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Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Just think of how many bridges we could fix with all the tax payer money we are spending on Trump's frequent vacations and housing Melania in the NYC tower she's too humiliated to leave. Can't wait to see the final tally and you foaming at the mouth to defend it like a good little chump.
Posted on: 2017/2/23 17:53
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
Nice job ignoring facts and just breezing past the part where you are WRONG. It was the staff with the outbreak not the immigrants and health officials confirmed it was the fault of AMERICANS for not being up to date. But so very Christian of you to think about yourself when there are people fleeing for their lives. But my parking!!! Enjoy hell Yvonne! Pretty sure if you're into that sort of thing it's where all the Trump supporters will end up.
Posted on: 2017/2/23 17:47
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
I agree with you 100%, but the good guys won this issue. It's over, and we will get the illegal immigration crackdown we have desperately needed for years.
Posted on: 2017/2/23 17:26
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
No one talks about the cost of immigrantion, we spend billions when you add healthcare, education, housing but in the meantime, there is no money for bridges and tunnels which are falling apart and will becoma a tragedy. The illegal immigrant population will become part of the 47% that do not pay taxes.
Posted on: 2017/2/23 16:55
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
I'm assuming you're talking about the southern "Dixiecrats" who were (to use the current vernacular) "Democrat In Name Only," and started joining the Republican party as soon as that happened in the 1960s.
Posted on: 2017/2/23 12:20
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
Yes, I did read the article. The US was tardy in vaccinating the immigrants, but let's get real, vaccines are also available in other countries. The immigrants were not vaccinated. If nothing else, the UN does give out vaccines. There are other health problems like diabetes and heart disease which also puts a strain on our health care system. ... ncy/2013/05/09/id/503579/
Posted on: 2017/2/23 2:06
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
I guess you missed all the votes on civil rights in the sixties that Democrats opposed and Republicans supported . . .
Posted on: 2017/2/23 2:03
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
And you do know that the parties have swapped roles in the liberal/conservative spectrum in the late 1800s thru early 1900s. The Republican Party started out as the liberal extreme, they have now finally made it to the conservative extreme. Oh wait, no education, eh?
Posted on: 2017/2/23 1:45
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
You're really going to hate it in Australia. Not only do they have a sensible immigration policy, which President Trump is finally implementing here, but they wiped out their Aborigines and treated them like shit. All of the problems you claim to have with the US are even worse over there. Lol!
Posted on: 2017/2/23 1:34
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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My family were peasants in Europe while the slave trade was active all over the world, and you do know it was other black Africans who rounded up other black Africans and sold them, right?
But I'm sure glad we had President Lincoln and the Republican party to end slavery.
Posted on: 2017/2/23 0:45
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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I guess when it came to kidnapping / slavery it was ok and to also deny them of their culture, tradition and beliefs ... not to mention denying the native american the same ... the US citizen can be a narcissistic, bizarre and hypocritical species ... maybe we shouldn't of allowed all the jews and european refugees after the first and second world wars too!
Posted on: 2017/2/23 0:19
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
Great- now actually read the article you shared because it literally states that the health officials say residents want to blame the migrants but the larger problem is actually the declining vaccination rate in Arizona. The first line of the article even points out that they are pressing federal officials for better cooperation because some of the EMPLOYEES were slow to be vaccinated. I'm sure Trump propping up all these anti-science morons will only increase this issue and then you get to read some article from Fox News that tells you it's just all the brown people bringing measles in.
Posted on: 2017/2/22 23:09
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Quote: ... -center-arizona.html?_r=0
Posted on: 2017/2/22 22:06
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Posted on: 2017/2/22 21:39
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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Glad you decided to deflect to contagious diseases. Here's how Trump is helping the anti vaccine movement! ... ml?utm_term=.f77366ed6fee These problems already exist because of American citizens trusting fake ass news and ignoring actual science.
Posted on: 2017/2/22 21:35
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
Hey, TonyTwoPoops, what a silly name, now returning to the subject, the USA is 5% of the world's population. We cannot allow people in that want to come in, we will be taxing people to death, as it is we are pushing that debt off to the future. Futhermore, immigration is a privilege not a right.
It is wrong to compare the immigration from the early 20th century to now. First, there was plenty of jobs, second, Ellis Island did a health check, unlike today where people enter some are very sick and diseases like measles have returned. Unfortunately, a few people do die from mealses. But there are more serious diseases coming here like leprosy which rarely makes the paper, but it was reported at Beth Israel some years ago. TB is high with the immigrant population and this is deadly for American seniors. The European immigrants built their own Catholic schools so they were not a burden on taxpayers. NJ spends $20,000 each on student and there is no distinction on American citizens and non-American citizens on education. Many hospitals were used by recent immigrants that some went out of business, I remember an article from the New York Tmes in 2002 on this very subject.
Posted on: 2017/2/22 19:51
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
1) I don't humor Fox News by reading anything they publish. Next time pick a source without racial and religious bias. 2) ... ecame-us-citizens/316082/ This breaks down exactly how the family was vetted when they got here. By your logic since we can't predict the actions of children or perform a vigorous background check due to them being CHILDREN we should just send them back and let them die? How very Christian of you! You aren't even making the point you think you're making- you just proved there's no way to predict who will become a terrorists. But if we do want to go by statistics it's white men who were born and raised here.
Posted on: 2017/2/22 19:21
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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We let in the Boston Bombers family and their children said thanks by creating a bomb. We also paid for other fees. Russia also warned us about this family but we ignored this. ... otel-lawyers-and-security
Posted on: 2017/2/22 18:41
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
Well - first of all, nice deflection on you being the worst kind of religious zealot. "I know people are getting blown up but what about my parking spots???!!" Your idea of shutting off any chance of exit from the country in distress by not allowing anyone to seek refuge elsewhere because it will somehow force them to figure out a resolution is absolutely stupid. You are essentially blocking all the exits of a building on fire with that strategy. Be glad there is no actual hell because that line of thought certainly guarantees you'll end up there if there is one. Look at Aleppo and tell me how well that strategy of yours works. Also you don't think refugees are fleeing for their lives? Do you read anything besides JCList? Can you point out Syria on a map?
Posted on: 2017/2/22 18:28
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2014/7/30 17:07 Last Login : 2018/12/18 3:14 From Hamiliton Park
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Only in Jersey City can we start a thread about refugees and bring up parking.
On a side note, I just returned from Canada. They looked at my passport and boarding pass. They did not ask if I had a job. They just waved me through. You don't need a visa to visit Canada. Of course you won't be able to work but nobody's stopping anyone from enjoying a nice vacation up north.
Posted on: 2017/2/22 18:00
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
So everyone who comes here is fleeing for their lives? I doubt that. By the way there is the negative to immigration that no one talks about. Let's compare Cuba and Poland. Many Cubans people flee here and Castro until his death and friends are still in power more than 60 years later. When President Reagan saw the uprising of the Polish people against Communism, he closed the borders to the USA. The people had to address this problem. We know what happened. They won and they have freedom. Cuba is still under a dictatorship.
Posted on: 2017/2/22 17:41
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
LOL... at least the ones planning to move to DTJC. They should be issued Citi Bike Passes to avoid that kind of problem.
Posted on: 2017/2/22 16:58
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
Just want to clarify something- you are allegedly super religious ....but you want to send people who are fleeing for their lives back to a certain death because you need the parking spots?
Posted on: 2017/2/22 16:50
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
You're absolutely right Yvonne
Posted on: 2017/2/22 16:22
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
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2009/3/19 15:20 Last Login : 2020/6/2 11:06 From Scenic McGinley Square
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Posted on: 2017/2/22 16:21
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
When people come here illegally, it also forces American citizens to compete with them for resources, for something as simple as a parking space to something major as an apartment. Then there is a cost of education and the impact of our healthcare. There has been articles of measles outbreak and TB among illegal immigrants.
Posted on: 2017/2/22 16:05
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
Once again.... people are not against legal immigration. There is a process in place to enter not only this country, but 99% of the countries around the world. There is no reason why someone illegally entering the country should go to the head of the immigration line and before the people already in line. With a rare exception, most immigrants do not come to the USA with the intent of committing mass murder. Progressive like to talk about how time has changed the interpretation of the Constitution. Time and the hard realities of the world today have also changed the nature of how we must review the backgrounds of immigrants. Letting the basic entry standards slip to zero endangers all people living in the USA. The amazing thing is that all this immigration stuff was "fixed" by congress in 1986. What happened?
Posted on: 2017/2/22 15:41
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
awww aren't you cute with all that blood on your hands?
Posted on: 2017/2/22 15:40
Re: Activists drape 'Refugees Welcome' banner on Statue of Liberty
Home away from home
And I've gone to Canada and been waived right through the border with them checking nothing except my ID. You're not making any point. Literally the point of your story was "They went through my son's stuff while he was trying to visit Canada and then made a comment that jobs are only for locals." Save yourself some typing next time. Just because you make a story long winded doesn't mean it actually has a point. Also no one believes any second hand story you relay because this entire forum is filled with bullshit half baked stories from you that no one except Monroe and JCman8 believe because they are equally as clueless and terrified of reality as you are.
Posted on: 2017/2/22 15:39