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Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
No better example of what Bodi states is the parallel bike/walk lanes in Hoboken just north of the rail terminal. Not only are they separate and marked, but the bike lanes are divided into north and south lanes.
And yet walkers, rollerbladers, skateboarders, and stroller pushers insist on using it, often taking up both north and southbound sides of the path, rudely and without regard for the safety of others.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 16:40
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
The point that something is better than nothing is obviously true. Someone yelling "bike!" (as I tend to do to announce myself to other potential bikers or pedestrians that may not be visible to me - say around a curb, or on an uphill) is no different than using a sound device (bell, whistle, etc) in practical terms.
Regardless, there is little that a sound, noise or yell will do if the other people are not paying attention, or are unable to hear it because they are blasting music into their ears. Your statement "Whatever happened to bike riders using a simple bell to warn pedestrians...generation ipad perhaps?" seems to place the blame on a demographic (cyclists) of a younger generation, which is myopic and incorrect. I find pedestrians to be abusive of their "privileges": they will walk on bike lanes, they will cross streets when the light is against them, they will sometimes cross streets in places other than crosswalks, emerging from in between cars, etc. A lot of them do this while doing other equally stupid things, like blasting music making them oblivious to their surroundings, reading/texting via handheld devices, etc. We all have to find a way to co-exist (bikers/cyclist/drivers/pedestrians) and the way to do so is to play by the rules, follow the law and be aware of your surroundings and your presence within it.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 16:34
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
My bell seems to work fine most of the time, but I ride mostly on quieter streets. I get the point about needing something louder on busier and nosier streets though. Point being something is better than nothing - I've been nearly hit by cyclists quite a few times in parks and sidewalks sneaking up behind me without warning.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 14:12
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
It's one 'if'. If people seem to do the smart thing and share the path then why did you have the original post talking about clipping people and yelling about kids? Seems like they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing, so why the talk about being so aggressive?
Posted on: 2014/5/8 13:10
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Do you bike around this area? A bell will do you NO GOOD. I ride with a diver's whistle in my mouth during the heavy tourist season (say, from June into August) and I am always astounded by the amount of people who do not (or, can not) hear my whistle, or who are SO clueless and/or self absorbed that they don't/can't realize the fast approaching whistle blast is directed at them. Too many people wander around blasting music into their ears at insane levels or being too self absorbed to be good pedestrians that mind their surroundings. For those who don't know, a diving whistle is a really loud whistle that can be heard from a mile away. The little sucker is easy to hold and works in dry/wet conditions, even underwater. The one I own claims to be the "loudest whistle in the world". Super handy as a cyclist for any kind of day, and particularly helpful when riding congested areas (Brooklyn bridge comes to mind.)
Posted on: 2014/5/8 13:07
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Whatever happened to bike riders using a simple bell to warn pedestrians...generation ipad perhaps?
Posted on: 2014/5/8 12:31
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Lot's of 'ifs' there, mooby. Luckily for them, people seem to make the smart decision, do the right thing, and decide to share the path as they should when I approach.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 12:29
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Fair enough, I apologize because I misread. I still call bullshit. If you made a habit of clipping anyone you'd get your ass kicked on a regular basis, or at the least, find yourself in a lot of legal trouble after multiple confrontations.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 12:12
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
I'm not out head hunting children, if that's your takeaway you either simply misread my posts or don't understand what I've written.
Carry on. Edited to add that my posts were misread, no? "I have been known to loudly shout out 'mind your kids' as they wander back and forth the path while the parents are texting or checking their Iphones. Adults, I prepare to clip them if they don't give me any room. They'll be hurting much more than me if they're rude and don't share the path and we collide.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 11:57
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Monroe doesn't actually look to clip kids with his bike. I say this because if it were a regular occurrence he would probably be posting from the hospital. Either because he would have clipped the wrong kid with a big, angry father, or because he would have miscalculated and wound up hurting himself as well.
FWIW I reserve the right to shove you forcefully from your bike if I see you trying to clip a kid. As you said, if you are rude, clueless and unyielding you get your just rewards. I'm not sure what you think unyielding means, but I'm pretty sure you can apply it to people who look to hit people with their bikes if they don't feel they are getting the appropriate amount of space. I think everyone can agree that we should all do our best to provide adequate space in for each other, whether it is walking, running or biking but mistakes are made, asshats exist and sometimes people get in each others way. We live in an area with millions of other people, and with fairly congested pedestrian spaces. If I were so inclined I could find myself in a conflict every single day with people who were not paying attention or simply didn't know the rules. Of course that would make me the asshat, because part of being an adult and civilized person is not making every little thing into a confrontation. Sometimes we're all inconvenienced. Often times when we are in the right. Being a dick about it and looking to hurt other people would seem to be a poor way to go through life. You are every bit as likely to ruin your own day as theirs.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 11:52
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
I'm not looking for sympathy; on a mixed use walkway, courtesy and politeness demand that people be aware of their surroundings and share the space. I never demand people yield, I expect them to allow someone coming in the other direction enough space to pass safely. (btw, I don't bike for speed, I bike for fun). Bikers, walkers, joggers, roller bladers, dog owners-all have their part to do to ensure their pleasures don't impact negatively towards other users of the walkway. If they are rude, clueless, and unyielding they may get their just rewards.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 11:32
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
We were talking about the JC Waterfront walkway, last time I was there there was not a marked bike lane.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 3:46
Edited by matt07302 on 2014/5/8 4:07:32
Edited by matt07302 on 2014/5/8 4:09:01 Edited by matt07302 on 2014/5/8 4:10:43 |
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Two riders not using the handlebars, one without a helmet and wearing headphones and a delivery rider spawning Grove @ Newark also not wearing a helmet. I'm all about safety for responsible riders and putting in bike lanes, but look at the example in this short report.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 3:42
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Monroe's typical aggressive response aside, it's a serious question if you make bike lanes that no one, including pedestrians, respects. Hoboken's waterfront bike lane if a great example, I've had to swerve around large groups of people just standing around on it, never mind the strollers and walkers in it despite a clear footpath just a few feet away.
Pedestrians somehow get the message anything they can get away with without carnage is OK. Which make me want to agree with Monroe that a little blood must be shed. Or at least some tickets for bad pedestrian behavior. Can you imagine a cop at Marin & 4th ticketing the jaywalkers who block the long line of cars trying to exit south from the lot at their turn light? What joy!
Posted on: 2014/5/8 3:31
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Go ahead, defend laying out a pedestrian in a mixed use area or as you call it, "walkway". If you are not able to stop or are at risk of being "thrown" off your bike you are going too fast. I don't think you will get much sympathy from a personal injury attorney. As someone who has been an avid cycling enthusiast since 12, I do find appalling that you prepare to clip pedestrians that don't yield to you in a predominantly pedestrian area.
Posted on: 2014/5/8 3:31
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2004/2/6 23:13 Last Login : 2021/7/30 1:08 From Jersey City
Registered Users
well it looks like our bike lane (great to see) controversy (not good) is making the local tv news -
Posted on: 2014/5/8 3:14
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
I agree, people not wanting to share the walkway, being self absorbed, and looking to be confrontational with me is appalling. But if I risk getting thrown off my bike because of their rudeness I do what I can to ensure I have a soft landing-on them.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 23:46
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Does anyone else think it's funny/pathetic that it seems to be a jclist tradition to rehash the same argument every 6 months? Can we change the subject? Like, how big is your dog poop?
Posted on: 2014/5/7 23:07
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Posted on: 2014/5/7 23:01
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2006/3/19 18:27 Last Login : 2019/10/21 14:19 From McGinley Square
Registered Users
I've been commuting to work by bike for the past nine years. I ride year round and I think of myself as a considerate person and an experienced cyclist.
I use hand signals and stop for pedestrians. When I am in NYC, I never ride on the sidewalk. However, the stretch of riding from the JSQ path to my home on JFK Blvd is DEADLY. After having three near death experiences on it, I now ride on the sidewalk. If they were to put up a bike lane that was painted green and did not allow for double parking I would be more than happy to use that, but in lieu of the fact that I don't want to orphan my kids, and the sidewalk on the Blvd is plenty wide, I don't care how much of an ass clown you think I am, I don't think it is safe or wise to ride the Blvd given the mentality of the driving population in this part of town.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 20:34
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Between repeating the word ?please? three times, shouting with caps, telling us we should never ride on the sidewalk, and then suggesting that people dismount their bikes when using the sidewalk to avoid problematic conditions, you didn?t leave much room for exceptions, of which there are plenty more than just the example I gave. Dude. Realistically speaking, riding a bicycle on the sidewalk tends to work out just fine in most of the situations where people ride their bikes on the sidewalk.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 19:50
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
I have been known to loudly shout out 'mind your kids' as they wander back and forth the path while the parents are texting or checking their Iphones. Adults, I prepare to clip them if they don't give me any room. They'll be hurting much more than me if they're rude and don't share the path and we collide.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 18:04
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Dude, if you can't possibly understand that what people are trying to say by riding (which is, again, to go a considerable distance beyond what is necessary to get on/off the street and mount/dismount safely) well... you are not worth conversing with in this thread. For the rest of the people with common sense, I think they get it just fine.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 17:53
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Those are just the typical self-absorbed, entitled idiots that seem to be so plentiful around here. Despite their believing so, the world does NOT rotate arounds their needs, or their kids. The waterfront walkway areas are definitely not off limits to bikes. The same should be said for those types of areas in LSP. In fact, those areas are wide enough specifically to allow for increased (and mixed) traffic. If people are dumb enough to walk 4 or 5 abreast and lack complete awareness of their surroundings, well.... maybe they should get a scare or two from people on bikes buzzing them.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 17:49
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
2005/7/13 15:03 Last Login : 2024/7/5 23:54 From Western Slope
Registered Users
And when they cause havoic and injury all they leave is a wake behind to mark their tracks. No responsibility nor accountablility just liability.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 17:30
Get on your bikes and ride !
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
I do believe JC has an ordinance for riding on the sidewalk in "residential areas" ? something along the lines of only when safe and giving priority to pedestrians. "Business districts" are a no-no. But yes, unfortunately the majority of those riding on sidewalks are not interested/aware of such. "Salmoning" on the other hand...
Posted on: 2014/5/7 17:12
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Riding a bicycle is riding a bicycle, whether it?s for 75 miles or the length of the block, and never means never. Don?t blame me for not making assumptions about what you really mean, which apparently is that sometimes it is acceptable to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. But thanks, I agree.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 17:11
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
Let's be clear, though-the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway is fine to bike on, even though clueless pedestrians sometimes walk 8 abreast and get annoyed when you alert them you're passing from behind, or barely move when you're coming towards them.
Last week a couple of smug, self absorbed parents pushing two carriages, with two dogs, and grandparents and toddlers in tow yelled at me for riding on the newly opened area just west of the Colgate clock because their posse had to move to give me a foot to pass them by!
Posted on: 2014/5/7 16:57
Re: should Jersey City create and implement on-street bicycle lanes?
Home away from home
We're not really talking about people who ride 10 feet on an abandoned sidewalk to get from their building to the street. We're talking about the people who ride at 10-15mph on the sidewalk. (Saw someone doing this on Manila yesterday.) That just doesn't work. By the way, I do frequently walk my bike to the street, and yes I use clipless. It's not that big a deal.
Posted on: 2014/5/7 16:52