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Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2004/11/6 21:13
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MDM wrote:

brewster wrote:

The density around town was tremendously higher, because half of what we consider DT wasn't just lower density,it was railyards and docks.

After the invasion of Japan got cancelled, my Dad received extended leave from the Army. He stayed in Jersey City with a squad mate of his in a Polish section of the city (from his description, I think it was around the Marion section).

He commented on how packed the place was with people, which being a kid from a Colorado farm, was a bit off-putting. The other thing he mentioned was that the sky was so thick with smog / smoke that the upper parts of the Pulaski Skyway would be rendered invisible in the airborne muck.

It's hard to imagine when all these houses were heated by coal, and the city was ringed by factories burning coal too. Ever hear of the great London Smog of 1952 that killed 4k people? There was also a 1966 New York City smog. These were seminal events of the air quality movement. I know you're pretty conservative, but these are the kind of regulations your party is against.

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Posted on: 2018/11/20 18:30

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2010/7/9 11:16
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brewster wrote:

The density around town was tremendously higher, because half of what we consider DT wasn't just lower density,it was railyards and docks.

After the invasion of Japan got cancelled, my Dad received extended leave from the Army. He stayed in Jersey City with a squad mate of his in a Polish section of the city (from his description, I think it was around the Marion section).

He commented on how packed the place was with people, which being a kid from a Colorado farm, was a bit off-putting. The other thing he mentioned was that the sky was so thick with smog / smoke that the upper parts of the Pulaski Skyway would be rendered invisible in the airborne muck.

Posted on: 2018/11/20 13:44

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2004/11/6 21:13
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DouglasReynholm wrote:
Peak population 1930 316,000. Dwindled to 223,000 in 1980. Now estimated at 270,000. Probably population was spread out more evenly in 1930, but now the downtown area is littered with 50 story buildings increasing density in 07302.

The density around town was tremendously higher, because half of what we consider DT wasn't just lower density,it was railyards and docks. It's hard to get reference, but HP is just a hair above and left from dead center.

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Posted on: 2018/11/19 21:31

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2009/7/30 20:03
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Peak population 1930 316,000. Dwindled to 223,000 in 1980. Now estimated at 270,000. Probably population was spread out more evenly in 1930, but now the downtown area is littered with 50 story buildings increasing density in 07302. I am telling you, when you drive around the rest of JC, it feels forgotten. The roads are terrible, crime is higher. Why is this not being solved or attempted to be solved? Partially, the developers see more profit around PATH train areas...guess markets dictates. Also, if you take PATH after 8 AM, yes, it's Jammed. More people now live in PATH train areas and there are more jobs in Manhattan than in 1990 and 2000.

Posted on: 2018/11/19 21:09

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2010/7/9 11:16
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The young singles / married folks I know from the neighborhood generally moved when their toddlers grew to school age... or they put them in a private school.

This has been my experience with my tenants. It is either private school or they move to the burbs.

Posted on: 2018/11/19 18:32

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2009/5/12 22:51
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bodhipooh wrote:

MDM wrote:
In the section of town known as the Gold Coast, there are plenty of luxury high rises but not enough classrooms.

Is there any data publicly available of how many residents of these abated high rises actually send their kids to the JC public schools?

I don't think you will find any thoroughly reliable information or stats on this, just anecdotal information put forth by some people to try and advance and buttress their points.

From my observations from living in the area is that there is definitely a sizable amount of couples with babies or toddlers but very few with school-age kids. In my own building there is only ONE apartment with a school-age kid (that's one apartment out of ~110) and I do think the kid attends a public school. Going by anecdotal information, which seems to jive with what one can observe, it seems like a good amount of the Newport apartments are roommate setups with 3 or 4 people sharing small spaces. The private daycares and preK private schools in our neighborhood (PAD) are seemingly very busy. Overall, I don't see or believe there are many young families living in these so called luxury high rises with school-age kids attending the JCPS system.

The young singles / married folks I know from the neighborhood generally moved when their toddlers grew to school age... or they put them in a private school.

Have to say there are a lot of kids at the PS at the intersection of Grand and Washington. Also a number of school buses in the morning. I see lots of walkers (generally look to be with grand parents) No idea how the kids are selected to go to the school. Hopefully more efficient that voting precincts assignments.

Posted on: 2018/11/19 18:06

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2008/8/12 18:31
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MDM wrote:
In the section of town known as the Gold Coast, there are plenty of luxury high rises but not enough classrooms.

Is there any data publicly available of how many residents of these abated high rises actually send their kids to the JC public schools?

I don't think you will find any thoroughly reliable information or stats on this, just anecdotal information put forth by some people to try and advance and buttress their points.

From my observations from living in the area is that there is definitely a sizable amount of couples with babies or toddlers but very few with school-age kids. In my own building there is only ONE apartment with a school-age kid (that's one apartment out of ~110) and I do think the kid attends a public school. Going by anecdotal information, which seems to jive with what one can observe, it seems like a good amount of the Newport apartments are roommate setups with 3 or 4 people sharing small spaces. The private daycares and preK private schools in our neighborhood (PAD) are seemingly very busy. Overall, I don't see or believe there are many young families living in these so called luxury high rises with school-age kids attending the JCPS system.

Posted on: 2018/11/19 13:44

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2010/7/9 11:16
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In the section of town known as the Gold Coast, there are plenty of luxury high rises but not enough classrooms.

Is there any data publicly available of how many residents of these abated high rises actually send their kids to the JC public schools?

Posted on: 2018/11/18 18:41

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2009/5/12 22:51
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Dolomiti wrote:
TheBigGuy wrote:
Gezzzz... not sure a morose DB personality like yours can be fixed but we can only hope that you will seek the help you desperately need.

I know this is off-topic, but... Did you really not get the Simpsons reference?

LOL... nice to change the subject, away from the other guy's obsession. BTW, no I did not get the Simpson reference. Never a real fan... lean more to the equal opportunity offender, South Park.

Posted on: 2018/11/18 12:51

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2004/6/17 2:16
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:

Dolomiti wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
Gezzzz... not sure a morose DB personality like yours can be fixed but we can only hope that you will seek the help you desperately need.

I know this is off-topic, but... Did you really not get the Simpsons reference?

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To think, idiots like Yvonne and the rest of the conservative trolls that think they're so much smarter than everybody else never understood this. These are the people controlling the NAs and what gets built in most neighborhoods.

Get a life, nicky, stop thinking about me. My life is not your life. By the time you die, you would have wasted precious hours of your life, hating me which got you nothing

Posted on: 2018/11/17 20:10

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2015/11/21 22:12
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Dolomiti wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
Gezzzz... not sure a morose DB personality like yours can be fixed but we can only hope that you will seek the help you desperately need.

I know this is off-topic, but... Did you really not get the Simpsons reference?

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To think, idiots like Yvonne and the rest of the conservative trolls that think they're so much smarter than everybody else never understood this. These are the people controlling the NAs and what gets built in most neighborhoods.

Posted on: 2018/11/17 20:03

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2012/8/6 22:56
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Gezzzz... not sure a morose DB personality like yours can be fixed but we can only hope that you will seek the help you desperately need.

I know this is off-topic, but... Did you really not get the Simpsons reference?

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Posted on: 2018/11/17 18:14

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2008/5/22 20:46
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

dr_nick_riviera wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
You really are an insufferable DB with your Yvonne hysterics... have no idea what kind of a doctor you are, but you really should seek help with this Yvonne OCD issue.


dr_nick_riviera wrote:

What do you expect when politicians give away tax breaks/abatements like candy at Halloween to developers?

What do you expect when NIMBYs/Yvonne do everything they can to prevent new housing from being built and scuttle upzoning?

I'll have you know that I graduated with top honors from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College and I run Jersey City's top discount surgery clinic.

I'm even willing to do the public a great service and give Yvonne a lobotomy that she so desperately needs completely free.

Gezzzz... not sure a morose DB personality like yours can be fixed but we can only hope that you will seek the help you desperately need.

Aren't you conservative snowflakes always crying about how liberals can't take jokes and need to lighten up?

LMFAO!! Liberals are the Original Cupcakes/Snowflakes!

Posted on: 2018/11/17 3:43

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2015/11/21 22:12
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TheBigGuy wrote:

dr_nick_riviera wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
You really are an insufferable DB with your Yvonne hysterics... have no idea what kind of a doctor you are, but you really should seek help with this Yvonne OCD issue.


dr_nick_riviera wrote:

JC_Man wrote:

What do you expect when politicians give away tax breaks/abatements like candy at Halloween to developers?

What do you expect when NIMBYs/Yvonne do everything they can to prevent new housing from being built and scuttle upzoning?

I'll have you know that I graduated with top honors from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College and I run Jersey City's top discount surgery clinic.

I'm even willing to do the public a great service and give Yvonne a lobotomy that she so desperately needs completely free.

Gezzzz... not sure a morose DB personality like yours can be fixed but we can only hope that you will seek the help you desperately need.

Aren't you conservative snowflakes always crying about how liberals can't take jokes and need to lighten up?

Posted on: 2018/11/17 3:38

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2009/5/12 22:51
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dr_nick_riviera wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
You really are an insufferable DB with your Yvonne hysterics... have no idea what kind of a doctor you are, but you really should seek help with this Yvonne OCD issue.


dr_nick_riviera wrote:

JC_Man wrote:

What do you expect when politicians give away tax breaks/abatements like candy at Halloween to developers?

What do you expect when NIMBYs/Yvonne do everything they can to prevent new housing from being built and scuttle upzoning?

I'll have you know that I graduated with top honors from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College and I run Jersey City's top discount surgery clinic.

I'm even willing to do the public a great service and give Yvonne a lobotomy that she so desperately needs completely free.

Gezzzz... not sure a morose DB personality like yours can be fixed but we can only hope that you will seek the help you desperately need.

Posted on: 2018/11/17 3:11

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2015/11/21 22:12
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TheBigGuy wrote:
You really are an insufferable DB with your Yvonne hysterics... have no idea what kind of a doctor you are, but you really should seek help with this Yvonne OCD issue.


dr_nick_riviera wrote:

JC_Man wrote:

What do you expect when politicians give away tax breaks/abatements like candy at Halloween to developers?

What do you expect when NIMBYs/Yvonne do everything they can to prevent new housing from being built and scuttle upzoning?

I'll have you know that I graduated with top honors from Hollywood Upstairs Medical College and I run Jersey City's top discount surgery clinic.

I'm even willing to do the public a great service and give Yvonne a lobotomy that she so desperately needs completely free.

Posted on: 2018/11/17 2:06

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2009/5/12 22:51
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You really are an insufferable DB with your Yvonne hysterics... have no idea what kind of a doctor you are, but you really should seek help with this Yvonne OCD issue.


dr_nick_riviera wrote:

JC_Man wrote:

What do you expect when politicians give away tax breaks/abatements like candy at Halloween to developers?

What do you expect when NIMBYs/Yvonne do everything they can to prevent new housing from being built and scuttle upzoning?

Posted on: 2018/11/16 22:59

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2015/11/21 22:12
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nafco wrote:
Be happy youre not LIC

Google will be adding 12k jobs and will probably ramp up their headcount faster than Amazon. Don't forget they're in the Chelsea area, right off the PATH. The World Trade Center still isn't fully built out nor is it fully occupied. We're going to feel the same crunch fairly soon. There will be ancillary effects from other companies looking to relocate to cash in on the tech talent here. Every parking lot in the city needs to be torn up and and high density housing built.

Posted on: 2018/11/16 19:29

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2007/8/1 19:34
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Be happy youre not LIC

Posted on: 2018/11/16 17:24

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2015/11/21 22:12
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JC_Man wrote:

What do you expect when politicians give away tax breaks/abatements like candy at Halloween to developers?

What do you expect when NIMBYs/Yvonne do everything they can to prevent new housing from being built and scuttle upzoning?

Posted on: 2018/11/16 3:41

Re: Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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What do you expect when politicians give away tax breaks/abatements like candy at Halloween to developers?

Posted on: 2018/11/16 3:31

Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge
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2005/3/21 20:01
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Jersey City bursting at seams with population surge


JERSEY CITY, N.J. ? The allure of Jersey City is undeniable. There?s night life, luxury high rises with Manhattan views, and great neighborhoods where you can happily raise a family.

But there?s a big problem: Jersey City is no longer the Garden State?s best kept secret.

City services are straining to keep up with an explosion in the city?s population: There are only a handful of elevator inspectors on duty at any given time, streets are routinely littered with trash, public roads could use some love, and the path train system -- run by the joint state Port Authority of New York and New Jersey -- is the epitome of pure chaos during the morning rush.

To sum it all up, Jersey City is bursting at its seams.

"It gets very packed and very overheated on the trains as well at times,? said commuter Brett Davis.

Tim Evans, a research director at non-profit organization New Jersey Future, says between the years 2010 and 2017, Jersey City?s population grew over 9 percent -- almost four times the rate of growth for the entire state during the same time period.

In the section of town known as the Gold Coast, there are plenty of luxury high rises but not enough classrooms.

Marilyn Noestes is a Jersey City native and retired educator who taught in the city for almost four decades.

?I know they?re trying to save the tax payers money... but if you don?t provide the services, they?re not going to keep coming," Noestes said. "There are like four or five high rises being built in the Paulus Hook area... it?s a lot of people."

The problem of too many people and not enough services also extends to the city?s less affluent neighborhoods.

Lisa, who wanted her identity concealed out of fear her comments could negatively impact her job, says she and her neighbors at the Booker T. Washington Public Housing Development and other struggling neighborhoods feel forgotten.

?We're saying we?re building up Jersey City," Lisa said. "We?re building up around certain areas... you got downtown -- they take care of that real good -- you go downtown and you in a whole different world."

?They have every right to ask us a city, as well as the other government agencies, what are we doing with transportation, what are we doing with our streets, what are we doing with city services, what is our plan to handle all the new people," first year city councilman James Soloman said. "I think, as a city, we need to do a better job."

Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop says he?s proud of the fact his administration has increased the size of the police and fire departments, and will continue to put pressure on the port authority to increase capacity on the path train. But Fulop also acknowledges Jersey City is experiencing growing pains that will take time to address.

"There?s always going to be a sentiment that we can do always more," Fulop said. "I appreciate that. We?re always striving to do more... but i think we?re doing a lot on the affordability, I think we?re doing a lot on the transportation, we?re doing a lot on schools, and we?ll continue to do more."

Video: ... ms-with-population-surge/

Posted on: 2018/11/16 3:18

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