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Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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Are you giving your social security number and password to sexual predators? If not then you are another phony.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 18:07
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
Wow, well there is no arguing now that you are batsh*t crazy.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 18:00
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
Bathroom accommodation will "open it up" to rapists and molesters? Funny. You think a rapist is worried about violating bathroom gender rules? That's like saying enforcing a 20 mph speed limit around banks will prevent robbers from getting away.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 17:55
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
People here care more about their pets than children in public restrooms. If you believe in the goodness of some sexual predators, then I suggest you publish your social security numbers and security pins on your credit cards and give them to convicted predators. Our country makes the mistake of protecting people identities when they are victims. This happened in Sandy Hook, the public did not see the mutilated bodies of children so the NRA, attacked and said stupid stuff. Likewise, we don't see the victims of children and adults were sexual victims and you are now pretending that sexual attacks from both transgender and straight men will not occur. Personally, I think some people here are cooperating with evil.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 17:49
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
I agree 100000000% I am a full on woman and stand when I pee, because my ass ain't getting anywhere near that seat. There are also stalls, you know for privacy. Ugh
Posted on: 2016/4/26 17:18
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2009/6/29 19:45 Last Login : 2019/3/21 20:55 From The Heights
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Do away with bathrooms for both men and women and create one. The lines will be longer, but you're already used to that if you go out to the clubs...
issue solved.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 17:12
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
Sigh... what the census considers disabled is not the same as being handicapped and relegated to a wheelchair. That percentage is much smaller. I only mentioned the one example because that's all it takes to refute your logic. You believe that the population at large is at personal physical risk because less than 1% is transgender and allowed to share a bathroom. OK. It's your right to hold that view. I believe history will prove you are on the wrong side of this issue. As for your other question, I am probably older than you think. Over 40, if you must know. And, since you didn't refute the other contention, I guess we can assume you actually meant what you wrote? If so, yours was indeed an intellectually lazy and silly argument. You don't like being told so? Get bent.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 16:55
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
As usual, Jerseymom is spot on. You should run for Mayor, I have always been a fan of your levelheaded thinking, and look forward to your replies. Thank you.
That being said, I'm super confused about what the fuck people think goes on in public bathrooms, most of them are so disgusting I want to get in do what I have to and leave asap. Are their people looking for sex, probably in specific known cruising ones, just ask George Michael. A Transgendered person is more at risk of being attacked in a bathroom than non transgendered people are. And if anyone here thinks a straight man is going to put a dress on, shave, put make up on just to assault women you are as nuts as the rest of them, besides, I have yet to ever be in a public restroom alone, the ladies room line is always 15 people deep, women always go to the bathroom in packs. This is so stupid, look up Buck Angel, he is technically a woman, so he will be in the bathroom with your delicate female family and friends. This is all absurd to me. (note, make sure you have your google restrictions onto PG if you do look Buck up ;))
Posted on: 2016/4/26 16:12
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
Did you know that the guy who led the charge against North Carolina's bathroom law is a convicted sex offender? ... ts-effort-north-carolina/
Posted on: 2016/4/26 16:08
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
Why not just scrap all gender bathrooms and make every bathroom unisex? What's the big deal anyway?
Posted on: 2016/4/26 16:05
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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If the person is a peeping tom or a perv in the bathroom, being transgender isn't going to save them from criminal punishment. They still can't get pervy nor can they start snapping photos. Those actions remain illegal. Fact is, your wife has likely already shared a bathroom with a transgender individual and didn't know about it. Somehow, she survived.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 16:03
Dos A Cero
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2011/11/28 22:22 Last Login : 2024/9/8 19:51 From Jersey City yo!
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Of course they aren't. My wife's concern is that all sorts of pervs and peeping Toms will pretend to be transgender and access women's bathrooms. And then go ahead and prove to them in the court of law that they aren't transgender. Good luck.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 15:58
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
I don't care much for this issue either way. I think it is valid that you can't satisfy every minority class. I just have issue with Yvonne fear and hate mongering that transgender people are going to turn bathrooms into rape dens.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 15:50
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2011/11/28 22:22 Last Login : 2024/9/8 19:51 From Jersey City yo!
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I don't get it. If transgender people represent 0.5% of the society (at most), let's put laws on the books that accommodate them, along with people protected by ADA, in special bathrooms. At 0.5% (plus ADA), these bathrooms are almost always empty anyway. Unless it is not about the bathrooms at all. Unless it is about "progressives" shoving their views down everyone's throat, and calling those who are uncomfortable with their "solutions" all kinds of names. Typical.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 15:34
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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Congratulations, Yvonne. You share the same bigoted views as 700,000 other people. Considering the USA population is close to 319 million, the fact that you only have 700,000 pathetically stupid people signing onto a boycott of an extremely successful business doesn?t worry me in the slightest. There are people that still believe the earth is flat. Doesn?t make them right?
Posted on: 2016/4/26 14:55
Dos A Cero
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
I can understand many reasons why someone might feel uncomfortable. But to cite rape as your reason is ridiculous
Posted on: 2016/4/26 14:46
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2005/12/18 2:57 Last Login : 2017/9/14 20:15 From Crystal Point
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Are you serious? You say we make many accommodations yet only mention one which is the disabled. However, this is not really apples to apples. All of us have the potential to be handicapped at some time and have right to those amenities. Also, according to the census, ~20% of Americans are disabled. We are talking about 1% here that is ripe for abuse. In addition, what's with all this superfluous verbiage in bold? Does it excite you to write these insults? I'm very curious what your age is?
Posted on: 2016/4/26 14:41
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
Nearly 700,000 people have signed a petition to boycott Target. This was done in 6 days. Apparently, many people have my views, Pebble.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 14:38
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I didn't miss the second point in your letter. Your second point is just as stupid as the first! Your insipid link proves this point. There are already men out there that are dressing as women to perform criminal acts. Allowing transgenders into a bathroom doesn't create more of that.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 14:33
Dos A Cero
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Quite a regular
Yvonne, I am sure you realize that young boys are molested as well. Should men be banned from men's restrooms, so that they won't rape young boys? Seems like the easiest fix here, if we want to prevent all rapes, is to only allow men to use bathrooms in their own homes.
I just don't follow the logic of your argument, Yvonne. Rape and sexual molestation are both illegal in all places, including public restrooms. Changing the sign on the bathroom door is not going to allow or prevent crimes.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 14:29
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I?ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that I think Bill was making a joke with the latter argument. As for lumping? There is only one political party/ideology that is continually going down this path of bigotry. Since that same party likes lumping all Muslims in with terrorists, I think what?s good for the goose is good for the gander. Quote:
You prove, yet again, that your reading comprehension skills are the equivalent of a second grader. This is why you were a teacher in private schools. Their standards are far lower... Every single case in your link to a right wing opinion blog did not involve a transgender individual. They all involved guys dressing as women or guys just sneaking into a bathroom to perform acts that are presently illegal. The fact that you don?t understand this fact is further proof of your completely apparent stupidity.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 14:20
Dos A Cero
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
Here is more proof Pebble: ... dren-amanda-prestigiacomo You also miss the second point in my letter, this opens the door to men who are not transgender but will go to public restrooms to rob and rape women and girls.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 14:05
Edited by Yvonne on 2016/4/26 14:21:42
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
You put forth two losing (and, silly) arguments: as a society we make accommodations for the minority in many, many instances. In fact, you could argue that a hallmark of a civilized society is how it treats those who are at a disadvantage, in a minority, or in need of help. Let's extend your first argument: why do we inconvenience the population at large to accommodate handicapped people? We take away parking spots from the >90% of the population that is not handicapped (a clear majority!!) to make life a little easier for the handicapped. The horror. Likewise, we mandate handicapped stalls for handicapped people. How onerous and inconvenient that we have to accommodate *those* people, right? And, this brings me to your second and much sillier comment. In fact, it is a intellectually lazy argument and I sincerely hope you were just being facetious, but something tells me that is not the case... If you truly feel that allowing transgender males into bathrooms is going to make you wait longer to take a shit, I can't imagine what goes through your mind when you see a handicapped stall! Surely you think it is a waste to set aside what amounts to a disproportionate percentage of all stalls (and overall space) for what makes up a tiny portion of the population. PS - hey, Pebbles, don't be so quick to lump all "right wing" crazies with the rest of us non-liberals. Some conservatives, even some right wingers, hold more progressive ideals.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 14:05
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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You posted a video containing a cross-dresser and claim that is the equivalent of a transgender person. This shows your ignorance goes beyond all that you've written before. There has never been an issue of a transgender person assaulting someone in the bathroom. NEVER. Your fear is based on your personal bigotry and hatred. In short, you are an embarrassment of a human.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 13:49
Dos A Cero
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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I have to say, if you have to take a shit at a concert, sporting event, bar or club... your issue isn't waiting in line. Those stalls are disgusting to begin with!
Posted on: 2016/4/26 13:47
Dos A Cero
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
Home away from home
Let's take a survey from the women of Jersey City and see that they say, not what is stated here. I doubt people here represents everyone views.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 13:45
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2013/3/29 21:43 Last Login : 2023/9/5 18:27 From Bergen Hill
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Wow. You have reached beyond stupid.
Posted on: 2016/4/26 13:45
Dos A Cero
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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2005/12/18 2:57 Last Login : 2017/9/14 20:15 From Crystal Point
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I am uncomfortable because if I have to take a shit at a concert, sporting event, bar or club (any establishment with limited stalls), allowing any more type of people will make me have to hold the excrement even longer!
Posted on: 2016/4/26 13:43
Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
bill wrote: Is the world going crazy? "Estimates of the prevalence of gender dysphoria or GID range from a lower bound of 1:2000 (or about 0.05%) in the Netherlands and Belgium[2] to 0.5% of Massachusetts adults[3] to 1.2% of New Zealand high-school students.[4] These numbers are based on those who identify as transgender. It is estimated that about 0.005% to 0.014% of males and 0.002% to 0.003% of females would be diagnosed with gender dysphoria, based on current diagnostic criteria.[5]" We are letting potentially more than 99% of us to be uncomfortable in the bathroom to allow <1% to be potentially comfortable?
Posted on: 2016/4/26 13:43