Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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2009/6/29 19:45 Last Login : 2019/3/21 20:55 From The Heights
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How does Newark have a say in what happens at the airport. Isn't it the port that controls it?
Posted on: 2016/4/15 2:31
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Baraka says this about Uber: "they refuse background checks." But wasn't Baraka the one who pushed through the "ban the box" laws that prevented employers from not hiring criminals? And I love how he pulls the race card against the NAACP: Baraka has shot back, calling the company's claims the ordinance would hurt its roughly 2,000 local drivers disingenuous, and openly questioning the state NAACP's values. "(The organization's position) leaves me to wonder whether the organization of W.E.B. DuBois would side with a multi-billion dollar corporation to attack a Black leader," he said in an op-ed published on PolitickerNJ." So how does the race card work when it's a black on black attack? Does it just disintegrate in mid air?
Posted on: 2016/4/15 1:28
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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"We're asking Uber to do what Airbnb did," he said. "Uber not only doesn't want to pay their fair share, they refuse to get fingerprinted, they refuse background checks, they refuse any kind of regulation whatsoever." Baraka fires back amid mounting Uber pushback
Posted on: 2016/4/15 1:23
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Where do you live? Ubers will be available any time you need to get to the airport. Maybe you'll have to wait ~10 mins, but they're everywhere (just call it a few minutes before you're ready to leave).
Posted on: 2016/4/13 14:41
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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I used to do the same (drive myself and park with one of the discounted long term lots, such as ABC Parking) but switched to using Uber to get there and back when I realized their rates were so low that any trip over 4 days works out to a break even point, and anything longer is definitely cheaper. The advantage, of course, is not having to take a shuttle back and forth from the lot, which is more time wasted. In 3 years of almost exclusively using Uber to get to/from EWR, I have never had to wait more than a few minutes for a car. If I have a ton of time on my hands, I do take the PATH to Newark Penn and then hop on the #62, and that is a fairly quick and super cheap, of course.
Posted on: 2016/4/13 12:48
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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I took an Uber car in Hoboken not long after the news story about the police stopping people from using them, so hahahaha to Hoboken! I'll be damned if I'm going to have to stand in that long never-ending line by the PATH station, particularly when it's raining out. As for the airport, I would never take an Uber when I had a flight to catch because you can't schedule them ahead of time. I usually drive and park there - a few days at WallyPark is cheaper than any car service anyway, or I just take the NJ Transit and PATH.
Posted on: 2016/4/13 0:01
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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A friend landed in Newark last night and was "forced" to take a taxi because the PA police were cracking down on Uber drivers and after a while there weren't any cars willing to chance it. I guess they are taking a page out of the Hoboken playbook and limiting consumer choice. What a shame. Anyone who has ever been subjected to a ride in a Newark yellow taxi knows that a) they are SUPER expensive, and b) those taxis are in poor shape.
Posted on: 2016/4/12 21:34
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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Posted on: 2016/4/12 20:45
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Maybe true, but most of his ridiculous arguments could be debunked or he has nothing to back up what he's saying. I could go through and debunk most of what he says but that would be a long post and no one here would want to read it anyway. However, I will address his last point - "Uber drivers are committing rapes and robberies, beating up passengers and perpetrating other crimes because the background checks by Uber are deemed inadequate by too many regulators and enforcement officials." This is a baseless argument, yet the anti-Uber crowd is making it over and over. Taxicab and limo drivers have never committed any rapes or robberies? There are more than enough stories of cabdrivers committing crimes against their passengers. Posting them all would crush the capacity of this website's servers.
Posted on: 2016/2/14 18:10
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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There is a famous quote by Upton Sinclair:
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it! As President of a NJ taxi lobby, Murray Rosenberg's salary depends on him not understanding the benefits of Uber. In fact, his salary depends on Uber being shut down or "cracked down" on to the largest extent possible. Due to this, I think it will be very difficult to get him to understand to the contrary.
Posted on: 2016/2/13 21:04
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Murray's letter says so many ridiculous things I don't even know where to start with a response. This is what I've asked a thousand times before and no one in the pro-taxicab camp ever seems to have an answer: cabs are not always readily available out on the street corners by the PATH stations or anywhere else in Jersey City; what am I supposed to do when I come out of the PATH and it's raining, it's cold and there are no cabs to be seen? I am not going to suffer for the sake of preserving an antiquated industry that doesn't know how to adapt to the digital age like so many other industries have. I don't feel like I need Uber or Lyft when I'm in Manhattan because I can easily hail cabs from the street but in Jersey City, Hoboken or any other suburb that is close to a large city, Uber and Lyft have become essential. Furthermore, let's add the fact that taxicab commissions in most places are just a cesspool of political patronage, nothing more to award no-show jobs to friends of newly elected politicians. Finally, on the rare occasion I do take a cab in Jersey City, drivers are always claiming that there meters have broken and choose to charge some arbitrary fare for where I'm going. Only when I threaten to report them to taxicab inspectors do the meters magically seem to work again. I don't have the time or patience for that kind of B.S. The taxicabs in Jersey City need to learn to modernize and adapt to the times. Because even if Uber or Lyft are banned or shut down in Jersey City, there will be another app-based service that emerges in its place. It's too good an idea to not exist. The taxicab industry may win some battles but they lost the war long ago. Last question for Murray - should CraigsList be put out of business given all the classified advertising revenue they took away from newspapers? Or should newspapers just learn to adapt?
Posted on: 2016/2/13 20:58
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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I think Murray ignores the reality of medallion JC cabs. I continue to use medallion cabs as well as Uber/Lyft. I only use the medallion cabs since I don?t have to wait for one when I get out of the PATH on Grove. Many medallion cars are downright unsafe and for the life of me, I don?t know how they pass inspection. I never came across an unsafe Uber/Lyft car and I use the service extensively. Uber/Lyft may not be totally above board with their pricing all the time (they recently lost a lawsuit on the $1 safe driver charge), but that doesn?t compare to the fast meters I regularly get in medallion cabs. At least Uber/Lyft charges are transparent, including the surge pricing as well as safe driver charge. In addition, there is a vetting process with Uber/Lyft. I have to believe it?s at least as good as the one for medallion cabs considering some of the characters I?ve gotten that drive medallion cabs. I never once had a bad experience with a Uber/Lyft driver or felt unsafe in any respect. Not true for the medallion cars and drivers.
However, the bottom line is that times are changing and laws need to adapt. Medallions should try to compete instead of fight a losing battle. I don't know enough about the charge of rapes and crimes by Uber/Lyft, but my guess is that they it is exaggerated. I never heard of 3 rapes referred to in JC. Is that fiction? If Murray is so concerned about the lack of standards for Uber/Lyft, why doesn?t he instead call on the city to adopt stricter standards for them instead of banning them? Frankly, I think each service has a place. Murray would do his constituency a favor by trying to adapt and make improvements in the medallion taxi industry instead of trying to fight progress.
Posted on: 2016/2/13 17:51
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Jersey City must crackdown on Uber and its drivers | Letter By Laws are written for specific reasons by the State of New Jersey and its municipalities, primarily to protect the public. Jersey City has laws governing Taxis and Limos as does the State of New Jersey. Additionally, Jersey City requires taxi companies to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege of operating at particular taxi stands. This is an enormous financial commitment imposed by Jersey City on taxi owners for this right. New Jersey law requires that those who carry passengers in vehicles- whether taxis, limos, buses, vans, etc.- have a fingerprint criminal background check, commercial insurance, safety inspections and meet other requirements. Such regulations were created to guarantee that the riding public has a properly vetted driver and is in an adequately insured and appropriately operating vehicle. We are very concerned Mayor Fulop! Why isn't the law in Jersey City being universally enforced? How it is that Uber has an office in Jersey City? Why have you allowed a totally unregulated company to destroy the value of the taxi medallions in Jersey City where legitimate owners are required to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the right to do business in Jersey City? Uber, nor its drivers, have paid one single penny for the privilege of operating in Jersey City. Why are your town's residents being allowed to ride with Uber drivers who have not met the same mandates for fingerprint criminal background checks as other taxicab drivers? Take a look at what is happening all across the country. Uber drivers are committing rapes and robberies, beating up passengers and perpetrating other crimes because the background checks by Uber are deemed inadequate by too many regulators and enforcement officials. Most unfortunately, there have already been three rapes in New Jersey committed by Uber drivers. Mr. Mayor, you took an oath to make sure the laws of Jersey City and the State are enforced. We urge you to read Public Law 2009, Chapter 325 and act promptly to protect your constituents and ensure their safety when they elect to use any form of ground transportation. MURRAY ROSENBERG ... uber_and_its_drivers.html
Posted on: 2016/2/13 16:37
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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2015/5/28 0:34 Last Login : 2024/8/5 12:48 From Jersey City
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I don't have a car and use Uber and Lyft all the time, especially for trips to the airport. I've never had an experience like that. All the drivers have treated me like I'm their boss. The couple times I've had a negative experience it's usually because the driver is having a bad day. We're all human. When I've contacted Uber, they've given me monetary credits.
Posted on: 2016/2/5 0:33
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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15 of New Jersey’s Most Popular Destinations2016 has already taken New Jersey by storm, but it hasn’t stopped the Garden State from fending off the winter blues. New Jersey is on the move, exploring more and spending less since we dropped uberX prices by 15% across the state. We wanted to better understand how riders were embracing the January 9th price cuts, so we looked at our data to find some of New Jersey’s most frequented destinations since then. See our findings below, and share your thoughts (and travels) with us on social media with the hashtag #ExploreForLess. Jersey CityCAST IRON LOFTSCentrally located on the border of Hoboken and Jersey City, Cast Iron Lofts is one of the area’s newest apartment buildings, offering close proximity to the waterfront promenade and local nightlife. photo via Cast Iron Lofts JOURNAL SQUARE STATIONJournal Square Station sits beneath a ten-story tower and retail plaza abuzz with commuters, tourists, and locals alike. photo via CBS New York NEWPORT CENTRENewport Centre offers 3 levels of shopping in the heart of the Newport Hudson Waterfront Community. It also boasts an 11-screen cinema so you can top off your shopping with a flick. photo via Newport Centre
Posted on: 2016/2/4 23:36
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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2012/9/18 3:58 Last Login : 2021/9/23 15:07 From Between Thought and Expression
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I haven't had any issues with Uber. I'd rather pay the surge pricing than use traditional taxis.
Posted on: 2016/1/26 15:57
Edited by SOS on 2016/1/26 16:12:56
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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I have to agree with you 100%. Lyft (and Uber) should do a better job of policing their drivers and this particular way of their gaming the system. Customers should not have to play games to be able to get a ride. It's super annoying, too, because you are forced to waste time every time a driver cancels your ride request. I do feel for you on this, Anonymess.
Posted on: 2016/1/26 15:10
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Posted on: 2016/1/26 15:09
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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I don't know if you didn't have your glasses on when you read my post or are turning this into a rant about surge pricing which it's not, but here's what I said....
"Demand has made taxis difficult to get since the snow and surge rates have applied with Uber & Lyft. Ok, I understand. "
Posted on: 2016/1/26 14:58
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Posted on: 2016/1/26 14:53
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Lyft has had a promotion this month in JC, 25% off I think. Good deal. They're really no different from Uber and that's not a bad thing. The wait times seem to have gotten much better and competitive compared to Uber.
However, this morning Lyft pulled the trick Uber drivers have been guilty of. Demand has made taxis difficult to get since the snow and surge rates have applied with Uber & Lyft. Ok, I understand. However, I had 3 rides cancelled this morning by Lyft because my ride to the PATH station wasn't far enough. I didn't know that Lyft drivers knew your destination before picking you up, assuming you keyed it in. I always do -- Uber drivers don't see the destination, or at least didn't, until they picked you up and I foolishly assumed it was the same with Lyft. After the first cancellation, I stopped keying in my destination. The next 2 drivers called and I didn't pick up. One cancelled after a few minutes. The other guy just kept going to what looked like NYC. I had to cancel and was charged $5. Uber is really no different in this respect. However, a warning... don't key in the destination with Lyft if it's a short ride until the driver arrives. Edit to add their reply which came as I was typing this. Too little. No assurances it won't happen again or disciplining drivers. ==================== Thanks for taking the time to reach out. We understand how frustrating it can be to be charged a cancellation fee. I've gone ahead and refunded the $5 cancellation fee you incurred for this ride. Depending on your bank, it may take 3?5 business days for a refund to appear in your account. For your trouble, I have credited your account with $5 off a ride. This is good for one ride only, and will cover up to $5 of that ride. Anything that goes over that amount will be charged to your credit card. Check out the 'Payment' section of your Lyft app to view your current available credits and their expiration date. For information on our cancellation and no-show policies, visit our Help Center at ... ellation-Policy-Passenger. We're happy to have you as part of the community, and hope your future experiences with Lyft are positive ones. Please let us know if there's anything else we can help you with!
Posted on: 2016/1/26 13:12
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
Home away from home
uh why?
Posted on: 2016/1/11 15:04
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Your post shows that you are completely ignorant about how Uber works. Whenever you request an Uber ride, you are informed of the car's make, model and license plate, and you also get the driver's name and a picture. When the card shows up, you can quickly and easily verify and confirm all these details visually. But, by all means, keep posting ignorant, uninformed remarks about a service of which you know nothing.
Posted on: 2016/1/11 13:56
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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2006/11/13 18:42 Last Login : 2022/2/28 7:31 From 280 Grove Street
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What Uber needs is for their drivers to have some sort of 'loud' signage on their vehicles and their uber licence displayed in the car so you don't have a driver working for another 'real' uber authorized driver.
This will help give the appearance Uber drivers are more accountable and visual on our streets as the 'yellow' cabs around the world!
Posted on: 2016/1/11 9:17
My humor is for the silent blue collar majority - If my posts offend, slander or you deem inappropriate and seek deletion, contact the webmaster for jurisdiction.
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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memorizing streets is not the issue here
Posted on: 2016/1/10 23:17
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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Still safer than a taxi
Posted on: 2016/1/10 23:17
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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instead of limitng uber (which i've never used), why don't the taxi industry improve their game. there is no reason any longer why someone should have to remember 25,000 streets as in london or new york. the city/state should be looking to get a piece of the uber pie and the taxi industry should start its own apps.
Posted on: 2016/1/10 22:19
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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2012/1/11 18:21 Last Login : 2019/12/26 15:30 From GV Bayside Park
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LMAO enjoy the ride no pun intended.
Posted on: 2016/1/10 20:15
Re: UBER - car service in Jersey City
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TonyTwoPoops wrote: Quote:
Posted on: 2016/1/10 19:32