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Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2012/8/6 22:56
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JCMan8 wrote:
You are being obtuse and dangerous.

Odd, it seems to me that you're the dangerous one, as you are fear-mongering and spreading hatred.

These Muslim refugees and Muslim immigrants have committed violent crimes and bombings everywhere they have entered.

News flash! Christians also commit crimes, including walking into crowded places and shooting up the joint. Should we block them from immigrating, too?

They have degraded the quality of life in France and other sections of Europe.

No, Muslims are not "degrading the quality of life" in France. They are being shoved into ghettos as a result of discrimination by the French. I really don't see how it is their fault when the French colonized numerous Muslim nations, screwed up those nations including via violent suppression of independence movement, and then spit on them when they immigrated to France (legally) and looked for work.

But hey, who cares about decades of history that cause modern problems, when we can just say "MUSLIMS BAD!!!"

A Somali immigrant stabbed 9 people in a MN mall...

Dylan Roof walked into a church and shot (and killed) 9 people. Are you now going to suggest we demonize every white Christian 22 year old man as a result?

Hillary proposes to bring in hundreds of thousands more Muslim immigrants and refugees. This is the LAST thing we should be doing.


Most of the people who are committing these attacks were in the US for years before they were radicalized. Others enter the US on tourist visas. Why bother going through a 2-year long vetting process, when you can enter the US on a six-month tourist visa?

And there is nothing in the Constitution that requires us to take ANY of these people, let alone increasing the number we take in.

We don't have to allow refugees to enter the US. However, the Constitution is very clear that we cannot bar people from entering the US on the basis of religion.

There is no benefit to allowing their immigration and a lot of cost. So it should be halted. It's simple, though people like you try to make the issue far more complicated than it needs to be.

Meaning what, you don't actually want to think about difficult political issues? Impressive

The "benefit" is that the refugees are human beings, escaping from a conflict that we have gotten involved in and exacerbated by decades of meddling in the affairs of their nation and their neighbors -- including the pointless and trumped-up invasion of Iraq. Syrians are fleeing a bloody war, and need the help of many nations.

We're also a nation of immigrants. It wasn't that long ago that the Irish, Italians, Germans and others -- people who are now assimilated -- were the ones striking fear of terrorism into the heart of nativists all over the US. Should we have halted all Italians from immigrating, because of Italian anarchists sent a bunch of mail bombs to politicians? (Heck, I bet a bunch of Trump followers would love nothing more than to hear about Democratic Senators receiving bombs in the mail...)

Plus, the reality is that while terrorism gets a lot of headlines, it does very little harm to the US as a whole. Here's a little perspective for you.

Deaths in US in 2013
Total US deaths: 2,596,993
Heart disease: 614,348
Cancer: 591,699
Accidents: 136,053
Stroke: 133,103
Diabetes: 76,488
Induced by Alcohol: 29,001
Killed by police: at least 1,104
Killed in mass shootings: 567
Terrorism: 7

So go ahead, tell me again how terrorism is so disastrous for this nation that we need to decimate our values of religious freedom, of helping other nations, of immigration, of tolerance in order to stop it. Go ahead, look right that the Statue of Liberty, right off our city's shores, and tell us that.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 19:25

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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Yvonne wrote:

HelenaJC wrote:
Historically, the term 'terrorism' refers to a deadly act done in the name of political, racial, or religious ideology. Large-scale killings perpetuated for the sake of violence is not the same thing as terrorism, although both are reprehensible and both cause terror.

For this reason, it is customary for most officials to wait to label it until a motive is established.

It is fine to dispute the need for such distinctions, but you can't pretend that this distinction doesn't exist.

Personally, I don't see the harm in waiting to make pronouncements until more information is available. It's not as if every lead won't be examined, etc. To me, this just shows prudence and level-headedness on the part of authorities.


bodhipooh wrote:

Monroe wrote:
We don't have a clue who did it, but Comrade de Blasio has no clue if he's saying that there is no link to terrorism. It may not be Muslims, or some right or left wing nutjob, but it was meant to cause terror.

I thought the same thing... on the one hand he states in no uncertain terms that the device and explosion were on purpose, but then goes on to deny it has any links to terrorism. I don't think he understands the meaning of that word. Perhaps he meant to say that there is no known link to terrorist organizations, or Islamic terrorism, but a premeditated bomb explosion is terrorism, no ifs or buts about it.

So you choose to ignore what happened in St. Cloud, where ISIS is claiming this person is their soldier and there is a link between the bombs in NY and NJ. Personally, I wish it is a kid playing with bombs, but it will not be the case. It wasn't in Boston, Orlando, and all the other places. No one wants to think terrorism is in their backyard. I have to say, people like you are just as scary as the terrorists. We cannot have a rational policy to protect this country because you are afraid of offending someone.

Many years ago, my brother drove a cab in California when he was attending college. One of drivers was Muslim and he said this country is stupid, he continued to say we will over take this country because of your freedom. Apparently, that driver was not boasting but telling the agenda of some who believe in martyrdom.
there is nothing that either Clinton or trump to prevent lone wolf attacks except turn the us into a place state, and I doubt even that would work. Imo, isis would prefer trump who could be a great marketing tool for isis

Posted on: 2016/9/19 19:23

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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I_heart_JC wrote:
Trump has already put us in danger.

His anti-Muslim, us-vs-them rhetoric is doing more for ISIS recruitment than the promise of 72 virgins.

His claim that "Obama is the architect of ISIS" is being taken seriously in parts of the Muslim world, and is sowing distrust and furthering division.

A Trump victory in November is exactly what ISIS is praying for, and we can brace ourselves for more of these attacks in their attempt to make it so.

You've got it backwards.

A Hillary victory in November is exactly what ISIS is praying for, so they will have more agents here due to Hillary accepting hundreds of thousands of new Muslim "refugees" and immigrants, and we can brace ourselves for more of these attacks if she gets in.

After all, France has the most Muslims in Europe, and their Prime Minister already told his people to "get used" to these attacks. That's our future under Hillary.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 19:02

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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I_heart_JC wrote:
Trump has already put us in danger.

His anti-Muslim, us-vs-them rhetoric is doing more for ISIS recruitment than the promise of 72 virgins.

His claim that "Obama is the architect of ISIS" is being taken seriously in parts of the Muslim world, and is sowing distrust and furthering division.

A Trump victory in November is exactly what ISIS is praying for, and we can brace ourselves for more of these attacks in their attempt to make it so.

Amen! if Trump wins this is our new reality.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:58

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jerseymom wrote:

Meanwhile in Gotham, has the bomber revealed him/herself?

Edit - 2pm - the tumblr page has been taken down - here is the "manifesto" content that was posted:

It's pretty funny that jerseymom has completely abandoned this thread once she realized that the bombers were in fact Muslim, and that tumblr manifesto was just some jackass trying to stir up shit.

It's obviously a good idea to wait for evidence before making accusations, but it's also dumb to try and yell about it not being Muslims before you have the facts either.

At first, due to the amateurish nature I figured it could just be just some punks or a nutjob like the Atlanta Olympics bomber. But I'd be dishonest if I said I didn't immediately assume it was a Muslim as well, because surprise surprise, that's how it usually turns out.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:57

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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Trump has already put us in danger.

His anti-Muslim, us-vs-them rhetoric is doing more for ISIS recruitment than the promise of 72 virgins.

His claim that "Obama is the architect of ISIS" is being taken seriously in parts of the Muslim world, and is sowing distrust and furthering division.

A Trump victory in November is exactly what ISIS is praying for, and we can brace ourselves for more of these attacks in their attempt to make it so.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:56

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Dolomiti wrote:

Yvonne wrote:
As I said before, the danger is from two sources, the terrorists and the people in government who rationalizes their behavior. They are just as scary as the terrorists.

Good grief

Explaining behavior is a critical step in figuring out why people engage in certain types of criminal and/or terrorist acts. It is definitely not the same thing as excusing it.

Meanwhile, blaming Syrian war refugees because of the actions of an Afghani-born naturalized US citizen makes no sense whatsoever, and yes that's hateful. Proclaiming that there are parts of European cities that are made awful by Muslims is not only Islamophobic, it's ignorant and hateful. Such statements do not bring us any understanding, and certainly do not prevent these types of attacks.

Comment #112 - NY Times article, ISIS came in with Syrian refugees. Please re-read.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:55

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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Yvonne wrote:
As I said before, the danger is from two sources, the terrorists and the people in government who rationalizes their behavior. They are just as scary as the terrorists.

Good grief

Explaining behavior is a critical step in figuring out why people engage in certain types of criminal and/or terrorist acts. It is definitely not the same thing as excusing it.

Meanwhile, blaming Syrian war refugees because of the actions of an Afghani-born naturalized US citizen makes no sense whatsoever, and yes that's hateful. Proclaiming that there are parts of European cities that are made awful by Muslims is not only Islamophobic, it's ignorant and hateful. Such statements do not bring us any understanding, and certainly do not prevent these types of attacks.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:47

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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Christine wrote:
I'm not rationalizing anything. What solutions does Trump bring up? I would love to hear them. I don't mean blanket promises that are unconstitutional. I mean REAL solutions.

If he is elected, it's not because "people are fed up...," it's because some people refuse to educate themselves on what IS constitutional, executable and reality based. We can all run around like 5th graders promising a longer lunch period if we are elected class president...but adults know better, right? Or do they?

Yvonne wrote:

You and others on this blog rationalize behavior. This country cannot fix problems because you are afraid rights will be harm. Whether it is people dying over drugs or bombs, Americans are dying due to our porous borders and liberal policy on immigration. I have no respect for Trump but he does bring up solutions to problems. If he is elected it is because people are fed up this the liberal agenda in this country.

It appears you are the one in need of an education.

As has been stated elsewhere in this thread, there is NOTHING unconstitutional about banning future immigration of Muslims.

I will quote the facts, which you seem unaware of:

This is patently untrue. The Constitution does not apply to foreigners outside of the USA. Congress has and can bar any foreign national, for any reason, which includes religion, political beliefs, and national origin. Congress has been doing this since the founding of the Republic (which actually restricted Germans.. at the behest of men like Benjamin Franklin).

The President doesn't even need to wait for Congress to act. The President has the power to bar immigrants by executive order. Carter did this with the Iranians during the hostage crises. Congress authorized this executive power back in 1952 and it is still the law today.

So Trump has proposed solutions. They may not be what you want to hear, but they are constitutional solutions that will benefit us all.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:43

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Christine wrote:
I'm not rationalizing anything. What solutions does Trump bring up? I would love to hear them. I don't mean blanket promises that are unconstitutional. I mean REAL solutions.

If he is elected, it's not because "people are fed up...," it's because some people refuse to educate themselves on what IS constitutional, executable and reality based. We can all run around like 5th graders promising a longer lunch period if we are elected class president...but adults know better, right? Or do they?

Yvonne wrote:

You and others on this blog rationalize behavior. This country cannot fix problems because you are afraid rights will be harm. Whether it is people dying over drugs or bombs, Americans are dying due to our porous borders and liberal policy on immigration. I have no respect for Trump but he does bring up solutions to problems. If he is elected it is because people are fed up this the liberal agenda in this country.

Building a wall is a solution and stopping immigration is another. Those are solutions that liberals do not like. Trump and Clinton both have flaws. But the countries that took in immigrants are being torn apart with chaos and Poland which refuses is not dealing with terrorism in their country.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:43

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I'm not rationalizing anything. What solutions does Trump bring up? I would love to hear them. I don't mean blanket promises that are unconstitutional. I mean REAL solutions.

If he is elected, it's not because "people are fed up...," it's because some people refuse to educate themselves on what IS constitutional, executable and reality based. We can all run around like 5th graders promising a longer lunch period if we are elected class president...but adults know better, right? Or do they?

Yvonne wrote:

You and others on this blog rationalize behavior. This country cannot fix problems because you are afraid rights will be harm. Whether it is people dying over drugs or bombs, Americans are dying due to our porous borders and liberal policy on immigration. I have no respect for Trump but he does bring up solutions to problems. If he is elected it is because people are fed up this the liberal agenda in this country.[/quote]

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:34

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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Christine wrote:

Yvonne wrote:

Christine wrote:
When I see things like, "maybe Trump is right," it sickens me. Right about what? That we can build walls to fix our problems?? Maybe the United States can become one huge labyrinth with signs saying who can go into which area.

We live in a world of social media and constant changes the approach from physical barriers to something far more sophisticated.

When someone shows you their character as he has, believe what you see. I see someone who is wholly interested in self promotion, blatantly ignorant of how this country operates and intellectually incurious. Am I missing something?

As I said before, what is just as dangerous as terrorist, are the liberals who justify their behavior or rationalize it. You are the reason the borders are porous and this country has problems. People are dying from the drugs coming from our southern borders. I read somewhere in the 1990s, the USA consumes 70% of all illegal drugs, yet we are 5% of the population. Now we have terrorists bent on killing Americans. There are two problems terrorists and liberals.

Yvonne, what is your story?? I write a comment and I AM THE REASON this country has problems? Right there, you need to recognize that YOU have serious problems. Not everyone lives in your dystopian nonreality. I refuse to.

You and others on this blog rationalize behavior. This country cannot fix problems because you are afraid rights will be harm. Whether it is people dying over drugs or bombs, Americans are dying due to our porous borders and liberal policy on immigration. I have no respect for Trump but he does bring up solutions to problems. If he is elected it is because people are fed up this the liberal agenda in this country.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:23

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Yvonne wrote:

Christine wrote:
When I see things like, "maybe Trump is right," it sickens me. Right about what? That we can build walls to fix our problems?? Maybe the United States can become one huge labyrinth with signs saying who can go into which area.

We live in a world of social media and constant changes the approach from physical barriers to something far more sophisticated.

When someone shows you their character as he has, believe what you see. I see someone who is wholly interested in self promotion, blatantly ignorant of how this country operates and intellectually incurious. Am I missing something?

As I said before, what is just as dangerous as terrorist, are the liberals who justify their behavior or rationalize it. You are the reason the borders are porous and this country has problems. People are dying from the drugs coming from our southern borders. I read somewhere in the 1990s, the USA consumes 70% of all illegal drugs, yet we are 5% of the population. Now we have terrorists bent on killing Americans. There are two problems terrorists and liberals.

Yvonne, what is your story?? I write a comment and I AM THE REASON this country has problems? Right there, you need to recognize that YOU have serious problems. Not everyone lives in your dystopian nonreality. I refuse to.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:13

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user1111 wrote:
Trump was never right and never will be right. The deplorable bunch will say anything.

They do have their own T-shirt line though

Posted on: 2016/9/19 18:08

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Christine wrote:
When I see things like, "maybe Trump is right," it sickens me. Right about what? That we can build walls to fix our problems?? Maybe the United States can become one huge labyrinth with signs saying who can go into which area.

We live in a world of social media and constant changes the approach from physical barriers to something far more sophisticated.

When someone shows you their character as he has, believe what you see. I see someone who is wholly interested in self promotion, blatantly ignorant of how this country operates and intellectually incurious. Am I missing something?

As I said before, what is just as dangerous as terrorist, are the liberals who justify their behavior or rationalize it. You are the reason the borders are porous and this country has problems. People are dying from the drugs coming from our southern borders. I read somewhere in the 1990s, the USA consumes 70% of all illegal drugs, yet we are 5% of the population. Now we have terrorists bent on killing Americans. There are two problems terrorists and liberals.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 17:59

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Trump was never right and never will be right. The deplorable bunch will say anything.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 17:57

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When I see things like, "maybe Trump is right," it sickens me. Right about what? That we can build walls to fix our problems?? Maybe the United States can become one huge labyrinth with signs saying who can go into which area.

We live in a world of social media and constant changes the approach from physical barriers to something far more sophisticated.

When someone shows you their character as he has, believe what you see. I see someone who is wholly interested in self promotion, blatantly ignorant of how this country operates and intellectually incurious. Am I missing something?

Posted on: 2016/9/19 17:53

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Terrorists came in with the refugee population ... y-refugees-isis.html?_r=0

Posted on: 2016/9/19 17:52

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manu wrote:

So do you stop immigration from a set of pre-defined list of countries (what countries would that be?) or immigration all together?

I would include in a list just about all of North Africa and the Mid East. Too much trouble come from these nations, in particular, Saudi Arabia. No residency, no student visas, heavily restricted business travel visas.

I want us out of the refugee game as well. Europe (in particular France) is lurching towards all out civil war by allowing in waves of culturally incompatible, if not outright hostile peoples. The United States will end up in the same boat with our current policies.

Outside of spouses & children of US citizens and certain special cases (i.e. people who worked with the US military and now need refuge, a Telsa level genius) I want immigration to be brought back to the level of where it was pre 1965. This includes getting rid of the badly abused work visas such as H1B.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 17:43

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Dolomiti wrote:

1) In the 1920s, the Big Fear (specifically, the Red Scare) was over anarchists and Bolsheviks who were, wait for it... mostly immigrants of Italian descent. Today, for some strange reason, we regard Italians as thoroughly assimilated -- despite describing them in the same terms as we do Muslims today. What a surprise.

The "big fear" (which started before 1920) was because the above mentioned groups were responsible for a wave of terror attacks in Europe (bombing of a theater in Spain and a restaurant in Paris). The violence made it to the USA which included the assignation of a US President, package bombs, and a huge bomb being set off on Wall Street.

From early in the 20th Century, a series of immigration acts were passed by Congress to restrict immigration in part to stop those of a certain ideology that was violently opposed to the culture & government of the USA. Anarchists were deported (several hundred). However, they were mostly Russian and not Italian.

In 1924 immigration was pretty much shutdown. A trickle was let in and was biased towards people from Northwestern Europe (the % from each country was based on how many were here already). From 1924 on, the US Government actively deported people on the order of thousands per year. Many were because they had no valid visas (couldn't be vetted). Other cases were deported those active in the criminal world. There were several famous mobsters who were shipped out of the country.. but I can't recall their names at the moment. The feds also actively deported people here illegally. FDR removed over a million illegals from Mexico during the Great Depression.

Resized Image

2) No, there is absolutely no requirement that immigrants absorb our culture -- nor is it clear what that means anyway. What they are required to do is the same thing as every other citizen and immigrant, namely obey the law.

They are required to become competent in English (poorly enforced today) and have a basic understanding of US history.
That is part of our 'culture'. In additional, the requirement is to have residency for a certain number of years. Though not explicitly stated, it is implied the waiting period is to give time for a immigrant to assimilate to the point where this part of the pledge actually means something:

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen

3) It is unconstitutional and illegal to bar Muslims from the United States.

This is patently untrue. The Constitution does not apply to foreigners outside of the USA. Congress has and can bar any foreign national, for any reason, which includes religion, political beliefs, and national origin. Congress has been doing this since the founding of the Republic (which actually restricted Germans.. at the behest of men like Benjamin Franklin).

The President doesn't even need to wait for Congress to act. The President has the power to bar immigrants by executive order. Carter did this with the Iranians during the hostage crises. Congress authorized this executive power back in 1952 and it is still the law today.

To wit: What [b]exact policies does he offer, to stop a lone terrorist who plants several pressure cooker bombs? What would he do to prevent this? Is he going to denaturalize every single Muslim in the United States?[/b]

A good start would be to stop letting them in. The United States is under no legal obligation to let in anyone and everyone who want to come here. We did fine with almost eliminating immigration for 60+ years.

Resized Image

Posted on: 2016/9/19 17:35

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Yvonne wrote:

user1111 wrote:
Because America and Europe are responsible, they are the one who are bombing these people country for the last 15 years.

And the Saudi princes are the one who financed 9/11, the reason for the lawsuits that Obama wants to dismiss. Besides, the Syrian refugees has to do with the Arab Spring, not 9/11. Let's keep the facts straight.

There was no terrorism prior to 15yrs ago? Please go back to sleep.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 17:28

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Pope Francis said we are at a piece meal 3rd world war. You don't allow your enemies in if you are at war. I do not think the average Muslim wants to kill Americans but no one can distinguish between a good or bad Muslim who wants to harm Americans. There is nothing wrong with stopping immigration from countries where terrorism exists. How long I don't know. But the idea that Hillary wants to bring in 500,000 Syrians is wrong.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 17:21

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MDM wrote:

manu wrote:

You mean that Trump's 'extreme vetting' plan would not work as vetting isn't possible?

No, unless we occupy the whole damn country and build up a database on the citizenry there over a period of years. We kind of can do this with some of the Afghans and Iraqis (the ones that worked for the US military). Pretty much anyone else, it is impossible.

The only thing that will work is to not bring in any of these people in the first place.

So do you stop immigration from a set of pre-defined list of countries (what countries would that be?) or immigration all together?

Posted on: 2016/9/19 17:14

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user1111 wrote:
Because America and Europe are responsible, they are the one who are bombing these people country for the last 15 years.

And the Saudi princes are the one who financed 9/11, the reason for the lawsuits that Obama wants to dismiss. Besides, the Syrian refugees has to do with the Arab Spring, not 9/11. Let's keep the facts straight.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 16:40

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Because America and Europe are responsible, they are the one who are bombing these people country for the last 15 years.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 16:37

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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For some reason Saudi Arabic refuses to take in one refugee? So why must Europe and the USA shoulder the burden? ... -a-single-syrian-refugee/

Posted on: 2016/9/19 16:34

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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They ALL need to be rerouted to the wealthy Islamic gulf countries were they can rejoice in Islam and play "Chicken Night in Mecca" on a daily basis.

ISIS is now very successful in pulling naturalized muzzie extremists who can operate freely within our borders, it's a cancer and when removing a tumor all remnants must also get cut out otherwise it will quickly grow back.

Maybe Trump is right ?


Posted on: 2016/9/19 16:24

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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Dolomiti wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
Of course that was his name. Of course that was his religion.

When we hear about a mass shooting at a school, no one is surprised when it turns out to be a white Christian who is a natural-born citizen.

It wasn't that long ago that it was Irish Catholics bombing the UK, or white middle-class hippies bombing the US.

There are plenty of white conservative gun owners who have suggested resorting to violence if the government tries to seize their weapons (a policy that no one in the government has actually suggested btw).

To deluded people like Jerseymom....

There is no "delusion" involved when someone says "wait for the evidence."

People who are unwilling to integrate into our society and culture SHOULD NOT be allowed to immigrate.

1) In the 1920s, the Big Fear (specifically, the Red Scare) was over anarchists and Bolsheviks who were, wait for it... mostly immigrants of Italian descent. Today, for some strange reason, we regard Italians as thoroughly assimilated -- despite describing them in the same terms as we do Muslims today. What a surprise.

2) No, there is absolutely no requirement that immigrants absorb our culture -- nor is it clear what that means anyway. What they are required to do is the same thing as every other citizen and immigrant, namely obey the law.

And no, a tiny handful of the 3.3 million Muslims causing problems is not sufficient to bar entire communities.

3) It is unconstitutional and illegal to bar Muslims from the United States.

Trump is right. Enlarging ghettos of Muslims does not advance American interests and in fact endangers us.

Trump has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. My cat is better qualified to deal with the problems of domestic terrorism than he is.

To wit: What exact policies does he offer, to stop a lone terrorist who plants several pressure cooker bombs? What would he do to prevent this? Is he going to denaturalize every single Muslim in the United States?

You are being obtuse and dangerous.

These Muslim refugees and Muslim immigrants have committed violent crimes and bombings everywhere they have entered. They have degraded the quality of life in France and other sections of Europe.

A Somali immigrant stabbed 9 people in a MN mall, connected with ISIS, on the same day an Afghan immigrant planted bombs in Seaside Heights, Elizabeth, and NYC.

Hillary proposes to bring in hundreds of thousands more Muslim immigrants and refugees. This is the LAST thing we should be doing. And there is nothing in the Constitution that requires us to take ANY of these people, let alone increasing the number we take in.

There is no benefit to allowing their immigration and a lot of cost. So it should be halted. It's simple, though people like you try to make the issue far more complicated than it needs to be.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 16:12

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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lol okay. Yeah.


iGreg wrote:

may you have a 1000 sons and each one be named Mohammed.

#Bismillah !


Asif wrote:
BITCH PLEASE! She doesn't have to do a thing you say!


iGreg wrote:

jerseymom wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
There was also just an explosion in a Virginia mall.

And an earlier explosion in a garbage in NJ.

Could be ISIS or another Muslim group.


You need to make an open apology to the group.

Posted on: 2016/9/19 16:11

Re: Large Explosion in Chelsea - 135 W. 23rd - Dumpster Destroyed
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2004/6/17 2:16
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Poland refuses to take Syrian refugees and you do no hear about bombings in their country. ... urity-fears-a7020076.html

Posted on: 2016/9/19 16:10

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