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Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
The powers that be want easy access to the LSC hotel and school complex and the proposed casino. It's very high on Fulop's list of things to get done.
Posted on: 2015/7/21 2:09
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
2008/1/3 19:12 Last Login : 2020/9/30 18:46 From Van Vorst Park
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Ugh this will literally ruin the VVP neighborhood, and for what advantage?
Posted on: 2015/7/21 2:03
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
Yes we can - she's is supposed to represent the interests of the people in her Ward, not the Administration's. For starters she should show at the meeting tomorrow and at least hear what people say. Then she could find the following report for us. The North Jersey Transportation Planning Association (NJTPA) gave the city a $500,000 Federally funded grant in 2013 to do further study on this proposal. Where is that report? It is NLCD1404 in the document linked - page 6, Hudson County. ... 2014-S-and-D-Program.aspx
Posted on: 2015/7/21 1:07
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
I don't know, but I think it's a disgrace and borders on negligence/incompetence that there is no traffic study. But we can't dump that all on Candace.
Posted on: 2015/7/21 0:23
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - VVPA July 21
Home away from home
Does anyone know if Candice Osborne will be there to hear from her constituents about this proposal? I haven't heard a single word from her about this bridge, which impact Ward E the most.
Posted on: 2015/7/21 0:10
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - VVPA July 21
Home away from home
On the agenda:
Posted on: 2015/7/20 23:47
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
I went to the meeting. I'm not strongly in support or opposition to the project, but I had concerns about traffic impacts that I wanted to hear and/or ask about.
The meeting was run by the NJ Turnpike Authority to present the design of the bridge and get public feedback. I think they were looking for suggestions of minor tweaks, because they're in the process of getting environmental approvals and want to have the design "finalized" in Fall and start construction in Spring. The NJ Turnpike Authority and their consultants were able to answer questions about the design of the bridge, but they had no information about traffic volume, traffic impact on neighboring streets, etc. They said that the city is responsible for analyzing traffic impacts. The Turnpike's role is strictly limited to designing and building a bridge. A rep from Mayor Fulop's office (Carlucci?) was present and stated that the city had not done a traffic study. Most of the people in attendance were worried about traffic and wanted to know what the traffic effects are. The poor guy could only say "we don't know" and "if things get bad, we'll figure out something to do about it" (these aren't actual quotes, just paraphrasing). He took a lot of heat for that. One bit I (and others) found troubling was that the stated goal of the project is to reduce traffic congestion at Turnpike Exit 14C. Talking one-on-one with a Turnpike rep, she said the project aims to reduce congestion on the Turnpike Extension main line as well, not just the interchange. So the goal of the project (from the Turnpike's perspective) is to re-route turnpike traffic through downtown Jersey City. The city supports the project, seemingly ignoring the Turnpike's goal, by lauding the connection between two neighborhoods and improving access to the hospital from southern JC (noble goals, but is there a downside?). Throughout the meeting, the number 5,000 vehicles kept coming up. In the handout the NJ Turnpike Authority had available at the meeting, there was a reference to an estimated 5,000 vehicles that currently exit the Turnpike at Liberty Science Center and use Johnston Dr and Pacific to Grand. The Turnpike Authority assumes that those 5,000 vehicles will be the volume of traffic on the bridge. I think the volume is likely to be much higher, since (1) the bridge also improves access to/from the park and the science center, and between Lafayette and downtown, so it may induce more local (intra-Jersey City) trips than currently travel on existing roads in the area, and (2) by providing a shorter/faster route to downtown Jersey City from the Liberty Science Center, more traffic may use DTJC as a shortcut to the tunnel than we see currently. For these reasons I'd expect the number to be greater than 5,000. How much more, and what streets will they use? I don't know, the city hasn't studied it. Again, I'm not opposed to the project in principle, but I'd feel a lot more comfortable about it if the city knew what to expect in terms of traffic impacts. If the city could say "we examined it and we expect a minimal impact," I'd feel better. If the city could say, "we examined it, there are going to be impacts, but we know how big those impacts are likely to be and we can address them by doing ____," I'd feel better too. Here's a link to the handout: ... idge_PH-Handout_Final.pdf And the display board (design drawing): If you'd like to comment on the bridge design, PUBLIC COMMENTS CAN BE SUBMITTED TO: THROUGH FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015
Posted on: 2015/6/24 14:54
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Not too shy to talk
K-Lo there were a lot of questions, but not a lot of answers. The TA presented only what they are responsible for - road from Audrey Zapp to the light rail. The rest is the City's responsibility (as is the maintenance of the bridge and road when it is done) There were no traffic studies done. There are bike lanes on the road but no walkways. The pedestrian bridge is to remain but pedestrians will have to cross the new road in order to get to the marina walk. Road bed is elevated 6ft or so above the pedestrian bridge, so with new structure and guardrails, pedestrian will see a concrete wall until the pedestrian crossing. There is no traffic light at the pedestrian crossing, but the City is working on a traffic light at the Zapp/Phillip St intersection. Doug Carlucci, Mayor's aide was the only City representative there.
Posted on: 2015/6/24 14:14
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
My understanding is that this plan was already approved, finalized, funded etc in 2014 and that this meeting was held to inform the community of what is coming. Was there any Q&A or comment period?
Posted on: 2015/6/24 12:57
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
2005/11/12 17:04 Last Login : 2024/5/7 14:26 From Downtown JC, VVP Area
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As I recall, the decision to have a grade-level crossing of the southern end of Jersey Avenue was because HBLR had some assurances (I don't recall exactly from whom) that Jersey Ave would remain a dead end. But I agree the traffic will always follow the path of least resistance and right now everything is clogged. Jersey Ave. is a parking lot from Grand to Newark every day at rush hours already. So we're going from bad to worse here in Downtown. The whole thing smells of a sellout. The fact that neither the mayor nor any council members attended this meeting despite it having a significant (negative) impact on the quality of life for tens of thousands of residents is pretty amazing. I wish it were an election year
Posted on: 2015/6/24 12:48
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
I don't think building a 2 lane bridge connecting Phillip & Jersey will do anything to alleviate traffic on Pacific, let alone the Turnpike. Cars drivers will quickly accommodate to the new route, and both will be congested. What caught my attention is the negative effect on the HBLR. The bridge puts large traffic volumes exiting the Turnpike on a collision course with the poorly aligned HBLR Jersey Ave grade level-crossing. Any benefit to a few cars will be more than offset by a negative impact to thousands of HBLR riders from accidents and delays. Looks as though there wasn't much (any) coordinated planning to me....
Posted on: 2015/6/24 12:13
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
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2005/3/2 4:49 Last Login : 2018/6/12 15:20 From Downtown Ex Pat happy in McGinley Sq.
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I wasn't able to make this meeting. Can anyone give a synopsis? Were any next steps outlined?
Posted on: 2015/6/23 14:55
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
More roads make more traffic.
Posted on: 2015/6/23 7:03
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
I think speeding along Jersey Ave will be a bigger issue than morning traffic volume. We've already seen some horrific accidents along Grand. Without some traffic calming, cars and trucks wedged in the side of the Brownstone might become a regular feature.
Posted on: 2015/6/22 23:09
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
opening another shortcut to the tunnel through residential areas are IMHO a terrible idea.
If the turnpike extension needs traffic alleviation, then let the state do something about it. JC downtown shouldn't be responsible for helping commuters to NYC
Posted on: 2015/6/22 22:18
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
I'm sorry, but your point is missed. I don't believe anyone is disputing there's traffic on Pacific, we're just disagreeing that opening Jersey will do anything at all to relieve it in anything but the shortest term.
Posted on: 2015/6/22 22:04
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Just can't stay away
2012/3/21 16:01 Last Login : 2023/5/7 19:50 From Bergen-Lafayette
Registered Users
Of course! You're from downtown and don't know that the traffic is already on Pacific.
Posted on: 2015/6/22 21:34
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
Ah, I see your point. Perhaps she is waiting to hear the Turnpike Authority proposal (the specifics) before commenting.
Posted on: 2015/6/22 19:23
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
K-Lo, Candice shouldn't need an email from me to respond on this issue. It was well publicized in the Jersey Journal and here, and very likely at the City as well ? the meeting tonight is at City Hall. And this isn't the first time in recent memory the bridge idea has surfaced. If Candice is concerned what position to take publicly, then hold a few meetings in Ward E to get a better sense of what people want. She campaigned on traffic issues and has supported variances to reduce parking spaces in new developments in efforts to reduce traffic on downtown streets. Why has she been silence on this important matter? It's concerning to me.
Posted on: 2015/6/22 18:02
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
Have you contacted her directly? She's quite responsive.
Posted on: 2015/6/22 16:10
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
The meeting about the proposed bridge from the turnpike into LSP and downtown is tonight. Since it was announced I haven't seen or heard a word from Candice Osborne about this issue. It must be tough because it has the potential to put Candice at odds with Mayor Fulop, who has also been quiet about it. Has Candice conducted any community outreach in Ward E ? her ward ? to obtain a sense of where the people she represents stand on the proposal? I haven't seen anything, and I am on the mailing list for those ?updates? she sends occasionally. Seems a bit strange to me.
Posted on: 2015/6/22 15:57
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
Most of the traffic to the proposed casino would come via the Hudson river, Turnpike or 440. Why would the bridge make a difference?
Posted on: 2015/6/16 13:03
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
Good luck with some ?commonsense calming measures...?
You're right, traffic will back up again at the Phillip & Johnson light, as it does now. Then there will be two jams on the local streets, since that's how roads work: build them and the cars will come. But stepping back, my sense is that this proposal isn't about relieving congestion on local streets or about community access to LSP at all. Someone wanting to build a casino, or other ?attraction? anywhere near LSP, is banking on this bridge and road. The meeting on the 22nd is "pro forma". This is a done deal. Quote:
Posted on: 2015/6/16 12:43
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
Only that's what's already happening with cars backing up at the LSP crossing at Phillip & Johnston. So there'd be no added incentive there to go via Pacific. Another issue I haven't yet seen mentioned: as a morning walker, I've recently noticed a trend of drivers coming off of Pacific or Colden and cutting diagonally at high speed through the Pathmark parking lot to avoid the red light at Monmouth & Grand. This is crazy dangerous; I've experienced and have witnessed many near misses with pedestrians. Last week I saw an SUV driver swerve out of his way to run over a goose in an otherwise empty lot. Around 8:30 it's common to have up to a dozen cars in the lot backed up waiting to turn left onto Monmouth. (Which is how I was able to catch up to the SUV and photograph the driver & plates, and report him to Animal Control & NJSPCA.) Not blaming the city; it's the shopping center management's penny pinching and hands-off stewardship that encourage this phenomenon. Nevertheless, it all points to an out-of-control, Wild-West commuter ecosystem in that part of town that requires urgent assessment and remediation. With other commonsense calming measures, this bridge could potentially represent a step in the right direction.
Posted on: 2015/6/16 3:08
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
Seems like the bridge to nowhere to me as I just don't see how this will relieve congestion at all. During rush hour cars will quickly back up at the red light for the light rail crossing on Jersey Ave. When this happens, the traffic will go via Pacific again. Spend the $10 million some where it will do some good.
Posted on: 2015/6/16 2:34
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
Quote:,-74.0532078,16z/data=!5m1!1e1 Have a look at typical pattern traffic pattern on the turnpike 8am-10am. As soon as Columbus starts backing up, anyone with a GPS will get off at LSC or 14B and make the run over the new bridge - might even encourage more cutting through downtown to get to the Holland tunnel. Traffic calming on Phillip is a must, plus a weight limit on the bridge.
Posted on: 2015/6/15 23:08
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
2007/1/11 21:47 Last Login : 2022/7/25 21:48 From Van Vorst Park area
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Sam, are there any drawings or renderings of the planned bridge?
Posted on: 2015/6/15 22:17
Re: Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Not too shy to talk
Here is summary note about the Jersey Ave Road issue and public hearing. It's also on Friends of LSP website at
There is a public hearing run by Turnpike Authority(TA) at JC City Hall on Mon. 6/22 on its design for $10 million two lane road connecting Jersey Ave to Phillips Street, over Mill Creek, just east of existing footbridge. This long-planned road is going to happen but TA needs to hear from us before finishing design. The Friends board has strongly expressed with LSP Supt Rob Rodriguez and Deputy Supt Jon Luk how essential it is to have a bike path and sidewalk on both sides of the 2 lane road and JC's representatives to the TA, Chief of Staff Mark Albiez and Mayoral aide Doug Carlucci have pledged that the road's shoulders will be turned into those pedestrian and bike paths. It remains to be seen if the TA's exhibit boards and public statements support that use of the shoulders but when the road is completed, it will be JC's road for the city to do what it wants. The existing footbridge, with thousands more moving to JC, will not be sufficient.Construction will last from Spring '16 to Spring '18. On 6/22, public hearing is from 5pm to 8pm. From 5pm to 6:30, TA representatives will informally discuss project with exhibit boards. At 7pm, after a brief TA presentation, the public can speak or give written testimony until 8pm or until last person who signs the list, gets to speak (5 minute limit). Public comment period will go until Wed July 8. The Friends board urged JC to insist that TA have an email address for comments(or for JC to set up its own email address for comments) as ludicrously and shamefully, so far the TA has only provided a street address. Sheri L.Malloy, P.E. Project Engineer Hearing Officer New Jersey Turnpike Authority P.O. Box 5042 Woodbridge, NJ 07095 The main road benefits as presented over the years are: - emergency services, longtime road advocates, will have another way in/out of the park or from Caven Point Rd/Phillips St with Medical Center nearby - road will help strengthen connections/bonds between JC neighborhoods, especially Lafayette and downtown residents but also other neighborhoods. - Lafayette residents have complained for years of commuters going through their neighborhood (Johnston to Pacific to Grand) so many of those commuters will get to Grand directly. If more commuters use it by getting off at 14B, that will have to be monitored and after Pulaski Skyway reopens (Skyway was justification for the TA getting $10 million), JC should follow recommendation of a top firm of having 3 "roundabouts"on Phillips to slow down the traffic and make the bridge a more neighborhood friendly road. - Road will make it easier for residents (who would be driving) from downtown & other neighborhoods to get into and out of LSP more directly. The main detriment will be commuters using the road but JC feels there may not be many more commuters than now go from Phillips thru Lafayette to Grand. But other than rush hours, the bridge has its benefits for the community. There will need to be a traffic light at Zapp Drive/Johnston Ave/Phillps & landscaping and a safe concrete type barrier/bollards separating the road from the bike lanes on both sides.
Posted on: 2015/6/15 18:15
Meeting on Jersey Avenue Turnpike Extension - June 22
Home away from home
Public hearing from 5-8 pm a City Hall on the Jersey Avenue Turnpike extension. Presentation by the Turnpike Authority ... c%20Hearing%206222015.pdf
Posted on: 2015/6/15 16:54