had a shot running as an independent.

Posted on: 2012/10/10 23:43

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Otis,your guy is just contridicting himself as are you.
Both Dan and you want to bring down the machine but your allowing yourself to be used to keep that same machine in power.It's almost funny.

Posted on: 2012/10/10 21:45

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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Just want to add some historical points here.Everyone who knows both steve and Dan knows there has never been any great love there.Dan worked hard for Jr Moldanado in his race against Fulop in 2005.
While they have worked on some of the same goals it has not been as a team and Dan has stated many time that he does not like Fulop.
He never by his own admission on this thread reached out to get on Fulops ticket.
Why would Fulop help dan with Money and volunteers get elected when he knows that dan dislikes him.

The bigger question should be why Healy would want him on the ticket if he was not desperate.He will use Dan to hide behind whenever he is called out on his ethics.

When this is over in Seven months Dan Levin will be ethiclly

Posted on: 2012/10/10 20:05

Re: Why does this old campaign keep popping in in forums around the county?
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Troll alert.....

Anyone want to bet this morphs into a Fulop endorsed joe vas
in 2006 thread.Looks like JCfree is back from vacation.

The first time poster uses Vas in his screen name goes through all the trouble to set up a jclist account to ask one question.

Healy really is not getting his moneys worth from these paid bloggers.

Posted on: 2012/10/7 17:20

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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I have noticed Dan Levin for ward E council stickers up all over downtown.They do not mention Healy but they are quite

Posted on: 2012/9/28 1:57

Re: Ward F (esp former E) voters-Diane Coleman in Nov
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DanL wrote:
I do not know anything about this candidate, but I have known Michelle Massey for years through many different avenues and believe that she is the real deal.[quote]

She also was the deciding vote to keep peter brennan as council president on her very first vote as the newly hand picked rubber stamp of healy.
But i geuess as Dan is trying to suggest, you can do all good deeds up till the time you get in bed with thieves and still not be affected.

Someone has not only drank the kool-aid but is now trying to dispence it. Anybody but Massey

Posted on: 2012/9/26 10:52

Re: Sterling Waterman for BOE VP - vote is Tuesday
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At the end of that long pat on the back he gave himself he says,and I quote "I won't how ever, bend over for anybody" WTF does that mean.

Posted on: 2012/9/10 1:56

Re: Sterling Waterman for BOE VP - vote is Tuesday
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Hey La Verda I have to agree with Hit and Run.
On the JC parents chat room someone brought up the he has
An ethics charge pending against him at the state Boe.
He doesn't even deny it.
Plus he has been telling anyone that will listen that he will be running for an at large council seat.

I think Vidia would be a much better VP.

Posted on: 2012/9/9 21:45

Re: Dan Levin in talks to run with Healy
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JerseyCityFrankie wrote:
I think Dan and everyone who voted for him during the city council elections had low expectations of his winning despite his strengths. But we voted for him anyway since we believed it was worth trying to get him in. Now here is an unexpected avenue for Dan to get into city politics, which is where he would be able to do some good for us. If this is a way for him to connect the dots and get into City Hall than I say its better this way than no way at all. I believe that Dan is the right sort of person for this time in this city and I will be glad to know hes at work in City Hall regardless of how he gets there.

That's the craziest logic I ever heard.
If Dan needed to get to the Bank so he could withdraw money that would help his mother, would it be ok to ask a
Bankrobber for a ride?

Posted on: 2012/9/9 19:32

Re: Jersey City assemblyman calls Councilman Fulop 'un-American,'
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darenot wrote:
Awesome. Connors is the poster child for everything wrong with Hudson county politics: he's the not particularly bright nephew of an ex mayor who was convicted of bank fraud and is a master of dirty political tricks. Connors has been pushed on us by the machine again & again to pad his resume till he looks substantial enough to run for mayor. Makes one wonder about the merit of that detective shield. And then he has the stones to accuse someone who volunteered for the Marines DURING WARTIME of being un-american!!

Well said. This creep has run for six elected positions while never having arrested anyone. His main job is standing outside construction sites directing traffic and talking to Jerry McCann about politics.

Posted on: 2012/9/8 4:30

Re: Another Fulop Paid Hack
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Just in case any body was wondering who this new troll is just
Google white horse strategy
This is the firm running Healys election.
They have grown but they started out as just Internet bloggers.
When you google them you will see they are connected to the PR firm of message and media. Same firm who ran Healysvlast election in 2009.

Posted on: 2012/9/8 4:13

Re: Jersey City school board rejects contract for new superintendent
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Deputy Mayor Kabili is the Al Sharpton of Jersey City.
Hasn't had a real job in Twenty Years.

Posted on: 2012/9/5 0:48

Re: "Unclean" Elections & Nidia Lopez
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Pretty stupid of this girl april to tell the press what they were planning before they even got to court.Judges don't like to get Sandbaged.
How did she know Jimmy King was trying to drop the case,are they working with him?

Posted on: 2009/8/6 20:34

Re: Steven Fulop - Comments on Healy and for Tomorrow's Meeting
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Under the heading of "everything has it's consequences" the political consultant Jack Shaw who was at the Center of this story was found dead tonight.

Jack was a gentleman and i am saddened by his death.

Posted on: 2009/7/29 2:33

Re: Councilman Fulop Press Release July 24
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Upstate.What about the two homes he has built in Brazil.
How about all the Art work he took from the old Medical center?

Posted on: 2009/7/25 1:39

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This is absolutely true.Flip of a Switch and they are on.The county roads use black housing and the owner of liberty harbor bought black.City engineer says only Yellow housing can be used.
He is a complete A$$hole.

Posted on: 2009/7/19 23:27

Re: Councilwoman Elect Lopez a Florida Resident?
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The judge today ruled that there should be a trial in the Lopez Case.It is reported on the web site.

Trial date is the first week in Oct. and depositions are to take place in August.This was a huge hurdle to overcome as the Healy lawyers were hoping to have the case dismissed on the grounds that king filed the suit to late.

Can someone link to the site?i'm an idiot with that stuff.

Posted on: 2009/7/17 22:26

Re: Councilwoman Elect Lopez a Florida Resident?
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The AP has finally picked up on this story and Florida Officials have determined that she owes 30,305.
Very expensive seat she just bought.

Posted on: 2009/7/14 13:31

Re: Councilwoman Elect Lopez a Florida Resident?
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Here are some numbers to call for Action on our Traveling Councilwomen.

NJ corruption hotline--1-866-847-7425

NJ tax fraud hotline--1-609-292-6400

NJ insurance fraud
hotline -- 1-877-553-7283

NJ election fraud
hotline -- 609-292-8700

Florida Att General bill McCollum 850-414-3300

FL tax fraud hotline 1-866-775-7474

FL voter fraud hotline 1-877-868-3737

FL insurance fraud 1-866-966-7226

Make A Call,Leave a Message,Quote the papers,the Fl.people were
especially nice on the phone.

Posted on: 2009/7/10 12:00

Re: Councilwoman Elect Lopez a Florida Resident?
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They probably sent her back to florida to hide and stay out of site.Man i bet her attorney is pissed off.She may have hung herself today.

Posted on: 2009/7/10 3:05

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